Sun Myung Moon
July 5, 1988
The Science Office at WRIST USA, East Sun Building, Long Island City, New York
True Parents and True Children visit
Translator: San Kil Han - Contributed by Peter Nordquist
True Father visits the WRIST institute in August 1983 - John Park is on the left
(Father) How much do you think Father should expand? To what range should Father expand - to a universal range? What has that kind of power? Father has the concept. What kind of level will you continue with in the United States? That is the subject.
This is the beginning here in America. Everybody takes for granted that WRIST is like this in America, but Father is thinking of having a research center like this in Germany. Father is thinking of having such a research center even in Russia. As you know, in Russia the psychological or psychic experimental labs and research centers are more advanced than in America. Is that true?
What do you think about Mr. Park? You can speak up while he is away!
(Edmund Bolton) Very interesting character.
(Father) "Very interesting character." That means that is not the way of business.
(Michel Magnin) He is good, dynamic.
(Chris Barker) He pushes very hard for us to accomplish.
(Father) Pushing is not bad. Pushing is good if it is for a successful purpose. That's most important. It is good thinking. It brings good luck.
(Frank Bell) He wants us to get many things done.
(Father) To push is not bad; to push is good. It is a way to make people effective.
(Edmund Bolton) He loves True Parents.
(Father) I don't know that. Among you there must be somebody who loves Father more than Mr. Park.
According to the average standard of the outside world for researchers such as yourselves, two thirds, or seventy percent of you are supposed to be abnormal. In the same way, Father is an abnormal person. If Father was so-called normal then Father wouldn't have been opposed; he would never have been persecuted. People first start off seeing the abnormal, then the normal. History really has to twist, toss and turn before they see that. It takes at least ten years for your work to be recognized and given the proper respect. Also, research usually takes as long as ten years, sometimes even longer, before it results in a practical product ready for production. That means that for ten years the research program you are involved in doesn't have any tangible meaning to other people.
When you develop something fantastic you know that it is fantastic. You feel that it's fantastic. You tell people that it is fantastic. But Father has to assess or judge what it takes for your fantastic idea to materialize and he has to do this immediately, even before the practical result of the research is clear. There are people in four specialized areas who do nothing but this. You devise things. You invent things. You develop things. But on the other hand, is it going to be viable, is it going to be possible? There are people who must consider this.
Let's take a typical example. You come up with an invention. This invention is on a high theoretical plane. You know that ordinary people may not understand the invention but you know that it is really the product of the future. Invention is only the half of it. In reality, it's less than the half of it. You should be able to introduce this to the average person, to the critics, to those who say "oh, that product is not going to be practical." You need to have the ability to convince people. Intellectual people see it in this way: conceiving an invention and the research into the perfect product is not all that must be done - that is only the half of it; the other half is how to convince those people who criticize it - how to convince those people who do not understand what you are doing.
Father can give you a perfect example of this idea right here and now. Take the Divine Principle. Liken it to an invention so that you can compare it directly to your invention; it is something fantastic. Yet what happened? All the people around the world opposed it. Father had the ability to convince people: "you don't understand, this is it!" He developed many other areas to convince people about the Principle, the invention, before people started understanding him. You should do the same thing! How do you make it effective in reality, in the actual world? What Father is saying is that debut is something else. You have to be very strong theoretically.
Now let's take another example. Let's look at yourself. You had proposed to Father "Father, we can make this loran." You told Father that this loran had such capabilities that there was nothing that could compare to it on the market. So Father said that it was all right to go ahead with it. Now you have produced it, but why did you wait for other people to come and buy it instead of going to the many boats we already have made? You should have installed it for them; you should talk to the captain. We have boats all over the world. Introduce it to them and make them as excited as you are in this laboratory. Put the loran on our boats! Testify! Every day! Why don't you do that? Our boats are famous all over the world! You didn't know this kind of concept. Father really scolded Mr. Park for that: "why are you waiting for customers?" We build and renovate boats in Korea. Father told Mr. Park about those boats and said: "why don't you take one, go right there and install it and tell the captain to use it or to buy it?" Did Mr. Park tell you about this? As you know, Korea is more advanced in catching fish than is America or even Russia. Do you know that? The Korean technique of catching fish excels all others. That is one example.
