

Humankind has been following a suffering path of spiritual indemnity in order to restore the ideal of peace and realize the original world. The agony of sin and conflict originating from the fall has expanded throughout history from the individual to the family, nation and world. Humankind has been awaiting a message of hope that will empower us to cast off this inheritance.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon is a messenger of Heaven sent with a revelation for all humankind in the present age. God commanded Reverend Moon to work for the salvation of humanity. He is the True Parent of humankind, who has revealed the heavenly way and who has realized the ideal of true love as the incarnation of God's word.

Reverend Moon has spoken extensively throughout his life. Even if only one or two people were present, he would speak for the whole night. He would passionately speak the truth in front of a few as if he were addressing thousands. Reverend Moon has put his whole heart into teaching. Besides speaking to his followers, Reverend Moon has spoken a great deal to the public and to leaders of religion, science, politics, education, media and culture. In speaking directly with groups transcending the boundaries of nation, race and religion, Reverend Moon has established an incomparable record as a prolific speaker.

The words of Reverend Moon, which address all aspects of God's will and providence, offer the solution to the problems of life and history; they are, moreover, the words of the Completed Testament for the fulfillment of the promises which were made in the providence of salvation.

Virtually all of Reverend Moon's speeches are given extemporaneously, not from prepared texts. He speaks truth, which he sought and found through profound spiritual dialogue with God. His words are love itself, pouring out from a heart of true love. They embody the original energy of life, yet express the truth from myriad perspectives. God's special messages, which have appeared throughout salvation history, and have revealed His will to all humanity, always come through one central person. The events of history at times allow one person to awaken spiritually.

For all these reasons, we are attempting to convey his words in their original, unedited-form. This is in order not to impede the will and truth of God, who is working through Reverend Moon. His words convey the urgent feeling of God's providence and Heaven's sincere heart. In order not to lose this, we have preserved the style of speech and some of the informal dialogue.

Reverend Moon's sermons, continuing to be transcribed from recordings, have been published thus far in 233 volumes. We are translating his speeches into many languages and are making them accessible on CD-ROM. People throughout the world are now studying and learning Reverend Moon's teachings. In this fifteen-book series we have selected and arranged excerpts from the 233 volumes, according to subject, so that people from all walks of life can understand and appreciate them.

The fifteen books in this series are:

Blessing and Ideal Family Part I

Blessing and Ideal Family Part 11

Way of Unification Part I

Way of Unification Part 11

Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I

Way of the Spiritual Leader Part 11

Unification Family Life

Raising Children in God's Will

The Way for Students

The Way for Young People

The Way for a True Child

The Tribal Messiah

True Parents

Earthly Life and Spirit World I

Earthly Life and Spirit World 11

The words recorded in these volumes provide us the ability to reflect on ourselves and to be reborn through deep inspiration. They are precious words that clearly reveal the way to go in life. They speak about the destiny of humankind and contain prophecy. These are the original principles of life, with concrete practical directions for the realization of a world of peace, which Reverend Moon is himself pioneering and establishing. You who read these books will assimilate these words spiritually and be transformed. You will be able to experience God's grace and guidance. Thus these words are expanding the way of Heaven.

Following the guidance of Heaven, Reverend Moon has not only spoken, but has also substantially demonstrated the value and truthfulness of his words as applied to the individual, the family, society, nation, world and universe. Reverend Moon teaches about the will of God to all walks of society, and has been presenting his vision for peace through his work for the sake of the unity and harmony of religions, the initiation of a new culture, the building of a world Of peace, the encouragement of value-oriented education and a moral media, the equalization of wealth, and international holy marriage blessings. In coming to hear or read the words of Reverend Moon, leaders discover the proper way to guide their society and nation, and educators realize the true path of a teacher. When parents and children read these words together they will discover the true way for their family and find happiness.

I want to salute and express my thanks to those who worked in the translation and editing of these volumes. We pray that in studying and practicing the words in these books, you will experience the grace and blessings of the God who has been living, breathing and working with us throughout history.

Chung Hwan Kwak

International President

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International

March 1998

Chapter 4 - Exemplary Life

Section 1. Rediscovering Life

1. How to Lead Life

If human beings are going to lead their lives well, they have to make a program. You must not live a non-directional, purposeless life. You might not know, but today's providence of restoration isn't being realized without a purpose.

The path that I have walked for 40 years, until today, has been completely intentional and in accordance with a program. Just as building a house requires a plan, I have a blueprint. I cannot say myself, "It is done," even though everything might match exactly with the blueprint. It has to be acknowledged by heaven and earth. (141-180)

There has to be discrimination. Whether a person has lived a good or a bad life will certainly be determined after he or she dies. The decision will be made as to whether the person lived well or not. If a person is seen to have led a good life, it means that the person is good. If not, it means the person is evil.

If this is so, then what should we do in order to be recognized as having lived a life of goodness? What is the standard for a good or bad life? During our lifetime, we do things that determine the quality of our lives. Every person wants to live a good life. Nobody wants to live a bad life.

Often a person is said to live a good life based primarily on external things. Normally, a person who is well-off externally is said to have a good life. If one owns a house, has some money, lives with a spouse and children and seems to have no obstacles to realizing his or her intentions, he or she is said to live a good life. It is generally like this.

But, even though we live our lives hearing how good our circumstances are, when we come to ask ourselves, "Am I really living a true and good life?" not so many of us can say with confidence, "I am living truthfully." Regardless of gender and age, everybody desires to lead a truthful life. Not so many actually live life truthfully, however.

We live in an environment where it is not possible to live sincerely, even though we want to. A large majority of people have a regretful conclusion to their lives and come to lament over the wasted time. This is our way of life today. (43-242)

Today, you, the youth of the Unification Church, say, "We are historical people with historical results." Is it really so? That is a problem. Is it really so? If you ask anybody, "What are you doing?" he will probably answer, "I am living." If you ask, "How have you been living?" the answer will probably be, "I have been living this way." If we ask a large number of individuals, a large majority will probably answer, "I have just eaten and gotten along." The answers for questions like, "How is your life? Are you well off or not?" are given by a great majority of people based on such facts as owning a house or a patch of field or having smooth living conditions.

We are getting along in our lives. How are the majority of people living today? They are getting along. They are living for the sake of living itself. But life shouldn't be led only in this way. Do you understand? How does a person who has a standard a step higher lead his or her life? Such a person eats sharing the food and lives with deliberation. Some spend their lives only eating and drinking while others spend it with consideration. Do you understand? (151-70)

It is easy for the one who is defeated in life to become a loser in his life of faith. In life's circumstances, God and Satan are conducting a battle of depriving me. (183-198)

Where is Satan separated from God? It is not done in the spiritual world. Where is it done? In life, within myself, in my conscience, and my physical mind. The internal aspect within us, the conscience, represents God's side and the physical mind represents Satan's side.

When you put your hands against each other, their shape is alike. But one of them is the left side and the other one is the right side. When we look at it this way, the same seems different. Therefore, we have to distinguish the right side from the left side and know clearly which one goes first and which one follows. (24-215)

Recently, I have seen that the Principle goes its way while you act in your way and the Church operates in its way. I have felt it is like this. If you have learned the Principle, you should be standing on it accordingly, but you and the Church are not standing on the Principle. You are apart from it. You will get into trouble that way. There is a saying, "An hour may destroy what took an age to build." If we continue to live in that way, everything will end in failure. (109-308)

2. The Way of Life We Must Adopt

What have I been emphasizing to you? The obscure way of life that you have been living in the past must change into a concrete way of life. (18-178)

We certainly must inquire about the way of life to be led as an individual and also as a family. (24-29)

What will remain at the very end? It will not be any of the philosophies or outlooks on life formulated by humans. It will be a way of life concerning God. God must be the main view of life; it must be a worldview that unites God and humans. It is not a place where humans have a vague degree of understanding about God, but rather a place where man can never fall away, no matter what. Why? Since God and humans fell from the place where it actually shouldn't have been possible, they have to reach a place higher than that. We have to come forward and claim a worldwide stage of life, where God and man are one. (65-127)

Where have you presently been placed in the Unification Church? Unification Church members must act in concert with me, wherever or whenever they may go. Until now, I haven't managed only by myself I have lived with God and walked in the same direction with Him and in step with Him, investing my life completely.

Now, the combination of 3 (God, you, and I) must become one. We have to act in concert. Since this is a decisive question of life and death, the three must unite at the point where they come together. In other words, the realm of resurrection of life is at that very point. It is the connecting point where the Father and I become one and you and I become one and unite. There the unification of one heart takes place. Therefore, you must lead a life of oneness with the will. (31-321)

For you, it is a question of how to lead your lives while becoming one in heart with the three parts of the Father's will, your will and the will of your future spiritual children. The place where time becomes one, a person becomes one, and the direction becomes one, by day or by month. It is a question of how to bring a whole year into such a standard. (24-133, 28-80)

You have to check yourselves. Have I become one with the cause, the goal, and the subject? When I find myself not being one with the cause and the goal, and not being able to stand in an object position in front of a subject, I must continuously keep in mind the need to become one with the cause, the goal, and the subject. After establishing the subject-object relationship and the direction, then the purpose must be clear. Have you been thinking this way until now? (66-257, 108-83)

What kind of life does God want? It is not a self-centered life. I say to you, it is not a self-centered life. Therefore, you Unification Church members should hang a map of the world or the terrestrial globe on the wall of your room and always think, "Where would God go today?" I have set up my mind here, but could God, who created the heavens and earth, be looking only at me?" You have to think about it. (155-248)

A monotonous life becomes like a habit. A person who thinks that this is the way of human life is nothing but a worldly person. We have to lead a life that is capable of improving the common living circumstances and of bringing higher value. Only in that way can the position of goodness be determined in the evil world. A person cannot be called a religious person if he or she is not able to dominate external life. He cannot be called a heavenly person.

Therefore, everybody needs character building. It is not enough just to do activities. We have to live in a way that after our activities, when we sit down quietly, we are able to hold and match the directions of up and down, left and right. Without a doubt this is the way a person will stay, based on the substantial standard in a place of vertical axis. (185-182)

3. The Way Of Life We Must Become Accustomed To

1) God-Centered Life

Every religion teaches us to not look at or listen to anything rashly. They also teach us not to speak or to treat anybody rashly. This means that looking, listening, speaking, feeling and also loving must all be done centered on God and not centered on oneself. (66-231)

All of our speaking, looking, feeling and emotional experiences must be connected to God. (53-239)

For whom should we look and listen in our daily lives? It is for the sake of God. We have to do it for the sake of God. Feeling must also be done for the sake of God. Even though we are living on earth, we have to be connected with the life in Heaven. (35-284)

Before eating, you must think, "Father, after you!"(11-218)

You cannot just eat good food and wear good clothes. First, you have to offer the best to God. Also, when you walk, think that you are walking together with Father on your right and Mother on your left. (24-181)

When we are hungry, for whom do we eat? (For God) Really? Are you sure that you eat for the sake of God or are you eating for your own sake? (For God) You have to think about it. How can you eat for the sake of God? "I need to build a perfect temple for God." Therefore, when you eat, think that God is eating in you. Think this way, "Because I'm hungry, God in me wants to eat." Do you understand? If you do so, that food will become holy. It will become precious food.

Next, what should you think when you go to the toilet? Do you do it for your sake or for the sake of the whole? It is all one and the same. Think that God commanded you to go, because otherwise this temple will have trouble.

How about breathing? It is the same. And listening? Don't think that you listen by yourself. Don't think that you do anything like looking, touching, etc, by yourself. Even when you face people or Satan's world, do it as a person of God. Even when you speak, think that God is speaking.

Originally, according to the Principle we are to live, think and love centered on ourselves after we've become completely one. We have to know this clearly. Even though you would live, think and love centered on yourself, it would be the same as living, thinking and loving centered on God.

This is the Principle. (92-166)

If you understand the relationship between subject and object, then everything must be for the sake of the subject, to the fullest. Everything such as looking, listening and eating must be done for the subject.

When you eat and just say, "Oh, how tasty it is. So delicious!" it means that you are eating for your own sake. But if you eat gratefully, you are eating for the sake of the subject. If you can realize that your circumstances are not due to you, then you are able to eat like that because you are not eating alone. You are eating for the subject. It is same with sleeping. It is not because you yourself have managed so well that you may sleep in a place like this. You must have the attitude that even though Heaven might bring you to the end of this world and ruin your life, it is because of Heaven's desperate efforts to save you from your miserable state. All of you should always say to God, "Oh, God, I'm grateful for my destiny. I'm so grateful." This is the attitude you must have.

That is why there cannot be any displeasure in the place where an object is devoted to the subject, can there? Displeasure is a rare act and a failure. Therefore, no displeasure is allowed in the life of faith.

What is not allowed? We cannot afford displeasure. There should only be thankfulness. You must understand this.

Because Heaven will always remain the subject, there cannot exist any rule or life that is separate from it. Therefore, always report. Even though you seem to be by yourself, you are never alone. You will feel the presence of heaven in front of you and in back of you wherever you are. Then whatever you come to enjoy, you'll feel it in your heart. How does the Father feel seeing all that scenery? How does He feel when He looks out over Seoul? If history and the world are so, then everything must connect and relate with it. You have to realize these points clearly and never forget that heaven is the subject. Otherwise, it is not possible to understand the reasoning of empirical faith.

Natural law is brought into existence by keeping the proper order. Therefore, we have to stand in the position where heaven is the absolute subject in the subject and object relationship. When I am an unconditional object to the absolute subject, we are absolutely one.

Therefore, all that we are seeing, hearing, and feeling, even the loving within a family, is to be done from the position of a subject and object for the sake of heaven. That is oneness. That kind of family will never perish.

What will happen when a subject and object have a reciprocal relationship? Definitely, something will happen, and the result will come in proportion to how good their reciprocal relationship is. (58-310)

2) Centered on True Parents

Now, you have to live together with the True Parents. Therefore, True Parents are in the position of grandparents, and then there is the position of your own parents, and you are in the position of the eldest son. This is different. The conclusion is that three generations live together.

You have to lead your life feeling that God, True Parents and your own parents are with you. We have reached the age when it is not possible to think that there is no God or that God has died. (131-97)

The fall happened through heartistic ties. Therefore, it is not possible to open the door of the fall and clear it away without a higher level of heartistic power than that which occurred at the fall. This is the Principle. This happens when you shed tears and come in earnest longing to see me. I will abruptly appear and teach you. On the way to somewhere, if you see good products or any other good thing, a wish to take that to Father comes from the bottom of your heart. "I can't just pass it by because my heart is aching. I want to bring this to Father, whatever it takes." If you then feel infatuated and burst into tears over how pitiful God's situation is, I will appear in front of you. If you wanted to give me a good suit, I will appear already wearing an even better one. I will ask you laughingly, "What is the matter?" Such a situation will take place. I will say, "Don't worry! I already have the best things."

Hence, a man called Reverend Moon is a strange person -- a strange person, whom you don't know. I come from a strange background, yet whichever country of the world I have promised to visit, its people long to see me. Without understanding it themselves, they wake up sighing, "Father, when will you come?" When you reach such a state of deeply touching the heart, you will open up spiritually. If you really come to yearn after Father, he will come and show you around the Garden of Eden. At that time, you don't know that it is taking place spiritually. It feels so real. In no other way can that kind of world open up.

You have to cry your eyes out with longing. If a person cries excessively, it aches right here. That's how much you have to be longing. Even in crying out, "Father," some do it as a son who is being dragged to the execution ground and some as a son who is leaving for a far away country. In order to call Heavenly Father, we must have a higher standard than that.

The amount that you have devoted yourself to meeting Father and forming ties with God will be your property. (50-288)

In everything, interrelate with the Parents; decide with the Parents, consult with the Parents and find a solution with the Parents. (44-175)

3) A Life Centered on Goodness

The one who unites the center and the direction from the very beginning is able to connect the start with the finish. Therefore, the first victory belongs to the subject. At the same time, it also comes back to the one who follows the way from the beginning to the end. You should have a center in life. (57-277)

There is good and evil even in listening to singing. Whether you look, listen, eat, sleep or do anything, there is good and evil. (26-13 1)

Whether you are asleep or awake, eat, rest, look or do anything, you have to do it centered on the whole. (73-61)

Never forget that at present you are standing at the dividing point of good and evil. Therefore, always speak well, and look at only good things with your eyes. Women's eyes wander easily, don't they? Hence, you have to control you eyes. You have to control your eyes, hands, and all five senses. Where should my every step lead? Whether I meet my friend or associate, I have to be able to say words for the benefit of the public to each person. I must help the person take even just a step toward the side of goodness. While controlling these things in the physical world, I will simultaneously be going ahead, holding a banner of love for the sake of those who have already passed away. For that reason, you should study and do your work. Then everything will work out naturally. (109-307)

4) We in Accord with One Goal

What determines whether an individual succeeds in life on earth or not, or is able to leave behind day-to-day accomplishments in reaching his goal? After establishing a firm goal, it is very important to know how to have a direction that is in accord with and hits the marks of the goal.

Even though you start with a goal, if the direction goes wrong it will have nothing to do with the goal. Therefore, when we step forward with a goal, we must always watch carefully to see whether the direction is in accordance with it.

We must stand in a straight line with the goal. Since we are in a reciprocal relationship with the goal, we should stand in the position of having the goal as an opponent on the straight line. For our lines, when we move forward step by step, if we do not adopt the position straight in line with the goal, we are bound to cross the goal. Just one wrong step will lead you to cross the goal. You can lean neither right nor left.

Take the golden mean, and you will be able to reach the conclusion of your goal. You must work from the point of discovering yourself able to unite with the goal in the straight line with clearly defined goodness. If we regret the straight line and come to stand on the foundation of not being able to be in accord with the straight line, we have to know that we have already strayed from the way that enables us to accomplish the goal.

If we cannot stand in the position where the goal and the direction are in accord, God cannot help or share it with us, because that place has a common direction from a common position towards a common goal. If we deviate, God cannot be with us.

Why is it so? Because if the direction goes wrong, all effort will be lost. In many situations cooperation will not bring the desired results but rather it will inevitably lead elsewhere. It is very natural that God cannot help or be with you if you come to stand in that position, so it will be wasted effort.

After getting up in the morning, all our feelings and movements must be unified into one all the time, in a straight line united on one goal. We can't deny that moment or we lose the point and we can not be connected with the Will. (57-232)


Section 2. Ethics, Morality, and Propriety

1. There is Order in the Universe

A new ontology of a new religion must reveal that all the absolute beings in the past were not separate but were one and the same God.

It also has to be able to reveal God's view of each religion so they can grasp the Creator's attributes and understand properly all His aspects. All religions are brother religions established by one God. At the same time that a religion reveals God's attributes, the new ontology must reveal the cause, purpose, and principles of the creation. It must convey the feeling that purpose and principles dominate the movement of all things in the universe.

Further, it must explain that the rules human beings have to follow are in accord with the rules of the universe, namely natural law. It must be revealed that there is a system of vertical order, formed by the rules of the creation of the sun, the moon, and the stars of the universe. This natural law is also seen within the family as the vertical order formed by grandparents, parents, and children. The horizontal order formed by brothers and sisters is established and simultaneously corresponding senses of value, namely the rules, are formed. (122-304)

When you go out to work in a farming village, you won't be working just by yourself. The husband and wife go out and start working after reporting the duties of the day to God. When they finish and return they will eat only after reporting to God. You have to know how strict is God's standard, which regulates all things. There are rules of family life that a woman must keep, and there are rules that a man must keep. (31-276)

In Korean society, during the three-year mourning time after one's parents have passed away, the children offer meals to the departed spirits of their parents every morning and evening. Also, whenever they go out or return home, they perform a greeting toward the altar of their parents. Aren't there such rules in Korean society? You have to do better than that. Does what you do now adapt exactly to the formalities of heaven from the viewpoint of the will? No, it does not. Far from it. (31-275)

2. Man Is Valuable Because Of Ethics And Morality

There are the words, "heavenly law." Have you ever heard these words? The words heavenly law are religious terminology. Even if you have heard of human morals, have you ever heard of heavenly morals? What is the origin of human moral law? Is it Korean constitutional law? The origin of human morals is the conscience. Today, most laws are made from the basis of Roman law. It can be said that Roman law is rooted in the culture of the contemporary world. However, human morals are based on conscience rather than law.

What is the foundation of conscience? It is goodness. The standard of conscience is none other than the standard of goodness. When the conscience moves away from goodness and goes wrong, it tries to correct the errors. We have tried to make a universal social system in accordance with pure conscience, but at the same time we need laws. Where are human morals rooted? They are, in the long run, rooted in heavenly law. (33-44)

Human beings are valuable because of human morals. Human morals form the relationships among people. Human morals have no use in the case of just one person; they follow when there are two or more people. Social ethics follow from the family in which man and woman get married. Ethics is the reason-law of human relationships. (136-208)

We can talk about human morals. Human laws are formed through emotions, are they not? In the relationships between family members, centering on the father and the mother, the ideas of morals, social systems, order and so forth are based upon emotional aspects. When something felt by emotion becomes very long or high-dimensional, we should lower our heads before it. You should know that point. What is the motivation for human law? It is emotion. Human law begins from the position of parents loving their children. In true human relationships, it follows that children love their parents. (64-124)

3. The Three Fundamental Principles and Five Moral Disciplines In Human Relations

It is not only through the vertical standard that a person knows his or her own self. Neither is it only through the horizontal standard. A person is not known only by his or her words. One's words must be in accordance with one's actions. A person is known for whether he acts according to what he says; according to whether there is a oneness between his mind and his work. One's words should be the same as one's actions. One's mind should be the same as one's work.

This expresses the vertical and horizontal relationship. Confucianism almost represents such relations. The fundamental reason of all things is always the Way of Heaven. This means what stands in front should be in front; what stands in back should be in back. It means the state and the reason in which the heavenly way is moving. It is the way the heavenly will should go. What is the way? We often say that benevolence (jen), righteousness, propriety, and wisdom are the cornerstones of human nature, and that the practice of benevolence and righteousness is the way humans should go.

When people walk along the way, the grown-up person goes in front, according to Oriental thought. That is because the grown-up person was born first in the world. That is how they try to put together the environment. The person born after should stand back. If something would be high, it should keep step with what is low; what is front should go in front; what is back should go in back; what is up should keep step with the position. These perspectives should not be changeable. These are eternal. Whenever a person would receive something from an older man, according to Korean custom, he should receive it with two hands. This means that only when his hands are completely horizontal will he receive the love of the older man.

Whatever they receive should go through the vertical in a state of 90 degrees. It symbolizes a matter of course.

It can be said that people's mind is heaven's mind. All rules should be horizontal, since the rules are relative according to reason and conscience. Both should be in accordance with each other. They are not such that benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom should be accepted and heaven excluded. They did not connect these virtues with heaven. Heaven is vague, and benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and knowledge are obscure. They did not know how to connect these virtues with heaven. Since they did not know how to do so, the forms of these two worlds did not make a realistic standard in the human history, and the forms should fade away. All of you should know this point clearly.

Dual characteristics will appear, centering on the Divine Principle. How could the dual characteristics be connected with me? These are the realistic spheres of relationships. What ideal does the human will desire? It is neither knowledge, power, nor money, but the actual results of love. Therefore, love should mark the relations between sovereign and subject. All relations are love relations. Heaven needs His child. Love marks the relationship between heaven and His children. One cannot exist by one's self. (185-271, 168-252, 171-237)

Up to the present day, human morality has meant that parents should love their children and children should love their parents. There should be a distinction between husband and wife. These virtues have been transformed to the present day as the cornerstone of the three fundamental principles and the five moral disciplines in human relations.

However, these seem to be changeable. Today, the traditional customs and norms and so forth are naturally being changed. Such a spirit is penetrating our daily and social environment. We are in the Last Days. If a worldwide leader, a Messiah, appeared, he would solve all these problems. (11-19)

4. The Oriental Country of Courtesy

Korean history extends over more than 4,000 years. What is this Oriental country called? It is called the country of courtesy. Is courtesy good or bad? When we can say that the Oriental country is the country of courtesy, does it mean a man with courtesy or a woman with courtesy? (It means the woman) Yes, that is it. Therefore, the wives in the course of Korean history who would like to really serve their husbands are the women who could hardly manage their housekeeping, as they would like. (44-104)


Section 3. The Completed Testament Age and the Life of Attendance

1. The Completed Testament Age is the Age of Attendance

1) What is the Completed Testament Age?

God has been conducting the providence of salvation through three stages during the history of 6,000 years. Through the Old Testament Age, which was the age of the servant, and the New Testament Age, which was the age of the adopted son, we have reached the Completed Testament Age. In the Completed Testament Age, children must appear and prepare a place for the parents and attend them. Until today, God has conducted such a history of restoration. (16-178)

What is the Completed Testament Age? On the earth, it is the process of advancing to an ideal world centered on a family and the love of True Parents -- a new world where Satan can no longer work. From the Principle point of view, the Completed Testament Age means a realm of parents who have fulfilled the responsibility. A promise is responsibility. A promise of responsibility left uncompleted is the fall. The Old Testament is a promise of the past. The New Testament is a new promise, and now the Completed Testament is the age to realize the promise. To realize means that all the people of the world fulfill their responsibility. A promise is fulfilling the responsibility. (131-98)

The Completed Testament Age is the age of perfection. What is it? Abel becomes one centered on the love of True Parents, and the brothers unite with Abel and make Cain surrender. Cain has not surrendered until now because there were no parents. Therefore, such a tragic death took place. Cain hated Abel because he didn't have parents, but when he comes to unite with Abel centered on parents, he will adapt himself. (131-75)

When we look at human history, the Old Testament Age is the age of searching for love, human beings searching for God. The New Testament Age is the age of sacrifice for the sake of attending the parents of the Completed Testament Age. Now the age of the Completed Testament is the age of sacrifice for the sake of attending God for the sake of God's liberation, centered on True Parents. Therefore, the Unification Church shows today a white cross. True Parents are shouldering the cross. Because human beings fell at the perfection level of the growth stage, True Father has had to go up again through the way of indemnity for twenty years. (136-307)

When you say that you have the resurrected body of all sacrifices of the Old Testament Age, the resurrection of Jesus' body in the New Testament Age, and the resurrection of the heart of Reverend Moon in the Completed Testament Age, all of heaven and earth will keep their eyes on you and follow you in a line. They will follow you wherever you go, however difficult and painful a way it may be. (107-216)

2) The Completed Testament Age Is the Age of Love

Today, we regard God as the Lord of hope, faith, and love. God, the Lord of hope, faith, and love, made human beings pass through the Old Testament Age of hope and the New Testament Age of faith. From now on, human beings will meet the Completed Testament Age of love. In the Completed Testament Age, or the age of the Second Advent, what remains as an eternal, unchanging, essential element? God's love remains, the center of all the ideals and all things.(1-90)

As the Completed Testament Age is the age of love, we are allowed to get married. Up until now, the age of love has not come to any religion. Higher religions, therefore, did not encourage people to get married. (96-117)

3) The Age of Salvation through Attendance

The fallen age is the age of Satan's dominion. It is not conceptual but a real matter and you can understand it if you look spiritually at the environmental realities. Why did Adam fall? It was because he did not attain faith, deeds, and attendance. These were the three major conditions for Adam. Thus Adam could not go through the Old Testament Age of deeds, the New Testament Age of faith, and the Completed Testament Age of attendance. Because of Adam's fall, humans have come under Satan's dominion. Therefore, it has become necessary for humans to search for the original Adam's position throughout history. We have to restore Adam's original position through setting up the victorious condition; that is, through setting up conditions of indemnity. Why do we have to seek the righteousness of faith, the righteousness of deeds, and the righteousness of attendance? It is because we cannot separate good from evil without righteousness. What is the standard of righteousness? It is always God, so we have to believe, behave and attend as God does. Why should we do so? It is because Satan cannot accuse those who are righteous like God. When you deal with your environment in the same way that God believes, behaves, and attends, Satan cannot accuse you. When such an environment where God can dwell expands, and the righteousness standard point is raised, Satan will retreat.

This does not mean, however, that the Old Testament Age of deeds and the New Testament Age of faith have passed away and that we are now only in the Completed Testament Age of attendance. In the Old Testament Age of deeds, faith was also necessary, and in the New Testament age of faith, deeds were also necessary. In the Completed Testament Age of attendance, deeds and faith are also necessary. It is because the growth stage is established based on the formation stage, and the perfection stage is established based on the growth stage. They cannot be separated.

The age of attendance refers to the age of the Kingdom of Heaven in everyday life. The history of restoration is aimed at the realization of God's ideal of creation. (161-218)

For what purpose does our Lord come to the earth? He comes to realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? Those who have managed to prepare for attendance and those who have managed to lead a life of attendance can enter there. Thus, it is the kingdom where we can be eternally proud of our preparation and our practice of the life of attendance to the whole universe. (8-307)

We are taught that we will receive salvation through attendance today. You therefore have to serve True Parents, and you have to establish conditions, which God can remember, whatever sorrows and pains may happen to you. You should establish such conditions as will please God, however small they may be. (13-310)

2. What is the Life of Attendance?

1) Preparation for Attendance

What is the age of justification by attendance? Is it the age of showing authority? Some of you are confused between attendance and authority. In the age of justification by attendance, you should have the exact center. There are manners in attending God, and God will be very angry with you if you violate them. (17-187)

Endurance is of foremost importance in attending God. For whom do you have to endure? You have to endure to the end for the purpose of the whole, equipped with the leading ideology. There is no complaint there. Thus, the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven will be expanded. (44-18)

When the time comes to attend the Father, how do you show your filial piety to Him? With what attitude do you attend the Father? Where can you meet the Father? If you live deep in the mountains, you will sincerely want to see our members and you will worry for some member, if he or she is sick.

You will be dying to see the dear members and church leaders. You will experience such yearnings. Without such yearnings, you cannot attend the Father. You have always to experience such a heart of yearning. If you say, "It's already twelve o'clock. Let's go to bed," you are giving God trouble. There is no concept of day and night in the Kingdom of Heaven. You should not worry about time when you are talking to someone with your hearts connected. (17-293)

The first commandment for human beings is to love God. Should you be dying to love God or should you just love God temporarily? (We should be dying to love God) Raise your hands, those of you that are dying to love God! You should love God even if you may die being struck by lightning. If you are dying to love God, nothing is impossible for you in your lifetime.

If you stay at the top of the Backdoo Mountain, do you want to cultivate the land full of stones to raise potatoes and attend God with an offering of potatoes? Will you do that or not? (We will) You should do that. If you make your wife cultivate the land like a cow as you have no cow there, are you to be struck by thunder? Do you stop when God says, "You must stop"? You should accomplish with all your heart and sincerity, shouldn't you? (Yes, we should) (37-25)

2) The Attitude of the Life of Attendance

You should lead a life of attendance. When you wake up in the morning, you should say your first word to Heaven, and when you go out of your house, you should move your right leg first in order to attend Heaven. If you live like this in your everyday life, you can lead a life of attendance. Your attitude of life should be based on the original standards. (17-296)

How do you lead a life of attendance to God? You have to think that you are one with God, and you are one with the True Parents. You should think as follows, "Everything belongs to God and to the True Parents. What belongs to the True Parents belongs to the Kingdom of the True Parents and then it belongs to me." You should always lead a life of attendance whenever you speak, wake up, or sleep, and in whatever you do. If you have such a concept in your mind, you will be protected from Satan's invasion twenty-four hours a day. (161-231)

When you were happy, how happy did you make God? You will be very grateful for receiving a meal when you are very hungry. You should be more grateful than that in attending God. You should attend God whenever you eat meals or whenever you are in difficulty. You should give God unforgettable memories. (17-291)

3. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Place Where Those Who Have Attended Heaven With Their Heart Can Go

You know that you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without experiencing heart, don't you? The Kingdom of Heaven is the original kingdom that can control the whole world. If you are pulled by circumstances, you cannot enter the Kingdom. It is the Kingdom where you can enter with a connection of heart, which penetrates deep in your mind. A Christian Church, therefore, is not a church of circumstances; rather it is a church of heart. It is the purpose of God's providence to establish the foundation of heart that transcends various circumstances.

What is the human fall? It is through the human fall that we have become unable to communicate with God in His heart. God, who has searched for lost human beings, has tried to find those people with whom He could share His heart. Thus, history is the history of salvation and God sent the Messiah in order to find such people.

You should seek God's heart before you seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and you should think how you should live before you seek God's heart. Before anything else, you should have the heart of attendance. It is the original nature of human beings to feel longing and bow their heads when they meet a noble being. Even though you are fallen, it is your original heart to attend the noble heart of Heaven. You should know clearly that you have no connection with the Kingdom of Heaven if you have not experienced a life of attendance with your heart.

In order to attend, it is necessary to prepare for attendance. You can go to the Kingdom of Heaven if you have prepared for attendance and led a life of attendance. Those who have attended with heart can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You are destined to go there through such a process. (8-290)

What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? It is the place where you are proud of what you have prepared and what you have accomplished through your life of attendance. Then, who can go to the Kingdom of Heaven? Are they those who have believed in the Lord and have sought after their own happiness? No, they are not. Those who have prepared to attend with their heart can go there. Even though they may die during the preparation while longing for the life of attendance, they will go there with joy. (8-304)

4. Examples of the Life of Attendance

1) Examples of Life

When I went somewhere, you used to follow me however far away it might be, didn't you? One day a member carried rice cakes containing mugwort on his shoulder and came to the headquarters to give them to Father. He had made rice cakes three months before and he had wrapped them up with white papers in order to keep the dust off. When he opened the gift in front of Father, the rice cakes were getting musty. Although the rice cakes were unfit to eat, they were worth hundreds of millions of won. It is because the rice cakes were brought to Father with all his heart.

One day, an old man who lived in Young-do Island near Pusan went to the Jagarchi Market (Jargarchi is a type of fish) on board a small ship. He saw a large ship sailing near his small ship. He said to himself, "How wonderful it would be if we could receive Father on that ship," and he sincerely wished that it could be realized soon. He had tears in his eyes, with his hand on the tail of a fish. The old man looked somehow foolish, but he had true love within him. Love sometimes looks foolish, as one does not care about his or her appearance when he or she loves. When you love someone truly, you don't mind being watched by others, do you? If you care, your love is merely love within a limited circle. With true love, you sometimes look foolish or are foolishly honest.

One day, another old man brought the roots of bellflower which he dug out from a remote mountain and offered them to Father with tears in his eyes. These are the examples of a life of attendance. With such lives of attendance, those people will be liberated and go to a higher place when they go to the spirit world.

