Hak Ja Han
November 18, 2016
Sun Moon Education Foundation
Cheon Jeong Gung
From what I have heard, two thirds of you are not blessed. Is that correct? I will tell you why we need the word "blessing."… Today we talked about the educational foundation. Now that I am organizing [our institutions] the church and businesses will have "HJ" added to the front of their names, and this educational foundation, the Sun Moon Educational Foundation, will have "SH" attached, Sun Hak.
Whether it is Sun Moon University, the middle school or the high school, it will be read like this: "Sunhak Sun Jeong Middle School" or "High School." That is why, when people hear "Sunhak" people will think "one of the world's most prestigious educational institutions". We will make it so. Do you understand? Moving forward the Presidents will have to add it to their name. Not Sun Moon Educational Foundation but Sunhak Sun Moon Educational Foundation.
Christianity has not been in Korea for long. It has only been around for about a hundred years before and after the liberation [from Japan]. At that time, all Christians were looking up at the sky, waiting for the Returning Lord, Christ, coming down riding on clouds. However, in Korea, a spiritual Christian group believed that he must come in the flesh. The returning Messiah could not come as a spiritual being riding on a cloud, but must come in the flesh as the True Parent of humankind in order to transform humankind from wild olive trees into true olive trees. However, in the hidden providence, I will proclaim this in front of you with confidence. I, the only begotten daughter of God, was born without any original sin. I could unfold history and explain it all to you, but due to time constraints...
I'm sure there are some who have heard this. As soon as I was born, Satan tried to kill me. Through being born, I had to die. I was to be gone from the world. After fighting through the night, and merging victorious, I survived. After the liberation [from Japan] Korea was divided into North and South. Democracy and communism confronted each other. At that time, I was in northern Korea. However, heaven could not hand the only begotten daughter that had been born for the first time in six thousand years to Satan before I had grown up. At that time, my uncle was studying at Waseda University. He was studying pharmacology. We received a telegram, that he, who should have returned to his hometown, instead had gone to southern Korea and joined the Army. Our family believed that the Returning Lord would come centered in Pyongyang so we had no thoughts of heading south. However, my uncle was the only son, when my grandmother heard that her only son had joined the South Korean Army she could not just stand aside. That is why the three of us, my grandmother, mother, and I, traveled at night with a guide and defected to South Korea. Two years later the Korean War broke out.
When Father was sixteen, he had the responsibility as the only begotten son of God. The only begotten son of God could not come as a spiritual being, but had to come as a human in the flesh. At that time, Heaven gave the order for Father in the South to travel to the North, and Heaven had me go down to the South. The prepared spiritual foundation of faith had to be found and upheld. Therefore, in conclusion, through the Holy Wedding in 1960, we emerged as the True Parents. Therefore, through the True Parents a new sense for the term "blessing" could come about.
True Mother, after the banquet for senior staff members of the Sun Moon Education Foundation and Sun Moon University