Sun Myung Moon
December 26, 2007
East Garden
Partial notes by Tyler Hendricks
Photo: Belvedere main house, circa 1975
We pursue absolute oneness, not democracy. In a family, the members should not attend different churches or religions. This is why Rev Moon was sent by God. We need absolute faith and ideal, and know who God is. If you do this, you will live eternally. If not, you will be judged by God, by the Word. I am called savior, messiah, Lord of the Second Advent and True Parents, but without understanding and living the truth, you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Many talk about the Principle, but no one lives it really. Not even God can, in a sense, because He could not have his children live that way. His path was blocked by His children. He cannot liberate Himself. The law was not observed in this world. So don't be proud of yourself, no matter how great you think you are, you don't know what to do. The Word should make an explosion in your heart; this is absolute, not relative. I will not come until you lay a foundation for this nation. With even 10 righteous families, this nation will not perish. You have not been doing things right. I don't like America that much, because there is no love or God in this nation, and no heavenly kingdom here. I am the enemy of free sex that people do here.
You 36 couples are proud of yourselves, but you have no place to go.
I have many ideas, for South America…, but who is going to support it, raise the funds? It should be you. Americans are fallen, like impure, dirty water, the blood is stained. It doesn't matter what you call me -- savior, messiah, Lord of the Second Advent -- what is important is that we place God in front of us, and that we can live without the law because our life is principled.
I begged God not to leave America when I came here. We need to turn our face away from free sex. If I don't come back, don't complain -- I was here 34 years, 34 years! We need to unify North and South America, and I've just re-announced this and now they are expecting money in order to accomplish this. I've tried to save America tens of thousands of times.
What is the most important peace message? [Dr. {Cha ng Shik} Yang: 5, and second is 10] Without #10, you cannot appreciate #5.
Some people wonder how I can establish God's Kingdom. They don't believe; they put us down. But no one can defeat the Unification Church. Satan cannot subjugate our movement. So, from now on, if you want to run for political office, go ahead and do it.
I am not restricted by secular law. You do dirty things. If I tell you to do something like that, will you? If God tells us to catch all the fish in the Pacific Ocean, should we do it? Without absolute faith, there is no absolute kingdom. The absolute kingdom cannot be inherited without absolute faith. Once He gives a direction, we should be able to follow it, but many do not have that standard. Communists say what is red is white if told. But I am honest; Rev Moon is honest. Native Americans did not die because of illness, but because white people killed them. They are my brothers.
On the terrible course of incompetence involved in building this building. Who built the peace palace? Was it built by Americans? I built it.
America is indebted to Father.
I am going to pull the 36 couples who came to America back to Korea.