Where can we find trust in the Last Days?

Hak Ja Han
December 25, 2012
To regional presidents and international itinerant workers on Christmas morning
Cheon Jeong Gung

Sun Myung Moon's Seunghwa ceremony, September 2014

Sun Myung Moon's Seunghwa ceremony, September 2014

Fifteen Korean and two Japanese men spoke as True Mother, Hyung Jin nim, Yeon-ah nim and an audience of sixty-five listened. Each had been asked to speak for ten minutes. Perhaps coincidentally, the only speaker Mother commented on finished in a bit less than nine. Another recited well-memorized text from Divine Principle and Father's speeches. All spoke sincerely with varying degrees of linguistic success.

The presentations were not judged. Afterward, Hyung Jin nim spoke for a prearranged fifteen minutes, followed by True Mother.

When did the Mayan calendar end? You all know that this is indeed the Last Days, don't you?

Where can we find trust in the Last Days? Hyung Jin just explained about absolute sex, but the world has become a place where people do not trust one another. Parents cannot trust their children and vice versa. This is the crisis of these times.

What I want to talk about is based on the fact that we all know now what True Father's mission is. The question arises: Do you now stand in the position of loyal patriots or filial sons and daughters to True Parents? It is only in a crisis that one can truly be said to be a filial child or a loyal patriot. Anyone can be filial or loyal in times of peace, because they have no trouble living by the law. Isn't that true?

Who is truly a child of filial piety in this era?

Only a few days remain until Foundation Day. What will we do after that? If you are a true filial child or a true loyal patriot, you will know what our Heavenly Father wishes. If you know what His wish is, you need to translate it into action. This happens once in all of history, this unprecedented and astonishing overturning of heaven and earth.

As we usher in these times, we need to ask ourselves who indeed the filial children and the loyal patriots are. Heaven has already given you an opportunity, and explained what you need to do. You need to practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You should never think about yourselves.

Was it Mr. Dae-hui Hong who just gave his report? He did very well. You need to be humble. Humility. Those who are in positions of responsibility should first learn to be humble. They should not think that they have done well. On the contrary, they should feel that they need to learn from all those around them. No one is a success in front of God and Heaven. There are no sons or daughters who have been successful in the eyes of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. You are still in the growing process. You need to know this.

True Father said that Korea is God's homeland, and if you work with me with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, I hope that we will be able to dedicate this country to God in the year we celebrate Father's one hundredth birthday. That is seven years away. Will you do this with me? [Yes.]

In order to do so, you need to follow directions, regardless of how high or low your position is. Come down from the high position you are in and start working from the lowest position again. Can you do that? [Yes.] That is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You are not doing it for yourself; you are doing it for God, for humankind, to accomplish God's will. You are doing it to perfect True Father.

Father said that Korea is God's homeland, but in truth that is yet to be realized. You lived in the same era as True Father, and you breathed the same air as he did. Thus, you should be the ones who bear the fruit as well. Isn't that so? You cannot leave this work undone for your descendants to finish. We need to do it.

After Foundation Day, I will make dramatic changes in our environment.

I have arranged to have this time with you today in the hopes that you will make ready for the coming Foundation Day by offering devotions and preparing your minds and bodies. Do you understand? [Yes.] You will do that, won't you? [Yes.]

What do you think Foundation Day is?

Hak Ja Han
December 12, 2012
HC 10.29
To members of the Korean second generation and their parents


What do you think Foundation Day is? How are you preparing your minds for Foundation Day? Two thousand years ago, Israelites, the people chosen by Heaven, were in an environment where they had to live while holding on to God and only God. Weren't they? After all, they were living under the oppression of the Roman Empire. They knew that they were the people chosen especially by Heaven, and they believed that all heaven and earth would be turned upside down when the Messiah came. They must have thought that the Israelites would become strong enough when this happened to overpower even the Roman Empire in one night. Isn't that so? Haven't you learned this through the Divine Principle? But what really happened? In the end, Heaven answered their prayers and sent down the Messiah, but they were unable to receive him.

What was the result of that? The Israelites had to wander around for two thousand years, even though they were the chosen people.

Consider for a moment God's creation of the universe. He began creating the world on the first day, into the second day, and so on, thinking all the while about His ideal nation. For whom did He do that? It was for Adam and Eve, His son and daughter. He was creating the environment for them, who would grow up to become His body as the True Parents. You need to understand this. Please say it: "Creation of the environment." [Creation of the environment!]