You may not imagine how much the members of Ho Ho Bin group did their best to attend heaven with their sincere heart. With their sincere attendance, they had to liberate the 6,000 years of sorrows and resentment in the prince of heaven, the True Parents of humankind, whom all of humankind had waited for through history. They were given such a mission, and they were taught to do everything by God. Thus, they prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day so as to receive the Lord whenever he came. Their sincerity cannot be expressed in words.

How many bows did they make? Usually they made three thousand bows, sometimes seven thousand bows a day. It took ten hours to make seven thousand bows and they did that from dawn, without meals. The Ho Ho Bin group, however, could not follow God's providence to the end and finally collapsed.

Thus, the historic foundation that God prepared collapsed. It was God's hidden providence behind history. You should not forget such historic attendance, and you should attend God by inheriting their sincerity. Father walked the way of restoration with all his sincerity, and you also should walk the way of restoration, paying indemnity ten times or a hundred times more than that. You should attend God with such determination as to invest all your flesh and blood, cells and bones. This should be the way of life for Unification Church members. (23-301)

2) You Should Carry True Parents' Picture With You

Whose picture is this? (It is Father's picture) What is this? (It is the ID card of membership of IFVOC with Father's picture on it) Why do you carry Father's picture with you? It is because your ancestors in the spirit world will help you as we are in the age of God's dominion now.

When the Israelites went out of Egypt, they could avoid the calamity of the smiting of the first-born with the blood of a lamb painted on their door-posts. In the same way, you can avoid evils if you carry Father's picture with you. Spirit world can recognize the picture even if it is in your pocket. If the picture is very small, it is the same as if the Israelites did not paint the blood of the lamb or stopped painting halfway. Then, which do you prefer, a big picture or small one? (A big one!) The big picture of Father embarrasses Japanese people.

They are suspicious and say, "What on earth is Sun Myung Moon?" Japanese members, however, think that Father's smile is as mysterious as that of the Mona Lisa. They are confident that the mysterious figure of Father, who looks different in hundreds of thousands of ways, helps them spiritually. They have actually such spiritual experiences. Spirit persons know Father well. Are they glad to see Father's picture or not? (Yes, they are) They will come to the picture. Thus, your ancestors are united with you through the medium of the picture.

If you carry Father's picture with you, you will not have an accident, but, if you don't, you may have one. Such a thing will often happen to you. If you put the picture by your bedside, you will dream a happy dream. Do you believe it? (Yes, I do) Dr. Joseph said, "God works in mysterious ways." Father is a mysterious man. Nobody can fully understand Father, however deeply he or she may study him. What kind of man is the Reverend Moon? (He is a mysterious man) That's why God accompanies the Reverend Moon.

You have learned that Father is the mediator between spirit world and this world. When a woman sees Father's picture, sometimes she does not want to see her husband. This does not mean, however, that she has been separated further from her husband. Rather, she has really come closer to him.

Then is it good for you to carry Father's picture with you or not? (It is good) Do as you like. Thus, I ordered our members to carry the ID card with them. Do American people have such an ID card? Do the American people have an ID card with the president's picture on it? This kind of ID card as has never been seen in history. Did Jesus see it? (No, he didn't) (132-190)

Now, the Reverend Moon's fame has reached the four comers of the earth. I heard that many people put the Reverend Moon's picture on the wall of their room and pay respect to it. Do you put Reverend Moon's picture on the wall of your room, Dr. Se Won Yoon? Do you make a bow to it everyday? Do you kiss it everyday? You should kiss it passionately. It is not impolite for you to do so. When you kiss the picture, you are doing so on behalf of your father, your mother, and your ancestors. Then they have the right to participate in the same place as you are. If you want to establish such a connection through kissing the picture, God will not blame you. Don't you think so, Dr. Yoon? (Yes I do.) (171-239)

It is good for you to carry Father's picture from now on. It will protect you, whatever difficulty you may encounter. In the Old Testament Age, Moses led the Israelites away from the Pharaoh of Egypt by showing three great miracles. At that time, all the first-born of the Egyptians was smitten while the Israelites avoided the calamity with the blood of a lamb on their door-posts. Thus, spirit world is watching you, and it can protect you. (1984. 2. 7, 130-290)


Section 4. Human Relationships with Words and Things [Part 1]

1. Relationship with Humans

1) How to Relate with Humans

In our daily life, everybody has his or her own concept of good and evil. I think that you often experience the following. When you meet a person for the first time and just look at her, then you realize whether he or she is a good person or not. If you are a religious or spiritual person, you will realize that all the more easily. When you meet a person with your conscience, you will understand whether or not he or she is good, even if you meet him or her for the first time. You may have had such experiences in your religious life, especially if you have spiritual ability.

It is from our human relationships that we can recognize others as good or evil. This is better than any other means. Everybody has both an internal relationship and an external relationship. An internal relationship refers to a human relationship and an external relationship refers to a relationship with this secular world. Human beings have such relationships. (27-46)

2) Desirable Human Relationships

Let us examine human beings. One smiles gently, and another one laughs with a loud voice. There are many kinds of laughing. (46-285)

In your religious life, you should establish your position, where you stand. You should examine everyone as to whether he or she is good or evil to you, or whether he or she is a plus or minus to you. You must determine from the person's words and behavior whether he or she is plus or minus to you. In other words, you must examine whether a person is helpful for God's providence and for your religious life or not. (40-88)

3) Three Classes of People

In the fallen world we can classify human beings into three classes. One class of humans belongs to hell. Another class belongs to the middle world, which is located between the satanic and heavenly worlds. The third class of humans belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven.

An individual human being has a mind and body. The mind is not always spiritual; it is usually between the spiritual and the physical. Thus, there are three types of human beings; the physical, the mindful and the spiritual, who belong to the satanic world, middle world, and heavenly world respectively.

When you meet someone for the first time, you sometimes feel pleasant, and you are attracted to him or her in a moment. Why is it so? You are attracted to him or her because he or she is spiritually higher. You will feel naturally pleased to meet a person who has a higher spiritual foundation, which his or her ancestors have established. It is because you will benefit rather than lose by relating with him or her. You can decide whether a person is good or evil by seeing whether you benefit or lose from your relationship. In other cases, you don't feel pleasant or unpleasant when you meet a person. In yet another case, you feel unpleasant seeing a person. Everybody emits radiation, which affects the people around him or her.

Thus, you should correctly evaluate people. When you think that someone is good just by looking at him or her, you are already engaged in a give and take relationship, regarding him or her in the subject position while you are in the object position. From the principled point of view, when a subject and an object establish a complete reciprocal standard and are engaged in complete give and take action, God dwells in them. (50-258)

4) A Being in Connection with Ancestors

When you meet a person and feel pleasant, you naturally want to give him or her something and receive something from him or her. In the same way that an iron is attracted to a magnet, two persons are united as an invisible connection works behind them. God dwells in them when they have a strong connection between them.

Give and take action gives rise to a movement based on a center, and the movement spreads around the center. When a center is established quickly, the movement will last for a long time, but the movement will collapse easily when it takes a lot of time to establish a center.

When two parties are engaged in give and take action, God dwells in them. When someone feels it is pleasant to see another one for the first time, there is a connection behind them, the connection between their ancestors.

One of your grandmothers may belong to the Cho family and another one may belong to the Kim family. Thus, from the ancient ancestors down to the present parents, one's ancestors belong to various families. However, one has special connections to some families, and we can divide our ancestors into some classes. Then we can say that one is mostly connected with the first class of ancestors, say, the ancestors who belong to the Choi family, and then with the second class of ancestors, say, the ancestors who belong to Kim family, and so on. There are tens of classes in one's ancestors.

Even though I was born physically as the son or a daughter of my present parents, I am not merely a horizontal being of this age. The bloods of my grandfathers and grandmothers as well as those of many other ancestors are mixed in my blood. Six billion cells in one's body are connected with one's ancestors.

It is important for us to know from which ancestors we have mostly inherited our characters. Your uncle may belong to the Cho family, but he does not represent merely the Cho family. If his mother belong to the Park family, he has some character of the Park family. Thus, the present "I" was born as the combination of all my ancestors.

When you meet a person, say, Mr. Park, for the first time and feel pleasant somehow, it is because you have many Park ancestors. On the other hand, if you feel disgust from a person whom you meet for the first time, it is because ancestors of both parties were in an antagonistic relationship. Perhaps his ancestors did harm to your ancestors. Thus, our ancestors' conflicting relationships appear as repellent human relationship today.

Some persons are neither pleasant nor unpleasant to you. They belong to the neutral position. You can influence and move them if you want. They will be attracted to you, if you, as a subject, do your best to serve them with all your sincerity. Then, if they are attracted to you and come closer beyond a certain line, you will be able to guide them to go the same way you go.

If you want to witness to a person with whom you feel it is difficult to get along, you have to solve the problem of restoration. You cannot restore him or her for nothing. Standing in the position of goodness, you have to pay the price for him or her.

It seems that we are living together horizontally in this world. It is not true, however, seen from the spiritual and heavenly viewpoint.

There are mountains and valleys in our human relationships just as in the natural world. Thus, one goes the flat way, another descends, and the other ascends mountains.

You may think that all human beings are the same, but they are not. When one likes this, another likes that. Everyone feels in his or her own way. All these feelings are related with the historical background and spiritual connections. (50-259)

5) A Good Person

What is a good person? If you try to find only shortcomings in others, and if you accuse someone ten times for his or her ten shortcomings, you are not a good person. You should forget the shortcomings of others and evaluate the value of their good points rather than accusing their shortcomings. Thus, you can be related with others in the position of goodness, and you can guide them to happiness. They will follow you and be closely associated with you. If you just hate the shortcomings of others and judge them as worse than they are, you should know that you couldn't find goodness on earth.

Then what is a good person? A good person is one who loves even bad people; a person who sympathizes with those in sorrow as if he himself were in sorrow. If you become sympathetic with others and indemnify their sorrows and give joy to them, you can be a model of a good person in any situation.

How can you become such a person? You should transcend superficial, worldly habits and ideas. You should think, "I was born in order to change bad people into good people," or " I was born for the sake of others." If you think that is the mission of your life, you will be able to get rid of all evils, whatever difficult problems may arise in your surroundings.

You should not think that you have nothing to do with the evils of others. You should suffer from them, and you should pray with tears for others, and you should live with determination to indemnify their sins. Then you will become central figures to guide them. (34-130)

We should know who is a good person. A good person loves children, young people, and old people. In relationship to nature, he or she loves spring, summer, autumn and winter. That is a good person. (72-102)

2. Good Human Relationships

1) Loving Relationships

Today, people are indifferent to each other. They do not respect each other. Regardless of age or sex, they think it troublesome to relate with one another. Such people cannot have a spiritual awakening.

In God's providence of restoration, He does not need the Republic of Korea only; He needs all of humankind. He has a deep concern for all humankind. It is the most important goal in God's providence. We are gathered here in order to fulfill that goal. You should know that you should have the same concern for all humankind as God has.

True concern for all humankind should come out of our original minds. It should not be superficial. Then we can stand where the best connections and best relations are established. You should have sympathy with others who are in trouble and suffering as if you yourself were in trouble. If you love others ahead of anyone else, you will have a strong life force in you, with which you can overcome the most severe, wintry trial. A life force will grow in spring, and it will become the basis of life in the new world. (25-291)

The value of a person as a human being depends on how one relates with life and love, which integrate all sensations coming through one's five physical senses. Thus, it is important for us to establish human relationships and live a social life with love. If you are not in such a position, you are going backward; not even standing still. (32-19)

In the same way balls collide with each other on a billiard table, we meet people and engage in give and take action with them. In a soccer game, a ball is kicked, and it goes up and down, right and left, front and back. We have such human relationships centered on love.

What is religion? It is seeking God. Then what shall we do after finding God? We should go further into the depth of the love of God, shouldn't we? If not for the human fall, people could have reached that point and religion would not be necessary. Then what explanations are necessary for love? We can naturally realize parental love, conjugal love, and so on. We cannot be separated from love any more than we can be separated from air.

Do you have to go in a special direction to find air? You will find it anywhere. In the same way, you can experience love from your parents and from your loved ones wherever you are. (91-82)

2) The Fundamental Element in Human Relationships

We should decide how we should live our lives. We should associate with and serve the people, good or bad, young and old, without distinction of what we like or dislike.

You should think of what you have done to others before you judge them as good or bad. Water flows from higher to lower places. The air of high atmospheric pressure naturally comes down to the lower vacuum. Thus, when you stand in the lower position, others will come closer to you. That is the principle. (131-33)

You should be careful when you come in front of others and speak in front of them. You should consider their inner and outer situation. (42-300)

As a religious person, one should be united with God, and then one should be emotionally and horizontally related with all things and the world, centering on God's love. (82-275)

You should not relate with people with greedy ambition. (33-143)

3. We Are Sik-Goo (Family Members), Not Church Members

1) The Background of the Term Sik-Goo

For what purpose are we Unification Church members gathered here today? We call our members "Sik-Goo," don't we? What does Sik-Goo mean? It does not mean the one who eats meals. By Sik-Goo we mean those who have the connections of brothers and sisters; those who were born under the same parents' heart. We should have the relationship of brothers under the same parents. Then we inherit the life, habit, and tradition of the parents, and we have the life style that heaven likes. In this way family members come to be formed. (155-211)

What are requirements for family members? You have your position and situation establishing the relationship of above and below, front and back, right and left. Then you should bear your brother's tribulation as your own, your parents' tribulation as your own, your spouse's tribulation as your own. You should confront various difficulties, thinking, "Other's pain is mine."

If you accept the sorrow from your brother, his suffering will be dispersed. If you accept the sorrow from your parents, their suffering will be dispersed. We shall be closely related with each other, as brothers if we have the strong will to fight against the enemies who are obstructing our providential way. Then we shall be protected and guided by our brothers. It is the heavenly way.

Through the age of struggle on the individual level, the age of struggle on the family level, the age of struggle on the tribal and national levels, we have come to the age of preparation for the struggle on the global level.

Our life is not merely our life. All humankind and all the members of our family should harmonize with our life and march forward with us. Such a thing should happen. Then we are family members.

As family members, we live for our parents above and our brothers left and right. We live in order to build the kingdom of hope and goodness, a good nation and a good planet. In the presence of such solemn tasks, the storm of struggle will necessarily arise. Who will confront the storm? Our Unification Church members, namely our family members, will.

Today we who used to be strangers are gathered here hand in hand, young and old, men and women. We have the same blood lineage with the same God's heart. We have started, motivated by God, and therefore we should attain the divine result. (67-325)

2) Beings with Connections

The connections, with which you are united, centering on God, could not have been established in a few years. Behind such connections, there is a fallen, sad history and God's hope for humankind. You should not forget that you have gathered here with such connections and with the heart of longing for each other. (49-216)

What are the connections with which we were born? They are vertical connections. They have not been established based on ideologies; rather, they have been established based on God's heart and His ideal of creation. They are firmly connected with the original human nature. You have to understand the absoluteness of such connections. (49-206)

3) The Points Family Members Should Keep in Mind

You should not say the kind of things that would hurt family members or disturb their religious lives. (18-43)

You criticize or judge other family members from a distance, thinking that you cannot get along with them. You must not do those things. (19-138)

I cannot tolerate such a thing as someone criticizing and deliberately attacking other family members. Where should we begin to love? We should begin to love by loving each other. We have gathered here from north, south, east, and west under the same connections, and therefore we should love each other. Our Unification Church is proud of such connections behind its members. Without them, we have nothing to be proud of. (49-62)

There should not be struggles in the Unification Church. You have gathered here to love each other. You should seek to love rather than to be loved. From whom do you learn to love? It's from Father. When you met Father, you naturally felt like loving Father. You felt love that you could not help but give to others. You should give such love to your brothers and sisters.

Then God will give you back as much love as you gave to others many times over. It is because parents wish their children to love each other. If you love brothers and sisters in the same way you love God, the door to the Kingdom of Heaven will be opened. You should go together with brothers and sisters just as you want to go with Father.

In this respect, it is family members rather than God or Father who will guide you higher and more quickly to heaven. The one who has love greater than parental or conjugal love can lead people as the supreme subject of love.

You should make desperate efforts to train yourself to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are in the Abel position, you should subjugate and lead the Cain-side people. Otherwise, your Kingdom of Heaven is merely a kingdom inside a well. It is not the Kingdom of Heaven where you can freely associate with people vertically and horizontally.

It is a global age today. A white man, a black man, and a yellow man are three brothers. You may wonder whether you will be happy living together.

There is no conflict among the various races in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is not the place where only one race can enter; it is the place where people are allowed to enter depending on their achievement of love-how many people they loved.

It is stated in the Bible, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." (Matt 5: 9) You should keep company with the children of God. If you keep company with the children of Satan, you will feet fear and anxiety. You should think that your brothers are more valuable than you. If you live for the sake of your brothers, you will naturally go to the Kingdom of Heaven. You will be welcome everywhere and you will become a central figure.

The way to the Kingdom of Heaven is to realize brotherly and sisterly loves based on parental and conjugal love. The key to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to give and receive love for joy. You should keep it deeply in your mind that brothers and sisters are more valuable than you are. (66-125)

4. The Reason We Should Love All Humankind

1) The Reason We Should Love People

Arrogance and stubbornness are our enemies. They are natures of Satan. Instead, we should be modest and harmonious. There is love where there is harmony, and you should harmonize with everyone. If two persons are united, something greater that what they have will arise.

Jealousy is another satanic nature, but here you should keep in mind that you should not be arrogant and stubborn. (37-132)

The first commandment is, "Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." The second commandment is, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The first commandment says that you should love God, and the second one says that you should love your neighbor, meaning all humankind. It is God's will that all humankind should live in the world of love. Therefore, He will not accuse us if we love people more than God. (136-141)

Why do we have to love each other? It is because if we do not love, God's love cannot go around. The love between subject and object must be there before vertical love can appear. (34-240)

2) How Much Should We Love People?

What is a saint? Is he a person who eats well? If he a person who fights well? No, he is not. A saint should love all people as his parents, his brothers and sisters, and his children. Parents suffer when their children are sick. A saint will suffer to see humankind in trouble. It is the way of a saint to love all humankind and invest all he has into them, forgetting his pride. This way of a saint has been inherited as the standard of morals throughout history, beyond ages and national boundaries. It is the philanthropic spirit, the love for humankind. (186-74)

How much did you love people? Have you ever loved a person at the risk of your life? How much and how many people have you loved? Your heart of love will be formed depending on how much emphasis you put on loving others. (73-78)

You should walk the way of faith based on God's love if you want to inherit the eternal connections. Then you will bear fruit in the presence of humankind. Our association should be greater than any other association in loving people. Our association has been established by God's will rather than by human will. Therefore, it will bear fruit of love in the presence of the world.

In winter, leaves fall. When spring comes, trees turn green and we feel hope. Likewise, if you keep loving all humankind in whatever difficult situation you may be in, you will become a hope and a representative of heaven. When you love others you should not only love youths; you should love young and old and all human beings.

You should love and respect old people more than young people. Especially you should love and have sympathy for old people who cannot work and need care. But today's tendency is for young people to ignore old people. That should not be the case. (25-289)


Section 4. Human Relationships With Words and Things [Part 2]

5. Relationships With Words

1) The Importance of Words

Words are the most important thing in our daily life and life in general. We express our thinking with words, and the words we use convey emotion and mood to others. We give excitement or despair to other people. We have to know well what important works the words are doing. (91-73)

People use words to express themselves. It is the words that prove the personality of the person instead of what he or she does. The Chinese character which means "believe" is interesting, isn't it? It consists of two parts: one part means "person," the other part means "words." (66-242)

2) The Words with Love Inside

When we speak centering upon love, then no matter how badly we speak or whatever we speak, we inevitably prosper and develop, and the universe will rejoice. (91-91)

3) Words and Action

Thinking is important. All human activities and all human words start with thinking. So you have to have the right thinking, and when you speak, you speak from that thinking. You cannot intervene; you cannot put yourself in that tradition. Here exists the universe and God. You should speak representing the universe and representing humankind. (126-20)

You know in this world we often say, "that person is good with words." We know for a fact there are those who are good with words. But it is not good if the words alone are good. Those who are good not only at words but also at behavior or in their actions are those who pass the tests in life. We think that way. Whether it is better to have more words or more deeds is a very important issue in our life.

Centering upon this issue, it is decided whether a certain person is a good person or a bad person. The value of good and evil is determined. When we speak, what should we speak centering on? What should we center upon when we act? It is not good if words are only words and actions are only actions. We should stand in the position of the sons and daughters of God and speak and behave as God's sons and daughters. (91-73)

When you speak and act, you should do so in such a way that everything may belong to God, everything may be supplemented by heaven. When you talk to your friends and brothers and family members, you have to do so in such a way that you can move their hearts. (91-96)

4) The Harm Words Can Do

Those who have faith, those who are true, those who want to live truthfully should not make a mistake in speaking words. (45-247)

You may use words instantaneously, but if you make mistakes in using one word, that influence will last for one year. In other words, if you misuse one word for one second, you will be put in a situation where you will have to pay the price for one year. (43-1 11)

You should not use the words you don't have in your mind. Absolutely not. Heavenly law will accuse you. (91-97)

5) The Posture of Listening

When somebody speaks, then there is a triangular relationship established between the person who spoke, God, and myself. In this triangular relationship, there is necessarily a purpose between God, myself, and that person on three points. The question is whether those three points are in accord with the points of purpose for God, myself, and that person, respectively. Unless this is in accord, that relationship will get twisted and destroyed, no matter how hard you try. Unless that is in accordance with the will of God, the heavenly fortune will depart instantly.

You should develop a habit so that you can understand these things without prayer. You have to evaluate those things, centering upon your first impression.

In that case, if God is not pleased with what that person has said, there will necessarily occur some phenomena of discord. For example, you will feel angry with the person you see for the first time and some bad words will come out like thunder. You have to reach that state, but to reach there, you need to make preparations.

Therefore you must not stand in a position where you always criticize others. You have to examine what kind of impression you give to others in the first moment of meeting without saying a word. Also, when you listen to the first word of that person, you should notice how your heart moves.

You should examine those things. In other words, in the relationship between subject and object, you have to examine whether that relationship goes well by you. By adjusting the angle of that feeling, you should examine your position by drawing a line that God seeks, and see if you exist as a plus or as minus. If it is a plus, you should move in accordance with that point. (40-82)

The important thing is not the content of a person's words. The important point is the impression, the first feelings of the person who listens to those words. You should always think about this by yourself. Therefore, when somebody speaks to you, you should ask yourself what kind of feelings your mind and body have in listening to those words before you think about the content of those words. If you get accustomed to that kind of thinking, then no matter what may happen, you know whether it will be good or bad, plus or minus for you. (40-68)

You should realize that in the past Adam and Eve failed because they were not able to distinguish the words which they heard horizontally. So, you should become perfected persons who have perfect personalities and who can make distinctions.

... Archangel with the original nature given by nature and heaven, they would not have fallen. (3-162)

6. Relationships With Things

1) The Relationship Towards Things in Our Daily Life

How do we distinguish among the relationships we have in our daily lives? First, we have relationships towards things; second, we have relationships toward other human beings; third, we have relationships toward words. In other words, we use our relationships toward things and words in our relationships with other people. Words exist for indirect purposes, mainly for the third purpose.

Therefore, when we deal with things, we should not get caught in front of God or by the heavenly law. Also in our relationship toward people, we should not get caught or fail to pass in the relationship toward things, toward other people and in the words you use. Words necessarily lead to action. These are the relationships we have in our daily lives. (40-289)

All the things we deal with are material for education. They are the objects with which we can have a relationship, which can cause an indirect response, not a direct response, in the spiritual world. Those are God's creation since those created beings resemble God's nature. Indirectly, they have within themselves the sungsang elements Therefore, they have elements of goodness as their inner characteristics, with which we can establish a relationship. If there are people who develop their lives making connection through those characteristics, those people do not become obstacles; they don't become minus elements. (40-292)

2) The True Owner of All Things

All things want to say, "I belong to this person, and the first ancestor of that family loved me in this way. The second ancestor loved me more in addition to that, and the third ancestor added more and loved me." Do they want that or not? If you want to become true owner of these things, you should take care of all things on behalf of God and love them. You should not only love them; you should educate your descendants so that they may love them even more. The people who do that way become the true owners of all things.

Let's think about your value. Because you are a valuable existence, the things you have also come to have value as your objects. This is the Principle of Creation.

When a thing appears as an object in front of the subject, subject and object become one by giving and receiving mutually. Then the object is given value equivalent to that of the subject. That is the teaching of the Principle. Therefore, those people who don't take good care of things that belong to them cannot last.

You should love what you own. You have to think everything you own is precious, from even a sheet of paper to all the properties of your house. It goes without saying that you should also save them and not waste them.

No matter how small a thing may be if I pick it up, it comes to have values as my object. That way it is precious. Therefore, all the things that a famous person used are kept as the very precious antiques of the nation. No matter how old they become, they remain national property, part of the national treasure, right or wrong? Those things have value as the object of the central figures, which have a value equivalent to the whole nation. All people come to worship them.

The things, which are in accord with the traditional thought of the nation, will lead people in the aspect of emotions and feelings. The world was formed when those things gathered. Do you understand? The true owner is a representative of God. The true owner should be the true owner of true things and true material. (46-273)

As members of the Church, you are in the position of becoming the sons and daughters of the Parents. In order for you to be able to inherit the generation of the parents, you should love the things that belong to Father more than Father did. You should love them by putting your unique individual love into them; you should love them more than Father loves them. (46-272)

3) Basic Posture in Relationship to Things

In our relationship with things, how do we change those things into things that belong to heaven? In other words, what should I do to stand as subject as if God were subject toward those things? In the relationship with people as well, how should we relate to them together with God, not just as ourselves? In talking with people, how should we speak heavenly words? We should always accompany actions with words. That is the important content for us in our daily life. Our work life begins where we deal with things. Human relationships take place where we deal with other people. In other words, the relationship of morality expands, and in the relationship of dialogue, the issue of action takes place. Those are given conditions we are involved with in our life.

Therefore, we should not deviate from the Principle law of politeness or courtesy in our relationships with things. We should not deviate from the laws of courtesy in our human relationships either. The relationship with things occurs also in the relationship with the people. Of course, the relationship with things takes place centered upon people. You should know that you have those relationships with those positions.

As a man or woman of faith, how should you deal with things? You have to do that publicly by all means. If a thing has a value of ten, then you should not regard the thing as such; you should increase the value. In other words, when God is involved in the relationship with the things you love, the value of the things will come to have limitless value.

If you deal with things with such a heart, you will come to have a truly loving feeling for those things. In your life and in the world of heart, you can have such a sentiment. If you do your work with such a heart, then as a result of that, you will feel three-dimensional value rather than just seeing them yourself. The fact that in dealing with a thing you feel more value in that thing means you are now in the position where you can occupy a higher sense of spiritual value. You have to feel that yourself. Then you can be grateful in doing your work. No matter how hard the work may be, if you do those works feeling heavenly value in doing that work, you can increase the value by hundreds and thousands of times. No matter how difficult the work may be, that work will become an object of gratitude.

Therefore, when you deal with things, you should not deal with them without thinking or feeling. You have to think whether that thing becomes a plus or a minus for you; in other words, whether it brings good fortune or a bad fortune for you. Therefore, when you deal with a thing in the position of the value of ten, you have to think whether that thing will have the value of eleven or value of nine in the future. If it brings a minus, then you should avoid the position that will become minus for you. You must think and make effort as to how to set up the position that will bring you more plus.

In this way, if you seek, your mind already knows about anything. When you deal with a thing, you know instantly whether it is a plus or minus for you. In doing a work, when my mind and ambition, or subject and object, have a giving and receiving relationship and become one, three points are decided. Then the realm of the four-position foundation, which is in accord with God's Principle of Creation, or His original motive, expands. When a thing manifests its exact value in accord with the result of the relationship of subject and object, then the result of the purpose of God's creation is fulfilled. As an object of God, it will bring you a good result.

As you keep those results of goodness around you, you can have a higher and wider position in the process of your own re-creation. The more you stay in that position and the more you live that kind of life, then no matter what kind of things you may deal with, you will receive waves from them. You can come to deal with things seriously with a heart of mind like a tuning fork. Then you will have the feeling about whether it is good or bad and whether it will bring you plus or minus. So you should always examine things.

If you don't feel the waves, then disregard the evil mind by standing in a public position and make your heart round and smooth and deal with works or things. Then do the work through your first impressions or the first feelings you had with the absolute feeling that this will become a price without failure. Do the work with that kind of feeling instead of doing things in a senseless, meaningless way. You should do work from a truthful position with the same heart God had in making the creation. Then you will necessarily know whether something is good or bad.

Also, you have to examine in your life what percentage of your evaluations were true and correct. You should always be careful in knowing how many of a percent of your first evaluation proved to be true. If you get accustomed to that kind of attitude of life, then you will know that your accuracy will increase from 5 or 6 out of 10. Your accuracy will get higher. On the other hand, if you do something that makes you feel ... In this way, when you deal with the things surrounding you, you should do them not in a meaningless way, but always centering upon principles.

You know how important it is to enlighten and promote your own feeling within yourself. The same can be said about your life of work in relationship to things. As a member of a company in which you work, you should deal with the property of the company as a public thing. If you deal with them rudely or carelessly, you will become a minus for that company. If you think of those things as the property of the nation, the property of God, then you cannot even use a sheet of paper wastefully.

In dealing with things, you should not treat them without due respect. Instead, you should seek after the value with the heart of not wasting them, from the smallest things to the largest. You should search for things as the conditional objects for expanding your heartistic value or virtue. Also, you have to make effort to connect them with the feelings in your life. Then you will never forget, no matter how much you try that God is always with you in your life. The more you deal with those things, the more realistically you come to feel that God is with you. Those who live life in such a way cannot get tired or exhausted.

If you just work around without thinking, making a loss, you will get hurt and fall away. Therefore, in order to enlighten and develop this kind of attitude of faith, you should never deal with things carelessly, without due respect. You have to deal with them seriously. If you make mistakes, then the way of your faith will be caught, and you will not be able to pass. You will have established conditions to be caught along the way. (40-281)

4) Father's State of Mind in Loving All Things

Here in America there are so many material things that the people don't have feelings of loving all things. I felt that. You must know that you should deal with all things thinking that they are objects that should receive the love of God. Material things should receive the love of True Parents and True Children.

The cars you drive are similar to the clothes you wear. Just like your clothes, your cars are one with your physical body. What is uncomfortable in a place like New York is that there are only a few people who are driving clean cars. Most people drive dusty cars, which have crushed parts as a result of accidents. That is not good.

Women do their make-up in the morning; men shave and drive their cars. Likewise, their cars should also be cleaned. Your car should have the same standard of cleanliness as your body and clothes.

Therefore, from now on the members of the Unification Church should have the heart to cry if the car you drive has a crushed part. You should think that way. You should love them that way. Since you cannot love your car, you can't love your things so well.

The American people often get divorced. They don't love their own sons and daughters; they get divorced. Those problems are all linked.

Do you understand how grateful I was when I had only one apple? There was such an occasion. Twice a year, the first of January and the first of May, inmates were given fruit--only one apple. But we were not allowed to choose what we wanted. We had to receive what they gave, in order. Whether the apples were ripe or spoiled and shriveled from too much heat or whatever, we just had to receive what we were given. As soon as the inmates received the apples, they usually ate them instantly.

However, in my case, I made a rule to think how pretty the color of the apple was. I couldn't eat this beautiful color. Then I admired the taste. Then when I looked at it, I didn't feel like eating it. I had that kind of feeling. I tried to feel that way. However, we were not allowed to keep the apple and walk around with it in our hand. So I finally ate, but when I ate it, I prayed in front of God by saying to myself, "I am the first person in the world that has eaten an apple with such thinking." With that pride in my heart, I ate it. I thought of those things, even when I ate just an apple.

Do you Americans love your cars? Did you love them or are you going to love them from now on? If you love them, your cars will not break down or malfunction. If you love your cars and unite with them, then no matter how fast you drive, you can avoid an accident. If other cars are coming toward you, they will go away. That is the way. Believe in that way, because Satan cannot invade what is completed, united with the principled way. God protects them and prevents Satan from coming. That is the principle, isn't it? Just as you put on your clothes and look in the mirror to see your face before going out, so, when you drive a car, you look at the car and see if it has gasoline and enough water. Then you put it in gear and check if there is no problem, no matter that you start driving the car. After you've started, after 100 miles, use the brakes and make sure there is no malfunction, just like you put your clothes in good order. If you do that, then an accident will not happen. It is also good to examine the condition of the car by listening to the sound.

Today, you have decorated and cleaned this hall. While you were doing that, you must have thought that you should make this room clean. It is good to be good at doing those things, but when you clean the place and put things in order, you should do so thinking, "Oh! How wonderful it will be if I put them in order." You should think like that. Also, if you change your clothes, you should say, "Oh! I'm sorry."

You must know clearly that you cannot realize the idea of unity with God unless you have that kind of heartistic relationship with things, centering upon the Principle. If you come to know that, you will automatically have it. Even if you are not told to take good care of things, you become like that. It doesn't matter if others see you or not. That is how it is. (67-155)

7. The Method of a Mission

1) Our Basic Posture Toward Work

You must not deal with your daily work absently. Through those works, heaven draws you closer, centering upon practical life in heaven. For that reason, you have to make efforts for the purpose of discovering your subjective self who can digest those works and bring good results. In order to find that, you must become a body of resonance by always consulting Heavenly Father about the feelings you first had or your intuition. If you have the standard to relate to Heaven day or night with an open heart, then you can necessarily receive spiritual waves. (40-296)

When you do your work, it will be bad if you cannot have your mind and body united and deal with the work as one being. If your mind and body really get united, that will form the Four-Position Foundation. The same can be said about work. The Four-Position Foundation is the purpose. Unless my mind and body are united, and unless I am united with that work, the purpose of the Four-Position Foundation cannot be fulfilled. Then the work will be useful. Do you do the work just because someone is supervising you or watching you? Heaven and hell do not expand in space. They expand in accordance with the Principle of Creation, centering upon the purpose of the three objects, when your mind and body are united. (40-300)

That is how you should work. For example, when women sew they may do it for the sake of their husbands, or for the sake of those whom they love, or they may do it for the sake of people they don't like. Still, they must do their best and put all their sincerity into all those things. The same can be said of those who sew to make money. If they do the work only for the purpose of making money or only to make a profit, without much sincerity, then they will necessarily come to an end.

