Section 1. The Existence Of God
1. Knowing The Existence Of God
If we look at Reverend Moon's global ideology, what is the primary point? It is the principle which should enable the world's religions to unite. How can it unite religions? By teaching about God more clearly than others. If we do this, as a religion of experience, this can be achieved. It is not impossible to unite religions.
What is the second point? It is the principle of ideology. People run about in confusion seeking a clear ideology on which to base their direction in life. What is that ideology? It is the answers to the questions of life, the questions of the individual. What is a human being? A human being is a manifestation of result, not the ultimate cause. No one insists that human beings are the first cause. Even we humans do not know our cause, but we know that we are the result of some existence because we are born.
When we consider the question of what a human being is, we should know there is surely a being who exists as the first cause and who made human beings to be born as the result. Therefore, we should say clearly that the answer is God. It is possible to set our direction only in that way. How should we establish an ideology for our life, how should our family live, how about society, the nation and the world? And how will the world be in the final days? That is not only about the direction I am going.
These days, what is the way to seek out a philosophy? Though philosophy investigates all, intellectuals who define God through theory have been branded as failures. They could not discover God. The world could not be one because religious leaders of the Middle Ages could not teach about the true God, and from that time the world fell into humanism. Humanism says there is no God, that the concept of God is a falsehood. Why? Because there was no clear teaching about God.
It is impossible to know God without clear experience of Him. It is impossible to know God by theory alone. It is necessary to have experiences through inspiration. However, religious leaders have been unable to teach about God in that way.
What is religion? Philosophy tried to find God, but failed to do so. There was global conflict between democracy and communism, but that has ended. Communism has failed. Why? Because they could not find God.
Then, what is religion? Religion does not need to define God; it should seek to find and live with God. Sometimes God becomes a theory of ideal life, a theory with which to search for happiness in a life with God. True religion is therefore living with God.
Now, what is the question here? Without understanding God, it is impossible to solve the problem of ideology. Solving the problem of communism-which insists on materialism-is also impossible without knowing God. We should destroy communism which says there is no God, and say with conviction, "God exists" 120 percent more strongly.
Without knowing God, things have no value. Don't you agree? Even though an ideology might reveal a right idea to the world, if it does not stand in the position of object to God it will be swept away by changing circumstances. This would happen because it is not an absolute ideology. (141-234)
2. Originally We Would Have Known Naturally
If humans had not fallen, it wouldn't have been necessary to ask if there was God or not. This should be realized by one's original heart. In other words, if the first ancestors had appeared as good parents and not fallen, the family they established would have expanded and become the world. Humankind would not have needed to discuss the empty theory of whether there is God or not. There would be a connection through blood lineage, so it would be realized through the body at once. If it needed an explanation, that would be God's mistake. Originally, human beings did not need any explanation. Humankind should have started from a position beyond the need of explanation. However, because of the fall they started from a position separate from God and expanded from the individual to the family, tribe, and world; and the world came to discuss whether God exists or not. If human beings had not fallen and had been born through original good parents, whether God exists or not would not be a point of discussion.
Babies are born with the knowledge of how to drink milk from their mother's breast. They know this from inside the womb. As soon as they see their mother's breast they know what to do. They know automatically. If humankind had not fallen, we would know and work out our relationship with God automatically, knowing the right way. But, because of the fall we became oblivious to everything. The result is doubt. This is the tragic reality. (20-306)
3. God's Omnipresence
If the first ancestors, Adam and Eve had not fallen, what would an ideology united centering on God's love be like? Humankind was not supposed to be separated from God. God is our Father, both internally and externally speaking. The realm of the earth does not exist independently, by itself. The spirit world, centering on God, unites with the physical world whose representative is the first ancestor.
Therefore, it can be said the spirit world, which is centering on God, is the internal aspect and the physical world, which is centering on Adam and Eve, is the external aspect. And they become one.