You must use your faculty to explain to customers and other people what you have invented and what you have produced, or manufactured, here. That kind of arena is necessary for you. Just being a laboratory is only the half of it.
You have all been to Tong-il industry in Korea, haven't you? Those who have never visited Tong-11, raise your hands. (About six hands go up) You must all go! Does this means that you are neither so intensely interested nor so intensely concerned about your environment and your future? Why not talk to Mr. Park: "Mr. Park, I must visit Tong-Il industry." Why don't you say that?
Tong-Il not only developed as a manufacturing facility. It has a research center that is capable enough to back up, or explain, everything that they manufacture. The staff at Tong-Il can also do the same for any other type of machine, whether it was developed at Tong-Il or not. You should be able to do that too.
Father is planning to buy the Cincinnati machine factory - a machine factory here in America. Through that we can achieve much of what Father has just explained to you. You need your own foundation of deploying what you have made.
You regard yourself more or less like a brain. A brain by itself means nothing. You also need hands, feet, a torso, and all the other organs that are necessary to function as a complete entity. The brain alone is only a brain. Does a brain walk? No. You need feet to walk. You have to make it. You said in the beginning that you needed to expand ten- times; from fifteen, that becomes 150. Tong-il is expanding successfully at such a rate that it not only can support you to expand from fifteen to 150, but even to 100 times that. They are capable of producing enough material and money to do that. Yet even though you expand your research facility, your lab and research center, by ten times, how are you going to digest everything that you produce? Are you just going to wait for other people to come to buy what you produce? No. Never. Never that way! Father is a most capable person. Father is as capable now as he was from the beginning - from thirty, forty, fifty years ago. But it even took Father thirty five to forty years to come to this point. You cannot do this. You cannot say: "here is my foundation. You inherit that. You stand on that. You do this." No, Father would never do that. Father says, "You start." That means you have to start from scratch. In other words, what Father is saying is that you should be able to adapt yourself to a research organization, to a big existing company, or to a big nation. You have to belong there and then work together or else you cannot function.
R&D is research and development. You must plan for the possibility that ninety percent of the money spent on R&D could be washed away. Yet there is also a business sense to the R&D office, don't you see?
Suppose that there is a big corporation that makes much profit; it's going to go to taxes anyway. So why pay tax? Instead, it is better to put the money into a huge R&D budget and count it as an expense. Then ten percent of what is spent brings results. That ten percent can bring in huge results ten years later. Corporations are spending R&D money in this strategic manner.
We all come under Father and now you have such a tremendous brain power here at WRIST. You have to think: "what direction shall I go. What direction shall we go?" We must all be thinking that Tong-il industry is my main body and that I am their brain. I will go in the same direction as they do. I will support them. I will get the order, the direction. We will research the subject and then feed the results back to them. We must have this kind of thinking now.
Father understands and appreciates your independent position. Now, you come under Mr. Park, the "very interesting person." When Mr. Park runs out of money then you run out of money' too. Then you go out and fundraise to maintain this office somehow. That is not what you are going to do forever and ever.
This time Mr. Park came here and he only stayed for a few days before he went right back home again, didn't he? He went right back to Korea. This is because Father really scolded him. This is the way you ought to think: "Are you going to isolate the brain? Don't do that or you can never make it! " Now he understands what direction WRIST must go. Now you understand because Father told you directly! Father is affiliating with the Japanese too. You must think clearly that Tong-il is my company; don't think that it's our company. If we think it's our company then there are many loose holes - then it is partly mine and mostly someone else's. Don't think that it's our company, it is my company! Can you say what practical difference it makes? Let us imagine a German research center. These Germans are working very hard. They want to make some breakthrough. Because of this desire they would even want to steal from an American or a Japanese company. The German researcher would want to do this because it's his company. This is just what the Soviets are doing now. This is because it is his company, not their company. If they feel that is their company then they wouldn't do that. This is because if it's my company then I would even steal the information from the outside and use it as if it were my own.
How many countries are represented here? (Twelve) Twelve countries! Twelve countries, twelve nationalities. How difficult is it for are all twelve countries to work together in one group?
(Frank Bell) It takes a Korean, Mr. Park.