Instead, if they do the work as if they were doing it for themselves with all sincerity, as if they were making clothes for the ones they love then those who wear the clothes would say, "This is a good product." If there are some persons who have deep faith, then they can easily know if you did it with all your heart, if you paid all your heart and sincerity into that work. You must observe all things in that way. (40-285)

We must be grateful while we are engaged in a work. Also, while we are doing the work, we should feel the heart of God who is trying to develop our world of searching for the truth. The more we expand that kind of life, the greater it will naturally become. If you say, "Oh! I don't like it, in whatever you are doing, that is resentful. You have to discard the idea, "I cannot do this." (73-78)

Do you love your spouse? Mutually? Those people blessed as husband and wife, do you love each other? Those people who love their spouse, when they go to work, their working place is in the same position as their second life. They are like the external clothes of women.

Therefore, when you go to work, you must have the feeling, "Oh! I want to go to my work place as soon as possible." Then, as you get to your work place early, you should say, "Oh! I want to go home quickly, as soon as I finish this work." You must be like that. When you return home, you should feel like going back to your work again, and then, when you arrive at your work place, you should feel like going home. Go back and forth in this way. Those people who do that will never perish. They are destined to prosper without fail. Wait and see if this proves to be true.

Father has been going back and forth, to and from the factory in Sootack-Li with that kind of heart. We are destined to prosper. It will naturally happen that way. You must feel like going to your work place even at night, and if you are going to your work place, you must feel like going home.

Those of you who are present here may have gone to the SootackLi factory, but Father has visited the factory three times a day.

People say, "Oh, I don't understand Father. He came here yesterday. He came here just one hour ago, and he has come again. For what purpose?" If you build up a heart like Father's, that is the Principle. (67-157)

2) Father's Posture toward Work

Father does not get tired whatever work he does. What about you? Do you get tired after one year? After how long do you get tired? Do you get tired in 10 years or 20 years? After how many years do you get tired? You never get tired? Truly? I cannot believe you. You complain.

You must regard it as interesting. You should think, "Since I was born for this purpose, this is my destiny. I cannot live without digesting this." You should think this is interesting work. All we have to do is to find fun and happiness and joy in the work. You have to find those things.

Father started this work even before you were born. You are around 30 years of age. I have been doing many works. I think I have many more works to do even now than in those days. Therefore, I am not the kind of person who likes to be proud. I think of how to invest myself in the fight for tomorrow. I am busy in going and doing this way. Do you find me tired? I am not tired yet. The more places I go, the more stimulation I feel. The more power I receive, the more wonderful I become. I want to feel those things. So, I am far from being tired. Therefore, you will be successful if you try. You will be successful even if you don't want to succeed. God will have sympathy with those He loves more. He says, "That person may die in a short while, so I have to make that person successful." Before God makes that person successful, if the person dies and goes to the spiritual world, God will feel bad, won't He? Parents are like that. Parents want to do what their children want and fulfill their needs. Otherwise, the parents will feel unhappy.

God is your Father; you are His son. Yet you do terrible things, which make you die. If children do things at the risk of their lives, saying, "I do this for the sake of my father and mother," without knowing that he or she may die, the parents will feel like saving that person with all their power, won't they? Parents want to go ahead of their children and to take all the responsibility, don't they? It is not good for children to do things for their own sake. But if they do it for the sake of the parents, then parents cannot sleep at night and want work to help their children because their children are doing those things for the sake of God, for the sake of Parents. Parents are weak in love, especially in their love for their children. You should know that parents can become strong in their heart of love in front of their children.

In my case, I start doing a thing, forgetting to eat, and forgetting to sleep I get intoxicated in doing the work. I do the work, forgetting day or night. God also thinks that in case I die, He will come to help me. God Himself has made this calculation. He cannot but offer help. (66-318)


Section 5. The Practices of an Exemplary Life [Part 1]

1. The Model Of Life: You Have To Be Exemplary In Life

1) The Main Meal

When I recently observed you cooking, you made a lot of things and discarded much. It is not good. You must only make as much food as you need. If two persons are to eat, then you should make food for two persons and eat all that you made without leaving anything behind. You should make that kind of preparation neatly. In other words, there are many of you who waste food. Also, you are always eating. You should eat food at meal times. You must not eat at other times. You may drink water. We should be like that. We should save things by all means in order to help our neighbors and help foreign countries. That is important.

2) Side Dishes

Next, about side dishes. What is your main dish and what are your side dishes? Desert may be a side dish. Fruits are side dishes. Do not waste them in the refrigerator and open the refrigerator and eat. That is no good. You should eat when you have to eat, at the right time. You have to discard your habit of eating other than at mealtime. That way of living it not good for the health. It is bad for the health.

Also, I don't want the members of the Unification Church to eat apples or other things while walking on the street. Even animals don't eat while walking. They eat their food at one place and then go to another place. Where are the animals that eat food while walking? Human beings are the lords of all creation. Do eagles eat while flying? Do other birds eat while flying? But when I came to American society, Western society, I saw many people eating in public. This is not the case in the Oriental world. That is not good. You should eat when you have to eat, but not until mealtime, even if you are hungry. This kind of training is also good for the health. This way of living, these eating habits, are the secrets of longevity.

You should eat in the morning and then, when you feet hungry, you eat lunch. In the evening, you should eat dinner. But, in your case, you are eating 24 hours a day. When you eat, does it seem delicious, making you feel good? That is not a good custom, and it is not good for the health, either. I have to teach even this kind of thing do you understand? I don't eat even if I am served side dishes or fruits. I dare not eat them. Even if those things are brought to me, I have a look, but I don't eat. I am doing that. The bananas become dark, so they cannot help but take them away. But when I see that, I think of the fundraising members, and I think of the Africans who are starving to death. "How can I eat those things?" I think that way. That kind of life is necessary.

You should eat meals at the right time. When your stomach is full, you feel like not eating any more. In that case, even if fruits are brought, you should not eat. You should eat them at the next meal. When you feel thirsty, drink water. Here people always drink ginseng tea. You should drink water. But if you drink a lot of water, you want to go to the bathroom, and then you waste water. How much of a loss for the nation is it? The more water you drink, the more often you have to go to the bathroom, and you flush away a lot of water many times a day. This is a great loss for the nation. It is a terrible thing. I am sorry to say this, but I make it a rule not to flush, even if I urinate, as much as possible. I mean I flush only after I urinate two or three times. I think that way. When I think of the people in Africa and many poor people, Americans must save as much as possible. If each and every American saves one dollar a day, it makes 240 million dollars. It's a huge amount. Do you understand what I mean? One day Mother complained to me, "Why don't you flush after you urinate?" But I flush water after I urinate twice. That does not make the bathroom bad or make the toilet dirty.

If you do these things daily, how much water you can save! Think about it. It is an enormous amount of water. You should think in that way. If you don't flush after urination, don't feel bad about it. You should think more constructively. You should think it's all right even if you urinate in the morning and flush only in the afternoon. It's O.K. Instead, you can keep the toilet clean by cleaning more than once in several days. If Americans do that, how many resources can they save? Rather than the poor people, the people from the rich countries in the world should be encouraged to do this kind of thing.

I don't support the idea of taking a bath every day. It is not good for the health, either. I make it a rule to take a bath once every three days. I take a bath only when I cannot help it, when I have been shedding a lot of sweat. How much water do we consume by taking a bath every day? Is it good? It's not good. It is bad for the health. You may say, "Oh! Father is a barbarian." But it is O.K. You may say so. In the Garden of Eden, God, Adam, and Eve were all barbarians. Did they have a bathroom in those days like we have today? Did they have paper? They had nothing. Therefore, you should feel grateful for all those things, and you have to be like that in everything you do. You have to save this world by doing so. This kind of thinking is good. By thinking in this way, you can become the kind of people who can always think about the world. Centered upon daily life, you should know that it is absolutely necessary to have this kind of ideological thinking. Do you understand? Am I wrong? Is what I say acceptable or not? If you don't like it, you can quit.

You must be exemplary in everything; you should be a good model in everything. If you eat good food and have a luxurious life, you should save things. You should only consume those things that you absolutely need. That kind of life is a good example.

On Sundays, I dress well publicly because I cannot help doing that. But other times I spend time without a tie as much as possible, and I try to use simple things like sweaters. Think about how much neckties cost in Western society. If you include necktie pins, how much does it cost in all?

There are those who think about the world and spend all their life with no tie, and there are those who live their lives with ties without thinking about the world. When those people die and go to spiritual world, which one will go closer to God? It is obvious, you understand? So, that kind of life is necessary.

Right now, I wear these old shoes which have been put in storage. Even if I say so, is there anyone that says that Reverend Moon is a bad person? If the Unification Church members say, "Oh! Father, you are wrong," the Unification Church of those people will decline and perish. How about you? Do you think that what I am saying is good or bad? It is a precious thing to live thinking about the world.

Therefore, when you eat meals, you should eat enough at meal times. Of course, I am not giving an order to you every time. When you have to eat, by all means, eat. I don't say it is a sin to eat. It's O.K. that you eat. But it's good for the health to maintain that kind of habit. If you get accustomed to that way of living, you feel comfortable as well.

When you fast, you realize how slowly time passes. Why? Because it means that you spend a lot of time having three meals a day. If you are constantly opening the refrigerator door and eating an apple, or drinking a Coke, how much do you consume spiritually? It is necessary to get accustomed to eating only at meal times. If you do so, you will not get sick. Your life will become healthier. If a man has that habit of eating often, the woman should guide him and pull him so that man also lives in a healthy way. In case a woman has a bad habit, the man should guide her so that both have a healthy standard of living.

3) Beverages

Next, we will talk about beverages. The United States has the most beverages in the world. You must make a decision in advance about how many bottles of beverage you drink a day. From now on, when you drink a beverage, those who have heard Father's words should think, "Drink after you think about the world at least once." Father likes water best; I know the taste of the water. Water is very good. You should save as much money as possible when it comes to these things.

In my own home, there are problems. If beverages are left, then, without knowing, somebody takes them away. It happens in the morning, and that is no good. If you have nothing to do, then you just drink all the time and then you go to the bathroom all the time to urinate.

For what purpose? Why are you like that? This is a problem you have to think about. What do you think of this? Is it a problem you don't have to think about? You have always to think that you are wasting money. It is necessary for you to think about that.

Those who live thinking about the world, the coming generations, and the future will be remembered absolutely by the nation and by the world and by Heaven. They will never be forgotten. You should know that.

From that point of view, I gave instructions that you should think about these things. You should know that I am giving the right instructions. If water is not good for you, then you can choose one or two beverages instead of water and drink those.

4) Improvement of the Environment

You must improve the environment in which you live inside and outside of the house. These days I heard someone say that when they went across the East Garden K House near the bridge and entered the house, they saw people living like pigs. How come? I think I have to go and take a look at it.

You have to put everything in order. Even your clothes must be hung in a principled way. You should put men's clothes on the right side and women's clothes on the left side. Do you understand? When you hang your clothes, you should put men's clothes above and women's below. That is the principled way. You need training in everything. You are hearing these things for the first time, aren't you? You have to do things this way. Unificationists are different. If you put men's clothes below the women's clothes drawer, it is in violation of the Principle.

When you take off your clothes, you should take off your trousers first and then put your jacket above the trousers. You should not put your jacket on first. You have to be trained in everything. You should know how to put the environment in order through such principled ways of living. Men's shoes should be put on the right side; women's shoes on the left. Even if you live in a small house with only two rooms, you should put men's shoes above and women's below.

You must know that everything must be put in order according to the Principle. Do you understand? When you women put on clothes, in what order do you put them on? Do you put on the jacket first or do you put on the panties first? It is a principle for woman to put on clothes from a lower part. If they put on clothes from above is it or is it not the principle? Yes, you have to know all those things and put your living style in order. You must know that the Principle is also a philosophy of life.

I look at the meal tables of America, of Western society, from this point of view. From that point of view, they are not in accordance with the Principle. You have to think of all those things, centering on the standard of the Principle. You should always think, centering upon the idea of subject and object, so that you can adapt the style of living in accordance with the order of the universe.

Suppose there are two different kinds of things. Which do you put on the right side? When there are two things, you should put the subject matter or more expensive things on the right side and cheaper things or smaller things on the left side. That is the Principle. You should be trained in that way.

Likewise, you should put larger things in the center and smaller things in the surrounding area as objects. All should be balanced on such a standard. Even in the case of the fine arts, everything is in that way. When it comes to trees, the central part should be made higher or larger, and other things must be balanced. Everything is in that way.

You should have that kind of thinking, which can be applied to the laws of nature.

When you women put on your clothes, you put clothes with thick color above the clothes with thin color. Don't you wear red color clothes above? That is the reason of the nature for everything.

How about legs? You have to think of your legs in a correlative relationship. When you wear things with a lighter color, then you should put on something with a darker color so that everything is harmonized. Art develops this way.

5) The Issue of Residence

A. Electricity

We will speak about the issue of electricity. You often sleep at night with the light on. You should not do that. If you become unable to sleep without a light, you should not sleep. That is an unhealthy habit. Those who sleep in the day-time are unhealthy too. You must be good at the management of electricity. When I go out, I took at the situation of the lights. When they are on, I put them out. You also should have that kind of habit. Even if you have come downstairs, if you think the light is on, you should go up and put out the light and come down again. You need to do that kind of thing. Especially if you go out, you need to do that absolutely, don't you? If all the 204 million American people live like that, how much are they wasting?

B. Water

American people leave tap water on while they are washing their faces. Also, they leave the water on while they are using their toothbrush, washing their face and hands. But you are wasting water.

When you shave, you should use water and stop it. You should have that kind of habit. How about you? The question is how much waste you are causing. You must think how much of a wasteful life you are living.

Recently, I trained myself on purpose not to use water for flushing even when I use the toilet. In Africa do they have water for flushing? Do they have washing water? If Americans don't use wash water for one year and help the people in Africa, how great it would be! Even if Americans don't use washing water, God doesn't mind. What do you think? Even if your hands smell bad, still you should be like that. Do the members of the Unification Church go to bathroom ten times a day? If you go there once every two hours, it means you go to the bathroom twelve times a day. How much water do you use? If Americans stop using water for one day, 240 million buckets of water would be saved. 240 million buckets of water. How much money does it cost? Suppose one bucket of water costs 50 cents or even 10 cents; how much in all? 24 million dollars per day. How about for 100 days? Two billion dollars. In one year, six billion dollars could be saved and used for the sake of the world. If you give that kind of money to the world, think about this enormous saving. (117-149)

C. Telephone

What is next? The telephone. When you receive a telephone call, you talk all day: one hour, two hours at a time. When I went to Belvedere, the monthly telephone expenses were about $4,800 dollars. So I scolded them, saying, "Who made the telephone calls? This must be improved." Then the expenses went down to $1,800 dollars. There was such a waste. You should not make useless telephone calls.

What do you think? Every day husband and wife talk on the telephone, saying, "I love you, I love you," in the morning, and they call again in the evening. It is not necessary. It is enough to say, "I love you" once in every month. It is better if you change to better ways by doing so rather than saying it every morning and evening. There is no meaning to saying, "I love you, I love you" every time. It is better to say, "I love you" seriously, even with tears, once a month. What kinds of things are necessary? Do you need false love in which you say "I love you, " while eating, or do you need true love? Even If you don't make a phone call, it's O.K. if you say I love you a hundred times a day. You should not waste money by making telephone calls to say, "I love you."

D. Furniture

Look at this furniture. If only you maintain this well, then it will remain beautiful even after several years. But if you don't take good care of it, it will become bad within a year. The same thing can be said about a desk. If you use a desk violently, it will be broken.

You have to think all those things as precious. If they are precious, you should love them. You should know those things. When it comes to furniture, if you take good care of it, it will remain pretty even after one year. Don't you think so? You have to think in that way. You have to love furniture.

Does the furniture feel good when it gets hurt and has lost its original state? Do you also think it is a good thing to get old? Do you think it is good to have wrinkles, getting old? Don't you mind that? I make it a rule to use furniture without moving it often once it has been placed. I keep it in the same place. I hate to move it because it is balanced.

Women don't think of these things. They sometimes lift them up or break them. Women don't appreciate them as works of art. They don't think that way. They think furniture is like toys. They regard those things not as art works but as toys. What kinds of things are precious? You need to have that kind of thinking. That is necessary for you.

E. Equipment

Pictures and all things are just like accessories. All toys are the same. When we observe women, everything they wear from the head to the bottom is fictitious. A necklace is also fictitious. All of the accessories are fictitious. Pictures are fictitious. But they are also necessary. In the case of animals, there are strong ones and weak ones. Usually stronger ones stay in a higher place and the weaker ones stay in lower places. Think in that way and you should know that you should adapt to that kind of structure. Expensive things are not necessary. Look at your own things and see what type they are. What types are you going to make? Looking at those things, you have to adapt yourself. You must manage those things well.

E. Beautification

You must think about beautification. When you take your seat, you should think all things should be harmonized. You should think, "This is an artistic room," and you also should think, "I live in that room." That kind of thinking is necessary.

6) Clothes

How to wear clothes is a problem. Is it good to wear beautiful clothes or not? Is it good to wear fashionable or unfashionable clothing? No button should be missing from a man's jacket. Also, the buttons should not be put on in a distorted way. It is not good that some people have four buttons and others only have three. That is absolutely not good.

In that case, even if you cut down one button, all of them should have three buttons. Women should know that. When husbands wear clothes, you must know that you have to administer them. Recently, here in America, people wear jeans. They should wear them like this.

Who does such a thing? It is for the commercial people to sell things and make profits. They make them large or small or long, short or wide or narrow. You should know that. It is a fashion.

You have to know that it is those business people who do those things. That's why those business people deceive you. You live, being deceived by fashion. We Unificationists don't like fashion. We go on the central road. The people in the secular world go up or go down, but we go straight. So, on the average, we don't lose.

We do a little bit of those things. When others take good care of their hair, we do a little bit. That is important. Fashions come back in approximately three years. After a couple of years the same fashion returns. Therefore, those who do no work and who just play waste their time. But in our case, when can we do that? When I buy clothes, I do it during the sales season as much as possible. In America, even if you don't have money, you can live. Rich people also can live. So, in order for the people who don't have much money to live a wonderful life, make use of sales.

In other words, if you buy on sale, you can always wear fashionable clothes. Do you understand? Prepare clothes for one year. When it comes to summer, the spring clothes are on sale. Even though the season is over, after a year you can always wear the spring clothes. You can always wear fashionable clothes. In that way, you can save money. Even if you buy clothes for two years, you can do that with the money equivalent to buying clothes for one season. This is how it is.

With the money equivalent to buying clothes for one year, ordinary people can buy clothes for two years.

The other day I went shopping with Mother and bought clothes on sale. I bought Italian-made clothes for $70. They usually cost $650. When I wear it, it doesn't look like a cheap thing. Do you understand? If you have clothes for two years, then you can wear the necessary clothes, no matter what the season may be, and with the same amount of money for one year. You can buy and prepare clothes for two years and still have extra money.

Father knows very well other stores in this New York area, which sell furniture, clothes, and other things. I buy things cheaply or in an inexpensive way. I know where I can buy those things in an inexpensive way. Therefore, people may say, "Reverend Moon buys all cheap things," but the fact is that I buy these things with less money.

One day I bought a coat for Mother. The price is usually $400 to $500. But because of the sale, I bought it only for $70 dollars. It has a very good collar, so since the collar was so good, I bought it for Mother. Although, it didn't look good at the beginning, gradually it came to look better. You should choose things like that. You should choose what you will not hate during the four seasons. The more you wear them, the better they become. Once I wear them, I always wear them and when I go out I feel very comfortable.

Take such a thing as a necktie. You should choose things you can wear throughout the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. You should do that. It is necessary.

I am the kind of person who values clothes. My transportation is a Lincoln limousine, and yet I look for a McDonald's hamburger shop. Why? Because there are young people around the world who are working very hard at the risk of their lives for my sake. I should not be indebted. If you have debts, you decline and perish. If you borrow something, you decline. If you have debts, then there is no reason that the leader should be involved in the debts. If people have debts, the leaders who have sovereignty of the nation should not be involved. Since I know these things, I'm making desperate efforts not to have debts.

Therefore, our members who are imprisoned because of their underground activities in communist satellite countries maintain their positions at the risk of their lives. They are determined to die. How can I who know these things be wasteful? I would rather not eat at restaurants. I'm that kind of person.

Now, when you wear clothes, they are in a relative position. The American style of wearing clothes is like this. That is O.K. Then how about the Oriental style and Korean style? In the Korean style, we wear from above like this. But, what is the difference? There is such a difference between the Western style and the Korean style.

Now, you have never seen men put on clothes like this. Americans put on clothes by putting them down. What is the difference? Well, it doesn't matter how it is done, but when you put on clothes and use your fingers like this, how do your put on your trousers? When you put on trousers, you should put your right leg in first. It is better to make a relative relationship. When you put clothes on the upper side, you may put on clothes as you like. Since they are relative, you may put on clothes in whatever method you like. This is a principled way of living.

When people walk, their hands move in a relative relationship. First, if you move your hand like this, then you move your leg like this. So, no matter how busy you may be, you move your legs. You should move them in order.

For you who are supposed to go witnessing is it possible to change your stockings every day? It is necessary to take off your clothes quickly and put them in order. If the stocking for the right foot is used for the left, it doesn't feel good. So, put them in order; then it is easy to wear. When you wear your stockings, put your right stocking on the right leg. Then it feels good. Make it a custom. When you wake up in the morning, pick up the right stocking and put it on your right leg. Make it a habit.

When you go out, you should start from your right leg and when you come home, you should come with your left leg. From now on, you should make a rule for everything in accordance with the Principle.

Rules. Norms. We have to look at everything like this. All things are in pairs and in harmony. We should think like this. Don't you think so? These birds exist in pairs. All things must fit each other. When you put on your clothes, you should get accustomed to putting them on according to the laws of courtesy and Principle. I am not forcing you to do that. You must become round and able to deal with all things from a principled point of view.

7) The Shape of Clothes

Let's talk about the shapes of clothes in Western society. There are clothes for work, clothes to wear when one is a guest, and clothes for playing. If you do not adapt to that society, you will be regarded as a failure. Therefore, you have to put the shape of your clothes in order. These women who have their arms exposed should think. If a woman with thin arms exposes them, it's not good to look at. In that case you should only expose them to this extent. Otherwise, you don't look good when seen from behind. You should think of this. Those who are fat should wear clothes that make their arms look longer. Those who are fat should cover certain parts. The shape is essential. If you are fat and ugly, this isn't good. The shape is necessary. Those who are fat should wear thick, strong-colored clothes. If they wear light-colored clothes, they took fatter. Those people who are fat in the belly have problems walking. You should think of how to cover your stomach. Even if your tummy is big, the upper part should be bigger than the lower part. So, wear thick colored clothes.

Also, fat people should never make their heads look big. Their heads should look small and they must wear small shoes. If they make their head and feet look big, fat people look like bears. But, if even one part is small, people will sympathize and say, "Oh, still, your feet are small." Fat people should not wear big necklaces. They should wear small, thin ones. Earrings should also be small. Big earrings are not good. You should think of those things, even though I haven't complained about those things.

8) Decency

We must be decent in wearing clothes. When you button up, you should stop here. Men are the same. Men usually have three buttons. If you don't button them tight, you are a failure. If you close two and keep one button open, people will think you wear it for decency. But, if you open all these buttons, you are a failure and lose all decency and order.

Also, with regard to shirts, if you keep three parts open, it is a failure. When women sit down with pretty clothes, they should sit down after putting their clothes in order. You need to maintain decency.

Decency is important.

9) Harmony of Colors

Harmony of colors is necessary. Particularly, women need to harmonize the colors well. For women, harmony is necessary.

10) Neckties

This morning I am wearing this necktie, but usually I don't wear neckties. I hate neckties. Why? It is because I know the reality that many people are dying. I am the leader of the Unification Church. I can't do these things. You should understand these things. It is substantial. We have to accumulate cent by cent for 1,000 years, so that our descendants can inherit our ways as tradition and proudly hold up their ancestor's name. You should know that. If you do so, you will become a flower in the garden of hope. How much does a necktie cost here? You should use the money for the sake of the world.

When I go to the countries in South America and Africa, I can't go just as I am. I must make preparations. Then I can be more persuasive.

For a man, there are various ways of wearing a necktie. To keep the tie from moving around and being in disarray, I use a tiepin.

Mr. Pak's pin is too high. It should be lowered and be kept between this line and this line. But if it is lowered too much, how would it look? It will look natural if placed in a one-third position. It shouldn't be too short. A tie should look decent.

When men work, they should work neatly. In my case, this part is higher than this. This comes from a habit I formed during the time in prison. I used to lift my right hand like this, which is now my habit. I need to keep this in mind. When a man goes out somewhere, you must keep your clothes neat. The translator should be like this. He shouldn't wear it like this. He should know his shortcomings. You should know your shortcomings.

What man does is similar to making movements representing the universe. When you go out to visit your wife, it is O.K. to go out in whatever fashions you like. But when you visit your parents or someone older, you should be prepared and wear you clothes neatly and decently.

11) Shoes

Next, both men and women need shoes. Shoes are necessary. So, the question is what kind of shoes fit you well. You should choose your shoes according to your clothes. Usually we take off our shoes before entering a room. In the Orient, you take off your shoes. People are evaluated by their shoes. In other words, they are evaluated by how large their foot is. Since a person's physical body is this big, their foot is bigger than others. If your feet are bigger than average, that person is regarded as a thief.

By looking at the back side of the shoes and seeing how the shoes are worn, one can know what kind of person he is and the way he or she walks and what kind of personality and character he or she has. It is possible to know these things by looking at the way of walking and how the shoes are worn. Through the shoes, it is possible to know whether the person received an education. Both shoes must wear out equally in the same way.

Oriental people can find out by looking at the shoes how the person used and walked with the shoes. In the Orient people are very interested in the foot. When they get married, they look at the hands, feet, and face. In the Western world, the breast can be seen easily. But, in Korea it is hidden, like the hip. People are evaluated by looking at the hands and feet, and other outside parts of the body.

Next, the person is evaluated by the expression of the face, the way a person smiles.

That is why in China they had their feet made small. The aristocrats or nobles had small feet, and people were considered to be noble if they had small feet. I also have small feet and hands, although my body is big. Though my hands are small, they are thick. By looking at these things, you can evaluate that person.

For women these types are ideal, and for men, these types are ideal.

In the Orient, women had to be able to give birth to children. You can tell whether a woman can bear a child by looking at these things.

When we think of these things, you should wear your shoes neatly.

Also, when Western women wear high heels, we think they want to walk nicely. So, women should walk neatly when they walk. If they absent-mindedly walk like this, it is terrible. You may think those women who wear high heels cannot make love with men other than with their husbands, but I think otherwise. You have to wear shoes neatly and decently and love the shoes.

12) Putting Things in Order and Tidying Them

You must put everything in order so you can find it easily. In Jin is really great at putting things in order. She keeps her bed so neat that she doesn't want to sleep on it and sleeps in somebody else's bed. When I see that, I think good women should be like that. You should also think like that. You must respect the beauty of what you have made. One day I saw her sleeping in her sister's bed. Father was like that in the past. I would put everything in good order. So, if someone touches my desk, I can tell, even after a month.

Now that I live with Mother, I changed that custom a little bit, but anyway that habit of keeping tidy is important. Women should keep their rooms in good order.

Women must be educated in all these things. You, leaders! Some ask why Japan receives so many blessings. But that is because Japan keeps the environment clean and orderly. Evil spirits make us do evil things, and good spirits tell us to keep the environment clean and holy. Therefore, Japan could develop quickly because the good spirits came and helped. That is my understanding.


Section 5. The Practices of an Exemplary Life [Part 2]

2. Tidying of the Physical Body and Decent Behavior

1) The Head

Men as well as women must keep their hair cut well. You should have your hair cut neatly, and you should know on which side to part your hair. In Western society as well as Oriental society, men part their hair. In Western society, men part their hair on the left side. It is good to part your hair on the left so that the right half of the hair is bigger than the left half. Women should think about their hair as well.

2) The Face

You can't change the face you have right now, but you can change the expression on your face. You have to adjust all these things as a custom. If your teeth are not in good order or if some of your teeth are pointed inwards, then when you pronounce ku, you should not laugh.

You must know this. In the case of women their teeth would look like a viper's teeth. Women with bad teeth should not laugh.

It would be terrible to be bitten by such teeth. Poison is very strong. If a woman has such teeth, she would look very poisonous. Therefore, you must understand this and try not to laugh with your mouth open.

Those of you whose teeth are pointed outward are likely to be talkative. Their lips are always open, and they talk a lot. You should train yourself not to talk. That is important. You must control your physical body and be good at that.

When it comes to laughing, some people laugh like this. They laugh with their mouth shut. Some laugh by closing their mouth first, then opening it. There are various ways of laughing. Try to see how you look when you laugh. Everybody has a different style. Study how to laugh in a decent way. Women should not laugh aloud. Women are like flowers. When flowers bloom, they do so without making any noise. They bloom quietly. Those women are beautiful. Those women who are noisy when they laugh are not beautiful. Men may laugh aloud, but women should not. They would look ugly. Even Western women should not laugh aloud. If you train yourself in that way, you can easily know what kind of person they are; whether they are educated or not. Mother is that kind of person. Father complained a lot about small things she did. If Mother were a Western woman, she would have acted against me by saying, "What are you saying? Even if you are a man, you have no right to say such things!" If Mother had said that, she would not have become a representative symbol of the Orient. So, you see, Father is an interesting person.

3) Fingernails and Toenails

After I came to Western society, what I most fear is going in front of women. I feel much danger just looking at their nails. Look at my finger, nails and toenails. They are always short. That is necessary. I usually cut my fingernails and toenails. It is my hobby to cut my nails. Those women who keep their fingernails long are those who do not work. Am I correct? How do they type with those nails? So, when I see women with long nails, I regard them as street women. They ask for money with their long hair. Why is it necessary for a working woman to keep long fingernails? How long does it take to grow such long fingernails? Those are not necessary. If you have resentment about not growing your nails long, then you can try once or twice, but I do not want such things. Even if my beloved wife has long nails, how can she catch things with such long fingernails? Do you understand what I mean? Therefore, it is important to cut your nails. Also, those women who wear stockings should not have long toenails. If they do, they will feel pain. They will also feel pain when they wear high heels.

4) Walking Posture

As I said earlier, you should walk neatly. That is important. Your posture, when you walk, must be balanced. You should always think whether your posture is good or not. You must also make sure to walk safely. Also, when you're standing, you must be balanced.

For women it is not good to have their waist bent. It is the same with men. Also, when you sleep on a bed, your chest should not be like this. The posture must be correct from top to bottom. You should practice sitting correctly. Women should sit with their hips tucked in neatly. You should get accustomed to it very quickly. If you don't, your backbone will be bent. The posture of your walk is important.

5) Sitting Posture

When a woman goes somewhere and sits in Western society, she sits on a chair, but in the Orient they do not lean their back on anything. It is because women have big hips. They feel comfortable when they are seated naturally. Men hate small, sturdy hips. Therefore, when women sit leaning on their backs, they have trouble with their babies. When women are pregnant, they should not sit leaning on their back.

6) Words in the Orient

There is a saying that when a woman's voice goes beyond the wall, that house will perish. Men's voices are usually loud and go over walls. But women should keep their voices low and talk quietly. That is a natural way. If a woman's voice goes beyond the wall, it is against the Principle. Such a house will perish. By listening to the voice of a woman, one can know how that person will live: whether she will live happily or miserably or be loved. Those things are known. Therefore, a woman's voice is very important. You didn't know such things.

7) Sleeping

Here in Western society, how do you sleep? Do you sleep on your back or your chest? When you sleep, you need to think of these things. You need to sleep a sound sleep. Sleep must be peaceful.

The man with a big physical body can snore, but women must not snore. It would be troublesome. Women should sleep quietly.

If the neck is tucked in, the snoring sound is louder. Therefore, you should keep your pillow like this. When a woman goes into the bed where her husband is sleeping, she should not just enter. She must enter on his side. And, if the husband is sleeping, she must enter quietly.

8) Health

Health is the most important thing. Even if you are sick with a cold, you need to have healthy feelings. It's important not to be noticed with wrong feelings by other people. You should display healthy feelings. Expression is necessary. Do you understand? Even if you have a cold, you must always keep a healthy expression. If women have that kind of expression, men feel comforted. When the husband looks worried, the wife should comfort him. Women need healthy expressions.

3. Church Life

1) Life of Prayer

A life of prayer is necessary. You need a life of prayer. Our life of faith is not a part-time thing. It is our main job.

2) Assemblies

It is absolutely necessary to participate in gathering or meetings because it is necessary to maintain balance. It is absolutely necessary to maintain. Therefore, you must participate in meetings by all means.

3) Learning

You must always learn spiritually. You need knowledge and education. You must not be ignorant. Those who live a life of faith should always examine themselves as to how much spiritual and physical knowledge they have. Of course, spiritual knowledge must take precedence. If you live a life of faith, you may often receive revelations through dreams and in other ways. You must know this. You have to learn how they are related to you and how those dreams affect you. You should examine them. The dreams differ, depending on person.

4) Witnessing

You should always witness. Those who don't give birth to children and raise them cannot become wholesome persons. By witnessing, your personality will become rounded and wholesome. Also, you can receive help from the spirit world. By serving others, you will know their character 100 percent.

By raising 10 or 15 spiritual children, you can understand any kind of person. Just by looking at them, you can understand and evaluate them perfectly. That is why Jesus chose 12 unique disciples.

If you witness and restore more than 12 persons, you may understand them vaguely, and by raising them you may understand them more. That is why witnessing is absolutely necessary.

5) Service

You should live for the sake of others. You should live by loving and serving others.

6) The Way of Indemnity

You should walk the path of indemnity. For example, you should pray for a certain period of time and set up your own path of indemnity and walk it. Sometimes you should offer a special prayer. If you do not, you cannot understand. But, if you do so, what will happen? By doing so, men and women of faith can overcome difficulties and are already indemnified and protected. Therefore, when you live in a community life, you should bear the portion of responsibility of other people. You should know how important it is to live that way.

7) Reconciliation

Next, you must always make peace and reconciliation. In the church, even if there is something you don't like, still you must be responsible for those things. If there are difficulties in church life or between members, you should take responsibility and get reconciled. As the Bible says, those who make peace become children of God. Satan is the opposite.