Then, where does God exist? He is not in the spirit world, but in our heart, the center of our heart. So God, who is in the center of our hearts, and Adam and Eve, who receive the commandment centering on their hearts, are the same. (145 -310)
Then, how can one can feel the omnipresence of God? Feel the air as God's breath from His mouth, feel a typhoon as God's breath from His nose. Feel the stream as God's sweat from having passed through the suffering course of restoration for the world. Learn the love of God from the sun which is the symbol of the elements of life in the whole cosmos. Nature is one of the text books for experiencing God's heart, the text book for making loving children happy. If there is a person who feels that the leaves are as his/her children and speaks to them, that person is close to being a saint. Do you understand? That person is not crazy. (59-102)
4. God Is The Invisible Existence
Is God dead or alive? [Alive] Is Satan dead or alive? Have you seen God? How do you know God? Have you seen Satan? How do you know Satan? Communism questions the idea. Ideas and existence become the questions in philosophy. Communism thinks all invisible things are only ideas. Abstract nouns, and the conscience, are thought of as mere ideas.
However, have you seen love? Love is also an idea, an abstract from that point of view, yet love is not an idea. All forms of life are in contact with love. (186-67)
God is very smart. God thought, "I will become the invisible master." He chose the convenient way. That is the most convenient way because He can do as He wishes, and can neither be caught nor be seen by anyone. Thus, it is enough that He does His duty as the master. Do you understand? If God had a body and said to the cosmos whose span is 21 billion light years, "come to my bosom, stay inside of me," could God do His duty? If God has a heart, how big is His heart? God saw that He would be miserable.
As He is smart, God thought to take dominion as the invisible existence that can move in the center at His convenience. Who is inconvenienced? Nobody feels troubled when God goes through the physical world as He likes, because He is invisible. You do not feel when God comes and passes through, even though you have a body. You do not know when God comes through your body. How convenient this is! It is the most convenient way, isn't it? It is a simple theory that God became the invisible God because that resulted in the most convenience. Do you know when the air is passing? [Yes] Do you feel it when the air is passing? [No] You cannot feel that, can you? If you cannot feel it even if the air is passing, how can you know God's passing? Without doubt it can be said that it is most convenient for God to be an invisible existence. God should therefore be the existence who can dominate this great cosmos, and easily wrap it up in a kerchief. He is invisible, but His invisible heart sees that this world is very small
5. We Must Know God Through Experience
God exists. If we say vaguely that God exists, we feel God is far away from us. If God exists, what kind of relationship should exist between Himself and ourselves? How we relate with God is the important question. (130-209)
"God exists." Those are not only words: when we think of God via the principle centering on the relationship between the subject and the object, God is not an inevitable existence, but existed before our thinking. God dominates all of our feelings and our whole body. To recognize this is most important.
Don't you think the Principle is to know something after recognizing it? To recognize something after knowing it is not the Principle. Knowing after recognizing. When it is cold, we say, "It is cold. "This not knowing after feeling, but it is feeling followed by knowing. In the same way, if God exists you have to feel Him. You should feel Him existing in your cells. The stage is the problem. In other words, the problem is how to establish those circumstances through experience. (58-291)
Now when we ask ourselves whether we received God's love or are we receiving God's love, what kind of answer comes? Today there are many theologians who do not know whether there is a God in this world or not. How about members of the Unification Church? We should know God through experience. We should just feel God. The Unification Church has its share of love to receive from God. We should receive that share of love. (128-130)
This is the issue. You should be able to say, "Father" when you are sleeping or talking to yourself. We should be filled with the love of the Father much more than other people are filled with love of their object. When we forget to eat and steep because of our beloved Father, and we call out "Father!" then even if we think Heavenly Father is not with us, His hand will be holding our hand. Such things happen. The dream would become a reality. When we call out "Father," we are held in the Heavenly Father's bosom. You should know that the most important issue is how to have such experiences as these in our lives of faith. Such experiences, their frequency and the degree of feeling, would be the standard of our life of faith.
