Why Satan Must Be Denied

Sun Myung Moon
April 3, 1983
Excerpt from: Total Indemnity - God’s Will and the World


God's ideal was lost by the fall. How did mankind fall? Through love. The beginning point of love is not the eye or the mouth, but is the sexual parts of man and woman. The connecting point of love is the place where all the sensations come together. The real standard of love was lost at this point, so the male and female relationship was the cause of all the problems of the entire universe.

Because of this, everything has to be restored or recreated. How can we do this? One major result of the fall is that we came under two lords, or two subjects. If we had only one subject and one lord, it would not be such a problem to restore everything and return to the original state.

Where is the world of God's original ideal? We have to search for the original ideal and rearrange the fallen world. This is not easy. To do this, Adam has to deny himself and Eve has to deny herself. If there are 10 members in a family, and all 10 of them try to make unity by asserting themselves, unity is impossible. If there are 10 members in a family, all 10 must deny themselves. Before anything else, God must ask for self-denial in the fallen human world. Before He seeks for the ideal, He must seek the denial, the denial of the fall. Man has no foundation to assert himself. This is God's viewpoint.

Then what is the order of such denial? It is from the external to the internal. In the fallen realm, there is the external world of nation, race, and clan, as well as family. Also there is the couple -- man and woman together. We must deny ourselves beginning from the outside, from the external side. The point we finally arrive at is the denial of our own body and our thinking. We cannot but go this far. We live in the fallen world, so to seek God's will, to seek the point of self-affirmation on earth, we must deny the fallen world completely. The new starting point begins only after setting this standard. This is logical.

Why do we need the indemnity taught by the Unification movement? We must know the reason clearly. None of you in the Unification movement understands clearly the meaning of individual indemnity, family indemnity, clan, race, and national indemnity. Why do we have to do such a thing? This is a serious matter.

For God to make a new start, He must clean up everything. There must be no other subject being, no Satan. God must be the absolute and only subject. God cannot set His new starting point unless Satan's position is completely removed. For man to deny himself is not that much of a problem. The problem is to deny Satan who controls man. Accordingly, after man completely denies himself, God has to set the standard that completely denies Satan. Otherwise there still remain two subjects. Even if man denies himself, still Satan remains. If an alien subject, who is centered upon the false love, remains in the presence of God and the universe, there are two standards, and the starting step for perfection cannot be made. How can we deny Satan? This is an absolutely necessary condition in order to make a new starting point on the earth for God and humanity. We must see the denial of the false god. God Himself can stand as the subject only when He stands on the foundation of that denial and is able to take His position as the subject of love. Do you understand?

How then can this be achieved? This is the question. In this fallen world, its standard is there are two subjects or dual subjects; thus, the same situation remains in individual, family. Then, the same remains in clan, people, nation, the world and the universe. This is logical conclusion. Do you understand?

Then, what is restoration through indemnity? One who desires to reach the absolute unique subject must fulfill the condition of absolute denial in relation to everything in one's environment. For this, absolute denial is required. Then at what place does restoration through indemnity become fulfilled? Even one iota of a condition for self-affirmation cannot remain. It must be completely in the realm of the denial. The condition of indemnity is paid by fulfilling the condition of absolute denial. When this standard is fulfilled in all eight stages, from the individual, family, clan and so on, one can reach the ideal world at the consummation of human history. You must necessarily go through the process at each of the eight stages. Otherwise one cannot reach the ideal where he can communicate with God.