8) Experience

Experience is important. Spiritual and mystical experiences are necessary. You should have such experiences as, when you pray, you see Father in visions and in dreams. Such phenomena should occur many times. They should not be short but long. You should experience phenomena in which you go to spiritual world and paradise. These experiences are necessary.

In order to experience such things, your thoughts must always be vertical. If you think vertically, you know immediately what is not right when you do something. You must make such distinctions. Do you understand? Those experiences are necessary.

9) Spirit world and Reality

What happens in the spirit world is manifested in the real world.

You must always experience those things in your life and in society. If your life of faith is deepened, you can feel more widely the things around you. Therefore, sometimes when God enters into a state of sorrow, without knowing, you will naturally feel the sorrow in your real life. Therefore, I say reality is a resonating being.

4. Socialism

We have to live a life in relationship with society.

1) Time

We live in the realm of time. We must have a thorough concept of time. We must be punctual for work or school. We must be thorough with time.

2) Respect and Communication

You must be able to respect and communicate with those people you meet. You should be good at communication. You need that kind of conception. It is not good to think, "I must be respected by other people." Among people, the one who respects the other person first will move the other person.

3) Diplomacy and Development

Diplomacy and development are necessary to be successful in life. In order to do so, you need to keep in mind the important holidays and birthdays. Those who work in a company should be able to develop the diplomatic field. Diplomacy is the ability to make oneself adaptable to other people. In order to do that, you need a good vocabulary and correct expressions.

4) Occupation and Posture

For those engaged in work, there are several responsibilities. You must not have bad attitudes. Your occupation is your second self. To have an occupation is to make your second self. You must know that everything is affected by your attitude: whether it is good or bad and how much you produce and achieve in one day. Therefore, you absolutely need a good attitude.

When you are engaged in an occupation, you must think that, if you have a bad attitude, it is impolite to your work and that you are making a debt. You should think that your occupation is holy, because it is your second life, expressing the extension of yourself.

5) The Relationship between Master and Subordinate

In any age or society, there is a master-subordinate relationship. The question is who will influence the relationship. In the relationship between the company president and workers, if the company president gives good influence to the workers, he will be a good company president. If the workers give good influence to the company president, they will be good workers. You must make the relationship between master and subordinate very round, wholesome, and harmonious. There is no need to complain.

6) The Work Place and I

If you are working for a company, you have common interests with the company. There are some people who are indebted to the company. You should not become such people. If you bring harm to the company, you will be fired. Therefore, you must think of connecting your workplace to the nation. You must also think of the national interest.

7) Talking and Behavior

You should be decent in all things, in talking and in your behavior.

You must be exemplary. Why? By doing so, you can adapt to your environment.

I'm conveying these contents because we have to live through these processes and think of our lives and church life as precious. From now on, they will be different from the past. The time has changed. The time has come to put everything in order.

By learning what I have instructed and taught you, you must make effort in order to achieve results. In the past, we consumed many things while achieving indemnity, but from now on, we will enter the age when your achievements can become your profit. From the past until now, Satan often destroyed, but from now on, your ownership will expand. You must think of these things and make every effort with all your heart and sincerity.

From now on, even those who were not interested in the Unification Church members will be interested in you. You will become the center of attention.

Therefore, you must become a model in everything, equipped with these heartistic contents. By doing so, you will receive true pride in front of God. I give you such instructions in order for you to become like that. (131-285)

Chapter 3 - Desirable Youth

Section 1. Sung Hwa Youth [Part 1]

1. What Is Youth?

Your grandparents are about 60 to 80 years old. Those between ages 40 and 60 are middle-aged people. Those between ages 20 and 40 are the "youth." (96-238)

Which period is the most important period for people? It is not during adolescence. The most important period is when we pass through the period of youth to middle age. In other words, the most important period is between the ages of 20 to 40. From the age of 20 until they reach 30, people form the foundation to start functioning as human beings. During this period, people have to lay a firm foundation for their retirement. They also need to lay a foundation in their environment so that they can go forward with a clear goal. Those who are unable to form this foundation can only become insignificant or ordinary people when they go on to age 40. (22-314)

Is God busy now? Then why is God busy now? It is because human beings cannot live on this earth for such a long time. We cannot live on this earth forever. You people will soon pass the period of your 30s and go on to your 40s.

When we look at the entire life of a person, when is the period that he or she can best display their ability? It is between the ages of 20 to 40 or 50. During these 20 to 30 years is the period of growth. After the age of 40, you will start declining from that standard. Those of you who have gone over the age of 40, look at your physical body and think for a while. Kwang Ryol Yu, you are 43, right? (Yes) Don't you feel different from before? (I feel tired) Tired, uh! A long time ago, no matter how tired I was, I was able to recover after sleeping a few hours. But as I grew older it took time for me to recover from fatigue. Even those who worked 10 hours a day a long time ago will experience a decrease in the number of daily working hours, year by year. You will feel that your working hours are decreasing by one hour every 3 years. If you think like that, after 30 years, your working hours will shrink by 10 hours. If your working hours shrink by one hour every 3 years, then they will decrease by 3 hours after 10 years and 10 hours after 30 years. Therefore, if you worked 10 hours when you were young, after 20 years, you will not be able to work.

By the time you reach 70, you will be unable to work any longer. At that age, you will only be able to take care of things. In other words, you won't be able to do pioneering jobs or something new and constructive. From this point of view, when you think how much you can work for the providence, you should know that you will feel sorry forever. (33-185)

When spring comes and we look at the whole of nature and see flowers blooming and new leaves coming out, we come to think that spring always comes after we pass winter. We also know that after spring, summer will come. Therefore, we know that spring days are the preparation for summer. The four seasons make us think this way, but we can also see the same thing in human beings. When we look at young people, we experience something like a spring feeling from them. We know that a young person will go on to middle age after his youth. We also know that a person will complete his or her life by going on to old age. When we took at our life from one age period, we learn that we go on to the next age period after a certain period. (66-85)

2. The Way of Sung Hwa Youth

1) The Way Sung Hwa Youth Should Go

At night, I always waited eagerly for morning to come, and when morning came, I didn't want evening to come. When evening came, I didn't want night to come. I pioneered today's Unification Church without rejecting the way of pioneers, forerunners, and pilgrims.

You must know that those times were full of hardships and adventures. A wall of sorrow interrupted my way again and again, but I jumped over that wall each time. Even numerous sorrowful circumstances could not interrupt my path. They have now become the source and heavenly power of our life.

Therefore, the more we were opposed, the more we emerged with our eyes set on the world. The Korean people have not realized it yet, but in the future, they will be welcomed by the entire world. Today, the 30 million people who are members of the Korean race are unaware of this, but the time for which we are eagerly waiting will come both in name and in reality. Therefore, we should march on to the world, keeping pace together. We should devote ourselves to fighting and building a free heavenly stage where no one can interrupt wherever we go. Even if we collapse, we must think that it is man's meaningful life to collapse beautifully. You must know that is the way the young Unificationist must go. (2-165)

Where must the young people head toward from now on? What kind of people should people in our society be? We must go forward as true human beings. You must become a person who can say, "I will easily go the way 30 million Koreans could not go." This kind of person will make the day we have hoped for become a reality. Therefore, by becoming a person who can completely go beyond the national standard, we must create a heavenly village with a heavenly environment. If we can form a foundation based on conditions of fulfilling God's will victoriously, then all the nations in the world will come to recognize this. (25-90)

Our way is the way we must go. Therefore, it cannot be avoided. I straightened out and shortened the way for you so that you can find your way to the Father with less effort and pain. Reverend Moon is leading this way as a leader, so you just have to follow him from behind. (20-323)

No matter how young you are, if you are living for today, you are useless. The day will come when you will collapse like a fallen leaf.

You will never be able to become the trunk of a tree. However, a person who lives for the future will become the trunk and the root. Those who live for today can only become a leaf. Do you understand what I mean? You must know that if you live for the future, you can become the branch, the trunk and the root, but if you live for today, you can only become a leaf. Which will you choose? Will you become the branch or will you become the root? (The root!) In order to become the root, what should you do? That way is the way of hope. What should you do to become the root? When you evaluate a person, you must evaluate him based on what kind of a person he will be in the future, not what he is right now. What kind of thinking does that person have right now? That is what is important. (117-327)

2) Reverend Moon's Experience During Youth

To straighten out the world is not such an easy job. I am training you. I am especially training the young ones because they themselves desire it. The training ground is not a nice place. That place is a difficult place, a place where you shed sweat. It is blood-covered ground. In order to fulfill the worldwide mission, no matter what kind of determination you make, there may always be numerous and more difficult situations on your way. You must not retreat at that time. You must go towards that and break through any kind of difficult situation by going in all directions -- north, south, east, west, up, down, front and back.

Reverend Moon has done everything. I even became a beggar. I even did what beggars do. I was even a champion of digging tunnels in mines. If I go to the mountains, there is no grass, which I do not know. I know which grass we can eat. I know everything. When you are chased by someone and are hiding in the mountains, you cannot die from hunger. You must eat and stay alive. By staying alive you can always go on with the hope to fulfill the will. If you die, nothing can be accomplished. Isn't that so? There is no exercise I have not done.

Therefore, I'm telling you: don't waste your youth. The period of youth will never come twice. It is very valuable. Are you to live that period of youth as a single person or as a representative of 10 or even 100 people's youth? If you are going to live as a representative of one, 100, or 1,000 people, you must have a hidden motivation; the spirit and courage to do what even 100 young people cannot do. Do you understand what I mean? If I had not valued the importance of training and had not prepared in that time, Reverend Moon would also have been like a fallen autumn leaf in the history that has already passed away. I would have just been blown away without even becoming a handful of fertilizer.

There is nothing young people cannot do. You just have to do it. It will never be done if you don't do it. Is anything impossible for a human being? You just have to do it. Any kind of job. If you don't do it, it will never get done.

The adolescent period is very beautiful. Reverend Moon was a smelly man during his school years. It was not because I used perfume! It was the smell of sweat and rotting. My hair was drooping down. At school, I didn't have anything to say. Without being able to accomplish my job, what was there to say? I didn't have any time. I lived like that. (187-137)

3) Become the Base of a Building

If you are going to build a house, no matter what other people say, you need lumber and then you need to build a foundation. Reverend Moon is now like lumber, so I now need to form a foundation. In order to form a foundation, where must we work? We have to work from under the ground. If you are to build a tall building, you should first dig up the ground very deeply and firmly to do the groundwork. You cannot build a house if you think, "Let's just build the house on a broad sand bank without having to go though hard work!" You must do the groundwork. We have not been able to finish the groundwork yet. Don't think we have finished. We are still working to build the base.

What is necessary if you want to build the base with concrete? You need to prepare gravel and sand first. If you have a truckload of cement, you will need a hundred times more gravel and sand. Then where can you find gravel and sand? You should go to the riverside. No one lives on the riverside. Stones can be found in the mountains. You will not find them in the grassy plain. Sands and gravel are sadly abandoned things. Then, what you will need next is water. Who is the person who can become the sand and the gravel of the Unification Church? That's what we should do. Do you feel sad? You might feel bad, saying, "According to what Reverend Moon said, we are the ones that should become the sand and gravel!" There is no help for it, even if you feel bad. What can we do? This is the basic rule.

What I'm saying is that I will hand over the sand and gravel and all the other things to you. Do you agree? Don't you? (We agree) Then, if we pour water and cement onto the sand and gravel, what will happen? It will become a large clod. If you do this job night and day, forgetting your parents and your children, your children will become one lump with you. Based on this, we are to grow bigger. If that grows bigger, the stone lump will grow bigger, the sand lump will grow bigger, and the cement lump will also grow bigger. If that lump becomes bigger than 30 million people, then it will become a problem that disturbs the entire world.

Therefore, you must become the cement, the gravel, sand and water. Your blood, sweat and tears will be the water; your body will be the sand, and your bones will be the gravel. Therefore, you must harden your basic foundation. The foundation that has been hardened like that will be a foundation upon which you can be very creative. Therefore, even if the history of the period of youth flows away, it will not collapse.

Even if the history of ten thousand years flows past, it will not collapse. Furthermore, no matter what kind of organization tries to make it collapse, even if they try for a thousand or ten thousand years, they will never be able to make it collapse. (28-219)

If a tree tries to grow big, it is not enough to just have broad ground under it. In order for a tree to grow big, it needs a deep root. If a tree thrusts deep roots, then that tree will grow big. (18-141)

How many young men and women in the Unification Church are the partners of God? How many young men and women have the right timing, the right results, the right heart and a right way of thinking? (63248)

4) Work Hard Before Reaching Age Thirty

Reverend Moon had to establish a standard of heavenly rule and the philosophy that all Unification Church members must go through hard work until they reach 30 years of age. That is why Reverend Moon is making you work hard. Do you understand? (Yes) Why do I make you work hard until the age of 30? Harmony occurs based on the number 3. It starts from the number 3. Harmony does not occur from two. You can only form a straight line with two points. If you connect two points you will form a straight line, right? The shortest way is the straight line, but when you have 3 points, harmony occurs from there. Harmony occurs from 3 points.

Therefore, should we work hard until the age of 30, or should we not? (We should) That's right. The age of 60 is our 60th birthday. We return to the beginning when we become 61. If you have walked the dark road of life until the age of 30, then the other side of 60 will be the final stage with the sunlight shining over you. This is the way we view history. The Oriental historical view is right. Isn't that so? Just work hard until the age of 30. You will not have any regrets about life, even if you work hard during your entire life, not just to 60, but until you die, like Reverend Moon. (187-72)

Then, when we look at our entire life, shall we say, "Let's play during our adolescence. We can work hard when we get older." What do you think? (No) Why do you say no? Which route shall we take? To work during our youth until our backs are bent is our way to happiness. Is that your conclusion? (Yes) You are to go on carrying a heavy load. If that person doesn't go on, it's even good to hit him to make him go on, Is it better to say, "Oh, you are so weak. You should rest. Other kids in the neighborhood are all playing. You should go and play also. You young people should play like that"? (We prefer being sent out) If that kind of logic is true, then it is the same as any organization, any kind of organization. Should we wake up the young ones in the organization early in the morning and make them work hard until their bones melt, or should we make them peacefully dance and sing like a grasshopper? (We should make them work) Then where is the best organization in the world? That place will just make you work hard until your bones melt while you are still young. It will make you keep working. Are you saying that the organization that can do this is the best in the world? Then what kind of organization are our church members in? The organization that has the most number of young people is the Unification Church. The Unification Church makes young people work the hardest, but we think, "We are working hard to death now but happy times will come in the future." This is a beautiful organization. Is this an unfortunate organization? (It is a beautiful organization) (105-178)

Throughout your entire life you will be followed by financial problems. That is Satan. These problems always follow you, but you have to pull them out. Instead of doing this, you are always being pulled by financial problems. I will kick out the financial problem and live anywhere, even on the islands. I will live even if you all die. I know which mushrooms can be eaten and which cannot; I know which are medicinal plants and which are poisonous. Furthermore, if I have a wire and a string I can make a fishing rod and catch fish any time. I can live and survive anywhere. I have the wisdom to be independent all the time. It is Reverend Moon's philosophy that the members of the Unification Church must officially go through this training until the age of 30. For seven years, you must have financial training and training in love. This is why we value witnessing and fundraising while we go through the restoration course.

When we look at it historically, fundraising is the method of going through the Old Testament age. You must understand this. During the Old Testament age, they gave things as an offering when they performed a sacrificial rite. In order for us to go the way of restoration through indemnity, we have to offer things and bring victory. After passing through that, you are then able to go on to the New Testament age and witness.

You must be persecuted by people and be trained. When I meet a person for the first time I can tell: "Oh, this person is like this and like that," and it is usually correct. How can I do that? As I received persecution from many people, I studied them very carefully. That is necessary. You must be able to answer "Yes," when you are asked, "Can you Unification Church members handle people diplomatically in your life?" After this is the spiritual world. You should have the ability to defend yourself against all tests and attacks from the spiritual world. (117-24, 96-115)

Usually, the life of a young person is a drastically changing one.

When people are in their adolescence, they like things that are stimulating and ever-changing. It is O.K. to like those kinds of things. It is O.K. if you have the ability to absorb and digest that ever-changing environment, but if you don't and if you merely enjoy it, finally you will live a life that is unrelated to your true self.

The period of adolescence is the period full of adventure and danger. Because the adolescent period is full of adventures and dangers, the way I am teaching you is necessary for you to go through. You must accumulate experiences through learning from what other people have done or from the way your ancestors went. Also, if you do not know the future path, which you are to take from now on, as training for you to overcome, you need this time of youth as a period to create your internal personality. Therefore, you must know that during your youth, even if your life drastically changes or even if there are so many things you must face, you will definitely need training to regulate and beautifully overcome everything.

5) Train Yourself in Many Fields Before the Age of Thirty

Those who like the training which is easy and dislike the training which is difficult will not be able to attain the personality that will further your development. Then, what kind of mind do you need to have? You need to pay attention to the matters and problems that confront you. When you are being trained, you need to pay attention to all the tests you face. You should become a person who not only faces one problem, but pays attention to all directions. (67-86)

We must train young people in every direction. We must make them know how to go west, east, south, and north. If a person is trained this way, then people will pay attention, saying, "Oh, that person is different from me. That person says these kinds of things." During adolescence or youth, in other words before reaching the age of 30, we look for the fastest way or the best way in order to be successful and settle down. However, we can say that the way we are going now is the fastest way. If you want to go west, the road heading towards the west may not always necessarily be the fastest way to succeed and settle down. A faster way could be found towards the east, south, or even north. Therefore, you need to know things in all directions.

When we are trying to go up, it is not always bad to go down while being persecuted by your surroundings. You must think that you will find your place of settlement, the place most necessary for you during your life, the fastest route is the road going down.

Therefore, from now on until you reach 30, you must try everything and learn. For example, you might want to become a forerunner or an historical leader. You must never think that you cannot do it, and you must not wait until you are past the age of 30. Then you will be too late. From the age of 30, it is the stage of practice. That is, the 15 years from the age of 30 to 45 Reverend Moon also planned like that. During the 15 years until age 45, you should challenge yourself on the stage of practice. Make a challenge until the age of 45 and build the history of the Unification Church within those 15 years.

Therefore, we must go around the world at the age of 45. We must fight to greet the period of maturity in the world before reaching 60.

Everything is taking place according to that kind of program. This is why I am trying to make the members of the Unification Church work hard until the age of 30. I know through my experience. If you don't do this, you will not become a person who is even needed by your area.

You will merely be a person in your neighborhood. You will not become a person who can be in charge of or lead a nation.

If you have the world in mind, you must be trained in all directions before 30. You should think, "Oh, this is fun; oh, this is fun too. I can relate to it." Those who think, "Oh, I can't do it, so it has nothing to do with me," will perish on the way. On your way, if you cannot find the road on which you want to settle, you will abandon everything at that place.

However, when you find that the way you are going is not right, if you are trained in all four directions, you can choose to go in the other direction or you can just simply turn around. If you are experienced, you can find your way. Therefore, when we look at a person who is experienced and another one who is not, even if they are the same age and have the same ability, the person who can become the leader or the central figure depends upon who is more experienced. This is theoretical. (144-293)

When you have two bars of hardened iron and want to know which is harder, you will know by hitting them. You will be able to find out which is harder. If you do so, a loud noise will occur. The two bars of iron are being tested. The harder one will win. However, in one sense, hard things break easily. Therefore, it is no use just becoming hard. We usually think that hardened things are strong. Of course, hard things are strong, but you should also know that hardness includes being durable. It should have power to resist.

You must become that kind of steel. Don't you all wish to become that kind of person? (Yes, we do) Yes. You should. Our Unification Church group should be strong and durable. The springs of a car are just the same. In other words, they must also have the power to thrust.

You know the Japanese sword is well known worldwide. There is a famous sword called Masamune. In order to make this sword, it is not just heated in the fire once and pounded. When the sword is heated at a high temperature, residue often arises. That residue is removed again and again by pounding. The sword is heated and pounded, heated and pounded over and over again, once in high heat and then again in a higher heat. This work is not done without thought. The process includes the heart and spirit of devotion. The sword is pounded very early in the morning, with devotion. The person making the sword puts all his heart and spirit into his work, thinking, "This sword will cut any enemy into pieces any day." The day you use this sword with the same kind of thinking, everything will be cut into pieces. Do you think so too? (Yes) I'm sure you have seen people doing Tae-kwon-do or karate put a piece of wood on a piece of paper and hit it. When the wood is hit, the wood breaks, but the paper is all right. The person who has mastered the skill will make the paper remain even when it is struck. It takes time before the paper rips. You must strike before the paper rips.

Therefore, you must finish hitting before the power strikes the paper. This is logical and theoretical. I'm sure there is no one who does not want to become this kind of person. If so, you should spend a long time training hard.

When we look at a world wrestling or boxing champion, by finding out the amount of time he spends training, we can know how long that person will still go on and how much more power he will attain in the future. When you do karate, you cannot do it like this and hit just here. You should hold your hand horizontally and hit. You should think that when a person is hit by a single strength, that person also receives that single strength. That's why it becomes strong.

When you play a piano, the strength of this finger and this finger hitting the keyboard is different. Therefore, the basics are comprised of how to learn to play the keyboard with the same strength. You need to practice a lot in order to do that. You must take into account the places that should be strong and the places that should be weak, and all that must work scientifically and automatically. You cannot become a famous pianist unless you clearly grasp how you have trained and practiced.

When you talk, you don't have any standard of speaking. Do you have the concept, "I will speak based on this standard. This speech has a beginning here?" You are just listening and speaking and so on.

That kind of a person can only become a person on a horizontal plane. (67-213)

3. Sung Hwa Students

1) Sung Hwa Is a Big Name

Today, the young people have not realized this. Those who always sacrifice become central figures. The person who sacrifices the most is the filial son in a family. A patriot becomes the central figure of a nation because he or she sacrifices more. A sage who sacrifices more than others also becomes the central figure of the sages. This is the heavenly rule. Therefore, I gave the name "Sung Hwa" with a determination to produce people who can make harmony with everything by seriously following the way of the heavenly law. Do you now understand what sung hwa youth is! It is youth who can harmonize with heaven, humankind, and all things. New sprouts of hope will appear wherever this kind of youth goes. That is the place where God's hope will build a nest. That is the place where God's power of love increases. Please know this amazing fact. (113-326)

If we put the Chinese character dae hak seng (university student) next to the Chinese character sung hwa, then we need to use the Chinese character dae (big) for dae hak, right? Why do we use the Chinese character dae meaning big for dae of Dae? You must think that this is because it is the center of blessing for heaven and earth. You people, the students of CARP, are the subjective persons who must carry out the reformation.

Therefore, as university students, you are to restore the universities.

Universities cannot be left as they are now. They cannot be blessed as they are. Will everything be done if we just do it? Blessing should also be given at the right time.

What then is hak (learning)? It means knowledge, right? We learn to do what? Recently, university students have become very straightforward. When the female students are asked why they come to school, they will say, "Because I want to marry a good person," or "Because I want to be the wife of the oldest son of a cabinet minister." That is not right. Those people must all perish. For whom do we study? It doesn't matter for whom. We are studying after all for ourselves. It was for yourself that you became first in the class and it was for yourself that you married. Yet, when you are not in a good mood you say to your husband, "Why are men always like this?" Your eyes are slanted and you always want to win over your husband. If your husband says one word, your lips tremble and you scorn him saying, "Is there anything I don't know? Do men know everything? I was born as a female and my strength is weak, but I can do everything just as well as men." That's not good. If you do that, you are only hurting yourself.

You must know that you are studying in order to meet a true man and to become a true mother. In order to become a mother, you have to study for the nation. You must serve your husband as a true husband and you must become a true wife who serves a true husband. If you are unable to become that kind of person, you cannot serve a true husband and you cannot have a true son. Women must become true wives, and as a housewife of a family, you must live together with your husband till your old age. If you are studying to have a good marriage, then those who graduated from university must live together with their husbands till old age, right? But are there many that live a long time with their husbands or are there many that divorce? We can tell without even doing any research. Illiterate people live together longer. From this point of view, sung hwa has a big meaning. (25-109)

2) The Standard Sung Hwa Students Must Maintain

The reason the university campus is perishing now is because it is falling just like Adam and Eve fell in their teens, during their adolescence. Now it is like the harvest time of those days, like the season of autumn. Therefore, the fall is going on all around the world today. Reverend Moon is trying to restore all of that. I am trying to guide them according to heavenly law. Do you understand? (Yes) Therefore, men must not readily hold young women's hands. (25-202)

As the young kid on the university campus, don't just go to college and be pushed around or become refuse that is difficult to get rid of.

Even by just sitting still, you must become a group that cannot be ignored by the environment. (25-169)

There once was a time when it was announced on the radio that young people had to go home before 10 o'clock, right? If you are a university student, you must be the central person who will take responsibility in the future and lead the nation. In order to do that, there must be a standard. You can go backwards and forward centered on that. If you free yourself centering on the principle, are you on the good side or the evil side? You studied this during the indemnity course, right? This is a bag of evil. Satan comes here. Reverend Moon thinks Satan is called Sa-tan (Satan in Korean) because it is sa (to buy) and tan (to ride). These kinds of realistic words are necessary. Then who buys it? You people are going to be bought. You are those who are bought. How can you raise your heads and come here standing tall? (25-270)

For the sung hwa students, the place to go after graduation has already been set, so don't think of other things. You must not recklessly use your eyes, nose, hands, body and mind. You will stand in the vanguard holding a beacon for the salvation of the nation. From there, a new history begins. (25-207)

Among the intellectuals, the young male and female university students should become one and stand at the forefront of the nation. If so, this nation will be restored instantly. Those of you who are university students should also receive the Blessing in the future. According to the view of the principle, the direction you should go has become clear. You must go this way in the place of your elder brother or younger brother from a long time ago.

Do you understand? You should dissolve Jesus' han (sorrowful resentment) deep in his heart which he experienced during his adolescence from his people and his nation. You should stand and go forward by overcoming Jesus' lonely and miserable situation when he was persecuted and kicked out, all alone. By doing so, you can settle and be triumphant in the boxing ring with Satan. This is the law of accomplishing indemnity and resolving han.

If you oppose this way, you will perish. Those of you who are receiving that opposition will not perish. If you just believe me and go forward, you will never be forced out. Just overcome for three years. (25-214)

3) After Graduation, the Way of the Will Is More Important than Finding a Job

Everyone, let's think of the existence of "I". Let's think about ourselves for a while. "I" was born on this earth, but where did this existence "I" come from? There must be many reasons for it. Let's sit down and think for a while. Where did this existence "I" come from? How have I, now in my 20s or youth, lived from the past until now? I went to kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, and university, but where am I headed from here? When I look from this point, right at this moment, there is a course, which tells from where and to where we are to go. This course is a course we have to go by any means. (156-256)

What is the general goal of people of today? University graduates will try to get a position in a company or a bank that gives a good salary. That is their final goal. After forming that foundation, they then think they just have to meet a beautiful woman and have children. What can you become if you live like that? They don't have any concern for humankind or for any of those kinds of things. (25-263)

What will you do, after graduating from university? Will you become a salaried man, receiving so much money? That's a very trivial thing that doesn't even amount to blowing your nose. Do you want to become the slave of money? Raise your hand if you want to become a salary man? Those who don't want to become a salary man, raise your hands. What is this? If you say no to this and no to that, then what are you going to do? If you are not going to become a salary man, what are you going to do? If you don't want to become a salary man, shouldn't you become a boss? You must become the boss. (25-167)

When I took closely at the youth of today they say, "Job, job, such and such dollars, salary, jobs. A job is more important than anything else." I can't even relate to them. You cannot be included in the group of humanity if you say you cannot go the Way of the Will because of a job opportunity. How can you be included? Well, everyone, think for a while. Do you think you can be included in the group of humanity or not? (No) Do you feel good or bad? There is no use even if you feel bad. You might say, "Oh, this feels bad," but you must feel bad. (62-205)

You are all young people. Now almost all the young people, especially the university students are thinking, centering on themselves, how to succeed in their own country and how to realize a happy life.

However, the young people in the Unification Church must not be like that. More than your own happiness, you must think for the sake of the people and the world based on the moral ethic of a higher dimension. You must have a broader view of happiness from that higher dimension, and you must also be able to practice it. I'm sure you know from the Principle that you must have the consciousness to carry out a central mission. (25-79)


Section 1. Sung Hwa Youth [Part 2]

4. Our Attitude Toward Knowledge and the Pursuit of Learning

1) Life and Knowledge

When we think of the value of knowledge and the value of life, can these be equal? Would you risk your life in order to become an academic doctor? Would you exchange your life for a doctorate degree? Then, if you compare a person living in the countryside who knows the value of life and a doctor who does not, who has more value? (The person who knows the value of life.) Therefore, life and knowledge cannot be compared. (41-176)

What did the sages come in touch with? They did not come in touch with knowledge. A person is called a sage if, centering on a more valuable and meaningful life, he practices and longs for life's transcendental value, greater than the nation, greater than the world; the universal value. That person is called a sage if he dies longing to establish an ideal nation even under a life and death situation.

Therefore, Socrates cannot be included in the group of sages.

What changes current trends of thinking? Philosophy does. However, philosophy has nothing to do with life. You all must know that.

Philosophy cannot stand as the very origin that influences life.

Philosophy can be the source of knowledge that stands in the objective position to life. However, it cannot determine the context of life.

Therefore, we can conclude that life cannot be saved by philosophy.

Sages are not philosophers. What was the basis for the lives of the sages? They did not have any life strategies. Of course, they did teach knowledge. They taught one aspect of the way of life, but based upon what? Did they teach some kind of a strategy to occupy the world? What they taught was different. They were all different.

The more knowledge you acquire, the more it makes you want to possess. Today's Western philosophy is very possessive. The more you learn, the more possessive you will become. The more you learn, it will try to expand its territory to the world going beyond yourself. Centering on what? Centering on the world or you? Philosophy says it follows the way that is for the sake of the world. But centering on what? Philosophy is always centering on you, on yourself. Philosophy says you are the center. Philosophy cannot solve the problems of our life in a fundamental way. Therefore, philosophy can be included in the objective value, but it cannot be the fundamental determining factor.

Since the sages knew this, what did they pursue? Even if they pursued knowledge, they did not pursue it just horizontally. What was always at the center of the sages' principles? It was not the self. Do you understand? What was philosophy centered on? It was centered on a person who asserted the hak (learning). That was the problem. Sages also assert, but they do not assert centered on a person. That was the difference.

With philosophy, the person who asserts the idea always becomes the problem. Say, for example, Marxism. The person who asserts Marxism plays the leading role. It has developed worldwide in order to unite all the people under that territory of thought. Who is at the center? Humankind. Today's philosophical trend is working to unite the environment centering on humankind. (40-330)

Human life is more valuable than anything else. However, if we do not live as the objects of the power that moves and gives impact to our lives, we will not be able to settle down peacefully in this world, which is also the object of that power. Therefore, humans try to relate to the absolute life being who is larger than their lives.

This is a natural outcome. The will is not ours, and we are not responsible for it. This is why people confer nouns such as the Absolute Being or God on the one who carries out the providence according to the will.

You all know that the more knowledge a person living in this historical final age has the greater burdens he will have. Anyone knows that burdens will control that person's life and will not allow him to pioneer the blessed land in which he can settle peacefully. What is required the most at this time is a place of settlement for life that comes from the Absolute Being. We are all in need of that. We must all know that everyone, transcending race and culture, East and west, are in need of this. Here we can recognize that what we are longing for is to relate to the Absolute Being. The more a person is knowledgeable and has gone through moral mental training, and the more sensitively aware he is, the more he knows that he cannot pioneer the place of settlement within just the area of his major. (9-306)

You people say out loud, "I go to this university," or "I went to that university and got a doctor's degree and became this..." But you couldn't even eat, couldn't even go out to play, always with a towel around your head. Are you saying that you got a doctor's degree by studying overnight, not even being able to rest? We say you are a great person if you received the Nobel Prize, but if you look at yourself closely, there are lots of things that are miserable. It's the same. It's the same. It doesn't matter if you received the Nobel Prize. That's only a small area of study. You have only dug a small tunnel within this broad world, and because you know about that area, you are just sitting inside that enclosure. When you took at the entire world, you are just an extremely small being. You boast that you know something, but you know very well that you are only an extremely small being.

When we think of that, does knowledge or the fact that we know something bring happiness to human beings? Does it bring a sense of ease? No, it doesn't. You will find that the more you study, the more you realize how little you know.

Just try going to a good school and becoming a famous professor. You will always have a pen in your hand, writing something and being asked to be responsible for something. Think about living your entire life like that. Eating ink... even if you boast, you are merely boasting about your major. What influence can you have on the world? You will know nothing about what's happening in the world. There will not be room in you to think about changing the world. God's will or not, there will be no room in you to think about it.

You don't know anything more than a person who does not know because you are sunk deep inside. Even if you have knowledge, you merely finish your life as a bookworm. You did not acquire confidence in yourself When a person says a word that is related to your major, you are just picking it up and collecting it and doing comparative research again. If you are like this, then you are in a bad fix. You don't own yourself. Even if you become a famous professor, what is that? It's such a waste to put all your life and everything you have there. (98-84)

When we say, "Oh, that person is good," are we saying that based on his or her knowledge? That person has to have a good heart. In order to be called a good person, that person has to have an innately good framework of life and original nature. Whether that person is knowledgeable of not, he or she has to have a good heart. (39-315)

You try to become rich or famous because you want to be the center, respected by everyone. You don't want to go to a country far away to be respected, right?

2) Knowledge and Heart

Reverend Moon has never thought of being knowledgeable or having this and that. The heart is the problem. Are we to dominate through knowledge? It's no use saying, "I'm the boss of so-and-so" with authority and a power-centered mind. We should dominate through heart. Since the territory of heart is at the center of the universe, if you come in contact with heart, or if you try to become one with Reverend Moon, then a territory in which you can participate together with Reverend Moon will be formed and you will stand in the same area as Reverend Moon. It will be effective only if you stand 90 degrees within that area. It will not work if you come out of that. No matter how much you try, if the angle does not match, it will not work. (171-20)

History laid the foundation of external happiness through knowledge. It also laid an orderly standard in society through religion, ethics, and morals. However, history could not provide an order in which human beings could interact with each other based upon heart. You should all understand this. History could not lay the heartistic order. You say there is God, but what must God do now? God has given us the external environment and has restored the standard of blessing that was externally granted to humans. Therefore, now we must be able to form a heartistic relationship with God worldwide. You must know that the person who comes to form a world that is centered on this heartistic relationship is the Lord of the Second Coming. Therefore, until now, the world has experienced a revolution of knowledge and a revolution of social organizations. The world has tried to form a revolution of heart that transcends the standard of conscience.