If you have a heart of love, you would say, "I have to do this, so please do it with me;" then God is already with you wherever you go. When you feel that, God becomes our "Gracious and kindly God." (58-299)
Section 2. God And The Creation
1. The Reason God Created The Universe
Why did God create the heavens, the earth, and all things? This is a fundamental question. Why did this earth and all things come into existence? This was not merely a random generation of life that appeared by chance. Viewed from the perspective of science, there is a cause and effect relationship in all phenomena. This relationship affects the way that all life evolves, including the development of cultures and environments. The laws of cause and effect have come to be universally accepted as a reality of the physical world. (164-83)
The question remains, "Why did God create the heavens and earth?" It is a question of central importance to all philosophies and religions. How did the heavens and earth come into existence? This is a question that has been anguished over throughout history. What are the underlying principles by which humanity and the universe were originally created? (136-136)
What is the purpose for which God created the heavens and the earth, and all things? just for a joke? Or just for the object of some game? No. God created the universe to bear good fruit. (27-227)
Why did God create the heavens and the earth? The reason is that even though God may be an absolute being, He does not feel joy by himself. He does not feel the stimulation of joy. In other words, even if God says, "I am the absolute being, master of love, and master of life," He does not feel the stimulus of love and of life all alone. (38-152)
Then why did God create the universe? Was it just for the purpose of manufacturing life? [No] He created the cosmos in order to fulfill His ideal of true love. (188-196)
2. The Reason God Created Humans
Why did God create human beings? He did not create them just to watch them in their daily life. He created humans in order to interact with them and experience love together. There can be no other reason, regardless of what we think.
The purpose of the creation of humanity is love. God did not create life first with the hope of later introducing love. Life itself is created in the very pattern that reflects God's love. In other words, the gleam of love originally began from within God's heart and then life sprang forth from this gleam. Since life was initiated as a result of God's love, the result should also be love. Do you understand? Because the beginning point is love, the end point should also be love. This is the reason that we are so unhappy when we miss love. (57-22)
So why did God create us? He created us because of love. He was not merely trying to create an artistic work. You must know that God initiated the creation of humanity for the purpose of love.
Therefore, we must acknowledge that there was love even before we were created. God created all things to conform to His standard of love. We must realize that God is the original model of love and that when He created man, woman and the universe, God modeled them after Himself. (161-327)
If God is omnipotent, why does the fulfillment of His ideal of love for humanity seem to be left merely to chance? God is almighty and created all things, yet there remain seemingly insoluble problems in the world. Christianity's answer to this problem is not enough.
So, we must ask ourselves, "What does God need?" Does He need money, does He need gold, does He need diamonds? Does he need these things or not? He doesn't need them. All of these things belong to Him already. We know this. Then maybe God needs knowledge. The answer is no. He is already the king of knowledge. He has all the knowledge he needs. Really. Next, does God need authority or not? He doesn't need it. He has all authority. It does not matter whether we say that He has authority or not. The word is the word.
So what is it that God needs? God does not need life either. He is the master of life, so how can He need life? Then, again we must ask, what does God need? What? [Love] He needs love. Why does God need love? Because love is realized within a relationship. There is no other answer if we examine it logically. God would not make the relationship between Himself, the universe and human beings so unless He were a being that needed love. If God had tried to make a relationship between Himself and the created world without love, the result would have been impossible. It would have been impossible because God communicates by the standard of love. Do you understand? (121-99)
God created humans because He needs an object of love; in order to love. Can anybody love by himself? It is impossible to realize love without an object. God created all things according to His absolute needs. He created humans as lords of the creation, as representatives of all the creation. He needs humans absolutely, so He gave human beings the value of absolute objects of love. He created humans as the objective existence in order that they might share love with Him.
So humans themselves are God's body. If Adam and Eve had become God's body and they had become a couple, God's couple would have been realized. Do you understand? Now, how would it be in the heavenly realm? God would have become the human ancestor through the figures of Adam and Eve, and would have come into dominion over the heavenly world and the physical world. Do you understand? It would have been like that.