(Father) if something happens to him, what are you going to do? I said to you clearly that you have to have the concept. Now Father is teaching the concept that this is mine, not ours, but mine! If it is mine then how can we have this all over the world? There must be one world with the same concept. The scientific economies of every country are fighting each other at a higher level to decide who will become the leader - who will become number one. Each country claims that it is the most excellent. This is our enemy! Our enemy is the concept of national boundaries that surround the country. Our enemy!
American people live all over the world. If only Americans lead the world all the time think what would happen. It would be English against German against Italian against Japanese. Now that we know the situation how can we resolve the world situation? That is Father's problem. Father's enemies are standing all over the world, both in the democratic world and in the communist bloc. You look at it so that you can change the whole free world. If America changes it on their own then what kind of world will there be in the future? There would be no hope! There is only hope from Reverend Moon! How would the world be in the future? Look at it! I know that it is a big problem. How can you survive? The German people and the English have been enemies for over forty years. The Americans and the Japanese are enemies all over the world. How can the countries overcome their national tradition? That is a problem. Most of all, you have to make a standard of "this is mine! My country, my standard over that of the boundary world." How can we make this foundation? This is our first responsibility. Do you know what I mean? If Mr. Park is not here then isn't it true that you will split up the whole department? Everyone will claim: "this is mine! Mine!" All fourteen people will then fall down while only one remains in control as the leader. (To John Potjewyd) Do you understand?
(John Potjewyd) I think I do.
(Father) "I think I do?!" Thinking is not relevant! The concept doesn't believe, doesn't do the work. You have to know the problems. You have to know the easy way, the most simple way, not the difficult way. How can we overcome the world's difficult boundary situations, traditions, and habits! How can those things be digested? No way! No way! God's situation is that everybody in this whole universe is mine. Do you belong to God? (Yes) Did you belong to God? Do you all want to belong to God? Father has the same situation. Don't think of America as being for other Americans but America as my country. The whole world, the whole globe, is mine. This is a most precious concept, isn't it? (Yes) You have to have this concept in this laboratory. Father has that kind of basement. Without it, he cannot do anything.
When twelve people act in twelve different ways it is a most serious thing. You have to come into complete oneness. You shouldn't think that Father's mission is just Father's mission and that it is not mine! That's bad! That's bad! Father's mission is mine. That is a good soldier. That is an Unificationist. A true Unificationist knows that Father's work is my work. There are not two separate works. Father works so hard and all Unificationists think about being thankful for Father. Why is this so? It is because Father is working for me - instead of me. With this understanding we can connect anywhere; if you cannot understand this then you cannot. This means that you can access the totality of human relations. That is the concept; that is the theory. Did you think like that? Did you think that this is mine? Mine! Who can imagine it? Whose is it? Mine, mine. Our biggest problem is knowing whose work it is. We have to think: it's mine, it's Father's, it's mine. Father is doing it for us.
When you educate the youngsters you ask the small child, "Whose son are you?" That child is God's son. That is the way that we must educate him. We should not educate him to say that he is so and so's son. My son is God's son. Then both God and my son are mine. How wonderful. The world is mine! Why!? Because the world belongs to God! It is simple; it is clear.
Research is very important but the basic human being is more important. You must have the concept that: it's me, I belong to God, this is my work. So far the knowledge, the technique, the know-how has been different from one country to another. The trend is toward rapid normalization. There will be neither any country that is too advanced compared to the other nations, nor any country that is too back-ward. All countries will be about average. Father already anticipates this happening in the future. Thus he is working along that direction, striving to make that a reality. Now, compare this to what the Americans are doing about the world situation. America is controlling the direction of South America by political power, by economic power, and by military power. Military power incorporates technical skill, engineering skill. With military power, America is making them a slave country, a colony. How about Africa! You think about that. Five countries control Africa. This is the same situation. They didn't teach technical engineering. That is a great sin to God. The world is to be equalized now; thus the equalization of technical things is our future. The reason is that Father thinks in this way: this is God's country. That's why Father can spend so much money in this country. How else can you spend so much money in this country? How many hundreds of millions of dollars went into the newspaper company? For what? For God's country!