In order to complete this revolution of heart, we must become true sons and daughters of True Parents before the fall and of God whom we lost through the fall. The revolution of heart will be completed when God, True Parents, true sons and daughters, all of whom we have lost, reunite centering on one point. That is the Last Day. You must all clearly understand this. (9-60)

3) God Did Not Recommend Having Knowledge

What is the fall? The fall betrayed God and the heartistic relationship with Him. The fall is what happened when human beings betrayed Him without completing the standard of conscience God wanted. The fall occurred because human beings betrayed Him without establishing the ideal of God. The original point of the fall was at the point when humankind lost the standard of the heart of God.

Therefore, Heaven came looking for humankind. When He came, He did not say, "Love your body. Love such-and-such kind of knowledge or learning." He said, "Come and stand with God's love." This is the standard, which God established as the principle way. (10-98)

Since the day Jesus was unable to complete the will, God promised the Second Coming of the Messiah, the Lord of all Lords. What will this hero bring when he comes? He will come with the blessed land of the heart which human beings, history, this age and all of heaven and earth have hoped for. This is why God advised us. He did not advise us with some kind of knowledge. He did not advise us to enjoy having power. In life or death, He advised us to come forward with the integrity of a bride. (9-56)

What is it that God needs? God does not need money or knowledge. What kind of knowledge does God need? What will God say if you go to Him and say, "I am a doctor of natural history because I am very knowledgeable"? Will He say, "Oh, you great one"? Or will He say, "Oh, you ugly one"? There is nothing you can boast about to God. God is the king of truth. God is the king of knowledge. If you say to Him, "I was a president of such-and-such a country," He will say, "You fool." You try to show God the authority of a president centering on your power, but God already has it all. Then what is it that God needs? It is not money and it is not knowledge. It is not even power. What God needs is love. (187-44)

Isn't knowledge so? If all theories change, you will stick to them, right? You will follow them. That's what usually happens. It doesn't change. Knowledge, power, then money, or economy. What is called "economy" is something that is consumed. A unit of economy, or money, is always used. Why do we need money? It is to consume. You require consumer products that can replace all things. In order to live, we need consumer products.

Where do the things we consumed go? They do not rotate after being consumed. There is only one side. It does not rotate. What is the only power that can rotate within this power? The power of love can rotate there. Love cannot rotate by itself. (180-144)

4) In Order to Become a Specialist

Let us take learning. When we think about learning, in order to stand in an authoritative position in one kind of area, you must study and complete a specialized course. Even if you do business, you will not succeed unless you go through a special course in that area. The same applies to a country. When a country tries to follow one political strategy, then it must bring together the knowledge of the specialists in that area. We all know that unless this is done, it will be impossible to carry out the political strategy of that country.

When we look from this kind of viewpoint, there is no need to repeat that we definitely need a specialist of God in order to solve the problem of God's providence of restoration. The same goes for the Unification Church. Our church also definitely needs a specialist.

Then, in order for us to become a specialist, what kind of spirit should we have first? You must put all your heart and mind in the area of your goal. You must put all your life and pour all your spirit into it.

The Bible says, "Love God, your Lord, with all your heart, all your will and all your nature." In other words, you must put in all your heart and mind when you love. You cannot become a specialist of love unless your heart becomes one. (29-80)

Not long ago, I heard from a student who goes to a university that whenever the professors hear that there is some world famous or useful material somewhere, they pour out all their energy to desperately get hold of it without even thinking about their behavior. Professors will even use up all their fortune to obtain that material. That is the mind of professors. If the person is even risking his life for the sake of research in his major, that person will not spare anything. (12-199)

In order to become a specialist, you need to dig into that area. You need to do that in order to teach the correct things. You don't necessarily need to study, but if you want to go to the very deepest place, you can know by digging into it. Then you can be the leader. (67-231)

There are famous basketball players, football players or soccer players in the world, but do those players just become champions of their country? Those champions are specialists. They are the best specialists. Do those specialists become specialists by just sitting down saying, "I'm going to be a specialist"? They have to do the same thing ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times. The more that number is, the greater that specialist becomes (81-135)

5) You Must Control Centering on Absolute Value

Many people in the world have a one-sided or partial personality. Even those who once walked around boasting that they have a Ph.D. are not much use when being criticized. Academic doctors cannot solve the problems of the world.

Therefore, centering on absolute values hasn't Reverend Moon become the teacher of ICUS (International Conference of the Unity of Science)? I gather all the professors and guide them. Isn't Reverend Moon the locomotive that pulls the Nobel Prize winners? No matter how much they boast, they can only be specialists in a parts factory. They can only be the specialist or a manager.

Therefore, you should go to the assembly factory, not the parts factory. Then, what is the Unification Church? Is it a parts factory that makes parts or is it an assembly factory that makes finished products? (It is a place that makes finished products.) Yes, it is a place that makes finished products. Then, will it be easy or difficult to go through the factory process of the Unification Church? (It is difficult.) How complicated is it? There is nothing that the Unification Church doesn't do, right? When American people try to label me, they say Reverend Moon is a business operator, a preacher of the Gospel, a businessman, a religious leader, a scientist, and so on. You guys! That's not correct. How can I be a factory boss? Reverend Moon is the boss of the factory that assembles everything and makes finished products. You feel bad, right? (We feel good.) Then where is the origin of that? Where is the basic form of what should be assembled? I'm talking about the blueprint. Where is the original manufacturing product? Will that be the origin that comes from God or Reverend Moon? That is the problem. If that origin came from Reverend Moon, that is artificial. If it was from God, then it can be real. It's not completely real yet. It could be real. (72-35)

Will you lose this battle of thought? Will you lose or will you win? (We will not lose) We have already finished conducting the experiment. From now on, those professors in the world who advocate that now is the age of Reverend Moon's Godism will increase.

Until 1988, I will dispute with and criticize the entire professors' world in the summit centering on absolute value. We will send our members and teach them. I will tell them to teach everything from all the areas of social science, natural science, philosophy and religion. I gave out these kinds of orders from this year. From now on, it is the time when I have to work directly. Therefore, those who are the great stars of the academic world should straighten out the direction of their thoughts. Do you understand? You should not forget that Reverend Moon is the champion or the leading person who cannot lose the thought battle. Do you understand? (138-60)

There have been many great people who have listened to Reverend Moon's teachings. I'm sure that there are Ph.D.s participating even here. You are boasting that you are a doctor of philosophy and a doctor in physics. But you must know that a doctor is a specialist in just one area. You come to the Unification Church saying, "Oh, Reverend Moon will perish going on like that. While he is in jail, the Unification Church will disappear. Who will follow him when he does things like that?" But, I will follow even if no one else does. I will follow. After all, now I am standing in a more prosperous position than those people. They are all standing in one small comer. (132-233)

6) What the Young Ones Should Know

Those people who do not know us ask, "Who are your' when they meet us. Reverend Moon wishes to ask the same question of you people. I'm sure God will ask you the same question as well. The answer that God likes is when you say, "I am a young person." For an individual, the best time is the period of youth. (11- 117)

We can now see a tendency for many religions to be pushed by today's trend of thought in spite of having a history of hundreds or thousands of years. Christianity also has a history of several thousand years, but it is now in the state of needing to persevere once again for the sake of its future. If there is some kind of a racecourse that sprang up from the marrow, this course will be a historical one, a course of this era, and a course for the future.

Therefore, we need to have knowledge about that. Today, we hear that there is such-and-such a new truth, but it will not be good if that truth is the truth of a single age. You young people should clearly know this.

That truth will not be good if it is from a single age. No matter what kind of "ism" or thought there is, they will all merely pass away if they are only for one single age period. What we now need is a new "ism" or a thought that can transcend everything. That new "ism" or thought must appear on the base of a successful history and must overcome the thought trends of any particular age. (7-139)

What kind of era is our age today? It is an age when good and evil intersects. At this time, we flow inward, coming together with goodness. What will happen to those of us who are in the middle of this era? What kind of a world will this world become after good and evil intersect and meet? When this world passes away, what kind of world will come? This is a problem we are very anxious to know. Today, we say there are young men and women who have the will, but they must keep pace with each other and know where God is and know the hope of all things on this earth. You must come to realize that you yourself are the hope, not this troubled world. (6-112)

Young people should clearly know the standard of good and evil. They must know this clearly. (70-73)

You, the young ones, are standing at the turning point of good and evil; therefore, if you make one wrong step, you will fall into a steep and deep hollow. It may be difficult, but when you climb up step by step, you will then be the king of victory who overcame to see the hope of the bright tomorrow and who will have a vision of the broader plain of hope. You need to watch that one step. You need to be careful of that snow-covered road. When you study or when you read a page of a book, you must become a person who can feel earnestly, through deeply understanding, all the content of that page. One single word that you catch and understand clearly may be the foundation on which you can dissolve the country's unfortunate history. You must become a person who can study from this kind of viewpoint. Then you will be studying for the nation.

Even when you read a book, you must think that God's will of the providence could open the door from there. Those who read through a page of a book with that kind of seriousness will definitely be preparing him or herself for God's need. God will use that kind of person. However, those who are moderate, vague and think this is good and that is good and who follow the beat of any old tune and dance without integrity cannot become the main figure of that nation. You girls and men must not dance together at any place. You must know that the Unification Church's way has a different color.

We must go the way of goodness.

Before you is the dividing point of life and death, good and evil, and prosperity and decay, but I have not prepared an anchor line for you. Then, who is to hold the line? I have to tug it in. I have to tug it in saying, "You rascal anchor line..." We must say, "Anchor line of goodness, let's go upwards and upwards."

Let's go up until we reach Heaven by going over the individual, family, tribe and nation. Go up like this while hanging on to it. Do you understand? Based on this principle, especially the young ones must clearly know what the standard of good and evil is. They must become the victors of tomorrow. After accomplishing the glorious restoration of our country, the day will come when the young people will welcome the happy day of the opening of the world's heavenly nation. Through this, you must not only receive the love of God as princes and princesses of victory, you must also become persons who, representing the entire world, can receive endorsements such as "Follow the example of this person." (59-214)

Young people of the Unification Church! We must regain the territory of our home country. You believe in the Unification Church because you need to regain the parents of your original hometown. It is in order to regain our original family, tribe, people, nation, and the world of our hometown. Do you understand? In order to do that, we must go forward, restoring the things that have been lost. (21-159)

5. The Attitude Sung Hwa Youth Should Take

1) Establishment of the Internal Self

What is most important for you, is to always be united with God and True Parents. If you separate yourself from them, accidents will occur over and over again. When you separate yourself, you might be thinking you are doing it for the sake of the will; however, if you do that, you have become traitors without even knowing it. I'm sure no one thought from the beginning that he would become a traitor. You might have thought you had done something good, but actually it turned out like this. Therefore, those of you who are here must find the three points of union. You should all know that these are the most important cardinal points in order for you to fulfill your responsibilities. The foundation that can internally become one with God and True Parents is the heart. (24-132)

Those who cannot be officially recognized by God in your internal church life cannot represent God in external social life. (22-36)

How does Reverend Moon guide the Unification Church? What have you done for God until now? The method, precisely is, "Come into contact with the mainstream of history." (21-109)

2) Push Forward More than You Determined to

A person who knows the Principle will make a resolution when he or she turns 21 years of age (because three times seven is 21) saying, "This year I will live 365 days exactly as I have planned." Let's say that this person, on New Year's Day, swore and pledged, "God of Heaven and earth! Please watch over this nobody. This year, since I turned 21, I will live 365 days exactly as I have planned," and begins to do so in that year. That same morning, this person denied himself, putting on a solemn stare and hardening his stomach. Yet, after one day, that mind of resolve was already lost. That person is constantly forgetting.

If you have made such a determination with a solemn stare and hardened stomach, unless you stare harder than that and stand up seriously, you will never be able to fulfill your resolution. That is the reality of our life. Isn't that so? (Yes, it is.) You should push forward more than you originally determined to.

When you want to make a motor rotate faster and stronger, you need to give it more and more power. If the power decreases, it will not work. Isn't that so? This is also the principle, isn't that so? Therefore, every morning, day and night, for one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, one month, two months, half a year, one year, the older you get, the more you need to have a spirit more powerful than the strong determination you made at the start. Can you accomplish the goal if your spirit becomes weaker? If your spirit becomes weaker even a by a small amount, will you be able to accomplish your goal or not? No, you can't.

You need to have the same determination for 365 days. If you become a person who has a stronger determination and a stronger power than the one you had at the very beginning, then after 365 days, you will be able to say, "Oh, the year I turned 21 became a very memorable, really beautiful and happy year." But once you lower your determination, what will happen? Will you go up or will you fall down? (We will fall down.) Certainly, you will fall down. You will fall down with one eye like this and the other eye like that. Even if you have stared solemnly with your eyes and pledged, you don't know whether you can make it or not. That is the life of a fallen human being. Isn't that so? Is that so or not? (That's right.) (57-141)

3) External Attitude

We, the young men and women, must stand up in front with a banner calling out for the lay people to unite against the reality of today's churches and against denominationalism. You must all know that today's trend of thought is requiring us to do that. A long time ago, a ruler, a monarch, or a sovereign wielded power in the place of God. Even so, were they the real God? Is it only they that can wield power? No. It is not so. Since we are all sons and daughters born with the flesh and blood of God, we are all sons and daughters of heaven. (6-311)

Today, are there any young men and women who can embrace the people of our nation? Is there anyone who can pioneer the way of the people and feel responsible for the mission of bringing the people closer to the goal? There may be that kind of person. However, when he or she finds out that Jesus appealed to God, watching the reality of the people who tormented him, shedding tears to hold on to the people and keep them historically connected until today, this person will also appeal to heaven for the sake of the people just as Jesus did.

Both the historical trend of thought and the future hope of the people are like that. We cannot deny that humankind is waiting for the very moment of the revealing of heavenly law, but we must know that we are undergoing torment in that process. Therefore, you must be able to have confidence in the journey of life you are going on. You cannot go this way without that. (7-32)

Well, then, young people of the Unification Church. What are we in the Unification Church trying to do? We are the group that says, "Let's make God and human beings one." There is no mistaking that we are that group. Is that true? We may say, "God, please come to us." Are we to say, "We will go to You"? What are we to say? (We are to say "We will go to You") You must know that this is the difference between the general established churches and the Unification Church. (87-13)

Is there any young man or woman who pounds on a rock on the mountains and cries out saying, "Rock, did I ask to see the misery of the people?" If there isn't, this country will not be released from its misery. (14-155)

Young men and women of the Unification Church must have the heart to do anything. (11-10)

For you people, whether you are born good or bad, whether you know such-and-such a fact or not, is not important. The important thing is from where you learn, from where you come to know, from where you move, from where you stop, and where you put all your zeal. This will determine your entire being from now on. (25-95)

We need the young ones more than the older people. We need those young ones with overflowing energy and power. (14-170)

No matter what you do, you need a strong foundation to do something big. With what kind of attitude must we young ones of today be intoxicated? Will you be the locomotive (engine) or the passenger car of a train? Of course, you must be the engine. However, the reality is, we are stuck at the rear end of the passenger car and we follow as the wheels roll backwards.

If you don't have power, you need to roll just the wheel and go over the hill. We are the ones who must go on pulling the engine. We must become a Unification group with power. We must have a 100 percent drive to move. You must have a dynamic impulse to break through the barriers. More than anything else, you young ones need to know from where and to where you are headed. You must know what kind of attitude that you should have today. (14-104)

What is the perfect way of life for us young ones of the Unification Church? No matter how harsh a storm blows when you are out on the front line, you are to penetrate it. Even on the way to the cross, you must clench your teeth and go forward. Likewise, the right path is to go the way God desires. Those who have not experienced sorrow from that kind of situation will not understand through mere explanations. If you shed tears and cry out, "Father" in that kind of situation, then you will understand the painful effort of the Father who has been bearing the historical cross. You will also understand that it is because of God's han (resentment) that we are unable to become true filial sons and daughters before the Father. When God says, "Oh, it was My hope to meet sons and daughters who can become My true filial sons and daughters here. Oh, thank you," then, at that place, for the first time, the position of filial sons and daughters, loyal servants and virtuous women is filled. (15-319)

6. Prayers Given To Youth

Father, please let us decorate our time of youth beautifully. Please watch over the path of these people who are connected to You and let them grow centering on the foundation of that beautiful environment. Please make them become true sprouts that all the people of their tribe, the country and the world look to. Please make them the trees of new life that can embrace all of humankind. I sincerely pray that You will allow us to remain even after we bear new flowers and fruits and disperse them to all of humankind. (33-346)

Youth is fleeting; and life will flee along with the years. Even as all others fly away, we cannot be like that. We must even go against history and the social environment, which are also fleeting, and we must become the fertilizer and the cornerstone. I sincerely pray that we can become those kinds of people.

The young sung hwa men and women have gathered here from all about. I'm sure, Father, that you are eager to relate to these people. We know that you always wish to be together, with even with our pulses beating together with Yours, centering on heavenly heart. However, we are so inadequate to become Your sons and daughters who can push past the limits and fulfill Your heart.

When we come to think how great Your hopes for us are, we must took back at ourselves and ask whether we are indeed proper before You. Acknowledging our insignificant and unworthy selves, please let us have the heart to endlessly shed tears before You, Father. Although we are miserable, please let us become persons who can embrace Your ideal in our hearts eternally. (25-130)

Please let us realize that our life passes away in a matter of seconds together with fleeting time. Please allow us not to forget that we can become wanderers in life.

When the sun rises in the morning from the east, all the animals rejoice, reflecting the sunlight. However, after several hours, we come to know that sunlight hides itself in the west and lonely shadow descends. Likewise, we may want to boast about the wonderful things of youth, but let us become those young ones who have the will to leave something behind on this earth from our youth, before the sun sets.

The time has come for us to have world class ability in our young chests. The time has come to prepare for victory with courage, fire, and spirit for our new moral principle. An extraordinary mission remains to create the original kingdom in which we can serve the Father as individuals, as families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world, and in the universe. Our physical body was born to do this mission. By all means, let us consider that our body was born to fight and win and to return glory to our Father.

Please let us go forward today for this purpose. Today, the earth is calling for our true selves. Please allow us to become persons who can hear those voices. Also, please let us know that the future image of Korea and the future image of the world is calling us. Please advise us, Father, every foot of the way, and please help us realize You are with us. Sharing all the results with You, Father, please let us appreciate the mission and feel the joy of a pioneer in our hearts, full of hope for tomorrow. I sincerely pray that we may realize that You, too, are eagerly waiting to see those kinds of selves emerging within us. (24-91)


Section 2. Youth and the Right Time

1. The Present Time

The present time is the age of fruition for the six thousand years of human history. Therefore, it is a time when all the leaves fall. (82-142)

This is the most important period. If we express our feeling of tension in one phrase, we can say it is the "time of extreme emergency." (123-75)

What kind of time is it now? This is the final time. Therefore, everything is in a state of confusion. We are in an age similar to the point of death, unable to control ourselves. If there is a God, and if He can cope with this time, the problem is how He can restore it all. The problem is how we can turn self-centered thought into whole-centered thought. This is the primary factor in determining life and death. (126-112)

Now is the time to cross the Red Sea. It is the same time for you, too. You will perish if you do as you wish. This is the time to cross the Jordan River and the Red Sea. Do you understand? When we cross the Red Sea, you will all perish if you do as you wish. (135-202)

Now is the time we must accomplish that kind of world. Just as Moses, Jacob, Abraham and Jesus armed themselves, we also have to go forth armed. For what? Not for the sake of the country, but for the sake of the world and for the sake of Heaven, we must arm ourselves. (11 -29)

2. The Right Moment

1) There is an Opportune Time

The right time will come. We are busy waiting for the opportune time, but we must know that God is also busy looking for the right time. (11-29)

There is an opportune time for a person. If you miss that time, you must know that the era will pass by without you even noticing, leaving behind han in history. (78-94)

On this earth, even if there is a person with a perfect background, who is very knowledgeable, very capable and able to do anything according to his or her will, if that person misses the right moment in the right environment, then he or she will not be able to accomplish what they willed. (9-254)

Therefore, even so-called "heroes" cannot succeed as heroes unless they are born in the right era. Time is so important. If you do not have the right timing, then everything becomes a failure. (58-238)

You must know the value of the right timing. Seeds are sown during spring. If you sow seeds during autumn, the plants may not survive the winter. (18-185)

2) The Call and the Right Timing

When any person, regardless of who he or she may be, is chosen for something, they try to become the true inheritor of that chosen position and pursue the greater value. That is the desire of human beings. However, even if that desire stimulates our hope, it is not so easy to actually put it into practice. We all know that we can become successful if we try hard, but it is not that easy to succeed. Being called to God's providence is difficult, but you must know that it is more difficult to answer that call and to carry out that mission.

We all see the same morning. We also see the same noon and the same night. However, when we look at each individual's spirit, they are all different. In a day, there are people whose spirits are like noon when it is morning and like night when it is noon. They crisscross like that. In other words, when we try to follow the will, everything does not go smoothly. There are people who follow the will from a very different position. Everything will go wrong for these people. Even if you go the way of the will, confrontation will always occur.

What kind of people are those? Those are the ones who started around the time of the autumn or winter season, but do not know clearly when they started. There is no way that they can know that. After winter comes the beginning of spring, but those people will have a hard time recognizing when the beginning of spring comes into their life. Likewise today, because we fallen beings cannot match the right timing, we work at cross-purposes. Therefore, what is most important is how we capture and match the right timing and go forward.

We come to recognize in our life of faith that what we must be careful of is how to match with the right timing. This is an extremely important problem. If you cannot match the right timing, then a day will pass by, a year will pass by, ten years or decades will pass by without any result, and you will merely live a life with paradoxical results. When we think of this problem, in order to find the right timing, we must live a deeper life of faith. In other words, a deeper prayer life is necessary.

3) To Find the Right Timing in History

The phrase "right timing" brings to mind the right timing of heavenly fortune, individual fortune, and national fortune. However, the right timing comes without warning to the individual, family, tribe, nation and world.

That time does come, but it comes progressively. Yesterday succeeded today and today succeeds tomorrow. Therefore, you will have a hard time recognizing the clear turning point. You will have a hard time recognizing whether it comes in the morning, during the day, or at night. It is extremely difficult for you to match your objective position and your life to the moment when the right timing passes a certain point.

Within the process of history, there were many time periods of the providence: for an individual, a family, a tribe, a nation, etc.

There was also the right time for one chosen tribe or a nation. There were also time periods of many surrounding nations. Have a nation or people ever known at the right time that it was the right time and the time of heavenly fortune? Have they ever matched that timing? Prophets usually make predictions, and the predicted time always comes. However, that time does not come for several months or days. It comes in one moment, one day, and it passes by centering on a point. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to match the pace exactly with the point that is like a dividing ridge.

Almost everything that the prophets predicted has occurred. However, we must know that there were only few moments when we truly knew the significance of the time right at that period and were prepared and able to meet it from an objective position. After the time passes, you reflect on that time, saying, "Oh, spring came at that time. It was a time of good fortune for our nation. The time so-and-so predicted has passed away." This has always been the way of life for human beings -- to reflect on the time after it has passed by. Human history has been like this.

There are important moments in your life, too. During your life, an important point of time, which is definitely necessary to your life, will occur in our lives. Rare is the person who clearly knows the right time, thinking, "This is the right time," and with a "Ready, go!" greets the new age with happiness. (58-239)

Those who live day by day saying, "Oh, that day is that day and this year is the same as last year," or "They say the providence is developing, but that is that," becomes a falling leaf. You must know that since this person cannot connect to life, he or she will become an autumn leaf, which easily falls.

For this reason, we must think about the right moment more deeply.

When morning comes, we have breakfast. Even when we eat breakfast, there is the moment that we start eating, the moment when we eat and the moment when we stop eating. To know these moments day after day is very difficult. Likewise, the heavenly moment is passing through our process of life, but we miss it over and over again.

Therefore, when we put our hearts into something we should not begin recklessly. You must know what kind of time that moment is and begin by setting a goal based on that moment. You should devote yourself much more than anyone in the entire world. There are several billion people living on this earth, but you must devote yourself more than these people centering on that moment, that one focus point in time. If you devote yourself centering on everything, when that degree of devotion becomes the core before these several billion people, then God has to go forward binding a relationship with you. You must know that this is the providential course of God.

If there is a person today among the members of the Unification Church who has a rebirth experience and devotes him or herself, pleading, "Please let me sincerely keep pace with the time valued by God, the world, and the entire spirit world" and who also prays for God's will to be done on earth through our church organization, then he or she will be blessed. You will receive the special blessing to participate in the providence of that time.

Even if you are a person without anything, if you prepare and devote yourself without being told clearly, centering on the right timing, then you stand in the objective position to the central figure that has the responsibility for the mission. Then even if no one knows about you, God will acknowledge you. If there is a person who repeats this kind of a work once, twice, or three times, then that person will receive the come centering on a certain period. Centering on a certain day, that moment will definitely come and will cross over the peak of a mountain. (40-142)

Within human history, the time when we can come into oneness with Jesus' suffering on the cross for several hours or several seconds is very precious and will never happen twice. That time is the precious time when you can welcome and receive official recognition from God. However, in spite of that, Peter, James and John failed to be aware of this time, leaving behind han forever. This han was connected to the whole from the individual and it turned the blessing which God was to give to all people upside down, making a large hole. When we think of that, we must know how heavy was the responsibility of the disciples in that representative position. (40-154)

4) The Method of Matching the Right Timing

A day can be divided into morning, day, and nighttime. They look similar, but they change every moment. During the process of moving from morning to noon, there is a time when it is difficult to know whether it is morning or noon. Also, when it becomes night from noon, there is a time in the middle when it is difficult to make a distinction between day and night. The same goes for the night. There is a point of separation where it divides. It is easy for us to miss that parting moment. Isn't that so? We don't know when it changes. Even when we look at the four seasons, spring changes to summer in a moment, within the sound of a tick. You do not know when spring becomes summer. It is a very simple problem but very difficult for anyone to know. Also, we cannot know the time when summer becomes autumn and when autumn becomes winter.

We can say the same thing with our life. The life of a human being changes from childhood to adolescence, middle age to old age.

However, when we pass on to adolescence from childhood, there is no one who remembers it and says, "Oh, I have finished my boyhood and I am going on to my adolescence." No one has ever felt this moment as acutely as a racer standing on the starting line waiting for the split second to run.

Therefore, it is also difficult to know the moments we pass over in blessing of the time. You must know that God will acknowledge you through the foundation of that one generation.

We members of the Unification Church have a rope of blessing or heavenly fortune. We, the central figure and myself, pull this rope together. If we both stand in a position where this rope stretches tightly, then you must think how blessed that position is.

Therefore, if you are a member of the Unification Church, you must dedicate your life and be loyal to the way of the Unification Church. You must devote yourself day by day, hour by hour, matching rhythm and angle with the right timing. That person will grow together with the fortune of the Unification Church.

Those who follow the Unification Church might become tired and collapse. However, even in the midst of that, if there is a person who tries to tie a relationship with the fortune of the world and who devotes him- or herself in matching with the right time, that person will remain even after all others collapse.

There is also right timing in the way of the providence. Therefore, I'm telling you, let's know that time. Let's find that time and devote ourselves. We must devote ourselves at the right moment. It is no use if we devote ourselves without any preparation. When we devote ourselves, we must devote our entire selves at the right moment, knowing what kind of moment it is.

Through that time we must come into a relationship with God,

When we think of this problem, we must think how extremely valuable it is to be able to stand in an objective position to God at the right moment, precisely knowing the importance of the right timing. (40-152)

I am telling you, don't miss the time. Don't lose the time and have your work stolen. There are only two ways in which Reverend Moon told you that you can follow in order not to lose. Don't be a repellent person; be a loving person. You will never lose if you just do these two things. You just have to pass these two. These are the only things you need. Those were the only two things I could find out. (94-143)

3. The Enormous Value of This Time

In what kind of time can you accomplish your wish? It has become possible for the first time at this moment. Do you understand? No matter how many people there are in a family, tribe, or in a nation, if this is not the time you can individually make an achievement, then there will be no other moment like this ever again in history. If the Principle we teach in the Unification Church is correct, then there is only this moment. Do you understand what I mean? It is an unprecedented time in history.

For example, imagine yourself nose diving just once to pick up a grain of sand which was thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Work that is more difficult than that is occurring in front of your eyes.

It is the same thing. You are watching something extremely difficult happen. It is similar to putting the ends of two needles, one in heaven and one on earth, together at a single try. Do you understand? This has never happened before or nor will it happen again. The heart experienced here becomes the original point of the history of a new ideal age.

Therefore, from now on, happiness will not be found anywhere else. It will not be found in the future either. The moment when you can find your country and your world with your parents and your brothers is the happiest moment. Do you understand? That moment is the moment of ultimate happiness. If you lose your parents, your relatives, and your tribe, no matter how successful you become, you cannot have true happiness.

Isn't it the best happiness to live together with your parents whom you love, your wife whom you love, your children whom you love, the people of your country whom you love, humanity whom you love and God whom you love? That is the ultimate happiness. That kind of moment is now only. After Reverend Moon goes, this kind of moment will never again exist. Do you understand what I mean? Therefore, together with the historical original point, this will become the original point of society and the motto of human life forever. That original point begins from here.

If you accomplish something now, it will remain as a characteristic representation. The achiever of providential work here and now will appear as the representative of achievers who can dominate human history. We look at it like this. This story is like a dream.

Isn't it a story like a dream? Numerous drops of vapor come together to form a cloud. Something similar to a single drop of vapor in that cloud or something similar to a hydrogen molecule came in clear contact with me.

When the feelings of all human beings within the age of human history are harmonized, that will be the best place from which good hope is determined. Therefore, think about it for a moment. Are universities a problem? Nothing in the world is a problem. The moment from which that place of good hope is determined starts here. The original point of a radiant culture, which has never existed before, starts from here. If you become the achiever of providential work and a filial son and daughter here and now, then your name and work will remain glorious in history forever. (51-258)

You were born in an extraordinary age. You were called to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must realize that you were called at the peak of the historical providence, which has never existed before or will again, only once in a lifetime in history. This is the time when the two lines of history intersect centering on the life course of your one generation.

Even though there were many sad things and ups and downs in the six thousand years of fallen human history, they could not subjugate today's tangled human beings. This is why the historical restoration can occur from this idea. God's resentment and sorrow can be solved and accomplished here. When we think that this indeed will become the origin of the solution for the ills of all of humankind, more than any, thing else, you must be proud of being born in this age.

Your faces are nothing and you yourselves are nothing, too. I don't know what kind of foundation or good achievements your ancestors made, but by following the glorious achievements of your ancestors, you must realize that you yourselves are the representatives who can receive all the grace your ancestors wanted to receive. (43-335)

Those who meet Reverend Moon of the Unification Church will greet the age in which they can breathe the light of the spring of love for the first time ever in human history. (140-306)

It is the hope of history, of nations, of thought, and of providence, that the parents of humankind would appear. The time that the parents appear is an unprecedented time. It is a time that comes only once in history. How can I say it? It is the peak. How narrow a chance will that be? If we look at it from the eternal world, the life of a human being is like one sip of a breath. Isn't that so? I don't know if it is because you are blessed or because you are lucky, but how did you get to be born in this age, meet this time and get to join the Unification Church? In order for you to come to this place, numerous ancestors devoted and devoted themselves for you. So many people perished and died pursuing goodness, and the hope of those people was connected to God's providence throughout our long history. Because those people stood in a position similar to a high mountain where the sun rises, you, the ones gathered here, are receiving the sunlight from there.

If such a thing as a connection of love were to occur during this time in human history, then it would be the first time. If there were a time when value would be given to life, that time would begin from this moment. Now is the only time when we can acknowledge the authority of the country and the world with value. Now is the origin of history, the original point of hope, the beginning of blessing and the original source of eternal life. Now is the time when all of this will happen. (51-335)

4. The Present and a Day

1) The Present Is Important

We are not in a single age period now. We are connected to three age periods. Now represents the age of the past and the age of the future. The position we are in today represents the past, and the entire world is included in the present. Now becomes the central moment for humankind. The present reality represents the entire past human world and it is the central point representing the entire world. (68-225)

When we look at a moment in our day to day life, that moment does not only connect to the present. When we take the present and divide it, we can find that the past is connected to the tip of the present. Even as I speak, the past is connected to this moment. Also, the future I am thinking about is also connected here.

When we think like this, where is the real point of origin for the present? When we say this, we must think of the present as both one that can be indicated by a single line and also one that is conceptual and cannot be indicated by a single line. We come to realize the surprising and frightening fact that a line or point of the present can determine the direction of our daily life.

When we took at a day, there is yesterday and also tomorrow in relationship to it. When we look centering on a month, there is also last month and the next month. When we look at a year, there is last year and the next year. When we look at adolescence, there is childhood before that and middle age after that. When we look the present age, we cannot deny that the past and the future are connected with it. Therefore, the present cannot deny the past or the future. (68-204)

2) One Day Is Important

No human beings in the entire world are living as they wish. They are living according to a direction. A day that you live is like this kind of a direction. (Reverend Moon points) We connect these directions. Isn't that so? We live a year according to this kind of a direction. (Reverend Moon points) Therefore, you must wake up in the morning and say, "I must go like this today. I must draw a line setting a direction and go that way." Don't you think you should do that? Even when you live a month, you should draw a line and live saying, "I will live like this." If you don't draw a perfect line that is clear and correct, then you cannot leave behind a perfect day or a perfect month. If you cannot leave behind a perfect month, then you will not be able to live a perfect year. If your entire year becomes a failure, then your eternal ideal will be in vain. (168-212)

Therefore, faithful believers must always go forward longing for that level which God's providence demands. When you wake up in the morning, you must start the day thinking of where your heart and your life's goal are directed. By doing so in the morning, then when you come home in the evening and go to bed at night, you must be able to say, "Today was good. I did everything today. I was able to save face before the will. Today I can be proud of myself, representing this month and this whole year." Without going through a serious battle, you cannot stand in this kind of a position. (27-98)

Is the past valuable? Is today valuable? Or is it the future that is valuable? It is not the past that is valuable, and it is not the future that is valuable. Today is what is valuable. (45-24)

3) Keep the Moment

The problem is today. The problem is the one single moment.