Why did God create the universe? The first reason is to have an object of love. The second is to utilize a substantial realm. The third reason is to make a connection and to be the real subject so that He can receive stimulation as He dominates His creation. This would have been impossible without having a physical body. Therefore, God created humans.
What is the first reason? "For love." How about the second? "To utilize a substantial realm." And what is the third? "To connect with an object of stimulation." God needs the stimulus of love. When we understand the reasons that God created humans, we realize that He didn't just create for the sake of creating. He did not create just to look and see. God created humans because God seeks to love. You should understand this. (13-212)
When we know the reasons God created human beings, we come to understand that God's main concern while creating was to have an object of love. To derive stimulation through this object of love was the motivation for God's creation. You must realize this. (81-16)
3. How Did God Create Humans?
After creating all things, God created the first ancestors as the hero and heroine of all things in the garden of Eden. When He created humans, it was not for fun, not as a hobby. We must realize the reality that the culmination of God's hard work and effort was the creation of human beings as the center of all things.
When God created humans, He did His best and put forth all His energy. He invested His whole being -- His love and heart. He created humans to be in a relationship that cannot be destroyed or broken by anything.
When God looked at humanity, created in the way I have mentioned, peace dwelt in God for the first time. God's happiness and peace can only come through dwelling within humans. God is the parent of human beings. Humans are God's children. God created humans by putting Himself in the center of a human being's flesh and body. Humans are His body, so if humans pull Him, He cannot escape from that.
When God pulls humans, He cannot go away without pulling humans with Him. God created humans to unite the substance and purpose in every circumstance. If there were a word or a poem that praised God by looking at humans as God's representatives, that would be the highest work. Nothing expressed by any other poet or writer could surpass it. The object is not God, not all things, but humans which represent all things. (20-207)
God existed before He created the cosmos. God existed and He realized His word. God's word is such that it enables Him to create the substantial world in a certain way. After having created the substantial world, He did not set it apart to a place where there would be no relationship with God, but He tried to become one with the substantial world. He tried to fulfill the ideal of oneness that is inseparable. That means that neither God nor humans could sever the connection.
Where is the best position to fulfill this ideal? From the human view, God stands in the best position and we stand in a position that has no value. But God, who has the highest value, wants us to stand in front of Him in the position of the most valued object. And He wants that to be not just temporary but eternal. So from the beginning, God and humans did not start separately but together. Humans must come to investigate the position in which we begin with God. (68-127)
4. The Purpose Of The Creation Of All Things
Originally, God did not create for play, nor did He do so as a hobby. He did not create without any purpose or direction, or without any substance to His concept. This you can understand easily through common sense. He created all things according to His greatest purpose and His concept of the larger cosmos. So we cannot deny the fact that God's heart is present throughout the whole creation, from the extremely small level of the microbe to the vast expanses of the cosmos.
Then, what is the purpose of creation according to this idea? It is surely that God's purpose is the ideal world centering on God's love. That is the world that is connected with love, enjoying love, living with love, and dying with love. When we wake up and open our eyes, we see those things that are in front of our eyes. There is a certain connection and relationship even between us and the tiny microbe. The microbe that we ignore has a relationship with humans. They reflect the value of existence since they follow the plan of heaven.
Why did God create all things? He created them in order to have an object of love. God created them to exist in the realm of God's eternal love, first on the physical plane of the earth and later to return to the place of eternity. We must realize this. (142-76)
5. The Process Of The Creation
If you look at the Bible, it mentions the creation of the universe very easily. It says that God created all things through His word. God said, "Hey, you appear!" and then whatever it was answered, "Yes," and it appeared. It also says that God called the stars and the stars came into existence, and God called the earth and the earth came into existence. However, we must understand the process through which all things were created.