Every time you think about using paper for a memo (holds up a memo from All-State from Andy's desk) think that this is mine. Mine. Know that everything is mine. This is a public thing; it is public property; it more than just a personal thing. Everyone knows that public things are more valuable than private things. This is the normal relation and it is social tradition. This is mine, mine, mine; everything is mine. You understand some concept: you can cut away part of the paper. The easy way is to cut. Yet we cannot make that our kind of concept. This is the problem. America is now going down. Is the concept right? It is because of a concept like that that America is declining now. America is just wasting so much because they can think of nothing as being mine. They all think it is public property; they think it is part of somebody else's. So, what is America doing now? America is not really being constructive; America is even spreading AIDS all around the world. Would America do that if they were their own sons and daughters - their own kin? It happens because America thinks that me is me and someone else is someone else. Father has been fighting for the righteous stand. You must really join in as one and fight against this target.
We have to fight against the competition, first of all, with technique. Time is just as important. So is money. Suppose that you have money and technique but you are wasting much time. This is the same as if you are spending twice as much money. You lose. This is what happens if Father goes and everybody is just idling around.
Let us summarize. Do you understand what Father is telling you? Every one of us must have the same goal - a common goal. We cannot have different ways to reach the same goal. This makes much sense to those who are intelligent. If you fifteen people become united and work together as one then you will have fifteen times the result. But if you work separately, even though you concentrate on just one work each, each one of these works may be fighting against the others. If this happens then not even one work will be done. However, if you unite and each one does one work, that's fifteen works. Then there would be fifteen results. Why don't we do that?
In the beginning many people joined: Americans, and even people from other countries. Father taught these members. They left the church because they were very doubtful, they didn't know, or they didn't have confidence. However, they are crawling back now. They want to be back in the church. They say: "Father, please let me be in again because I didn't understand at the time, I was immature, so I left, but I want to come back." However, when he came to America, Father always thought: "I will do this for the sake of this country and if they want to help my work, which is their work, it's fine." But American members at that time thought "well, we did all the work but nobody else did." This is why revolution comes. Father decided single-handedly: "I will help all of America - all 200 million people." Father did not think: "I will benefit from America." Mine! Everybody mine! Mine. Even if everybody has forsaken us, they are still mine. I don't take any of this for myself. How can we bring motivation here? Think about that.
Here the world will just turn around. The world may be going in one direction, but they know that the direction that they are going in is wrong. Because they know this, they will just turn around to the right direction. Father's work is so closely tied with America. If America doesn't listen then America will decline - America will perish. What will happen to the Unification Church and Father? What will happen to us and to Father? Do you think that we will perish too? No! No! I have confidence. This is the right concept: I am making the foundation all over the world. I am making the right atmosphere. Why didn't I fall down? I continued to fight the problem of bad habit. Day and night I endured constant torture. The problem in Satan's world is this: How can Satan break down Reverend Moon's power basement? The KGB thinks about it. The CIA thinks about it. No matter what they do, they cannot change the victorious atmosphere. This is Father's exact, unchanging concept. The first time that I visited America I brought down my foot on this earth and I claimed it! I will be a patriarch in this country.
Testify to me. Even though I was in Danbury, the concept of the political world organization was being protected through the Washington Times, the courts, Insight, and the World & I. These were all being lead by me. Yet the American people, those who interviewed me, were saying: "Oh Reverend Moon, oh! The basic concept that you want to lead with is bad! It is bad! Go back home! We don't need you!" That is what the American voice has said until now. Now very intelligent people have become interested and they say: "Reverend Moon our country must protect you. Don't go back to Korea, we will protect you!" Day by day, the response is growing into this attitude. You tell me who are the ones who can protect me?
To especially the young ones among you I ask you this: are you going to suffer and that would be the end of your career? No! Have you ever seen any outside Ph.D.'s going out to fundraise? No. Father knows that they do not do this! Father knows that it is not effective to send Ph.D.'s out to fundraise. Yet Father made you Ph.D.'s fundraise. Father never stopped you from doing so because, by you going through it, Father knew that you would become a different Ph.D. - a Ph.D. who can reign over all other Ph.D.'s. Father knew that this added record would make you so. That's why Father let you fundraise. You had many experiences in the hostile atmosphere. That is most precious.