The creation of the environment is not something that can be done easily. When you create something in line with your own character, you have to go through labor pains and devote yourself to the task.

It is not as easy as saying you want to make something and saying, "Rose! You will look like this," and then suddenly having a fully formed rose. Am I right? [Yes.]

Even though Heaven showed such devotion, what happened after that? God had a dream, but why did human beings, who were created with so much care, fall? Though you have listened to Divine Principle lectures tens or hundreds of times, it is a pity that those teachings do not hit home for you and you cannot translate them into action. The creation of the environment was not just something in God's creation of the universe. It was also in the process of the providence of restoration.

You stand at the center of the Unification Church. You need to look back on yourselves and figure out where you should go from here of your own accord, without my having to explain everything to you.

Everyone, have you come to a realization about the work at Chung Pyung? [Yes!] This is the creation of the environment for you and for the spirit world. Do you disagree with that? [No.] I've already told you that I knew about the history of the providence of restoration even at a young age. The creation of the environment had already been carried out during my past, so I was able to understand it on my own, even though no one had explained it to me. I was never educated by anyone. Then, I met True Father, and I resolved to complete the providence of restoration during my lifetime, because regardless of what difficulties I might have to face, if I could not accomplish it, my descendants would have to carry on with the work. I did my best to create the environment for the next generation. When you fail to fulfill your responsibility, you need to pay indemnity. That is inevitable. That is why I told you not to be arrogant but to live with a grateful heart. When you can find it in your heart to be truly grateful in front of Heaven and your brothers and sisters, you can find peace. You can become free. You can break free from your chains. Perhaps you and your parents haven't known of this wonderful truth. Do you catch the sense of what I am saying? [Yes.]

Throughout the course of the six-thousand-year history from the time of the Fall until the Second Advent of the Lord, the spirit world has been in darkness. It couldn't be any other way; after the Fall, people lived and died just as they were, without changing their lineage.

Therefore, they had no choice but to stay in the darkness of the spirit world.

Let us consider the work being done at Chung Pyung for a moment. Who made creating the good spirit world possible? It is said that the good spirit world came into being recently through the Second Coming of the Lord, but people actually work to make it happen. Without the right environment in place, those people cannot carry out their work. If True Father had passed away without the preparations and environment already being made, he would have had to do everything by himself, from beginning to end. Even though he came to earth as the king of kings and the savior, when the prepared foundation of Christianity failed to receive him, what happened to True Father? He was forced to start out from hell. You need to be aware of this.

As second-generation members, you are standing at the center of the Unification Church. You need to clearly understand your roots and create your environment well. Simply put, the creation of the environment refers to witnessing. Do you understand? [Yes.]

You have heard that the spirit world is a place where people breathe love, haven't you? If you were to go there without having fulfilled your responsibility on earth, the environment where you could live and breathe air in the eternal world would be correspondingly smaller. We all desire to build a large house and to live in comfort, don't we? Even now, though some second-generation members work for the church, others work in a more comfortable environment. Isn't that true?

Regardless of your occupation, you need to witness. That is the only way you will not be accused. As long as you have cause to be accused, no matter how much you have been honored in the world and how strictly you lived for the providence, without straying even once, when you go to the spirit world you will not be free. You should realize this. That is why you need to be continuously spurred on.

We still need to think about the 7 billion people in the world. Our range is still very small. When we think about this nation and the world, we cannot avoid the realization that we need to stake our lives and devote ourselves completely. Do you understand? [Yes.]

In that case, what do you need to do? The Gangdong regional leader told me that he cannot sleep when he fails to bring people. Is this true for you as well? For some people, their work comes first. You need to work, I know. Be that as it may, to be remembered by your descendants and by True Father in the eternal world, and to be able to enjoy your freedom in that world, you need to witness. That is the only path that leads you to blessings.

This is why I am of the opinion that the Korean church headquarters generally and our second-generation members need to receive new training. I cannot create everything for you. Now True Father has completed and accomplished the providence of restoration through indemnity. He has opened Cheon Il Guk. It is up to us to create the environment for Cheon Il Guk. Turning heaven and earth upside down cannot be done overnight. Our conditions and efforts, the results of our witnessing, will show how many of our brothers and sisters, our clans, our nations and our neighbors we have embraced with love. They are the fruits of witnessing. I am dismayed to think that Christians, who were to be the foundation, and who had waited for so long for the Lord to return, do not even know that he has come and gone. Christianity is following in the footsteps of the Israelites. How about the Unification Church? In a way, you are fortunate people who have been blessed. This fortune did not come your way easily, and you need to return it to God, because if you pass into the spirit world without having done so, your own sons and daughters -- your own descendants -- will need to indemnify that. Have you ever considered this? Will you do your best now? [Yes!]

