We must inherit the heavenly tradition

Sun Myung Moon
March 24, 1974


Until now, we have not known what would become of humankind. We have not known what would become of ourselves. In other words, people have not understood history. They have not understood where history is headed. They have not known what would happen in the future or their purpose. Why is this so? It is because they have not had true parents and ancestors. But as for us, because we are attending True Parents, we can say, "Ah, I know history; I know the circumstances of the history between God and each of us." Also, we have come to know the present and future. We can both know such tradition and inherit it. Now we can have the tradition with which we can win over history and the future. From whom? Why? It is because you have met True Parents. You follow what True Parents teach, and what they do, and you desire what True Parents desire and inherit from them. You are inheriting these things from them.

Until now, there have been no parents in this universe. Those who acted like parents were evil parents, using and ruining their children. What got broken through this? Brothers and sisters, brides and bridegrooms, and fathers and mothers, who are meant to become perfect, have split apart. They have not had children of goodness, meaning they ultimately lost the family. The family is a representative of universal history; it represents the world, the heavenly kingdom, the nation, and all families. God is trying to find its center. History also has been looking for it.

People living today should be connected to this center. In other words, the common purpose pursued by God and human beings is this alone, and there is nowhere else that the past, present, and future can be bound together. Then who should do it? True Parents must accomplish the tasks that Adam and Eve were meant to do. Hence, what you have now is something Satan does not own – you should have the best brothers and sisters; the kind that are not found in the evil world. You must have brothers and sisters who are not from the satanic world. This is how it should be for you. This is until your twenties, before you marry. You need to establish such a tradition. You should leave your sons and daughters a tradition that teaches them how to live.

The reason you are fighting such a hard battle in the countries you have gone to is so that you can leave behind a tradition for your descendants. This is a great opportunity that comes only once, an opportunity to educate your children saying, "We worked amidst this kind of hardship. " You have the chance to establish a tradition you can leave behind as your testament. That is why tradition is the issue. This cannot be changed. It is an eternal tradition.

Since we have transcended the world, white people and black people should be brothers and sisters. This is to realize the brotherhood realm of humankind, the realm of Adam and Eve, which has nothing to do with the Fall. Then, what is the basic philosophy to establish that tradition? Everything will work out if we live for the sake of others. From here, your sons and daughters will grow up without suffering in this kind of environment. They will become descendants who can go straight to the heavenly nation with actual accomplishments that surpass the satanic world and can directly connect with heaven. Next, these brothers and sisters will marry one another. For us, marriage transcends nations. We have the mind-set that we can marry a black person if told to do so, marry a white person if recommended to do so, and marry a yellow person if recommended to do so. Such a tradition should be established from now. This has not yet been established. We should create oneness from now on. So you must guide your descendants and the world with this. The two must become one. When you become one you should not bear evil children. To bear children of goodness, the husband and wife should be completely one. Without becoming one, no children of goodness will come out. Thus, they should become completely one centering on God's will.