Therefore, extend and expand that moment to a day and let's hold on and set the direction of the days to our side. Let's accumulate the days and establish one whole month on our side. You must live day by day with a standard of victory, accumulating that into a month.

Therefore, keep the moment. I am telling you to watch the present.

God does not reside far away. If you cannot welcome God, who is happy now, you will not be able to welcome that happy God eternally.

For those who cannot greet the victorious God, victory is forever far away.

The problem is the present. Those who ignore the present are those who ignore the eternal world of the victorious God. What we call this moment right now is the point where eternity is judged. We are standing on a course of life where that kind of moment continuously happens. When we know that, we live seriously. We are indeed risking our lives in everything we do. (65-247)

You are now at a very young age. How are you to live this youthful age and make the foundation of your adolescence? If you can form a foundation of victory during this moment, then it will become the way of filial piety and the way of loyalty that is tens of times bigger. Therefore, keep the present! You must not be in debt to yourselves because you could not keep the moment, now. You will be sorry to God if you think everything you do is difficult or unpleasant. God is indeed a miserable person.

Even right this moment, we are standing in a position where we must form a base or foundation of victory for world restoration to God. You must go that kind of way. If you go that way, God will definitely sympathize with you. Therefore, keep the moment. Keep now.

Especially since you are in the adolescent age from which you can create a brilliant history during your lifetime, you must keep the day with value. You must keep today as a filial son. That day could be the determining moment when you pass the highest peak of your lifetime. Therefore, you must have this kind of a consciousness even when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Everyone in the Unification Church must be like that. Keep your time now. Keep the moment, even when you put on your shoes, when you play, when you rest and when you go to bed. You must know how valuable this moment is. How valuable is this moment? (65-247)


Section 3. The Life of a Desirable Youth

1. The Will Is More Important Than Success

Numerous people living in this world are longing to become successful and to have worldwide territory according to his or her own desire. Until now, people have fought to gain that. Even at this present moment, people are moving to gain those things. Even when we look at ourselves, we cannot deny being intoxicated by that kind of a position. When we look at this age, we can see that each individual is longing for success and victory, and we are longing for that to happen on a worldwide basis. (30-73)

If I ask you, "Do you want to become famous within your neighborhood or within your country?" by no means would you answer, "I want to become famous within my neighborhood." If I ask, "Do you want to become famous within your country or on a worldwide basis?" you would answer, "I want to become famous worldwide." (40-317)

Raise your hand if you really want to become successful. Did you join our church to become successful? We must exclude that kind of a person. You lose your purity. (145-11)

What are we to do? The problem of what the social life of believers should be arises. What I am telling you is that it is important to have a method of thinking to carry out the ultimate will instead of placing importance on success.

The world from now on is depending on the young people. I'm sure all of you who joined the Unification Church think you know things very well, but when Reverend Moon asks, there are many things you don't know. Some people might say, "Why is it necessary for us to be exceptional like that?" But you are not.

2. The Road to Success

1) Understanding Which Leads to Success

Every human being determines to become successful. I'm sure there is no one who does not dream of being successful centering on a larger goal. Every individual goes out with a dream to accomplish his or her goal, but the people who have actually realized that goal are extremely few. (43-20)

During a lifetime, there are people who climb up to the peak of success and there are people who don't. Think of a mountain, for example. Even though the peak is higher, there are those who stop at a certain place, saying, "Oh, my peak is here. I barely made it even to here." If that person would go one more step, he or she would make it to the very top, but he or she often just stops there and lies down. Even if you collapse, even if it is harsh work for your body, you have to pass the center point and collapse on the other side. Then you will find the country on the other side. No matter how harsh the work is, if you cannot go beyond the dividing line, then you will still be under the control of the country on this side.

The same goes in the satanic world and in God's world. I'm sure there are those who say, "Oh, I have succeeded," centering on this kind of a standard. Some might have lived based on this standard and others would have lived on that standard. Looking at a chain of mountains, when one is asked, "Which peak is the highest?" will there be anyone who answers, "This is the highest," pointing to a low peak? Will anyone point to a low peak and say, "This is the peak I want to try climbing?" That is a crazy person. That kind of a person cannot be considered human. (63-33)

Within the course of your life, if you rest saying you have succeeded, then you will perish. That success must not be a success centered on you. Today, the members of the Unification Church must not stop after individual success. They should go on for the success of Korea.

Furthermore, without stopping there, we must go on developing until we reach the success of the entire world. (26-132)

2) Reverend Moon's Key to Success

You young people all want to become successful and famous, right? Gloriously? That's not simple. There is a saying in Korea that says the pagoda made with great labor will not collapse easily. There is some truth in this. When I go somewhere, Reverend Moon's philosophy is that I will never return without doing something good.

Whenever I went somewhere, I did not come back until I was able to leave behind a good result. (144-301)

In order to become successful religiously or economically, you cannot realize your goal unless you first suffer a loss. If a businessman plays around like a scamp without working hard, will he be able to succeed? You must work hard. You must go through the hardship of mind and body. In order to overcome all the hardships and sufferings inside and out, you must devote your entire body. Then you will be able to succeed. Also, by showing that you have suffered loss, then you will be able to overcome difficulties, and success will come back to you which equals the amount of your loss. (26-47)

What is the key to success? You must become a person who can connect all of his or her feelings and want to go anywhere for the sake of the goal. Does that kind of a person succeed very quickly or very slowly? He or she will succeed very quickly, right? He or she will meet the success very quickly. Even if you don't meet it, you will be able to meet it in your dreams. (63-60)

What is Reverend Moon's key to success even in the midst of persecution? What has that key been in the course of my life? When the United States opposed me, I stood in the position equal to God and went on forward in the name of God, standing the United States on an equal footing with me. By the name of God! It is not possible to penetrate a wall with power. Money cannot do that. It's not possible by machinery. Not even human wisdom can do that. (166-163)

In order to succeed, live for the sake of the whole. (15-289)

Those who continuously go forward will definitely succeed. (186-93)

3) The Key to Success

If everything that we planned fails and we become failures, what will you do? The road of a person with big hope will not fail. The more that person goes forward, the more success there will be. You must go on with this kind of resolution. Then you will certainly succeed. In order to advance forward, you must either live or die. You must choose either one.

You people must definitely succeed. What must you do in order to do that? When the other wins once, you must win twice. When the other sleeps one hour, you must sleep half an hour. When the other eats one bowl of rice, you must only eat half. You must fight with this kind of a strong will. The key to success is not found somewhere else.

It depends on how much time you spare, how hard you work, and how many funds you invest.

It is a battle of time, a battle of spirit and a battle of effort. It is just like a student preparing for the coming entrance exam. Those who failed the exam are the ones who slept more, ate more or did something more comfortable than others. (19-143)

When we look for a key to success, or the foundation or motivation necessary for victory, I'm sure you know how valuable perseverance is. There is a proverb in the Orient, which says, "The one who perseveres is the one who wins." (76-221)

You must know how important it is to endure. How valuable is endurance? Endurance is the motivation of a new start and it also can be the motivation of a new creation.

God is also enduring. God is enduring. God endured when Adam and Eve were about to die and He also endured when Jesus was taken and nailed to the cross. God pretended not to know when He knew. Even when He knew, He pretended He didn't. It was very difficult for God. You also do the same. If a person knows all about you but pretends not to know, how embarrassing will that be? When you see that person, you will want to escape and hide under his feet, but you surrender because you have no place to go. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the more we endure, it will become the motivation to possess more. Do you understand what it means?

The same thing can be said in a family. No matter what your brothers and sisters say, if you endure and endure, your parents or anyone else will bless you, saying, "Watch him or her in the future." Therefore, let's make one rule here now. It is good to endure for yourself and it is good to open your mouth for others. If a person is in a difficult position, I will open my mouth and console him, and when that person is slandered, pretend you do not know, even if you know, and then open your mouth and support him. If you look for the key to victory or one necessary foundation or motivation to become victorious, you will find how valuable perseverance is.

There is a proverb in the Orient which says, "Those who persevere are the ones who win." Do you understand? Do you understand what I mean? (76-220)

When you play tug of war, who wins? Will a person who suddenly tugs with power win, or will a person with perseverance win? (The person with perseverance.) You must not attack suddenly like a tiger and become weak later. You must stand firm pulling. You should not give in. You must stand firm until the end. Does the Bible say, "The one who perseveres to the end goes to hell?" The person who perseveres to the end loses? It's the same thing. If you go to heaven, that means you won. If you go to hell you have lost. The person who perseveres to the end wins the fight. (64-57)

In order to become a victor, you need conditions. In other words, you need confidence, you need courage, and thirdly, you need a fighting spirit. (18-12)

4) There Is Suffering Before Success

If you want to succeed, big hardships will definitely follow in proportion to that success. (27-181)

It is the same with the fate of an individual. Whether a person succeeds during his or her lifetime or not, whether a person leaves behind something shining and honorable or a sad and sorrowful life, all depends on the course of life of that person. From the time that person was born, how many times will he or she be able to unite with the direction of history and heavenly fortune? Furthermore, how many times will that person face the hardships that come to him or her up front, with a heart to pursue the future? The answers to these questions will determine that person's present personality and also his or her future. It will also determine whether this person will become a center of respect or not.

Everyone welcomes success; however, no one welcomes the process he or she has to pass through in order to realize that success. When you look back at the past before the success, I'm sure there were series of historical days full of sorrow and resentment when you became sick of doing it and wanted to abandon everything. This is the same for your parents, your colleagues, your friends, your children, and husband and wife. It is the same for anyone. (27-273)

In order to accomplish your goal with conviction, you must go through a process of struggle. The bigger your hope is, the greater proportion of conflicting elements will block your way. These elements will oppose you instead of being absorbed by you and will shove you out instead of welcoming you. The bigger the goal you are heading toward, the proportionately bigger the hardships that are waiting for you. (43-20)

If you succeed instantly, you will perish instantly. You must know this also. If you succeed instantly without any foundation, you will be robbed and you will be blown away by a typhoon. Therefore, instant success is meaningless.

We must have big ambitions and ideas. In order for you to become a person who can live up to those ambitions and ideas, you must not become successful instantly. Your desire will tell you to accomplish everything in one day, but that will not do. You might say to those who oppose you, "Oh, those enemies. It would be nice if we could throw away all those who are not on God's side and improve this environment by ourselves. Where is God?" There may be people among you who think like this, but that is not the way to think.

In order for the ground to harden, it must rain. But if it rains all the time, what will happen? If it rains continuously, nothing will be done. The sun is necessary. However, if it's sunny all the time, that will not do either. In order for the ground to harden, it must go through a long period of time with wind, becoming cold and hot, freezing and melting.

The ground will get harder the longer the time passes. If you want to blast the ground that has hardened like this, you will need power that is even greater. (19-35)

Within our lifetime, there are many peaks we must go over.

There are peaks even within a day, and there are peaks within our youth also. We need to go over peaks when we have a family and when we take responsibility for it, and we must go over peaks within our social life. In other words, there are peaks along the way of an individual, a society and a nation that could determine their fate. The same thing goes for the world.

When we look from this viewpoint, you must know that everything is connected centering on these peaks. We often say so-and-so became successful or so-and-so failed. What kind of person do you call successful? It is a person who overcame the peak of his of her goal. What kind of a person do you call a failure? It's a person who could not overcome that peak. During your lifetime, if you accomplish your goal, then you are a successful person. If you cannot accomplish it, you become a failure. (31-7)

5) The Main Reason for Failure

Do people not know the way to success? Yes, they all do. This is why a problem arises here. Why can't they succeed if they know? Why can't they? They all know the method to succeed. Do you know, or don't you? (Yes, we do) Then why can't you succeed? It is because you cannot control yourself. We must know that is the state of human beings. (97-13)

If people plan by themselves and try to accomplish their goal through their own ability, then they are made to fail. We can know this by looking at the process of history up until today. History, which was woven centered on human beings alone, has always failed. (42-298)

3. The Road to Become Great

1) All People Hope to Become Great

When any individual is asked what kind of person they what to become, they will all answer they want to become great. If you want to become a great person, how great a person will you want to be? Will you become the President of Korea? When we look at the people in Korea, they all want to become the President. Even if you become the first in Korea, you should not finish there. You must become the first in the world. Then what must you do, after you become the first in the world? If there is a higher place and a higher person than the world, then you will want to go there and hold that person's hand. (41-323)

2) In Order to Become an Historical Person

What is a great person? The person who knows how to do deep work with higher thinking is great. Do you understand? The person who does the work others cannot do is a great person. Why? It is because that person does his or her work keeping his vertical position with God. (175,234)

3) You Must Be Able to Maintain Your Determination

If you look, you will find that there is a normal way of life for a normal person and a special way of life for a sage or a great person. If I ask you what kind of person you want to be, you may answer, "I want to become a great leader," but that is not something that can be done at once. In order to become great leaders, you must digest many things in the process, and you must go forward sacrificing many things.

You can become a great leader if you can use the sacrificed things for greater purposes.

When you say a person is a great person, what kind of standard did that person fight under in order to become great? The people who became great were those who risked their lives. Will it do just risking your life once? You must go through the process of risking your life again and again. (67-88)

Sages or heroes in history were those who kept the determination and resolution they made when they were very small until they died, and who lived within that goal. It's very simple. Reverend Moon is living like that, too. Even when I am asleep I am directed towards my goal. Even when I wake up in the morning and open my eyes or when I associate with a person, I get along with that person in order to find something good for the sake of accomplishing my goal. If you live your life like that, then your life environment will naturally become a base for your future. Are you all living like that? If young people smell the good smell of a flower, they go that way; if another good smell comes, they go that way. But that will not do. If you think you must go towards right, go only in that one direction with all your might. You must determine whether you can digest and absorb it or whether you will be absorbed by it. You should go on fighting like that. (15-129)

When we look at history, almost all of those who accomplished something big were not Ph.D.s. They were all people who had a strong fighting spirit. Those who did things, which seem reckless to others, became historical persons. In other words, until now, history has been woven by the champions with fighting spirits. (18-12)

4) The Search for the Way of Suffering Voluntarily

The life of a person is not smooth. Besides, a person does not live his or her life alone. Men and women live together. When we compare man and woman, they are completely different. They are like opposite poles. When a man and a woman who are completely different in nature live together, it will be difficult for both of them. They should try to match each other centering on the centerline, with one going up while the other goes down.

Therefore, you need to be trained when you are young. If you want to become a great person, go voluntarily searching for a way of great hardship. Try walking 40 kilometers overnight to experience hardships. In order to voluntarily work for the sake of others, walk 40 kilometers overnight, dragging your tired body. Go to a working place, a farm, for example, and sacrifice yourself for others. It will not do if you are sleeping peacefully. (144-299)

When a person tries to go a special way, the element or factor that determines that special thing is usually not something people like. That way is a difficult way with barriers you need to overcome and with unwelcome matters blocking your way. However, you should not try to turn around and return just because it is blocked. If you could reach your goal that way, then anyone would go that way.

If there were one thousand people, all of them would choose to go that way. Because anyone can go that way, that is not the way a special person should go. A special person must not turn around and go back. On the contrary, that person must go forward, penetrating that wall. You must penetrate and go the shortest way. In order to do that, you must overcome hardships that are one hundred times more difficult. There you will find things normal people can never imagine. Therefore, unless you become a person who can overcome and break through the barriers, you will not be able to go this way.

5) Strengthen Your Third Power

If there is one great person who tries to go forward toward a big goal, the bigger the goal and the greater the person is, the more incidents will be incidents waiting for him or her which involve the entire country or world. Those incidents will appear to you not in a welcoming way, but as a condition that opposes and contradicts you. The bigger the opposing factors are, the greater is the chance that they could also become factors of disappointment and failure. Therefore, when such an incident occurs, the person who greets that incident must also appear as a core of power concentrated in a bigger and stronger determination. Unless you crash into that environment this way, you will never be able to resolve the incidents.

Therefore, those who stand in that environment and make a determination must be extremely serious. In order to overcome these problems, you always have to have a stronger conviction. The important key to solving this problem is to know how to find the internal strength that can overcome the approaching external hardships.

In the course of their lives, human beings have tried to overcome every time they encountered these kinds of problems; however, they failed every time. This was the pattern of the lives of human beings.

God knows this, so what will He want from us? God will want us to determine and pledge once again and go forward. In the future, we will also face the peak of hardships, but in order to prepare for that, we must make a determination once again. In order to win over the external environment and accomplish one great goal, we must introduce a stronger power and impulse greater than that approaching hardship. This is more important than anything else. This is an important problem which not only God worries about, but one which we ourselves must solve.

People will require stronger power when we encounter these problems. Because people need a stronger impulsive element, they search for a third power. It is inevitable that the greater the person, the more he or she will require a third power.

6) It Is a Great Thing to Accomplish Without Knowing

Reverend Moon does not like propaganda. I never boast about what I did, wherever I go. I try to hide it as much as I can. A great work must not be done in the wide open. Do two thirds of the work without people knowing, and when you do the last one third, then you have accomplished a great work.

Therefore, before a great event appears in history -- whether it is some kind of a thought or any kind of work -- two thirds of it had already been accomplished behind the scenes. When it appears before the crowd and becomes known to the people, it appears with a foundation and result that can be officially approved of by the public. (141-121)

Chapter 2 - "I" and The Way of a True Person

Section 1. "I" and The Way of a True Person

1. Who is "I"

1) "I" Who Must Be Awakened

What is the "I"? When the mind goes here and there, and the body does the same, does the person "I" stay still? When it moves here and there, it will hopefully go only to good places, but it also goes to bad places.

You should know this. What kind of realization should I have? I have to realize: I am the absolute center. Although the whole universe turns upside down, I am still standing here like a statue. The place of the heart is firm! Although God pushes me out, He cannot really push me out, because He actually wants me to be here at my original place. You should be in a place where your own subjectivity is protected. Securing the place of the heart is absolutely necessary! How do you secure the place of the heart? It is dangerous if you do it in the opposite direction. It should be in the right direction. You should find the place of complete settlement when the right direction is fixed. When you start operating from such a firm base, then your body and posture will start moving. You will start discovering the "I" which conforms to the original concept of the self. This is a serious matter. (127-198)

Originally, what kind of being is the "I" who can stand in the realm of the ideal? It is not the "I" who is suffering from the difficulties of daily survival. Had the human ancestors been one within God's love, they would have transcended the self and created an ideal family, tribe, nation, and country based on Gods love. (145-312)

2) My Value

What is the most precious thing in the world? It is not gold or jewelry, honor or power. It is my own self. When asked how to be sure of the value of the self, however, people are unable to answer. People want to establish the most respectable image for themselves before the public even when they do not deserve it. This is the original nature of human beings. The self is very precious, and unless we question how others value this self, we cannot make a new determination and new start.

How much value does your own self possess? Have you ever thought about this? If my own self is a unique treasure in the cosmos, then everyone will long for it, including God, Jesus, all the saints, and all those who have made their name in history. Not only the people of the past, but my contemporaries will long for it. They will admire its value. They will do so not just in the present but also in the future. So far, however, you have not realized that you have such value. If you look back upon yourself from the standpoint of the present, are you a precious being? How precious are you? A man has a wife, children, parents, and relatives. How precious this man is, the one who connected them all and brought them to participate in the world! (17-13)

In your blood, there should be the blood of the vertical God and the blood of the horizontal True Parents. Your life was born as they became one through love. Therefore, your life ties within the area of unified shimjung. You are born through the essential root of unity and by inheriting the origin of life. (181-304)

2. I Am a Fruit of History

1) My Origin Is God

Every human being has four limbs and a face, but this basic structure has a great variety of forms. Among such diversity, who can be the standard for me? None of my ancestors can be the standard. When we take a moment away from all the complications of the world and quietly reflect upon ourselves, we realize that we are relational beings. Thus, every part of the body -- hands, eyes, nose, mouth, limbs, and so forth, move for the purpose of relationship. When they work together toward a purpose, they require an object partner. Only then can there be an evaluation of good and bad. Where in the universe did I originate? Human beings do not know their origin. Did I come from an unknown being? Why did I come into being? It must be because of some purpose. It is not enough to say that the purpose is to become a subject or object partner, however. What, then, is the necessary condition? What is needed for me to exist today? There are front and back, right and left, and up and down all around me. Among all that surrounds me, what is the subject and motivation for my existence? It is God. The purpose should be centered on the relationship between God and man rather than just on man. For human beings, there is a substantial image to be achieved in the future beyond the present reality of the self. (12-144)

2) My Root Is Love

Why am "I" most precious? This is the question. You may not know. Why am I most precious? No one takes others as the center of measurement. My self is connected to and formed by countless generations of ancestors. I do not want to treat this self as a secondary being. I want to treat it as the first. Even unconsciously, I affirm my own value and try to establish myself as the absolute measure for everything; my will, my desire, and my appetites become the center. What is the origin of such an attitude? It started from God.

You should know that God established me through a love that unites mind and body. Since this "I" is founded upon love, I should live by love. Since the origin is such, I should expand so and find religion. Why is the self precious? We must make ourselves absolute, because in God's mind the self has dignity as it stands in line with the standard of the tradition. The root that supports the "I" is love. (137-311)

3) I Originate from Three Parents

Where on earth was the self born? I said that you are a microcosm. You are an encapsulation of the earth. Your body contains all the elements of the earth, doesn't it? The universe participates in you. You should know this. First, the universe created you. If the universe says, "I will take back what is mine," then you will have to lose everything. Things borrowed from the universe formed you. What does this mean? It means that the universe gave birth to you. So who is your parent? First, it is the universe. The first parent of your body is the universe. This is why you are a substantial synthesis of the entire elements of the universe. Are you happy? (Yes) Now, who is the first parent? (Nature) Thus, you should love all things as your first parent.

Who is the second parent? It is your own physical parents. (105-106)

Human beings have three parents. They are father and mother, and then all things in the universe. They must receive blood and flesh from them. This is not enough, however. This is the root of life, and its fruit should return to God. It starts that way, turns around several times, and drops off like a fruit. A plant sprouts at the origin of love and life, absorbs all the nutrition from the branches, and produces fruits. The fruits drop in seasons like autumn, and not in the summer. There is a circulation track.

Who is your parent? All things are your parent. Isn't the earth your parent since it supplies elements? It is a parent. The earth is the first parent. Your father and mother are your second parents. Who is the third parent? It is God, who gave you your spirit. You have direct parents and indirect parents. All the parents in the world are your indirect parents. (106-84)

4) My Background is My Ancestors

Whom does a person resemble? His parents. Then whom do his parents resemble? His grandparents. If we go up this way, we reach the first human ancestors. We look the way we do because the first human beings looked this way. Then whom did they resemble? This is the question. There was a master who made them this way. A work of art is created because of the artist's plan, isn't it? No one would deny this. So whom do human beings resemble? They resemble their own fathers and mothers. If they do not resemble their own parents, there must be some ancestors whose traits are carried through the parents and expressed through their children. No one is born totally unrelated to their lineage.

You may think that you constitute your own self, but you have countless ancestors. Let us respect them and call them bosses. You are the general boss who brings together all the bosses. Are you happy to hear this? This is how wonderful human beings are. For this reason, you are like an exhibition in a museum of all the characters, qualifications, and values of the ancestors of ten thousand generations. We are exhibition items our ancestors have placed before the whole world, saying, "This is how our descendants are." Have you ever thought about this? There are numerous men and women in the world, but each individual is born as a fruit that synthesizes the characters of his or her ancestors. (41-139)

I am an historical fruit. What is the self? I am not just somebody who has such and such a name and is going to such and such a college. I am a synthetic expression of the origin, process, and present reality of the universe. I am a treasure and micro museum of the universe. (145-176)

5) The individual is the Historical Fruit

Who are you? You are the fruits of history. Is that right? You are the fruits of historical tribes. You have met me because of the merits of your good ancestors. You did not meet me because of your own will or any qualifications you have. (46-152)


Section 2. The Relationship Between Mind and Body

1. The Original Mind and Body

1) The Original Relationship Between the Mind and Body

Human beings have a mind and a body. The mind should not stray away from God. It must become one with God. Also, the body must stay united with God's will. Your body has five senses. They should also be one with God's will. The body should move in the direction of God's will. (69-274)

The mind is big, and the body is small. In this way, the mind and body have a mutual relationship. This is how they stimulate each other, and this is how I feel joy and sorrow. They must have a mutual relationship. (27-60)

2. What Is The Human Original Mind?

1) The Subject Partner of the Mind and Religion

Do we have a mind? Have you seen it? It exists, although we have not seen it. Who is its subject partner? Have you met the master of the mind? When you like something, can you like it alone? Absolutely not. If you keep smiling by yourself, people will call you crazy. The mind and body fight. It is because the mind does not like the body, and the body does not like the mind. But the fact that they don't like each other means that there is some way that they can like each other. Then what is it that they like? What is the object partner of the mind? Since the mind is invisible, its object partner is invisible. The saints have pursued the object partner of the mind. (41-73)

Can you become God's sons and daughters through the body? No. Since God is invisible, you cannot be His object partner through something visible. God is the absolute center as the invisible subject partner. You cannot stand as His object partner with a visible body.

The object partner has to be invisible. Since God is absolute, infinite, and incredibly large, His object partner must be invisible so that it can be also incredibly large and incredibly high. For human beings, this is the mind, not the body. (41-67)

How happy it will be if this great mind meets the object partner with whom it can rejoice and sing eternally with! This is such a precious place. This is why Buddha proclaimed "I am unique above and below heaven." He discovered the value of the self, unique in the whole of heaven and earth. We see that God is also like me. For this reason, the mind likes the invisible God. The mind cannot rejoice until it encounters its object partner. Human beings seek merriment and boast of their youth in search of bodily joy. But such things soon will come to an end. The way of pleasure is empty, but the joy in the world of the mind is inexhaustible. For this reason, wise people wander about in search of the invisible object partner of the mind. The Creator of the universe is the absolute center of the universe. We must insist that God relates to my mind.

The mind desires that this idea be systematized on a global scale as a philosophy that can transcend time and bring hope to mankind. In other words, it desires to establish a God-centered philosophy. The world the mind desires is not structured like the current social organization. Throughout history, religion has created the internal world and organizational structure that are desired by the mind. In other words, religion has been establishing the foundation that conscientious people have wanted throughout history. A religion does not belong to one nation but to the whole world. Although a religion arises within a nation, it develops beyond the nation and goes into the world. (41-71)

2) The Movement of the Original Mind

The past saints have taught that we should respect and serve heaven and love mankind through the mind. They taught us to love heaven, earth, and people. Then does your mind have the full capability to contact heaven? Does it have the full capability to contact mankind? Does it have the full capability to love the earth? If we analyze the original mind, there is love for heaven, for earth, and for human beings. This love springs up automatically, no matter how much you try to eliminate it. People have pursued the ideal world and original homeland because they possessed such a mind. Therefore, the original mind starts operating from within me. When you want to understand somebody, you should know his mind, not just his title. (19-285)

When you join the Unification Church, things change. Before, you would always go to school right after you got up and ate, but after you joined the Church, you went to school reluctantly. You want to be at the church as much as possible and want to visit the church on the way to school.

Don't you students have these kinds of thoughts? If you don't have such a heart, you hardly qualify as a Unification Church member.

Also, when you are at home, although everything is there -- your parents, good food, nice rooms, and so forth, you are still itching to come to the church. It is a very humble place, but you are happy when you come here and don't want to go back home. Such a feeling comes to you. Don't you have such a feeling? If you don't, then you are a straw man and not a Unification Church member.

Is such a thing felt by the body or the mind? The body prefers being home. You eat better at home. There is nothing but kimchee here.

The kimchee is very old and we don't have large quantities of it. Sometimes you have to eat a whole bowl of rice with only one piece of radish. Still, you find it very delicious and clean up the bowl to the last grain of rice. This is unusual. Why is it like that? Is it because the body likes it or because the mind likes it? It is because the mind likes it. Why does the mind like it? The mind has met the Master, so it can find the original hometown and the land of the heart. When somebody sets out for their hometown after working and suffering faraway on a high mountain farm, will he be happy as he leaves the mountains for home? He will be happy. Although he starts out from the countryside, he is happy to go home. The reason is that the mind knows the direction is right. When the electric waves are exchanged through the mind's antennae, there is no conflict. From this, power is generated. It is the same principle. (41-74)

3) The Size of the Mind

Ladies and gentlemen, is your mind narrow or wide? You don't know how the mind looks, but the mind is infinitely large. Then how good is this mind? The mind would like to give millions of dollars to each of the three billion persons of humankind. The mind is so wonderful. This is why human beings can be born as a flower of infinite love and infinite hope. Why is this so? It is because they infinitely resemble God's character. (27-60)

How large is your mind? It is unfathomable. It is infinitely large, beyond any measures. Why is it so big? When it is small, on the other hand, it is miserably small -- so small even a needle cannot enter through it. It can expand infinitely wide, and can shrink infinitely small.

Why is the mind like this? It is because the mind is the house of God. (145-313)

When you meet the object partner of the mind, how joyful will it be? Will the joy end in a day or two? See how big it is. The mind is not content just to have God; it will smile with satisfaction only when it occupies the love that lies deep in God. When my mother loves me, I do not like hesitant and unsure love; I will be satisfied only when she gives me the genuine and only love she has. (41-73)

4) The Basis of the Mind, Emotion, Intellect, and Will

If we analyze the basis of our mind, we see emotion, intellect, and will. The most fundamental of the three, however, is emotion. Where do you want to store something that is most important to you? You will want to put it somewhere that only you know about. It is a place where no one can come in and interfere and where you have an absolute authority. Where is such a place? It is deep inside the mind. It is the place you feel most safe. People put their valuables inside their closets, but the place where the truth can be stored is your mind.

Emotion does not operate by itself, it requires an object partner. No matter how harmonious a couple may be, if they have no children, they feel empty and bored. The older they get, the more empty and bored they feel. There should be a child to serve and walk before them.

Childless people have no hope. Children are hope. Without them, there is no hope. Truth expands as an eternal hope. Also, shimjung stays with eternal hope eternally. With respect to emotion, no matter how noble a man or woman may be, they cannot form a mutual relationship alone. (24-319)

2. The Mind and Body That Have Been Formed By the Fall

1) Struggle Between Mind and Body

Your mind and body struggle because of the fall. God did not create them to be in conflict, but they are born with Satan's blood, and that blood contains elements of rebellion against God. Originally, the mind is to be the plus, but after the fall, the body insists on being the plus. This is why the two are in confrontation. (19-194)

The mind and body separated through the fall. As the mind and body separated, they took different roads. This is the problem. How do we make them one? What can bring them back to be one? For this, we should understand the motivation for the fall and the original path that should have been trodden, without the fall. (140-13)

2) The Desire of the Mind and the Desire of the Body

Your mind and body are separated, aren't they? Aren't they fighting against each other? There have been many saints and wise men in human history, but no one has decisively resolved the problem of mind-body conflict. Didn't even St. Paul say that there were two laws at war within him? Human beings have always followed the law of evil rather than the law of goodness. For this reason, St. Paul lamented in misery. Even a man like Paul spoke this way. He said, "Who will liberate me from the rule of sin? Only love in Christ Jesus." (187-41)

Therefore, numerous saints on earth sought ways to subjugate the body and to find the true and complete human path desired by the mind. Although they struggled for it with all their might, history passed on without their being able to produce a clear answer, like scientific or mathematical theorems. In this history, you are here with me, listening to these words.

Then what is the path of human life and the task that lies before you? This is the question. When human beings are struggling between diverging paths, which road should they take? People of the past said that the human mind changes morning and night, while nature does not change throughout the ages. The human mind does not change like that, however. The person changes, not the mind. When the person changes, the mind reluctantly follows. From this, one concludes that the mind is changing. Although the mind always stands on the side of goodness, it looks as if the mind were also evil and changing as the person changes. It is wrong to say that the mind changes.

A person stands at the crossroads between the mind's path and the body's path. But this world is filled with all the attractions of the body over the mind and does not provide an environment in which to live according to the mind's desires. So this world must be an evil world rather than a good one. What kind of world is it? (An evil world.) A sinful snake has tied an anchor to your back in order to hold you back from your way. Can you forgive an enemy who is holding you back like this? You cannot forgive him. If you follow the body, you will forget the true path of life and end up being like a beast. This is the path of human life today. So by all means, we should carefully follow the mind and step over the borderline, defending ourselves against the evil attack. There have been many ethical systems and religions but they have failed to present clear guidance that shows people how to go in the direction of the mind. (38-310)

3. The Restoration of the Body

1) The Body and Spirit as a Result of the Fall

The body is Satan's performing stage. It is the basis of evil, the root of evil, and the palace of Satan. The flesh is the enemy because it is the element of Satan. The body directs your life and stays with you during earthly life. (52-304, 38-271, 47-271, 10-96, 35-91)

The spirit pursues what belongs to God. The conscience is the fortress of God. Since the enemy's blood is in the body, Satan rules the mind. The mind accompanies you eternally as a guide to life. (52-304, 47-271, 10-94, 35-91)

2) The Propensity of the Fallen Flesh

The flesh is always reluctant to follow the way of the spirit. The mind and body stimulate us to follow our physical desires and to serve ourselves alone. Also, the body wants to go up higher and higher, and it becomes arrogant. The more it is fed, the more it wants to eat; the more it is rested, the more it wants to rest. Also, the body does not like what is rough and rugged but likes what is plump, sleek, and soft.

Furthermore, it does not like bowing down and sacrificing. (52-304, 52-305, 18-314, 65-73, 38-271, 18,68)

3) The Proportion of Power between the Mind and Body

As the mind and body of fallen man fight against each other, the proportion of their strengths has been quite equal, about ten to eight. The body is connected to the whole world, but the mind is connected to only one path. Although the environment has occupied the fallen body, the mind has been following one track. When you try to do something evil, fear comes to your mind. If you nevertheless go ahead with it, all your accumulated merit will crumble. The mind intervenes at the beginning of the action, but finally the body rules it. Hence, although the proportion of strength is ten to eight in favor of the mind, still the mind gets pushed back by the body. (18-66)

This world is an expansion of the seed that has been sown in the individual; hence, it is an extension of me. We are living in such a social environment today. We are living within such a boundary. This is human life. The question is how big my own area is. Some will go this way, and others will go the opposite way. You are also walking a path that has been walked by your ancestors. Following the body means going in the direction of evil; following the mind means going in the direction of good.