Foundation Day is now seventy-two days away. Will you create an atmosphere that can move this nation? [Yes!] To bring this about, I made an announcement yesterday to the effect that I will henceforth concentrate my support on the Citizen's Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea and the International Federation for Victory Over Communism. Is Bong-tae Kim, the former CARP president, here? Back then, we visited many college campuses, middle schools and high schools to give Victory Over Communism lectures. We also held conventions for North and South Korean students together.

Today's generation does not know what caused the Korean War to break out. Therefore, we cannot just sit still and do nothing. Father blessed this nation as God's homeland before he passed away. Is it right for God's homeland to be divided in this way? You people who are living in this era cannot avoid your responsibility. There is no way for you and your parents to evade it, because you have been taught, educated and guided by True Father personally. The unification of South Korea and North Korea is an urgent issue at hand. We need to arm ourselves, not with right wing or left-wing ideology, but with head-wing ideology, and embrace others with true love. The only organization that can translate that into action is the Unification Church. Other churches preach about love, but they are closed-minded. Their love is only for themselves, not for everyone. Isn't that the case? [Yes.]

We need to show them. When will we show them? When the time comes for me to go to the spirit world, what will you do? You should know why I lose sleep at night.

Shin-joon asked me one day, "Grandmother! When did you meet Grandfather?" So I told him what day we met. Then I asked him, "Do you know how old Grandmother is?" He answered, "Aren't you seventy-one years old?" He made me realize again how important the environment is. He is only nine years old, but he speaks in a manly way. One day when it was snowing he said to me, "Grandmother, I have made a snowman twice in my life, the first time when I was five," and then he went on to explain how he had made the snowman. He had wanted to make his third snowman, but the snow that was then falling would not stick together; it just crumbled, so he had not been able to make one. Downstairs, those who knew how to make a snowman had tried packing the snow using water, and they had succeeded. He told me he didn't know how to do that, so he had not been able to make one.

Some time ago, we found a video of when Father had taken Shin-joon to Alaska when he was about two years old and they had gone salmon fishing. We watched it together. From such a young age, the boy did his best to help his Great Father and Great Mother. For example, when I toured Japan and I didn't take him because he was so little, he would do this thing where he would say "Mmmmm" and send me his energy. No one taught him to do that. In an atmosphere like that, he naturally learns things like that in his inner heart. I'm saying that we should create that kind of environment. Are you against doing that? [No.]

In that case, what do we need to do? We have reached the conclusion that the action we have taken and methods we have employed until now have been inadequate. Haven't we? What will you do?

Forget eating and sleeping and think about one life. You are all blessed members and you must all have children so you will know how marvelous it is and how much you anticipate the birth of a single life. You can feel Heaven's blessings in that moment. Now, you have been blessed with an opportunity to give birth to a new life every day, or even more than one depending on the effort you make. Will you sit still and be idle? The number of people you have witnessed to and the number of lives you have saved will decide whether you receive a champion's award or not. It is up to you to do it. I hope you will not try to shirk your duty. Regardless of what position or office you hold, our goal is the same: to make everyone in the world a citizen of Cheon Il Guk. This is the blessing and the purpose we were born for.

Is that clear to you? [Yes.] Don't place so much importance on your position. It's more important that you act. If you cannot overcome crises in these areas, you cannot achieve any development. Particularly you second-generation members, do you understand? [Yes.]

Foundation Day is not the day when heaven and earth are broken, but the day on which Cheon Il Guk begins. We have our own responsibilities until then. You should not rest until the last person in the world is made a citizen of Cheon Il Guk. We cannot say that we have accomplished everything. This is only the beginning. How can we bear fruit if we have not even begun? We need to sow in order to reap. You need to clearly understand this. To do that, you need to do your best and show God and the world what you can do. What you can achieve from now on will depend on the effort you make. Let's broaden our scope as much as possible. [Applause]

Make good use of Chung Pyung, which offers much help in witnessing. Okay? [Yes.] If you promise to do that, clap loudly and pledge yourselves to True Father. [Applause]

Hak Ja Han Moon speaks at Unification Church Service in Seoul, Korea

Lymhwa Kim and edited by Ariana Moon.
December 9, 2012

True Mother is singing “Omma ya nu-na ya” during the entertainment.