There is an infinite law and order which advances so that the large may develop from the small. According to the Bible, God created Adam and Eve, as the first ancestors only after He created all things. Adam and Eve embodied the essence of all things. (65-21)
By what process was the world created? At first, there was God's will. There was God's idea. There was God's plan with His idea. We can understand that God had His original will and His original plan for creating humans and making the human world in a certain way according to His plan. (76-92)
You should understand that when God created the world, He created the environment first. You should know that. In the world of nature, the subject and the object interact automatically to bring about a result. The natural world has developed as the phenomenal world in which the subject and the object act together. (131-217)
Let's look. When we come to clearly understand the position of creation within the universe, it is not true that God created the center before creating the object. He created the objective element before the center. God set up the internal things on the basis of the external things. He created the soil before creating humans. That is the circumstances of the creation in the universe. God seeks for the larger thing rather than the thing which already exists. He seeks the more valuable thing rather than the less valuable. The position of the creation in the universe is like that. Also, when we come to took at the creation of humans, God created the body first and then He created the spirit. (152-319)
Section 3. The Universe
1. What Is The Universe?
If we ask ourselves what the universe is, we realize that all the things of creation are all educational materials to enable God's beloved sons and daughters to discover the ideal of love. All these things, therefore, are reciprocal constructs. Even minerals function in subject and object relationships. Aren't even atoms like that? They are things in which protons and electrons function in the relationship of subject and object. If they did not function in this way, they could not continue to exist. Without movement, there could be no eternal existence. That is why the universe may be described as the world that has been created centering on humankind in order to arrive at this central point. (137-59)
What is the universe? It is like the one body of God. It is like God's visible body. This kind of logic comes into being here. It is God's other self. Because of this, a concept that I can truly love has come into being. It is loving the universe in a realistic way. Shall I stroke everyone's head like this? If there is something on my clothes, I brush it off, don't I? Why do I do that? Because the clothes are mine. Because they are together with me. It is this kind of concept. Do you understand?
What do all of you have to do in the future? You have to attend God in the center of your heart and become one with God's heart, one with God's body, and one with all the things of creation. You have to accomplish this kind of world of unity. (86-174)
2. The Scale And Structure Of The Universe
Just how big is this universe? It is at least twenty billion light-years across. Light travels 300,000 kilometers in one second. How far then is 300,000 kilometers? It is the same distance as if you went seven and a half times around the world. In astronomy the distance that light, which travels that far in one second, traverses in one year is known as a "light-year." Based on this unit of calculation, even though light may travel for several hundred million years, it could still not arrive at the end of the universe. The universe is that big. Do you understand? (127-216)
Until recently stars at a distance of 10 billion light-years had all been discovered at Greenwich Observatory, but now the age when we are able to see stars at a distance of 15 billion light-years has arrived, and we are entering the age when we will be able to see stars at an even greater distance. So how big is this universe? What did I just say? Ten billion, roughly speaking. Well, that is also a principled number, but actually it is as big as 21 billion light-years.
So what does that mean? If light travels from here, what should we call the distance it travels in one day? In one day? Hmm? "The distance it travels in one year is called a light-year." Ah, so what should we call the distance it travels in a day? It's not a light-year. What do we call the distance traveled in a day? One what? One light-day. In a month one what? "One light-month." I don't know. It's too complicated. You work it out. This thing sets off and travels 3 billion meters in a second. The speed of light and electricity is the same. It travels 3 billion meters. In terms of distance, that is the same as seven and a half times around the world. A distance seven and a half times as much as the circumference of the world. In a flash it's already gone seven and a half times around the world.
If we were to travel as far as light travels even in one day, our backs would be bent over and we would be completely senile. It would not just take one hundred years, so how many ten thousand times one hundred would it be? How many ten thousand times a hundred? Ten million times a hundred is a hundred million. Is that right? Is it ten million times? It's one million times a hundred. One hundred million light years is like one million people all living to the age of one hundred. One hundred million light-years is like one hundred people being born and all living to be one hundred years old one after another. Even after one million people had died, the light would keep on going.