If the mind's pursuit occupies at least sixty percent of an individual, that individual's tribe will dominate the world. What has religion been doing so far? There is only one thing to be conquered. It is not the family, the nation, or the world. It is my own self. Thus, religion has been trying to conquer the self. You should know this. My self is always standing at the crossroads between good and evil.

Then how should you proceed? If what you pursue is divided fifty and fifty for the mind and body, it is not admissible. Such a person will only go to the middle level of the spiritual world, a cease-fire zone. If the portion of the body is sixty percent over the mind, then the person will go to hell. What kind of place is hell? It is a shady place. What kind of place is Heaven? It is a shiny place. That kind of person will inevitably go to the shady place. The farther you go down, the darker it gets. (37-121)

4. The Restoration of the Body

1) The Attitude for Bodily Restoration

Don't ever follow the body, and don't ever go to an evil place. Human feelings and human norms easily lead to Satan and evil, so we should deny them. You have to go to a repair shop. There you should be quickly disassembled. In this process, you should deny all the thoughts, power, concepts, and position you had before. You have no choice, although it makes you unhappy. Without this, you cannot be repaired. You will be told to stifle the body, to sacrifice, to be humble, and to suppress arrogance. You will be asked to give up your appetites, your sexual desire, and material greed. You should follow the path of fasting and tribulation.

We should pray hard and work hard for the sake of God's will. If we make all effort with one heart, then the power of the mind will come to us as a matter of course. Today, people talk about self-cultivation and morality, yet this is not enough. Religion helps us be victorious over our physical desires. Therefore, my motto for the whole of my spiritual life is, "Gain domination over the self before you desire to dominate the universe. How difficult this is! (38-271, 39-355, 70-68, 23-166, 52,305, 39285, 10-66, 52-305, 101-37)

2) The Method for Dominating the Body

Now, how can we conquer this body? What is the method for making it unite with the mind? Simply speaking, there are only two ways. What is the first method? The first method is to conquer the body by force by dismantling its power; that is, by cutting off its desires and feelings.

This is why fasting and prayer is recommended. When you fast and pray, the body loses vitality. Then the mind is glad because it can dominate the body. The next method is to sacrifice and serve. It is to die to yourself. These are all actions the body dislikes. Thus, true religion starts with denying all relationship with the body. This is the conclusion. Do you understand? Ladies and gentlemen look at the Scriptures of all religions. Do any of them tell us to eat and live comfortably? None of them do that. Religion tells us to wish blessing upon others even at the point of death. This is impossible with the body. Such things are ways of force, fully bringing down and capturing the body.

What is the second method of dominating the body? The mind and body fight because they are similar in strength. The second method is to reinforce the mind. Do you understand it? You should give strength to the mind. There are only these two methods. Thus, you have to make all kinds of spiritual conditions. Spiritual conditions will open the gate of your mind. When it is open, a strong power comes out and overpowers the body. You don't know this yet. When the mind power becomes three times as strong as that of the body, then dominating the body becomes no problem. The body can even be left alone because it is unable to cause trouble. So you should compress power into the mind and lead the body at once. This is why you should make spiritual conditions.

You must have heard about being spiritually open. When this happens, great power is produced from the mind. So far, the body has always beaten the mind because it was weak. But what if we inject strength to the mind and increase its power two or three times? Then it can easily take the lead over the body. It can drag it along. Just as canaries swell up with air, what will happen if the mind receives power? It will become strong, right? Then you will be so much with the mind that just thinking about what body wants to do will offend you. A spiritually open person receives great power in the mind, and his body follows the mind almost effortlessly.

The source of the mind's power is love, so if the explosive power of the mind is connected to God, then I can unify huge areas; I can achieve the deepest wishes of humankind, and possess the Kingdom of Heaven, to live together eternally. The secret for this is love. Love is an elevator and the absolute key to unification.

The power of love should be restored to the mind. Therefore, when you are religious, you experience joy. Crazy people laugh by themselves, right? Even crazy people laugh, and so when you become crazy about God's love, how much you will laugh! You will laugh so much that your lips will roll into your mouth. You are happy whether you close your eyes, open your eyes, or live for tens of thousands of years.

If there is such a person, what will happen? If such a love power comes to you, what will happen? All the cells will be focused on this love as if they were electrified, and they will dance in its embrace. Although it may seem like a single dance, actually the whole world will follow the beat. In order to generate such a power, you should make spiritual conditions. Through this, if you go over the limits of the fall and become a total minus, a perfect plus will come to you, even if you ask him not to come. Apart from these two ways, there is no way to control the body. God is using these strategies to complete the domination of the body. (70-67, 18-328, 65-73, 38-271, 18-327, 35-60)

The Kingdom of Heaven comes only when the fight between the mind and body ceases. Let us try to be people who can lead the body at will. The fight occurs because the power of mind and body are five to five. So pump up the mind with a high pressure and blow it up ten times, thereby raising the ratio up to five and fifty. Then the body will succumb to the mind, as a child to an adult. It is like an elementary school student matched against a wrestling champion. Like an electric shock, with this power you will receive a strength that makes you feet your cells are bursting out.

If you proceed with the conviction that the mind and body can become one within three years, God will come to you and work within you. Our spirits should be a stage on which God can work. (23-166,39, 200, 47-27, 65-74, 69-280, 38-304)

3) God Comes when We Unite Mind and Body

If your body acquires the habit of not following Satan, you will realize that you are a totally new being and moving toward Heaven. God will work for you, and you will feel tremendous power swell up from your spirit. Shall we call this cosmic power? It is a power to unify and dominate the whole. Then there would be no match for you. God will work within us and desire to dwell within us. Then we can feel acutely that we are living with God. Until we arrive at this point, we cannot call ourselves children of God. When all this is realized, the body becomes a holy temple. When you come near a bad smell, you will get a headache; when you try to go to a bad place, your feet will start aching. The body will sense the situation first and inform us.

Originally, humans were not supposed to dominate the earth alone, but also the spiritual world. The Divine Principle speaks truly when it says that God comes when the mind and body are united. (52-305, 52306, 35-59, 10-97, 69-280)

We should realize again that we are in the wrong, and become children and object partners of the absolute being by uniting our minds and bodies so that we can live eternally in the world of happiness. This I wish for you. This is the true path for human life. (39-357)


Section 3. The Way of a True Person

1. The Way of a Man of Character

1) Who Is a Man of Character?

Who is a man of character? Is it someone who lives for the sake of eating? Or is it someone who has artistic or poetic talents so that he can fully appreciate the beauty of the world and whisper to the mountains and fields and sing to the flowing water? Who is closer to a man of original value? The one who lives for food is close to an animal, and the one who can enjoy nature and who has rich poetic feelings is close to an angel. There are two kinds of people: one is animalistic and the other idealistic. (85-143)

Who is called a man of character? He is one who can stand in the central position of society. When there is a man of character in the village, he can play the central role in the material and spiritual lives of the village people. Only through this can he be an object of respect. It is the same in the nation. A nation is also centering on a man of character as the representative. The actual organization is formed as the people make mutual relationships centering on him. Likewise, the world also requires a man of character as the center.

A man of character is little different from ordinary people in terms of external appearance, but he is very different from them in his thoughts and spirit. Therefore, what determines a man of character is not the external aspect but the internal one. We should discuss character and personality based on the spiritual side of man. In order to expand the spiritual area, we have to understand the world of the mind. The mind has the agility to expand infinitely. From this, we can see that human desire originates from the mind and not from the body. The mind is in endless operation, generating infinite desires. Our personality is not confined to a certain society, country, or world. Furthermore, it proceeds toward the highest absolute standard, which can transcend even the past, the present, and the future. Considering the propensity of the mind to reach out to the absolute, we can see that the world of the mind is connected to infinity. (29-125)

When we call someone a man of character, we are not referring to his appearance, education, career, or position. We call him a man of character based on his living in a principled way. External flamboyance does not make a man of character. A man of character is the one who lives according to God's will, with an unchanging heart. (19-285)

The vertical and conscientious personality must be joined together with the horizontal and physical personality. The vertical personality should stand perpendicular to the horizontal line, and the physical personality should stand at a complete ninety-degree angle to the vertical line. Only then do all the angles always remain at ninety degrees to form a sphere. This way, if the central point is hit, then no matter how many lines you draw on it, all the forces affect the whole sphere, because the lines are drawn through the center. When this point is hit, then the whole will resonate. The whole will know. (176-138)

Does human personality have bones? Have you seen it -- the bone of personality? A personality means the shape of a person. There is a visible aspect; however, there is a hidden base that is responsible for the visible aspect. You should know that the visible structure exists because of that base. (177-315)

2) The Center of Personality is Heart

What do we most need? It is a glow of love. God's love is like the guide rope of the net. The love of God should set an anchor on me. What is the center of personality? It is not truth but heart. This is where we sing of spring all our life. (33-68)

What is personality? It is not words, but shimjung; shimjung is the eternal model and standard. This is why we proclaim the God of shimjung. This is God's final standard of personality. God is love. So I propose we explore the great way of heaven through the personality that springs from shimjung, which is the original source of love. In this, no one can surpass Reverend Moon. (84-123)

In the world of spiritual pursuits, what is the standard for a perfect personality? It is love. Personality is perfected through the infinite and absolute love of God. (33-79)

3) The Method for Perfecting the Personality

(You said that we should build our personality through mind and body unity. Please tell us what is the greatest problem in doing this.)

When you are in a high position, there is no way of uniting the mind and body, so you must be stepped on. God has trampled on me for forty years lest I get above myself. As you are downtrodden, that which wants to go up gets smashed and brought back to unity. Do you understand this? (Yes.) You should be cursed, trampled on, and mistreated, just like the vagrant Bamboo Hat Kim. Through this, you should discover the self that can take all these tribulations gratefully.

Common people think that the mind and body can be united when they are living comfortably in a good place, but that is the way to hell. Jesus said that the one who seeks to lose his life, will gain it. It is the opposite.

Through the logic of irony, the one who tries to live will die. Jesus said that your family members are enemies and that you should love him more than anyone else. This means that you should go into the most opposite place in the world. (144-257)

4) The Lifestyle of a Man of Character

People change their minds day and night because they do not have an absolute center. We cannot call them men of character. A man of character is the one who tries to keep his promise all his life and has a high level of righteousness. You should make no excuses after things are decided. You should say that what you have promised never changes, even if the law of the universe changes. (23-100)

A man of character keeps his promises. If I say that you forced the promise I made upon me, and therefore I don't have to keep it, then I am not a man of character. Law is a set of promises made on a public standard. Thus, all the people who live within its jurisdiction should keep it. If someone cannot keep it, then he should be punished by public regulation. This is the responsibility of the keepers of the law. No matter who initiated it, a promise must be kept. You will be a loser if you do not keep your promise. In making a promise, everyone has to come to an accord based on the common standard. (31-13)

God's love is the original source of the universe and it embraces the world. If such love had reached each and every person, would there not be a realm where there is love everywhere, whether we go up or fall down? Where would the value of personality lie then? It would not lie in eloquence or good looks. Looked at from any angle, a man of character has no faults. Everything that is related to him spreads fragrance. Shouldn't it be like that? When you see things with a shimjung understanding that everything God created is a branch of God, then everything becomes your friend. (33-89)

2. The Way of the Saint

1) The Unification Church Advocates Being a Saint

What is the Unification Church trying to do? It is not just trying to make great men, but saints. A great man has enemies; a saint does not. A great man loves only his nation, whereas a saint loves the whole of humankind. A great man cannot go to God when He accuses him of not loving the whole of humankind, but a saint can go directly to God. What is the Unification Church trying to do? Are we trying to create great men or saints? (Saints.) (38-263)

2) The Teachings of the Saints

Who is a saint (Sung In)? The word sung is a combination of car, mouth, and king. So a saint is a king of the ear and of the mouth. (147-282)

What kind of person is a saint? A saint is someone who lives for the sake of all people, nature, and even the whole universe, working hard eternally, day and night. Is there any objection to this? No one can deny this definition. (133-18)

What is the standard of a saint? What determines sainthood is the heart to give oneself even in pieces for the sake of something greater: the world, heaven and earth, God, and all things. (20-182)

A saint is not national but global. Furthermore, he is global not just centering on human beings but on God. Without God, no one can be a saint. (38-262)

So far, the way of the saint has been the spiritual origin of the world culture, which has been developing throughout history. Culture has always developed based on religion. (39-257)

What do you have to do in order to be a world-renowned figure? You cannot just live by human ethics; nor can you just live centering on human beings. Human beings cannot go beyond the level of their county. Heaven alone can go beyond the level of the country. Without a cosmic philosophy, you cannot go beyond your country. You should know this. For this reason, everyone who has made it to the list of saints is a religious leader. (38-260)

Saints have introduced God. Did those who joined the ranks of saints worship God or not? Is there anyone who became a saint without God? Saints not only taught human ethics; they also taught the heavenly way. (33-291, 39-316)

What did the saints teach? Necessarily, they taught about God. (34-196)

Saints mainly taught about heaven. They taught about the will of heaven rather than human norms. In other words, they showed the path for human beings based on the heavenly will. The teachings of those who said we should live according to the heavenly will have become global teachings. The saints achieved sainthood by becoming global and cosmic people, respected by all humanity. (39-257)

Saints should teach true life, true character, and then true love. Also, they should teach the true character of God. (103-15)

3) Today's View Toward Saintly Teachings

Do you all like religion? Do you like saints? (Yes.) You like saints, but you don't like their foundations. Saints became saints through a religious path, right? But ordinary people do not like religion, although they see the connection. This is a contradiction.

There are many hoodlums in college who still consider themselves the elite. I may offend you, but I want to attack you.

Listen up, although you may be hurt by the attack. If we study history, we see that many constitutions are created based on the way of saints. The same applies to the Korean constitution. It was created by summarizing the teachings of the saints, based on ethics. Its essence comes from saintly teachings. World ideas are formed based on this.

Thus, the philosophy of a saint comes closer and closer to the mainstream of history.

People who are already within the teachings of the saints still dislike religion. Are pastors and monks popular these days? Do you like them or not? (We do not like them.) Then do you like Reverend Moon of the Unification Church? (We like him.) But didn't you just say that you dislike this kind of person? We have to wait and see. You cannot say immediately that you like me. There is a saying that the human mind changes morning and evening, whereas the colors of the mountain are the same throughout the ages. I don't want to trust you now, however much you tell me you love me. Isn't this strange and curious? If human beings like the ways of saints and yet dislike what they have established, human beings are in trouble. (50-108)

4) The Difference Between a Great Man and a Saint

There are many great people in the world. Korea also has many great people. Who are they? They are people like Admiral Lee. He is admired as a hero who can awaken the national spirit in Koreans. Yet his influence is limited to Korea. How do the Japanese perceive him? (As an enemy) When he died, the Japanese people must have been glad, right? A great man cannot go beyond national boundaries. Within the boundaries of a nation, there can be a great man, but no saint.

What is the difference between a great man and a saint? When you offer your life for the sake of your country, you will receive the honor of a patriot and a great man, but not the honor of a saint. Who is a saint? He transcends national boundaries. He does not live for his own nation or tribe but for the whole of humankind. He offers his life for the whole of humanity, transcending nation, religion, and race, and he walks the path of death in a world-level relationship to humankind. (38-350)

5) The Four Great Saints

Through the fall, the human ancestors lost the earth, the human self, and God. So what is it that remains to the end? It is a battle to find God. The four great saints of the world struggled to find God. Who are the four saints? (Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Socrates.) Who is the next? (Mohammed.) Some count Mohammed instead of Socrates, right? When we have Socrates, it becomes five saints. But the question is who is counted as a part of the four saints. Did Socrates teach about God? (No) When it comes to the question of life and death, knowledge has no value. Knowledge has no power to resolve the problem of life and death. So those who claim to know the truth based on knowledge cannot belong to the ranks of saints.

Confucius vaguely said that heaven rewards the one who practices goodness, and the one who does not practice goodness will be punished by heaven. The idea of heaven is too vague. There is nothing concrete about God. He taught about Heaven, but in a too ambiguous way, so Confucianism is a halfway religion. It is not active enough.

Buddhism taught about Heaven, but its content is too difficult and esoteric because it does not understand the matter clearly. It confuses God and the law. It says that the law is God, and God is the law. But this is not the case.

Buddhism is a religion of logic. If it goes deep, it ends up denying the existence of God. It cannot make any relationship with human beings because it is too primitive.

Islam is a synthesis of religions. While following the Old Testament, it also upholds the Koran. The Koran contains Biblical elements. This is an archangelic religion. For this reason, Islam may seem sympathetic to communism. This religion will serve the prophetic mission of setting fire to the changing world. Of course, it has a certain content, but it is borrowed from the Old Testament. Borrowing from other religions does not bring recognition.

What did Jesus bring forward? You may say that I like Jesus because I happen to follow Christianity. But I did not believe in or like Jesus from the beginning. I searched to find the principle of the universe and the saint who had the right content. If Christianity is a world-level religion, God will assign to Christians the mission of the Last Days to dominate the whole world. We can see this clearly from the fact that Christianity is dominating the democratic world today.

Then what did Jesus teach? Jesus taught concretely. He taught that God is the Father. This is excellent. This is the teaching that can connect human affection to heavenly love and heavenly decree. Jesus is the only one who taught like this in the whole of human history. Next, Jesus said, "I am the bridegroom, and you are the brides." That means that his objects all become his brides. There is no relationship that is more intimate than that of husband and wife. Also, Jesus said, "You are brothers and sisters." Is there any relationship closer than this? You should know this. He was talking about a family that is based on God's will and a family based on human will. This is a conclusion that brings everything into consideration. This is taught only in Christianity.

6) The Saint of Saints

Shall I say one more word? Who is the saint of saints? The heavenly way includes heavenly affection and the heavenly decree. Also, there are human ethics and human affections. Human affection and ethics and heavenly affection and heavenly decree should become one through human beings. Only then will God rejoice, and only when God rejoices can human beings rejoice. In other words, human happiness depends on God's happiness. Parents must be happy in order for their children to be happy. Right? Just as parents must be happy in order for the household to be at peace, God must be happy in order for humankind to be happy. Since the day of God's joy has not arrived, however, joy has not come to the human world yet.

Then who is the saint of saints? God and man should make a relationship of parent and child at a place where human affection and heavenly affection, and human norms and heavenly decrees become one. The saint of saints is the one who has left behind a heartistic teaching such as this. Such a person will be the highest of all the saints.

Isn't it so? This is a clear theory and result. (39-4 1

What kind of person is the saint of saints? A saint is the one who has lived for the sake of God. Buddha, Mohammed, and Jesus all recognized God. They lived with God as the center of their life. They also lived for mankind, just as they loved God. A saint is the one who lives for the sake of humankind and God. Is that right? (Right.) Why did Jesus pray for his enemies on the cross? Because God loved them, Jesus had to love them, even though they were enemies. In order to practice this love, he loved them even at the time of his death. This is why he is the highest saint. (95-190)

7) A Saint Is Ill Treated in His Lifetime

Saints taught the true way for people to live. Although they showed the world to come to the people of their time, the people did not understand them. Why? It is because there was too big a gap. So the rulers of their time persecuted, expelled, and murdered them. But the saints did not harm their countries. Although they wanted to rescue their countries from chaos and lead them to hope, people did not understand that and drove them out. But later on, the truths of their teachings were accepted because it shows the way for all people. Through this, world, wide cultural realms have been formed. (39-256)

What kind of person is a saint? He is an international figure rather than a national figure. There is no saint who did not receive persecution in his own country. Buddha was born as a prince, and yet he threw away this position in order to find the truth. Buddhism started in India, and yet there have not been many Buddhists in India. There is no saint who was treated as a saint in his own country. No country has been able to recognize and serve a saint. Nations always persecuted them instead. (39-255)

Although saints are ill treated during their lifetime, their merits are elevated after their deaths because of indemnity, and they are highly respected. Evil always strikes first and loses, and goodness gets hit fist and gains. (140-263)

8) Saints Are Objects of Reverence

Why should posterity revere the saints? It is because all the stories of the struggle for goodness are concentrated in their hearts. In order to achieve a purpose of goodness, we should make efforts through their foundations. Otherwise, we cannot connect with the path leading to the purpose. Although they are fallen descendants, many people cherish the saints and seek to follow in their footsteps, for the human heart is connected to the heavenly heart. This is a natural pursuit of original value. (17-268)

Who will remain in history? People who died for the sake of an individual cannot be revered by people and remembered in history.

The ones who died for a family will be revered by many individuals. The ones who died for their nation through a religion, however, will be revered by all the families. Furthermore, the ones who died for the sake of the world in the name of religion will be revered by the nations who pursue this religion. (27-173)

No saint has been welcomed in his historical age. Only a hundred or thousand years after their death, when his bones have changed into ashes, does he become an historic object of reverence. That has been the path of the saints so far. (127-33)

3. The Way of Holy Sons and Daughters

1) The Meaning of Holy Sons and Daughters

There are saints in history. Who are the saints? They are all founders of religions. There are people at an even higher level than that of a saint, however. The Unification Church calls them holy sons and daughters of God. The Christian churches also talk about holy sons and daughters.

Then who are the holy sons and daughters? Saints themselves do not clearly comprehend God. They do not understand in detail that God is a personality who represents the ideal of daily living. Who, then, are the holy sons and daughters? God is the head of all sovereigns and the center of the whole. Wherever He is, there is the law of the kingdom and the law of the palace. Palace law has to be obeyed. Without it, one cannot live as a prince in the palace with the king. Holy sons and daughters are the ones who desire to live with the king eternally, while keeping the law and then transcending it. The king cannot live without the son; nor can the son live without the king, his father. They want to live together eternally. Such a person is called a holy son or daughter. (148,259)

Do you know what it means to be holy sons and daughters? They are different from saints. There are four great saints, but it is much more difficult to be holy sons and daughters. They are the ones who can keep the law of the heavenly palace. God is the king who lives in the heavenly palace. In order to be His son, you must know palace law. What do you want to know? Do you want to know the way of being heavenly children, holy sons and daughters, patriots, or filial children? (Heavenly children) You are quite greedy! (Laughter)

What does it mean to say that Jesus is the only begotten son? He is the only son because he stands as a representative whom God cannot help loving when it comes to handling the law of love, which is most precious to God. Holy sons and daughters are the ones who know how to keep not only human laws but also the laws of the heavenly palace. The way of patriots directly connects to the way of filial children; the way of saints directly connects to the way of patriots; the way of holy sons and daughters directly connects to the way of saints. The essence flows on a perpendicular line. It is the only one. (175-214)

2) The Words "Holy Sons and Daughters" are Words of Great Blessing

A saint is a holy person who can stand before God. From among saints holy sons and daughters must come. There have to be ones who can be people of God's kingdom, and among those, there have to be ones who can be God's children. Holy sons and daughters are above saints. This historical background cannot be understood without knowing the spiritual world and God's providence. No matter how much knowledge one may have, he cannot reach his destiny without understanding God's providence. In following the road of love, what comes after being a saint? Saints are God's people, who can go to God, but when such people become numerous, holy sons and daughters should emerge. The words "holy sons and daughters, which means that I am God's child, are words of great blessing in the history of the fallen world. They can be considered gospel. (136-206)

Thus, there are filial children, patriots, and saints. What is next? Just because one is a saint, it does not mean that he will become a holy son. We should become holy sons and daughters. However intensely a saint loves people, he has to understand the law of the heavenly palace in order to become a holy son or daughter. He should follow the palace law and find another law that can keep rhythm with it.

3) Becoming Holy Sons and Daughters

Saints are on a global level, although patriots cannot go beyond national boundaries. The saints have a loving heart, such that they desire for the world to become better and are willing to take responsibility for all the bad things of the world; with this heart, they sacrifice themselves throughout their entire lives. Thoughts of filial children, patriots, and saints are all centered on the world and on the earth,

When you are centered on God, who is the center of the universe, then you will want to embrace heaven and earth with love, and desire that all the beings in the universe become eligible to receive God's love.

Since I love God from this position, I transcend history and worry about the spiritual world. If someone can transcend time and space and worry about affairs of the spiritual world, of the earth, and of God with love, he would be the kind of person God desires. Our Unification Church gives the name holy sons and daughters to this kind of person.

Then what do you want to become? Filial children, patriots, or saints? (Saints.) All kinds of people want to be saints. Those who want to become holy sons and daughters, raise your hands. Is this easy or difficult? (Difficult) What do you call those who love and serve parents at home? (Filial children) How about those who love the country? (Patriots) How about those who love the world? (Saints) What is it that I am teaching? It is to become holy sons and daughters who love God, the world, and the universe. Which do you want to become? (Holy sons and daughters) Then you should have love that is like God's. (129-99)

In becoming holy sons and daughters, what do we have to know first? Who should be the master? It is God. So pray for God. You should act according to God's desire and not your own. You should know that God is the master. Next, what is the purpose? The purpose is God's thought; we should act according to God's thought. This is God's will. We should live according to God's will and God's thought. This is the purpose. Do you understand? There should be the master and purpose. This is important. (161-141)

4. The Way to Become a Child of Filial Piety

1) What is a Child of Filial Piety?

What is a child of filial piety? He is the one who always thinks about what the parents like and tries to carry it out. He longs for the realm of shimjung where all his five senses operate with his parents as the center. He wants to get rid of bad things for the sake of his parents, keeping only good things, making them better. (161-132)

2) The Reason Filial Piety Is Important

The world cherishes filial piety. Filial piety is the formation stage, do you understand? What is a child of filial piety? He should be able to serve his parents and grandparents. He should go through three generations. Next, what is a patriot? It is the same. A patriot serves the sovereign as parents and serves God as grandparents. (96-31)

It is edifying to say that we should become filial sons and daughters. We commonly hear that there is a generation gap between parents and children, but is there a gap between two generations with respect to love! Why are you being told to practice filial piety? This means participating in your parents' path of love. The heavenly decree follows your parents' true path of love. Since this path is not just trodden by your parents but is connected to the invisible heavenly decree, being one with the parents means inheriting the shimjung of both aspects; that is, the vertical history of the heavenly decree and the horizontal history. This is the meaning of filial piety. But you have not realized this so far. Nowadays, people think, "What is the use of being loyal to parent?" This is how they think in America. They say, "When our parents gave birth to us, was it for our own sake?" But they do not know the principle. In any history, the vertical standard must be erected first in order for the horizontal standard to be established. When you construct a building, you have to arrange the vertical structures first. Unless the horizontal structures are put together after the vertical, this building will fall down. Likewise, the fact that human beings exist already means that they are aligned to the vertical standard. (136-203)

3) How Do We Become Children of Filial Piety?

We should be in line with the direction of our parents' hearts. What is the secret of being children of filial piety? The internal and external standards must agree. (12-174)

A child of filial piety is valuable because he serves his parents with an unchanging love, from the time of childhood to the time of old age. Such a person is called a child of filial piety. (168-163)

In order to be a child of filial piety, you should always be in line with the direction of your parents' hearts. The one who follows the path of filial piety never acts apart from his parents. He follows his parents everywhere, whether to the East or to the West. When the parents suddenly want to turn back, he should turn back without dissent.

When they tell him to go and turn back ten times, he should do so and still follow them. If he protests, "What kind of parents are you, changing your minds like crazy? Father and mother, I don't like this," then he cannot keep the way of filial piety all the way to the end. When parents do crazy actions, the child should also do the same. He should be able to act crazy when the parents order him to. Acting crazy is undesirable, but this is done under the parents' knowledge.

Then why do parents perform crazy actions? It is because that is the only way to pick the best child of filial piety from among many. When there are one hundred loyal children, parents will act crazy in order to find the best of them. They will turn around one hundred times and change their minds one hundred times. They may change around even one thousand times. But if a child takes this capriciousness as truthful and absolutely obeys the parents with his life, he can be the king among children of filial piety. In other words, he can rule over the children of filial piety. Don't you think so? Then he should be able to do crazy things as his destined mission. If he says, "Oh, this does not fit me, so I don't know," then the way of filial piety is blocked for him. So there must be the way of filial piety on a global level that can break through the most challenging obstacle. Then what kind of person is God? He is the parent of mankind, the king of kings, and the center of everything. In order to become His child, a loyal child in a family should become one on a global level. Isn't it so? (62-32)

4) We Should Be Able to Experience Our Parents' Shimjung and Situation

We should follow the way of children of filial piety. If God is serious about the world situation, is there someone who can experience this heart and struggle to become God's child, forgetting himself and forgetting sleep with even more seriousness? This is what the question finally comes down to. (62-35)

What is a child of filial piety? He is the one who takes responsibility for the parents' sorrow and goes to difficult places in order to resolve their sorrow, thereby bringing joy to the parents. When the parents work ten hours, the child works fifteen. Then the parents will feel joy that corresponds to the five. A filial son is one who considers how to supplement what is missing. He serves the parents. (24-261)

Isn't this the case in the village? When you receive an award for filial piety, is it because of your doctorate degree? Is that a part of the condition of filial piety? No, it is not. The question is how much you have loved your parents with all of your mind and body. When you absolutely serve your parents day and night with an unchanging heart, as if you were serving the country and God, then you will be called a child of filial piety. (147-232)

5) We Should Be Able to Bear Our Parents' Burdens

If the parents want to do ten different things, a child of filial piety should take responsibility for the most important of those and carry it out. If there are ten sons, who is the most loyal? The one who takes over the most difficult job on his own and shows love for the parents will be most remembered by the parents. Thus, it is clear that the one who bears the duty of filial piety through the most difficult path rather than the one who tries to go the easy way will truly realize filial piety. (62-23)

When a child understands his parents' sorrow deeply, he will sincerely wish for the resolution of their sorrow, going beyond his environment of living. If someone worries about the parents' sorrow more than his own, then he can be called a loyal child. But if someone expects his parents to worry about his troubles while the parents have their own suffering, then he is still not united with his parents.

According to the principle of filial piety, the one who forgets about the parents' situation cannot make a relationship with the parent at a crucial moment. If a child insists that his sorrow be recognized and resolved, putting aside the sorrow of his parents, he will be a treacherous son.

This is what we experience in our daily life. What is the value of a child of filial piety? Filial piety starts when a child worries about his parents' difficulties more than his own, adding theirs to his own, and accepts this as a matter of course. On the other hand, a breach occurs in the relationship when the child overlooks his parents' difficulties. The way of filial impiety starts there. When you regard your brother's difficulties as less important than your own, the brotherhood relationship becomes distant. (62-178)

6) The Words "Child of Filial Piety" Are Accompanied by Misery

The way of the child of true filial piety is not smooth. Filial piety and patriotism are in fact words of misery. Filial piety cannot be practiced with a self-centered attitude. Where do you have to be in order to become a child of filial piety? You have to stand on the road of death and greatest tribulation. (62-37)

Where is the root of filial piety established? It is established in a most miserable place. A miserable place is a place of death. The root is established in the most miserable, dying place. Is this right or wrong? Suppose that there is a child of filial piety. Children of filial piety must exist in each age. Among them, who can be chosen as the best? It is better to practice filial piety at a young age rather than at an old age. There are great varieties among children of filial piety: they are rich, poor, some are menial laborers, beggars, and so on.

A living person cannot be a true child of filial piety. Why? It is because so many people have died for filial piety. When someone who is still alive receives a prize for filial piety, those children of filial piety who offered their lives will accuse him. Thus, a child of true filial piety appears after death. Among those who have died, some died practicing filial piety. Some might have died on the way to getting medicine for their parents. When they went to get medicine, some brought their own money, and some borrowed money. The more difficult it was, the greater the value, right? As for those who died on the way to getting medicine, if one had his own money and the other had worked for a few months in order to get the money, who will be elevated as the model child of filial piety? (The latter.) It is the latter, right? Everyone knows that. Restoration is possible because you know that. The more complicated, difficult, and miserable it is, the better it turns out to be.

Now, which is better: dying on the way to getting medicine or dying after offering the medicine to one's parents? It is better to die after offering it. From this, we can see that the more difficult it is the higher the rank of the child of filial piety. There is no objection here, is there? (49-280)

In a family, a child of filial piety is in a miserable situation. He cannot eat as much as he wants, for instance. When there is delicious food, he must hold on to it and shed tears, thinking, "My parents are close to eighty years old. How much longer will they live? How much more can they eat? The remaining days of their lives are only a fraction of mine." With such a heart, you should diligently serve your parents.

A child of filial piety is someone who cries, unable to eat. When you start crying in the middle of eating, people will call you crazy. You will really look like a crazy man in some ways. They will think, "If he likes the food, why doesn't he eat it? Why is he acting like that? How miserable it is!" But a filial son cannot live as he likes.

When a filial son sees good scenery, he wishes to share it with his parents. If a good season comes, he also thinks about his parents. When this longing is expressed in tears, that seems miserable. Tears themselves are painful, and yet this is not a place of unhappiness. Isn't it so? A life of tears is not a bad life.

If there is a group of people who cannot eat good food or wear nice clothes because of national and public things, although they look miserable, there are eternal tears of consolation for them. Eternal songs of glory surround them. Furthermore, the eternal kingdom of hope is prepared for them. Then how can we say that they are miserable? Although they look miserable, they are standing in a place of glory with the right to victory. (51-326)

Chapter I - The Life Course Of Man

Section 1. Problems in Life

1. What is Life?

1) Until Now Problems in Life Have Been Like a Maze

Throughout history, philosophy has struggled to solve the problems in life. Many philosophers have agonized over such problems as what are true human values, how does one perfect oneself, and how does one achieve a level of completeness that can be victorious and proud before the entire universe? However, their efforts have resulted in all varieties of opinions. Now all the opinions and "isms" by which men have formed systems of thought have been experimented with and all have proven to be failures. (141-125)

Why do men wish not to die, even if they are living a mediocre life? What is at the bottom of all this? I am sure that you have many questions. However, your questions can not be answered by men's philosophies in books. Philosophy has, in effect, been building a road to God. What is religion then? A life of religion begins when you live together with other people in acceptance of God. (186-12)

People commonly ponder the meaning of life, asking, "What is life?" Likewise, it is important to us to establish our views on life, our country, the world, the universe, and God. What are they like? It is important for us to establish order in our views and to connect the different dimensions. This is the most important problem. (75-324)

Unification Church members are different from other people. Being centered on the will of God, we are certain about life after death, our future. Indeed, we are experiencing it.

