Sun Myung Moon
January 17, 1999
Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 3: True Love, Chapter 5: Section 1
Photo date and location unknown
What kind of place is the spirit world? It is a world of harmony where everything is made of love and packed with love. Today, people – whoever they may be – want to make a relationship of love. They desire this in order to be in rhythm with the spirit world. There is not a single person who is not moved by the power of love, and there is not a single person who does not become an object partner to the power of love. There is not anyone who would not answer when asked with love. Love can call upon everything to make it possible, and love has the power to make things reappear. Therefore, the spirit world is a world of free and unrestricted movement where a heart filled with love makes everything possible.
When you go to the spirit world, you will find that those who have deeply experienced in their family life the love of parents, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, and children will enjoy a great deal of freedom; they can go anywhere in any direction without restrictions. Conversely, those who have no experience of love are narrow-minded, and in the spirit world they are isolated and have no freedom.
The air in the spirit world is love. Love is the essence of life. In that world, you do not just breathe through your nostrils but also through the top of your head and through all your cells. Thus, if you want to live a full life in the spirit world, you have to completely develop a character of love during your earthly life.
Because the spirit world is infinitely vast, you can travel even millions of kilometers instantly centered on love. Love is the fastest.
When Adam and Eve reach perfection and go to the spirit world, they will be God's body and God will be their mind. Hence, God is invisible even when you go to the spirit world. God's purpose for creating Adam and Eve was to produce perfect people who would reflect the body and mind of the substantial world.
In the spirit world, the True Parents will open the palace of love. Although there is a palace in the spirit world, the True Parents must declare, "This is the palace!", and then all beings in the entire spirit world will take their positions around it. The spirit world absolutely needs True Parents because such a responsibility still remains unfulfilled.
The spirit world is a place that is totally covered with the ingredients of love. The earth is covered with air, but the spirit world is covered with love. Human beings inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide on earth, but in the spirit world they live inhaling love. The love they give and receive in the spirit world is true love.
The spirit world is a world where we breathe love and live in love. Therefore, if you fail to develop a character of complete true love, your path to travel freely will be restricted, and you will not be able to pass through all four directions.