In that case how much is twenty-one billion light years? How many times one hundred people? Hmm? Two thousand? Two hundred million? Is that right? Two hundred and one million? Two hundred and one million; how many people is that? Hmm? Oh, I don't know. All of you work it out. If those people lived and died one after another, each one living to be a hundred years old, even after two hundred and one million people had lived and died the light would still keep on going. That long distance is not a straight line. It goes round and round in a circle. It is this kind of a universe. Do you all need money? Those of you who need diamonds put your hands up. Hmm?
Let's try and think about this. This huge amount of people is in front of me people, but even after they have all died, the light keeps on going. How far would that distance be? How far is that? That distance is so far that even if you lived several thousand years, several ten thousand years, then died and were resurrected you still could not cover it. It is that kind of world. It is not moving without a purpose. Everything centers on reciprocal relationships of giving and receiving. Even our cells function in that way. According to communist ideology all this just happened of its own accord. (181-195)
3. The Perfection Of The Universe
The perfection of the universe -- the words "perfection of the universe" are easy to say, but what on earth is the perfection of the universe?
In order for the universe to be perfected, I must be perfected. No matter how perfect the universe may be, if I am not perfect, it is of no consequence. We all know that no matter how good the world is, no matter how much the external world is happy and dances about, if you yourself are overwhelmed with suffering in the present, then even if you go out into that rejoicing environment of the external world, it has no relationship with you.
Concerning the perfection of the universe, even though the external world may rejoice, the internal world of my own self must also rejoice. To rejoice, both my mind and my body must rejoice. If I look at my cells, they are all rejoicing. The cells of the eye and the cells of the sole of the foot are different, aren't they? But even though they are different, those cells are all rejoicing. So are the cells of the hand and all the other cells. The perfection of the universe comes about when we have a world in which we can feel the joy of love, resonating centered on the mind and body, not isolated but united into one, with neither one being left out, and both being able to rejoice. (166-210)
Section 4. Nature And Humankind
1. Nature Is The First Bible
People who prayed in the past have called nature the first Bible. It is not the second. If we took at the Bible, which is compiled from the history of Israel, we cannot understand it precisely. Do you know how much I have shaken my head, looking at its contents? It is just like a fortune teller's predictions. If you fix a ring to your nose it becomes a nose-ring, but if you fit it to your ear, it becomes an ear-ring. It is a means of escaping from reality. If we want to assess the substance of reality and distinguish the sequence of events, then more powerful than the Bible is the world of nature that has been made by God. It is the best. (20-271)
2. All Things, Within Which The Heartistic Affinity Of God Dwells
Not one thing in God's ideal world of creation centering on true love, namely all existent beings in the macrocosm, came into being outside of the heart and love of God. The poet who feels this will be a great poet. If there is a poet who can feel the heart of the universe in the sight of one trembling leaf and can give expression to that feeling, he will be a universal poet. Nowadays we ignore and are far too indifferent to such things. We did not realize the fact that all around us, and unbeknown to us, all the burgeoning things of creation are existing together with the love of God.
If we enter the spiritual realm, we can see that even one tiny grain of sand contains the principle of the universe and even in one atom is contained the boundless harmony of the universe. Even though we can, not know so much about all the things of existence, we cannot deny that they are all resultant beings that have arisen from a unifying force. Beyond molecules there are atoms, beyond atoms there are particles. . . all these things do not exist unconsciously but are beings with a consciousness and a purpose. That is why all things in existence have come into being through the out-stretched hands of God. You all have to know completely the fact that you indisputably exist in a relationship with the heart of God.
What kind of person is a sage? The greatest sage is the one whose heart is such that he can take hold of a single blade of grass and say "God!" and perceive that its value is equal to his own value. The person who can sing about that value in such a way will be the greatest artist. If there is someone who discovers the exquisite beauty of the variety of God's heart and love by seeing the variety of all the things of creation, and if that person has the feeling that he can become friends with those things and rejoice together with them, and if that feeling moves every single cell in that person, that person will become someone who can represent the whole universe. That kind of person is the lord of all things. But can somebody who does not know about anything except eating become a lord of creation?