Up to now, many men on earth and numerous saints and sages throughout history have devoted their lives to the questions of where we come from and where we are going, all in vain. (33-7)

2) We Are Bereft of Motivation and Purpose

It is a common saying that men come and go. This applies even to the greatest men and has been so since time immemorial. The movement of history and the morals of heaven continue to apply to us even at this moment, and you must be aware of it. We shall come and go ourselves.

We know very well the reality that we come to this world, struggle, and eventually go somehow. If that is so, what are we here for and where do we go from here? This is the very issue that numerous philosophers or religious men have tried to resolve and failed to. Human history is tainted with the grief of such continuing failure.

We live in a time of tension. You cannot deny that we are walking the inevitable path of life. We are born into the world of our parents, a world we never knew. As we get older and weaker, we are destined to die. It is sad but true that we cannot keep our youth forever and avoid aging. Even great men cannot escape from this. Thinking of this, you must have felt the urge to throw your arms in the air in frustration and displeasure at least a couple of times in your life.

Why was I brought into this world? Why do I have to live on? Where am I headed? You should never allow yourself to think that you were born by your own will. We are ignorant of the motivation and purpose of our being. In other words, we were born, live, and die in spite of our wishes. Then what is there to be proud of? We have no control over our birth, our possessions or our death; thus any attempt to show off is tragic. Once born, we are destined to live and then die.

What is the purpose of such a process? You need to think about this once again. The motivation does not come from oneself, therefore, the purpose must not be only for oneself. Who would not wish to be happy and live in glory? Anyone would, but "I" am not in control. It is "I" who wants to be proud and free. It is also "I" who determines the crossroad of God's heart.

We are always asking for something bigger, a better life and higher worth, even though we have nothing to do with our being in this world. Since this is so, is it for myself or for some purpose relative to myself?

You must know the answer. I dare you to raise your hand and say that it is for myself. When you were born of your parents' flesh and blood, did you really want it yourself? Although my parents gave birth to me, I am a living body apart from my parents and my fate is not in my parents' hands. Then who has power over me? When you figure out who the man of power is, that will be the day you can be joyful. Unfortunately, these days people are struggling to overcome this standard. Let's not forget that we are such people.

Hence, we pursue something bigger in our mind. We also want to realize a connection to a bigger and more amazing world of life, pushing the power of death throughout life. Furthermore, God's heart of love is making us closer to the eternal world of Heart by going beyond the human world of heart. You may not be able to explain and verify this; however, you are often being led by such feelings. The clearer your conscience, the more you feel that something is urging you to desert this world of contradiction. (7-178)

Our life is passing regardless. Moving without an objective is such a terrible thing. In the desert, traveling straight means you can go a long way. Unless you move your feet exactly straight, you are bound to wind up making a circle in the long run.

Try rowing a boat on a sea or lake. To go from one point to another, you need to have a triangular frame of mind instead of a straight line. Rowing puts you on a meandering path. Drawing from the rowing experience, "I" am alive and going somewhere; however, I am not sure of the direction." That is why we have to operate on three points between the starting point and the point of destination. This way you are guaranteed a path close to a straight line. This argument is valid. (89-164)

3) Regaining the Self that Was Lost

The mind is in agreement with the law of nature in that it wants to move toward goodness infinitely. It is like a magnet pointing North and South. The law of nature never misses goodness by losing the direction. There is no such phenomenon. The human mind tends to move toward a certain objective. The mind that moves toward life, moves through God's heart, identifies the truth, and yearns to harmonize with the whole is the grounds on which God can give instructions for escape. I want you to know this for certain. You must regain yourself. Once you have set the standard of mind, you ought to analyze yourselves in order to look into what shape you are in and your situation. Somehow, you may feel displeasure and a weight of fear at the continuous urging of your mind. Therefore, you realize you are in the wrong place. In this way, you ought to know what shape and situation you are in.

If you somehow managed to see the spirit world, you could see numerous saints from thousands of years ago screaming before us. These days numerous spirit men are running past you, trying to educate you by saying, "Let's go together. The enemy is coming." Unfortunately, you are in such sorry shape that your ears are deaf to such a sound, your eyes are blind, and your body cannot sense their presence. Nothing is more deplorable than this. The misery of this is no longer personal. It is an unforgivable sin in the view of God, who is trying to connect the value of being to the entire world of ideology. (7-182)

4) If There is a God, Then There Must Be an Instruction Guide

No man is good. We are born only to find out that we are not of the breed of goodness but of evil. We are born only to find out that we can neither stand before the ideology of re-creation nor talk about values. You cannot deny that you are unworthy, unprepared, incomplete and lacking. In Christianity, such a man is defined as a fallen man.

The original mind of man does not wish for a life of enjoyment in the fallen world. We have been avoiding this path for 6,000 years; however we have not yet established the standard such that we avoid this route one hundred percent. Today, the so-called course of life means heading for a certain objective while pursuing the good and avoiding evil. Our course of life should be the course of avoiding the evil environment with the objective of eliminating evil and upholding goodness every day and even after death. That is why you tremble with fear inside.

In contrast to the feeling you get when you move toward the original home of the mind, you feel fear that something is seizing you when you stand on the side of evil. Remember that is because of our avoidance of the original mind when faced with the history of sin, the power of death, and the power of darkness. We are in the course of escape. How will God lead mankind to escape from evil? If there is a God, an instruction guide must exist. (7-180)

2. Men Are Not the Cause of Things

Everyone on earth wants blessing. Everyone wants their path blessed by some absolute power and wants to follow it. This desire is shared by individuals, organizations, nations, and the world. Men are not the cause of nature. Things do not derive from men. (188-250)

Who are we? Who is God? He is the Creator. Who is the creator? According to the world of religion, God is our Father, and we are the children of God. However, it is not clear what kind of Father He is. Is He a rented father? Is He the father of our neighbor? Our stepfather? What kind of father is He? If He is not our real parent, is He our parent-in-law? Is the word "Father" right? As long as this fundamental question is not resolved, waiting for a better environment is not a solution. It won't be resolved for tens of millions of years.

It is a problem between man and God. Man and God! When you ask if it is true that God is our Father, do you feel that God is your Father? The bodies of my father and mother certainly existed before I did. On the premise that I exist because of my mother and father before me, my mother and father existed first, I exist next. This is the correct formula. It is foolish to assert that I exist without taking my mother and father into account. Why? We human beings are not the first cause of things. We are the second result. Because of this, we have to mention the existence of a mother and father before our own existence. Having this point of view, we must ultimately resolve the problem of God -- the origin of the universe. Tracing back beyond your parents and ancestors, you will come to God, won't you? If you follow this logic, you have to define God before asserting yourself. The Unification Church teaches simply that God exists; He is our Father, and it teaches what our Father is like. (188-190)

Since men are the result, aim at the starting point of the origin. Of course, it shouldn't be done blindly. Because God has character, a man of character has an original intellect, emotion, and will-the substantive operation of the conscience. Therefore, the motivation should both exceed the substance of the cause and be absolute. Once getting off to a false start, its direction cannot be corrected. (172-32)

3. Only One Straight Distance

Consider the future of a boat without a compass. As you know, a boat moves by the turn of an engine operating the screw. What about the sailor? Does he need only to hold the handle? What will happen? The same is true for our life. Is it all right that we manage to live a directionless life, getting up in the morning, eating meals, going back and forth between home and work like the turning of a screw? What will happen when you arrive at port -- the final destination? Will you be able to disembark at the final destination? There is no more critical moment than this.

Once I had a chat with an old man on the road. I asked him, "Where are you going?" and he replied "Where else? To my son's house." I said "Is that right?" and asked, "What do you there?" He said, "I am offered meals and sometimes chicken, which I really enjoy." I asked again, "What do you do after eating?" He said, "Nothing much after that." Is this the way you want spend your life? Even when you make an entry in your family account book, you balance the revenue and expenditure accurately. You record the balance precisely. Then how about your life? Have you ever balanced your entire life? Is it in the red or in the black? If it is in the red, you ought to mourn bitterly. On their deathbeds, men ought to be able to die singing joyfully. Any attempt to live when death confronts you is a proof that your life has been in the red. We must live a life in the black balance in the world of the heart, centering on absoluteness.

However, this is not the case, and thus we need religion to mend the situation. That religion should possess a driving force that is explosive -- having sudden impact, not gradual. Can you understand this? Wouldn't it be nice to have such a religion? Up to now, the history of Christianity is about 2,000 years long and that of Buddhism is over 2,000 years long, but no man has lived for 2,000 years. Gradually, we have come up with religions of historic meaning. That is why we wish to build the nation of the original home and the bridge to enter it.

When you go to In Jae, in Kangwon province, many roads which seem to take less than five minutes turn out to be more than fifty miles. As you walk, saying, "Why am I walking a distance not even negotiable by car?" your legs begin to kill you. A similar day will come as you go on your path in life. When the day comes, will you want to go back or keep going straight? Here we need a helicopter or a rocket. Something must be different. We will need to execute an emergency plan. We need a religion which can do this on the earth. (19-289)

What did you come here for, so early this morning? Why are you sitting here? What for? Are you sitting here because you are hungry? Are you sitting here in the cold because you feel hot? Are you sitting here because you are cold? What are you sitting here for? You don't know the true direction; whether to ascend or descend, to go this way or that. There are many churches and many religions. There are many true look-a-likes. Only one is real, whereas many are fake.

When you look at a human being closely, the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and arms are synchronized. All are synchronized. Show me the way that will consolidate me into one unit, unifying my eyes, ears, and my every sensory organ into one all tied together with my nervous system. Show me the way in which we can live feeling ecstasy and joy. Show me the shining way which will not only satisfy me in my personal life course, but which will also satisfy my family, tribe, country, world, God's territory, and all the way up to God.

The way that we are searching for will take mankind to the world of happiness, the world where the entire human race becomes one. The way must bring the light that can lead us to one destination, going beyond rank. Show me the way that aims for and directs us toward such light. We need it, don't we? Then what on earth is this light? What kind of light is it? (95-181)

There is only one short path to the top of the world. Not two, but one. Without going through it, you cannot arrive at the one world. If you launch a satellite of prosperity toward fallen mankind in order to destroy the evil base, the satellite should not travel at will. The satellite will destroy the target even after tens of millions of years, because it will travel an orbit in the same manner always, once it is programmed in the computer. Two different ways do not exist.

4. Why Do You Live?

1) What Do You Live For?

The question is for whom and for what I should live. When you think of this question, you have to reflect, asking yourself, "What am I living for?" What have you lived for up to now? Have you lived for the earth or for heaven?" In history up to now, no one can say for certain that he has lived a life of completely fulfilling the will of the Creator.

Why is this? It is because of the Fall of Man. Because of the Fall of Man, men were forced to leave the original ideal garden in which they could live in virtue, an environment in which they could live for the whole. Fallen men living on this earth are faced with the situation that in their mind, they want to live in virtue and for the whole, but their bodies do not function accordingly. We live faced with this situation.

Although men in nature were meant to live in an ideal world, they -- who should be noble -- are in an unspeakably terrible place, barely managing to go on, all because of the fall.

However, you feel that you want to live a better life. No one can deny that you want to live a better life, feeling bigger, wider, higher and longer lasting value. Although our mind wants such a life, we don't have the substance to back up and to drive such a life; we have no such ideology. You may say that you live. However, can you say in confidence, "Heaven and earth and God, please cooperate?" You are not capable of that yet.

I myself am ignorant of the contents of life at the origin of Creation and incapable of talking confidently before some spirit men in heaven, the creation on earth, and God, the Creator. However, some spirit men in heaven, on the earth, and God are working for you even at this hour. In spite of such work, men have walked the course of history wandering about, struggling and longing for that world, not knowing whether heaven and earth and God exist or not.

The time has come for the students here to think once as of today "What do I live for?" If God were to ask you, "What do you intend to live for?" how would you answer? Taking it one step further, if God were to ask you what you are really living for, you could in no way say that it is for yourself. For whom does a nation exist? You ought to know that a nation does not exist only for its own sake. Why? Nations, peoples, and the world are within the dominion of the great purpose of the universe. Therefore, it must be the case that no being is meant to exist for its own sake alone. (8-42)

2) For Whom Do You Live?

If you say, "I live for myself, who else?" then you fail. Can there be a family for a man who is living for himself? There cannot be a family of hope. Can there be a nation? A nation cannot be built upon that foundation. Can there be a world? There cannot be a world.

The pledge of heaven and earth is a deterrent, saying, "Go away, you villains of individualism! Can a family enter where individualism has priority? Can an ideal nation enter there? Is it possible to enter into a place as narrow as the tip of a gimlet?" No matter how hard you may try to enter, you won't be able to. (57-66)

3) You Live Because of Love

How do you live your life? It is simple to explain where men come from, why they are born, and how they have to live. Men are headed for the destination of love by finding the path of love, since they are born because of and as the result of love. This way we can revolve forever according to the law of circulation in the universe. Because love is an eternal concept, you come to this center looking for love, which is possible to find by love alone. (125-65)

Therefore, you need to know that. Love is the purpose of movement and existence for everything. You must always carry an iron rule that you move and exist in search of love. The reason the plus and minus ends of a magnet join together is to become one in love. People meet other people with the intention of becoming one. What is the purpose of becoming one? It is not because of money, greed, children, etc. You must know that nothing makes sense without the love of God.

What do I live for in the course of my lifetime? Do I live for myself? You live because of the love of God. Because of this you move around and live. How wonderful it is! Those who live this way will never fall to ruin. The difficulties, tears or miseries you encounter in pursuit of the love of God will no longer be recognized as such. Do you know this principle? Once you know that this is the purpose of being you can utilize this knowledge to move everything in the world. That is the Principle of Creation. If we have this many people and they are of such a mind, could these people move America or not? Time is the only problem. In this way, America is bound to move. She is bound to move. (67-159)

What do we live for? Let's live for absolute true love! Everything is included in this. Therefore, the handkerchief in my pocket is for love, and working and sweating are all for true love. I am talking, eating and playing all for true love. (107-205)


Section 2. The Birth of Man

1. A Prayer for Us

Father, please be kind to the hearts of Your children gathered here today at this hour. Father, with whom were we born? With whom do we live? With whom do we die? We were not born together with You we have been unable to live together with You, and we are unable to die together with You. Now that You have taught us the way to live together with You, we must thank You ten million times for Your gracious gift. We find that before You even the total offering of our bodies as a living sacrifice is not enough. Therefore, we feel once again that we are too dirty to present ourselves before You.

Being so ashamed to offer our bodies to You, we block and cover ourselves. We worry about ways to hide. We have been too arrogant before You. We have been too proud. Nevertheless, we have the temerity to ask You directly to accept us, saying that we are Your sons and daughters. (27-209)

2. Man Is Not Born by His Own Will

Men were not born by their own will. Our birth, our sex and our looks were not custom designed by our parents. We were not born by the request of our parents.

When you dig into the source of our existence, centering on the providence of God, no other view is possible but that we were sent to this earth as the living body who would take the responsibility of forming relationships with the providence of history, centering on the source.

When you come to think that we are involved in a relationship with the providential will of God and the historical expertise of God, we will not remain in the current state of reality. We should feel certain of this history and that we must be the real body to carry out this providence of God. Therefore, no matter how tiny our individual bodies might be, we are not destined to remain as individual bodies. (34-155)

Men were not born consciously wishing to be born. Before their consciousness, the power of God brought about their birth. Development does not result from man's consciousness. The worthwhile and valuable formation of a person begins when he forgets about himself and when he pledges the results of the intention prior to consciousness. In other words, a person's chance to improve is based on the foundation of knowing God's motivation, which existed before one's consciousness. (36-103)

Where is the origin of man, his birth and self-assertion? Is it democracy? Democracy flows away. Where do you find the origin of asserting man before the principles of the grand universe? Those people who assert themselves, resultant beings, without the knowledge of their cause, are out of their minds. (83-491)

Once you are born, you have to live and then die. From the beginning, you are born without proclamation, and you live without it. If a man was born with something of a value, he should live a life of value and then die. You ought to live such a life.

Since I have come from a solemn place, I have to live in a solemn place and then die in a solemn place. It is not because someone made me do so. We should start from a natural relationship and go the path of a natural relationship. However, we were born unnaturally, we live in an unnatural place, and we will go to an unnatural place. Would it be fine to live this way and then die? No! (12-10)

3. Men Were Born From the Love of God

The reason for the birth and creation of men and all things is simple. Because even God needs an object of love, He created man. Do you understand? You may think, "I am nobody, and it doesn't matter whether someone like me exists or not." Don't ever do that. Notice that parents do not love their children because they are outstanding. Parents love their children whether they are outstanding or not. As the parents of handicapped children feel more pain in their hearts, the love of God, who is the center of heaven and earth, goes beyond you being outstanding or not. What is important is whether you have the background for the love of the original nature or not. Therefore, you have to know why you and the universe were created. You have to know that the reason is to complete the ideal of love. (130-44)

Do you know what the words "son of God" are centered on? What do you mean by "son"? What is a son? We find a son under the love of God. By "son" we mean someone who begins under love and resembles all the attributes and the entire nature of God. If you wonder how we were born, it is by the love of God. We are the sons of God, taking roots in love from birth. Isn't it so? In view of reason, what do you mean by someone's son? What in the world is a son? A son is someone under the love of his father. I was born under the love of my mother and father. (144-232)

Why did God create all things and me? Why me? It is because of love. Why was I born? It is because of the love of God. We were born to live under the love of God. To be able to say that I am a man who can practice love in my family, society, country, and the world, you must live under the love of God. (97-266)

4. Human Beings Are Born in the Wrong Way Because of the Fall of Man

Originally, God creates us, but because of Satan, we are born in the wrong way. No matter how great a man may be in the world, he is born into the blood lineage of God's enemy, Satan, although God originally created him. Ordinary religions do not know this. This is why God has been working for six thousand years. Would God have been working for such a long time simply because of the eating of one fruit? God originally created human beings, and yet through the illicit love of Satan, they have gone the wrong way. They must be reborn to the position in which they are not born through Satan's love and thus cannot be invaded by Satan. This is why the core of Christian doctrine is resurrection. Christianity is a religion of resurrection. Resurrection is rebirth. Since man has been erroneously born, he has to be born again.

So far, there have been no perfect people because all people have been born mistakenly through Adam's fall. No matter how admired someone may be, he was born in the wrong way. Some may be closer to goodness and some farther away, but this is a small difference in God's eyes. Everyone is born by mistake. Therefore, they must be restored by going the reverse way. This is why Jesus came as the original Adam, four thousand years after Adam. In other words, he was standing in God's dominion, beyond Satan's accusation. God had worked from the time of Adam in order to prepare such a position. (19-190)

5. The Reason We Are Born

How was I born from my parents? I was born through a connection of life. I was born through the joining of my parents, with the value of their life. Through what does life come? Life comes through love. For what do life and love come? They come in order to complete the purpose of the universe. I am born in order to achieve a certain purpose. Either as a man or woman, I was born through the joining of life in order to perfect myself as a contributor to the universal purpose. (110-72)

Why are human beings born? If it is for the sake of being a president, it is quite a miserable purpose. If someone says that I was born in order to be the leader of the Unification Church and speak out, I don't like that. Why am I making so much noise and commotion like this, when people are resisting me, saying that I am wreaking havoc? It is for no other reason than to find the true love of God. (121-101)

Why are we born? (For love) What kind of love? (God's love) Hmmm. God's love. It is love such that when we go, and bang here, then it connects to God and goes bang on God's head. Just as if you throw something in a pond, concentric circles form, if you throw love in the universe, it will create ripples throughout the whole universe. The question is whether you throw mere sand or throw a big rock. (103-254)

6. The Purpose for Which We Are Born

Ladies and gentlemen, the problem of history has been the fundamental question of why human beings are born. Why are they born?

People have many ideas. Some think that they are born for the nation; some think that they are born for their parents. Believers think they are born for the sake of God. (83-154)

The question is why you were born. Let's consider why you were born.

For your own sake? (No) Are you the motivation for your own birth? (No) Is the purpose something that serves me? Can we achieve any purpose without an object partner? Our purpose is for the object partner and for the mutual relationship, not just for me. But you are trying to establish yourself. It is possible to establish your self when you are in line with the motivation, the purpose and the subject partner. If you try to promote yourself otherwise, you become an enemy. (66-264)

As for God's love, the love that can connect with the world connects with family; love that can connect with the country connects with family; love that can connect with society connects with family; and love that can connect with family connects with me. Everything is in the reverse. Heaven connects with my purpose, and country connects with my purpose. So does everything. Do you understand? (Yes.) So what kind of people do you have to become? Through God's love, I will be the victor in the family, country, world, heaven, and with respect to God's Shimjung. This is the purpose for which mankind was born. You should speak like this. There is nothing higher. This is the only thing. I live centering on God's Shimjung and love. (95-60)

What is the purpose of our birth? It lies in serving the world. For this reason, we must take this path even though death threatens us. We have the responsibility to serve God as representatives of the world and to offer the world to God as priests. While you have such an incredible mission, others have debased themselves by following and sticking their necks out for money. (32-265)


Section 3. Life and Time

1. Life Is Short

Human life is limited. Though you may live a long time, you cannot live much longer than one hundred years. (172-28)

Let us say you lived for about eighty years. If you take out the sleeping time, then it is reduced by half to forty. Is sleeping living? Sleeping is like being dead. Isn't it so? Sleeping is dying. For this reason, out of the twenty-four hours, you live and struggle only for half of it. Then what if we take out one hour for eating time? Furthermore, if we take out the time for parties, celebrations, funerals and so on, then will you really live for even half your life? I calculated last time, and I found that we only spend seven years in real living. Out of these seven years, how many days can be counted as a day of true living? Is there even one such day? (49-336)

However we suffer, it does not last longer than eighty or a hundred years -- thirty-six thousand days. The thirty-six thousand days go by very quickly. Can't you endure for such a short time? God has been enduring for hundreds of millions of years. However miserable the human world may be, God is not swayed. Although He has millions of stories within His heart, He does not show any agitation. (124-59)

Life runs quickly. By the time you mature and understand how the world is, you are already forty or fifty, and the next ten years go by in an instant. Then quickly you will become sixty and seventy. The expression that life is one great dream of spring beauty feels so real. (139-153)

Life is not something that is around all the time. It exists for us only once. It will disappear in a moment, as fast as one clap of the hands. (139-153)

Our life is very short, isn't it? But this one generation goes up and down the measure of eternity. It can be extended infinitely. On the other hand, when it is bent, a new heaven and earth starts from there.

It goes up and down like a weighing balance. It is like that. (46-155)

You don't know when your life will go away. When will you do it? Even if you do it right now, this is not enough, because time is still running away, and you don't know when your time will be finished. (104-290)

2. The Most Important Time in Life

In our life, the time before marriage is the formation stage; the time after marriage is the growth stage, and the time when you have a family is the completion stage. These are the fundamentals. (125-160)

In one day, morning is like spring, day is like summer, evening is like autumn, and night is like winter. Likewise, human beings have stages of childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. The springtime of life is puberty. Summer is the thirties, and autumn is the forties. Then begins the winter period of life, and when the winter solstice comes, life ends. This applies to all principles of the four seasons and the day. (33-40)

Considering an individual life, there are periods of youth, middle age, and old age. When is the most precious time for you as a human being? For some, their destiny is decided in youth; for some, the whole problem of life is resolved in middle age; and for others, old age is such a time.

There is the prime time for everyone, whether it is youth, middle age, or old age. When we understand the prime period and estimate its time, we can see that it comes at one point of time. For instance, a mountain has its highest peak, where the whole mountain range culminates. When we see the watershed in the mountain, it works like a line that divides the inside and outside. There is such a point in our life. When is this time? We human beings do not know it. (36-217)

When is the hopeful time in our life? It is childhood, then adolescence, the twenties and thirties. Comparing people to flowers, youth is the most glorious time, when flowers blossom and fragrances spread. When we become forty, fifty and sixty, the flowers start withering away.

They go down on the way to death. What hope is there when death approaches? (137-2I7)

The most important times of life are the time of birth, marriage, and death. Then how should we be born? We should be born well. In our church terms, babies should be born through a Shimjung connection. Next is the time of marriage. We are married in order to live together and complete the Four Position Foundation. This public law of the universe must be established on earth for God's will and humankind's will to be realized. The family is the unit that conforms to the direction of the cosmic law. (24-230)

3. Human Life and Time

Among all things that exist on earth, there is nothing that exists without a purpose. All beings have a purpose, and they move towards it through time. It may take one day, one year, a few years, or a whole lifetime. For instance, a country moves toward the purpose of goodness through thousands of years of history. All beings are running toward their purpose of life.

Considering human beings, there are the times of childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. These ages all differ from one another, and there are different missions and responsibilities for each period. When you fail to complete the mission of childhood, you cannot enter youth with confidence. If you fail to complete the mission of youth, you cannot enter middle age with confidence. If you do not complete the mission of middle age, then you cannot confidently enter old age. Thus, we can see that in human life the carrying out of your responsibility in one stage determines whether you can realize your purpose in the next age. (24-211)

We often hear that even a hero cannot realize his ambition if the time is not ripe. We know well from history that when a capable person appears on a prepared foundation of time, this person and time can combine and create a new history. That is why time is a concern.

When you get up in the morning, you eat breakfast and start work. When it comes to lunchtime, you must eat lunch. Then you start the afternoon work. When it comes to dinner, we eat dinner and enter into night. This way, on the basis of regularity, we live through a changing environment.

In an individual life, there are the periods of childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. Life proceeds and ends through these steps. One life is not always the same. When you enter these ages in the wrong way, you may even wish that you had not been born. But if you enter these periods in the right way and live meaningfully, then your life can be remembered as a most precious life. For this reason, success and failure start with how wisely we use the time. We can see this clearly in our daily life. (57-287)

4. The Meaning of our Ancestors and Fortune

When you see a Unification Church member go witnessing, as soon as he goes out, people follow him around eagerly, although he has nothing to give. He only has an elementary school education, and his character is also quite shallow. However, when he sheds tears, the whole town does the same, and when he gets up early in the morning, the whole town does too. This is because he had good sacrificial ancestors who did not see the light during their lifetime and through him they found a chance to see the light. No harm comes to this person, wherever he goes. On the contrary, there is an opposite type. He may be handsome in appearance, but he suffers wherever he goes. It is because his ancestors lived affluently, and now indemnity requires that the opposite road be taken. It takes time to come out of it and start his way up. For this reason, there is suffering and evil in this period. If he fails to overcome this and takes off, he can never go beyond this level. Any Unification member, who complains that witnessing is difficult, however long he has followed the Church, cannot transcend fate and become a victor. You should know this. Therefore, we can see that history and human destiny are fair.

Some people live happily, screaming with joy. This is too small. If you see from here, you will say, "Ah, I am happy." The angle is this, this, and that. If you pass this, then you are happier by this much.

There are people of the opposite type, however. They go in the opposite way. How unhappy must they be? What comes later is higher. This is to indemnify the historical relationship.

This sine curve applies to the individual, the family, the clan, the nation, and the world. When one is on the decline, the other is on the rise. This sine curve is the judgment. Mankind prepared the foundation for six thousand years in the satanic world, in order to enter the world of the heavenly kingdom.

Who is the wise person? The wise person is the one who follows the beat, no matter how difficult it is. Religion has been doing this. Let us take the fortune that comes every thousand years. We are going to start from here and receive in this period the fortune of the thousand years. (59-143)

5. Destiny and Lot

When you consider the term oon myung (destiny), oon means life, and myung means to move. The term means "moving life." Myung also means going toward one standard. Destiny means that the path cannot be avoided. In Korea, there is a common expression. It goes, "Born with a wrong fortune." For a frog, it is better to live in the water than on the land. It is born this way, and should live and die this way. It has no other way of living. A cicada has a larval stage. Although a cicada lives in a puddle or a hole in the ground, this is not the way it is supposed to live in the future; it is supposed to fly in the sky. Whether it is digging under the ground or swimming in the water, it has to make a certain preparation for flying. The wings must be prepared. This is an absolutely necessary condition. To become a full insect, the preparation should be made from the larval stage. It should go through a period of taking off the shell and organizing itself. When it is in the water, its shape has to be wide so that it can comfortably float above the water, but this is not good enough for flying. Everything has to be restructured in order for the cicada to adapt to the flying stage. This is its destiny. A fish has a destiny that it can never leave the water alive. (120-236)

What is the origin of human happiness and unhappiness and good and bad fortune? Can human beings change and create their fortunes and build their own foundation of happiness? Of course, efforts may lead to some relative foundation, but can individual fortune be directly connected to the fortunes of the country, the group, the world, and heaven? From this point of view, there must be destiny. (78-263)

You can make a new start when you make one turn. The universe turns around. Considering that history repeats itself and unfolds in the pattern of historical identity, the destined time is coming. When this time comes and you receive it well, you can put 365 days in line, and your individual fortune will follow the heavenly fortune towards a happy life. Then where should this life of good fortune proceed? Fortunes of the country and of the individual differ. Why were Vietnam, Laos, and Khmer taken over by communists? This is a bad fortune. Your individual fortune has to follow the beats. (78-275)

If somebody enjoys 120 of his assets when he only has 100, then his descendants will suffer the consequences. Human destiny tightens like an elastic band. When someone only lives 80, however, he can bequeath the remaining 20 as a blessing to his descendants. (78-333)

Lot can change, but destiny cannot. Can you change the fact that you were born as a Korean? Can you change your parents? No matter how strong a country's government may be, it can never change someone's parents. The way of restoration is a way of destiny; eventually, it has to be resolved. (72-55)


Section 4. The Path of Human Life

1. Life is Such That You Cannot Even Foresee the Immediate Future

Daily living means the life of every day, and human life means life for the whole life span. Mostly, one life is limited to one hundred years.

Few people live for over one hundred years. How old was our grandmother Seung Do? (Ninety- four.) She died at ninety-four, do you know this? (Yes.) She must have wished to live for over hundred years, but she was not in control of it. Aren't you living each day without knowing what will happen next? Do you know how to proceed? Generally, we cannot even foresee what will happen in the next hour. No one knows the future. Life can be compared to a walk you take on a dark night on an unknown road. In life, we take steps into the unknown, which is darkness.

It is difficult to accept this picture because every morning we receive sunlight. If you imagine it vividly to yourself, however, how stifling it is! It is as if we were walking inside a closed iron box. We live as if we are pushing the big box. When we go over one hill, two more hills stand waiting; and when we go over these hills, then we find three more hills waiting. After the three hills, then four more hills come, and without ending, more and more hills come up. (175-195)

When you make a wrong start, you end up in the wrong place. When a ship sets out into the great ocean, it should chart out the course and follow the compass carefully from the very beginning. What is the port of departure for human life? We do not know. Where can we find the direction and guiding compass for our destiny? Human beings have not been able to find this, so they have been wandering about to and fro. No matter how they try, they cannot overcome their human boundaries. (172-28)

2. Where Should We Go?

We are moving toward a certain point, whether or not we know what it is. Moving or resting, we are going forward. Not just me, but my nation, world, and heaven and earth are moving toward a certain point. This is an undeniable fact. An important question for human beings is where I am going after coming through my whole life.

Religion, philosophy, and history are all mobilized to answer this question. Thus, you cannot deny that you are being captured and pulled by this destiny.

If I have to go, then where does this body want to go? Where do this mind, this life, this shimjung want to go? Where do my hopes and ideals seek to go? We must go, although we may not be able to solve this question. At the time of death, the body is simply buried in the ground. But are the mind, life, shimjung, ideal, and hope simply buried away together too? Will they simply disappear? Without having a clear answer to this question and establishing a clear purpose, happiness cannot be found.

We realize that saints and religious leaders have been fighting to solve the question of where we are going, stopping their footsteps and putting a stop on the moving mind and declining shimjung. Despite these efforts, however, there has been no one who confidently proclaimed, "My body is going this way, and my mind, shimjung, life, and ideal are running this way." So all the people and all that exists in heaven and earth must go this way. (8-194)

Then for what are we born and why do we go on? This cannot be answered without God. Without God, we cannot find the motive. The one who is without a motive cannot reap the fruit of his work; nor can his value be recognized. A building is built according to the designer's blue print. A building that is built without reference to the original blue print cannot be what it was intended to be by the original designer. (21-100)

Then where should we go? Although we have to put at stake our own lives, we must find a day when we receive God and rejoice in our hearts; a day when our hearts say there is no greater hope. For this we should endure pain, resentment, and mistreatment and go through this world. If we cannot go through this world, we will perish with the world. (8-202)

Where, then, are people going? They are going to heaven. How about angels? They also are going to heaven. How about your mother and father! They are also going to heaven. How about your dog? It is not going to hell. At the time of the Korean War, one rich family was trying to escape to the South. They had a dog they had boasted of as being very expensive, but they didn't take it with them; they tied it to the door and said good-bye. Our Unification members should not do such things. Now, dogs and all things can follow their masters to the Kingdom of Heaven. (78-336)

Where do people go? They go toward the spiritual world. The spiritual world is like the sea. We are destined to go there. Just as there are different currents in the sea, infinite changes unfold there. In the sea, there are many harmonious spectacles not to be found in fresh water. Just as there are many fish families in the sea, there are many new heavenly families in the other world. (141-306)

3. Life Is a Preparation for the Spiritual World

We know that this world is not all there is, but that there is a spiritual world too. We also know that the two worlds are connected as one. Then where is the place we are to settle down ultimately? We are now living in the flesh, but we are moving toward the eternal world. We go through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, middle age, and old age. We go through hills of different ages and eventually go down like the sun. But those who know that the spiritual world exists understand that our life in this world is short, and the next world we enter after death is eternal. Hence, physical life is a time to prepare for the eternal world. Isn't that how it seems?

For instance, in school there is a standard of achievement for students. How much a student has achieved according to this standard determines how much he is recognized in school. The greater the gap between his points and the full score, the farther away he drifts from the standard. Everything is determined by a certain standard.

Our physical life is like a time of preparing for good grade points at school. We seek good grades for our entire life and want to bring good results in our necessary responsibilities throughout our whole life. We evaluate our daily life according to a certain standard. Ordinary people do not think about that. They simply think that since they are born, they live with their parents at home and are just like any other people. The center of such a life is physical necessity: food, clothing, and shelter. Isn't that how they live? But we Unification members know clearly that the spiritual world exists. We do not just believe it; we know it. How do we know it? Through many experiences. In our living environments there are undeniable historical and realistic facts. As we established our global foundation, we had many experiences.

Therefore, Unification members cannot deny the existence of the spiritual world. (140-121)