Sun Myung Moon
February 3, 1991
Excerpts from: The original mind is the teacher and closest to God
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 10: The Way in the Complete Testament
Chapter 1: A Perspective on Human Life, Section 4.3
Photo date and location unknown
Now the time for us to listen to someone else's words has passed. Rather than the words of a brilliant teacher thousands of times greater than you, or any other truth in the world, you should listen to the words of your original mind. No matter how much you have heard from it, you should return repeatedly to listen some more. Then you would receive something of infinite magnitude from it, something unimaginable, which would reveal the greatest secrets of the creation. (7-201, 1959.9.6)
You cannot even begin to fathom how much the conscience has sacrificed itself for the sake of the body. Do you understand the circumstances of the conscience, which has been trampled upon throughout its entire life? It is always tired because it has to manage you night and day. Yet it does not tire of preventing your body from committing any wrongful action. It tells the body, "You have done more than enough. Shouldn't you stop and listen to me now?" It is closest to you, and stands in the place of God, your parents, and teachers. It does not need to be educated. However, the body definitely requires an education. (214-282, 1991.2.3)
When you consider your body and mind, how pitiful is your original mind? It stands in God's stead. It represents all of your ancestors, your antecedents. The original mind represents the teacher as well as the ruler. Yet, it has been disrespected and treated with contempt for an endlessly long time. As the center of the universe, it stands in the position of true parents, true teachers, true masters, and the one Subject Being with true love. It sacrifices itself over and over again to save you while you live on this earth. Isn't that true? Though it sacrifices so much, has it complained even once? Although it is continuously dragged around and treated contemptuously – to the extent that one would presume it to be dead – whenever you harbor an evil thought or attempt an evil deed, it comes alive once again to advise you not to do so, calling you to your senses with the words, "Hey, you devil!"
How much have you made sport of the mind? The original mind stands in the stead of parents, teachers, and masters. In the world of the mind, there is no need to hold a court trial, because you yourselves know better than anyone else what you have done. There is no need for third party witnesses. (209-154, 1990.11.28)
No one knew that within oneself is a great teacher. The original mind stands in the stead of the great mother and father. The counsel of the mother and father is never contrary to the original mind. Whenever it counsels you, just as your mother or father would do, you should learn to obey. An orderly life requires a moral standard that can serve as its original reference. Such a formula based on the original mind has yet to be formed. You should not torment your mind. Do any of you like having a dual personality? The original mind stands in the stead of the teacher, parents, and God. There is no teacher who can teach the mind. (207-266, 1990.11.11)
Throughout their lives, all people have within themselves the most important teacher of all. Despite this, they frequently mistreat, abuse, and trample on it. That teacher is none other than our own conscience. It always speaks to us in its efforts to help us, and tries to connect us to true love. Like our parents, it encourages us to become good and unselfish, and guides us to act according to God's will. However, within each of us is a rebel that goes against the words of the conscience. That rebel is our body. (201- 208, 1990.4.9)