When God created the world there was joy there. After he had created everything and seen it, he said that it was good. There was joy. What is joy? It is what is felt when one's purpose is accomplished. Because God's conscious purpose is inherent in the things of creation, after God had created all things, He felt joy. In that case what kind of world is the world of restoration? In a word, it is the world in which people live who substantially possess the heartistic affinity that enables them to praise God as they behold every individual being in all creation. The value of character that Heaven sees is there. In the past, therefore, stories about persons such as Saint Francis giving sermons when they saw animals or birds are not lies. Such stories are like dreams. Nevertheless, they are not dreams but the truth. (9-168)
3. The Universe Is A Museum Of Nature Created By God
If you take a quiet look at children. . . when you look at things like toys, what are they? They are things that move. Everybody likes toys, but of all moving things the ones that have intuitive feelings are animals -- whether they are puppies or some kind of bugs. All children are happy centering on moving things such as the birds of the air and the beasts of the field. Why is that? Because people were originally like that. What does that mean? It means that when humans saw the natural world or the movement of this world, they felt pleasure. Everything is like people's hobby. Also, things like other objects. . . although, of course, the reciprocal base is different; in that place of appreciation, people truly feel enjoyment and interest. Because of that, one's internal attributes of love are all teaming.
If we look at living bugs, insects, or animals we can see that they all exist in pairs. If we look at nature in this way and ask ourselves what it is, it is a museum of educational materials for the development and education of the reciprocal ideal as humankind's one object of love.
That is why there are three kinds of bird-song. The first is a sign that the bird is hungry. The next is a song of love for the bird's mate, and the next is a song that the bird sings when there is danger. They are all different. Although we ordinary people do not know, in the world of birds they know all these songs. If you cry because you are hungry everyone knows already. It is like that. What is everyday life centered on? If you are hungry, once you have eaten that is the end of it. There isn't danger every day either. If we ask ourselves what the songs are generally centered on, we have to say that the songs come and go centering on the relationship of giving and receiving between mates. (137-211)
Humans were created as subjects and objects; that is, as reciprocal pairs. Also, all the things of the world, which exist for humankind, came into being according to the principle of love. Furthermore, because of the love of humankind, life and the ideal become a reality. The world of creation exists for humankind. Especially, it exists as the textbook of love for Adam and Eve, as they are growing up. It is a museum inexhaustibly exhibiting the essence of love. (135-12)
In the very beginning, Adam and Eve, who were favored by being born as the children of God, also grew up under the protection of God from their childhood and gradually became bigger. Consequently, because their intellect developed, they came to understand why God had created the world. The world was created to be a means of education. Everything that moved in the created world was a textbook that taught our original human ancestors Adam and Eve everything that enabled them to live. You must know the fact that because Adam and Eve were not perfected, but were living according to the ideal way of life, the created world was an example or a museum for them. (137-128)
4. Our Attitude Toward Nature
If you open your eyes and gaze upon nature in the morning, that nature creates a vague affinity with this original character and produces a feeling of the new ideal. If you look at the human world, however, you are all aware of the fact that as you look at it, it stirs up a feeling of despair and sorrow within you.
If this was the original world of uncorrupted humankind, you would not feel such sorrow at looking at the value of humanity. Humankind was not created with the same value of a single blade of grass or a flower or a tree. This most precious humankind cannot be exchanged for anything in the creation, and this humankind should have appeared, substantiating this incomparable value, as the representative of Heaven. (9-97)
Now we have to understand this. When we look at nature, which is endowed with the love of God, we have to feel in our mind that neither the wonderful things belonging to kings of this world and famous people, nor antique treasures, nor the splendid clothes worn by famous women can compare to nature. If we cannot do that, we are committing a crime in front of nature, even though we do not realize it.
The person who takes hold of the creation, into which God has invested his heart, and feels its preciousness, and when looking at a single living thing, thinks, "Can man-made things compare to this? No matter how wonderful a person may be, is he more wonderful than God?" then that person is without doubt a son or daughter of God. This kind of person does not need to pray. This is someone with whom God lives. Heaven is pushing humankind into that kind of position.