True Mother is singing “Omma ya nu-na ya” during the entertainment.

A nationwide internet worship service was held on December, 9 2012 at the Cheon Jeong Gung (“Dwelling Place of Heavenly Righteousness”) chapel in Gapyeong, South Korea for the purpose of preparing for a victorious Foundation Day. The internet aspect of the service made it possible for attendees in the Cheon Jeong Gung to view via screens the live services of the Gwuang Ju Church, the Sun Moon University Church, the Korean Headquarters Church, and even that of the Shinjuku Church in Japan, which enhanced the interactive element of the event.

The Cheon Shim Choir sings.

The Cheon Shim Choir sings.

Mr. Ho Yeol Ahn, a leader of the Unification Church in Korea, served as the event emcee. A choir composed of members of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) set the tone for the service by singing songs beforehand. The service itself began at 10:30 with opening remarks by Mr. Ahn and a symbolic bow. Unison singing of the Cheon Il Guk anthem and recitation of the Family Pledge followed, as well as a prayer, songs from the Cheon Shim Choir, a sermon from Rev. Mu Sang Im and a video clip from the Gang Dong Church.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, “True Mother,” then delivered a speech during which she said the following: “Family members of the Unification Church all around the world, please receive lot of love from True Parents. True Parents love you. I believe that we had a gracious day today. I have just one favor to ask of you – simply, that we don’t stop in our efforts. There is only going forward. Let’s us continue to go forward.”

Attendees at the Cheon Jeong Gung chapel sing together with the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) choir.

Attendees at the Cheon Jeong Gung chapel sing together with the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) choir.

After her address, all members participated in another symbolic bow and enjoyed further entertainment from choirs via broadcast. The Gwuang Ju Choir sang “Korea and Rudolph the red nosed deer;” the Sun Moon University Choir sang “We Have Come This Far by Faith;” the Korean Headquarters’ Choir sang “True Parents Medley,” and the Shinjuku Church Choir sang “Shiawasede Nandaro” and “Hurusato.” In good spirits, True Mother also sang “Omma Ya Nuna Ya” for the tuned-in congregations.

How to give a Sermon

Hak Ja Han
November 29, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
To Sermon Contest Participants

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

Listening to everyone’s speeches, I was very touched by the content. You did well. Thank you for all the effort you made…. [Mother then commented that it would be preferable if sermons would be in standard Korean without dialect.]

I felt that our sermons shouldn’t be too long. So if possible, the pastors who are giving the Sunday sermon should finish within thirty minutes. If that happens, inspiration can flow during the whole service and then last for the entire week. If you speak too long, those listening will go home without remembering what you said. So give a sermon for thirty minutes and continue the program with members’ testimonies about their activities, congratulating people who have made progress, or give guidance in matters of faith. What do you think? [Applause. Aju!]

If we do that, I think we will have truly a living, breathing church that it will be lively, so that the members and those who are joining will feel “Oh it’s a whole week until the service! I wish it were today." People should experience such feelings. Right? [Yes.]

Father always spoke of how he lived with the thought of giving things away. With the church, I think the spiritual and the material aspects should be combined, and it should stand in a position to give. Do you understand? [Yes!]

Your sermons should really provide the essential content, to convey the main points to the members. If you create an atmosphere in which members are embraced with love, I believe our church can develop more and more.

Hak Ja Han hosts Korean Unification Church Sermon Contest

Translated by Lymhwa Kim and edited by Ariana Moon.
November 29, 2012

True Mother (Hak Ja Han) said that she was “moved” by the contestants’ sermons.

True Mother (Hak Ja Han) said that she was “moved” by the contestants’ sermons.

More than 100 Unificationists gathered in an assembly room in the Cheon Jung Gung (“Chon Jung Goong”), the residence of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon in Gapyeong, South Korea, for an unprecedented sermon contest organized by the Unification Church Korean headquarters called “Evangelize for Cheon Il Guk” on November 29, 2012.

The purpose of the event was to “resurrect the heart for evangelism” within the Unification Church, reflecting the words of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, or “True Mother,” on Sunday, November 11, 2012 during a nationwide worship service: “We need to revive the church and become engines of growth by becoming great preachers.” Korean Headquarters is also planning to provide seminars on homiletics, the art preaching, that will provide online materials for sermons in order to develop preachers’ capabilities.

