Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1974
To American Unification Church leaders
Los Angeles, California
During these three years we truly moved the destiny of the world. I am now bringing the victorious outcome and triumph back to Korea. I want to bring the representatives of the world to this triumphant homecoming. So I am inviting the American president, Neil Salonen; the Japanese president, Osami Kuboki; and Marcin Porter, representing the entire Europe. All the Korean missionaries are accompanying me.
What I did in the past three years is the spiritual level. In the next three years you are going to make the physical level. Do a Day of Hope tour in your own state. I want to see fifty Reverend Moons. People will say, "Reverend Moon... Day of Hope... I can't stand it... We have a small Reverend Moon!"
This particular campaign with me in the forefront will not be conducted in any other country. This happened once in history, and you participated in the event. Now the American people must exceed my effort.
Even to death we cannot forsake the mission. That is the only way we can lead in this land and set the true tradition in America. In order for this nation to flourish as it has, there have been so many sacrifices throughout history.
Of course, white people sacrificed in order to gain this nation; furthermore, many innocent Indian people were sacrificed that this nation might come into existence. In the sight of God, Indians belong to the Asian race, and God's law of restitution is in action throughout history.
According to the law of restitution, the ultimate fulfillment of the Heavenly Kingdom must see East linked with West, and Western people linked with Asian people. So from God's viewpoint, it is significant that Reverend Moon has come here from Asia to proclaim the new ideology that will encompass the entire world. With the spirit world working, some people are mysteriously affected. They are drawn to Reverend Moon and this crusade.
They are drawn to you. Even when they think something is wrong with them, they still come. Whether people listen or not, when I lecture, I will do my absolute best, with tears and sweat.
Sometimes, I have an overwhelming headache, so that I feel I cannot speak one more word. I could be diplomatic... pleasing people by letting them go.
No. I am here to establish a record, to set the tradition. So I know the right result will be brought by the Heavenly Father. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, there is no night. When I feel the mission to increase the Heavenly Kingdom, I don't care what time of day it is -- night, mid-night, or early morning. I just pour out my heart. Do you think God will say, "Well, we have a job to do, but since it is night, let's go to bed"? God will not say that. He will continue. Sometimes I feel sorry that I cannot continue even more than I am doing now, without even one hour's sleep. Though I work twenty hours a day, I just want to do more. The other four hours seem to be wasted!
I have done my very best and still my responsibility is not fulfilled, there is only one thing I can do: give up my life. Then I'll say, "Father, this is my final measure of devotion. You asked me to give this final measure of devotion and I am always willing any moment of the day." Then, Father will take care of the mission.
I never worry about the outcome of a project. I am concerned about whether or not I am pouring out my 100 percent effort. Then I know God will take care of me in the end.
At the beginning of this course, if I have anything to say to you, it is that I want you to join in this crusade to find the safest position to live, work, and die.
So let's have a grand new year. This most meaningful year of 1974 is consummated. So let's have a bubbling enthusiastic start of the New Year. So 1975 will be a different year.
In this third course we shall restore the dignity of Heaven. So far we've always been helped by God. This time, let's bring the comfort, the glory, and the victory to God, to decorate His throne.
I want you to become the people who 'possess God, who dwell in the Father. That is my objective. You may ask, "Why have I come from my own country to this foreign land? Why do I have to sacrifice so much, denying even my own family?" It is because you want to find God and stay with Him.
The more we sacrifice for the purpose of the Father, the more we do on behalf of the Father, the more God will hold us close. I love each one of you very dearly and deeply. I am not going to give you anything other than the one Father whom I serve, to whom I am devoted and dedicated. To this same degree I want you to become dedicated to the Father, dwelling in Him.
If I wanted to leave a will to you, my will would ask you to live as I did, to love and worship God as I did, to possess Him completely, and to succeed in my mission more than I did.
We want to leave something for posterity. Do you have something, a record of achievement, which your posterity in future generations can see? If your answer is "Yes," no matter what happens to you, your posterity will never decline. You will have a great future through your own children.