Look here, all of you. Humans all like and treasure something which belongs to the person that they love, no matter what it is. Isn't that so? Nevertheless, they do not know how to treasure the things of creation that have been made by God, whom we should love the most. Are these kind of people the sons and daughters of God?
All of you, who bear the responsibility of liberating the bitterness of heart of the lamenting creation, even at the sight of a blade of grass or a tree, must deeply experience the heart of God six thousand years ago, when He created those things. You must have that kind of mind.
That is why our Unification Church members have to be able to shed tears on seeing a single blade of grass by the wayside. Embracing a single tree, you have to be able to cry, while saying, "How lonely have you been since losing your lord?" Try to do that one time.
This person who is speaking now has cried a lot. He has embraced a rock and wept, and wept even while watching the blowing of the wind. If you have listened to this speech, you will understand why he has done that. "Precious things of creation that have been made by God, precious things of creation that have an eternal affinity with God, I have to sympathize with your sorrow at never having even received the treatment that is given nowadays to national treasures and valuables in royal palaces." I have appeared speaking these words. If you all have a heart which feels, "Even though all the people of the world are blind to you, I must sympathize with you," in the future this people will become a new race that will be able to control all humanity. This is not a theory; it is a fact.
Who among you are going to regard nature as being more precious than your family's heirloom, which has been passed down from generation to generation, or more precious than the most valuable diamond? Where is such a person? Oh God, when you see such a person in sympathy with the things that You have made and embracing them with tears, You will say "Come to me." Think about whether you can do that or not. (9-175)
What is nature? It is a display of adorable things given by God as a present to me, when His sons and daughters, filled with adoring love, are born. The sound of a bird, or even a single blade of growing grass are ornaments to make the life of His beloved sons and daughters beautiful. Even a stone rolling down the street knows that those sons and daughters will become the lords who will govern the nation, and it has been made to decorate that nation. The flowing water is just the same. As dullness and monotony will not do, nature was created to be a garden of peerless harmony for the sake of the prince of dreams, the prince of hope, who could inherit such a world, which had been made for love.
That is why we can study by means of all the things of creation. When male and female birds chirrup, even the house owner's wife learns from that. You have to know how to live even at the risk of your life, praising the beauty of the created world and heading towards a world of mutual reverence. If someone does this, even the birds will want to come and live in the hedge around that house in order to raise their baby chicks. Do you understand what I am saying?
No matter how precious a work of art in a museum may be, can it be equal to a living work of art? The point is who has loved this world, which is God's work of art and the museum of all the things of creation, more than God. The point is have you loved this world more than your own country's museum. Can you compare a golden crown from the Silla era in a museum with a single dandelion trodden underfoot by the roadside? God made that dandelion in person. You have to think about the territory of your native land in that way. With that kind of heart of God and the kind of mind that is able to say, "I am sorry and ashamed that I myself could not love in that place where I received love, that kingly position, from which the original God could be revered." When there is that kind of king with such a clear conscience, even the blades of grass will follow that king and want to be together with him eternally. That is the way human beings have to live. (175-187)
5. Love Nature And Love People
You have to know how to love nature and love people. You all have to understand that people who cannot love people and cannot love nature, also cannot love God. The things of creation are the symbolic existence of God. Because humankind is the substantial existence of God, the person who knows how to love the creation and humanity will come to love God.
This is why it is not right to have a church made up solely of young people. We have to make a church filled with grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles. Self-sacrifice alone is not the best thing. Do you know that? [Yes] That is why if you all grew up as orphans, you could not help but be orphans. (70-182)
We have to love nature always. We have to love nature, and we have to love humanity. Furthermore, we have to love every race and color of humanity. Would God say, "Oh, I only like white people"? In that case we would all have to wear white clothes. White people would all have to wear white clothes. We would all have to throw away our colored clothes. Why wear black clothes? Why wear colored clothes? It's a contradiction. (133-130)