Jong Kwan Kim, secretary of Korean headquarters, served as emcee for the competition. After the entrance of True Mother into the assembly hall at 1:00 p.m., attendees participated in a formal bow and a prayer by Rev. Jeong Ok Yu, the headquarters pastor, after which the sermon contest was underway.

(From left) Rev. In Young Song, Rev. Seung Bae Ma, Dr. Jun Ho Seok, True Mother, Rev. Mu Sang Im, and an unidentified minister.

(From left) Rev. In Young Song, Rev. Seung Bae Ma, Dr. Jun Ho Seok, True Mother, Rev. Mu Sang Im, and an unidentified minister.

A total of 22 people, including 15 district pastors, metropolitan-area pastors and the director of Universal Peace Academy, competed. Each of the contestants was instructed to give a sermon about the heart and mission of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, or “True Parents,” for a total of 10 minutes. It was evident that the contestants put all their effort into presenting their sermons strongly, enthusiastically and sincerely, yet many said there was more to the competition than simply winning, according to a Nov. 30, 2012 report on the Tongilgyo website.

“At first, I was trying to criticize others, thinking, ‘Let’s figure out who’s the better speaker,’ but later, I felt that God and True Parents were teaching me what my mission is in this time through other participants,” said one contestant. “I was able to have time to reflect on myself and on being penitent.”

Pastor Seung Bae Ma from the Song Buk Church won first prize, Mu Sang Im from the Cheon An Church won second, and In Young Song from the Dae Gu Church won third.

The benediction for the event was given by Dr. Jun Ho Seok, president of the Korean Church. A celebration supper and meeting including entertainment, an award ceremony and commemorative photo-taking followed, at which Rev. Ho Yeol Ahn served as the emcee.

After the contest, True Mother said to the contestants, “I was moved with your sermons. When you go back to your respective churches, I think it would be good to extend your sermons to 30 minutes. We need these sermons to have an impact on members throughout the week. I want to develop worship services to include reports about members’ activities, through which we would congratulate successful evangelists and spiritual guidance programs. Then we will have a living, breathing and vibrant church. We need to make new members want to be sincere and want to go to church every day. True Father was a giver of life. We need to become givers not simply in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world.”

Indemnity and Returning Glory to Heaven

Hak Ja Han
November 24, 2012
The Seventh Anniversary of the Founding of the Universal Peace Federation
Cheongshim Peace World Center in Korea

Unknown date and location

Unknown date and location

Honored ambassadors for peace from all parts of Korea, it is a great pleasure to meet you all. [Applause]

We have watched a video clip of Rev. Moon, and heard some wonderful words as well. It has taken some time. I had something I wanted to tell you, so I will speak briefly on the subject of 'indemnity.

There are twenty-three years between Rev. Sun Myung Moon's birth and my own. That whole period can be said to be one of darkness and upheaval in Korea. Then, before we'd had time to realize the fact that we had been liberated from the Japanese colonial rule, an ideological conflict divided the nation into northern and southern zones, and then the Korean Civil War broke out in 1950.

Those were indeed miserable circumstances in which Korea found itself, and Korea could not stand by itself. Thanks to the God's providence, however, United Nations' troops from sixteen nations came to participate in the Korean War and saved Korea.

Sixty years after the war, Rev. Sun Myung Moon did, as an individual, what even the nation could not do and sent the Little Angels to the sixteen participant nations, so that they could give performances and thus give solace to the veterans. By doing so, he reminded the rest of the world that Koreans remember kindnesses shown to them. [Applause]

No advancement can be made in the history of God's providence without indemnity. Those of you who have listened to Divine Principle lectures will know this to be true. Indemnity does not always mean something bad. Through it, there is a promise for the future. In such a grueling period, Rev. Moon carried out Heaven's will on earth.

Let us for a moment remember the Israel of two thousand years ago. The Jewish people under Roman rule, who prided themselves on being the chosen people, were waiting for the Messiah. They thought that once the Messiah came to them they would be liberated from everything and that they would stand high in the eyes of the world.

Providential history does not unfold in such splendor, however. They did not know about indemnity, and in the end, they allowed the only begotten son of God to die. What happened to the Israelites after that? For two thousand years they were forced to wander in exile. Be it an individual or a nation, when God chooses someone and they fail to fulfill their responsibility, the providence moves onto another.

The history of Christianity was begun after the resurrection of Jesus, and it has continued for two thousand years. Their cherished hope was to receive the Lord at his Second Advent. They also did not know about indemnity, however. Instead, they waited for the Lord who was to come on the clouds in all splendor in front of the eyes of all the world's peoples.

The fact of the matter is that, as you know, the person who came to earth as the Lord at his Second Coming, the Messiah, the Savior, and the True Parents, was Rev. Sun Myung Moon. [Applause] The providence of restoration through indemnity does not come easily. Unless we pay indemnity on a large scale at every stage of the providence, we cannot move forward. Since the onset of history, has there ever been a great man who was able to say during his lifetime, "I have accomplished everything"? [Applause] "I have liberated God and completed, perfected, and consummated everything. Henceforth, the history of the providence can be begun anew." Has there ever been a person who could say this, who could claim this, and who could lead a life like this? [Applause]

This is also true of Korea. You, too, have a responsibility, and you cannot get away from it. You are standing at the center of the providence now. Yours is a blessed position, but you need to do more than just stand there.

After Rev. Moon's ascension, I told our members that for us there is no stopping. I told them that we will continue to develop. The same is true for you. Peace is not something that can be achieved just by sitting still and doing nothing.

I will give you an example: One of my maternal ancestors is named Han-joon Cho. He invested all his wealth to preserve his nation's honor, and thus did something good for our country. Heaven remembered him, and told him that He would send a great person to his descendants. And they indeed prospered. Thinking about this, I wonder if that person might even be me in this present time.

When I met Rev. Moon, at a tender age, I learned about the history of God's providence and the providential history of restoration through indemnity. So, though I was young, I resolved to fulfill God's will during my lifetime. [Applause]

As can be seen from the story mentioned about Grandfather Han-joon Cho, it is important to have a sense of gratitude. When you fill your heart with gratitude, 100 percent, your mind and body unite, and those around you then become happy. I have come to realize this.

This is why I can confidently say, dear ambassadors for peace, that if you lead your lives with a grateful heart for the blessings you have been given by God, you will make those around you happier. This happiness will spread out from your family to your society, nation, and ultimately the world. [Applause]

You ambassadors for peace should realize that as you live in the same era and work together with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who appear just once in history, you are indeed fortunate people. [Applause]

Please do not be in debt to others. You need to repay your debts. You should do so by widely disseminating the seeds of truth in your locality. [Applause] Will you do that? [Yes! Applause]

I hope and pray that you become true and brave ambassadors for peace that endeavor to accomplish all that you have not been able to do until now for the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, our True Father, and that you will work hard to return even greater and higher glory to Heaven until your last moment on earth. [Applause]

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon to speak at Determination Rally for the Ambassadors for Peace Movement to establish World Peace

November 23, 2012

The rally for the 7th Anniversary of the Universal Peace Federation will be held at Cheongshim Peace World Center near Chug Pyung Lake on November 24th at 2:00 PM. Approximately 20,000 attendances are expected to come, including representatives from the Ambassadors for Peace. As was true in the life of Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of UPF, this rally will demonstrate that the peace movement will keep progressing long after his Seonghwa (Ascension).

UPF-Korea president Jeong Ro Yoon will announce the future plan of accomplishing world peace through international communication, Unification movement between South and North Korea and sharing- service. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, wife or Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, will deliver the keynote address as a Co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation.


Date: November 24th (Saturday), 2012 at 2:00 PM

Location: Cheongshim Peace World Center in Songsan-ri, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Host organization: Universal Peace Federation (UPF)

Sponsor organization: Tongil Foundation

Participants: 20,000 anticipated

Welcoming remarks:

Him Ha Kim, Chairman of Ambassador for Peace Association

Congratulatory message:

Dr. Thomas Walsh, President of the UPF International
Legislator Jeong Bok Yoo

Opening Speech: Jeong Ro Yoon, President of UPF-- Korea

Special Remarks: Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon (Co-founder of UPF)

Reflections on the Joint Service

Hak Ja Han
November 18, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung


One of the reasons we are doing this after True Father's ascension is so that we can bring even more prosperity, revival, and life to the Unification Church. If you think of the larger picture, this is where the purpose is. Harmony, team spirit, and unity, where do these begin? They should start from within.

During the joint service, when we are sharing time together, that time is to be spent consoling Father. For the past three years, whenever Father went to places such as Chung Pyung, he always had us sing songs. Every time we sang to him he was so happy and he told us to sing again, and again.

It's regrettable that we couldn't serve Father enough and we had to let him go so soon.

So, twenty thousand members came together to console Father and to offer him songs. I wanted to spend time to share with Father, and with twenty thousand members.

That's why I decided we should do this.