Why is it that outside people unite against the Moonies? They do this so that Moonies can make a unified heart. Now no one can dissolve this unified heart. This is the most important thing. You came into the Unification Church and worked hard for many years. Think back on the times in your past. Ask yourself: "Did I lose time or gain time?" Which one is it?
(Everyone) Gained time.
(Father) Gained time!
(Frank Bell) Gained experience.
(Father) My concept! I am not falling down. About this same situation with time: do you want me to wait? Who is the most perfect one? All this time Father has been standing despite all the bad experiences in the hostile atmosphere of the outside world. One time Father will never come back and what shall you do then? Aren't you going to go in four directions against me - saying that it is time to go home, time to go to your family? Against me! Do any of you think bad? What! How could you do otherwise? You have a bad tradition of concept! You have a bad tradition of habit!
(To David Hughes) Are you an American?
(David Hughes) Canadian.
(Father) Canadian. This is the same as an American. You like cheese and hamburger everywhere you go. Every place that you go there they are. You say: "I miss hamburger and cheese. There are no hamburgers here. I haven't got any." Think about that! Is the way of change an easy way or a difficult way? Which one is it? Is it easy to change that way or is it difficult? How difficult it is! All that time you have grown used to that way. Time causes change. For forty years, for seventy years, you have been forming that tradition of harmful habits. You think about that. Compare this to the bad habits that Satan has made in this world. How much bigger are those bad habits? For thousands of years, thousands of years, Satan has been forming these bad habits! Is it easy to change that kind of tradition of habit? How difficult it is! You think about that. Father is fighting that kind of habit. He has no sleep. He goes without. He stays away from women. A long time after he remained standing, after conquering the atmosphere around him, you worldly people followed me! If you don't follow me then you cannot win over Satan's tradition of habit. You think about that. How difficult is it to break out of that habit? Is it an easy way or a difficult way? It is so difficult.
How old is Father now? Almost seventy! He is a grandpa! How is it possible that he can even be talking about it? This is serious! Serious! If you are not serious then you cannot overcome bad habit. This is the place where bad habits are broken. It is not the easy way. This concept is a most necessary concept. You must first begin with that concept, with unity.
How are we going to meet death years from now? In the same way as Father would. Father is struggling all by himself to return everything to God because God never gives up. Even though this is a stained world, a dirtied-up world, still God never gives up. Still God says: "This is my world. I'm going to clean this!" Father is saying the same.
I am Unification Church member. That is not easy. How very difficult is it to be a Unification Church member?! There is no comparison in this world. You cannot even compare how difficult it is. With that concept, Father is making a highway - complete with pavement, with asphalt too. You have to build a motorcycle to go on that highway. You have to make that. Is that an easy way? It is just as hard. Father controls everything, everywhere. Father is making this basement for the life of the world with this kind of atmosphere - with this kind of environment. How can that foundation be made? It can be made only with a victorious concept! If we follow that concept then we can do it.
Here we are all scientific people. We can see that cause and effect are clearly connected. It is a precise, theoretical method. The concept is the same scientific concept. Father has been making that preparation. He has been making that foundation not just here - not just in this isolated place - but all over. Always think, therefore, "Tong-Il industry is mine. That's my body and I am the brain. That's mine" We must always think this way. This lab is mine. Combined together, I am making an organization that can embrace worldwide organizations. All the famous labs in the world are also mine and I have the responsibility to restore them for the sake of God. We must have that concept. How proud are we when we think like that and work? This lab can be attached to any first rate corporation - to the biggest corporation - and become a lab, a research unit, for that corporation. How proud can we be?
Just watch; you will see that the whole world will go to precisely the way Father has said it will go. You already know that it has. There will be no mistake in the direction that Father has said it will go. Now many people are beginning to see that; now they are beginning to understand that; now they are beginning to believe that. The world is moving just like Father predicted.
Why is Father speaking about this to you? Because Father wants to make a master out of you, not a servant. Father wants to make you the owner of this world. You need to own your own foundation everywhere in this world. After Father goes to spirit world we will inherit everything that Father has done. Then, everything that Father has done is mine. I inherit it all. You will really have accomplished the greatest thing if you fifteen people from fifteen nations understand what Father is talking about and really come to unite. You must understand that. There is nothing greater that has been achieved. You can do anything now.
Imagine what is the biggest testimony, the strongest testimony, in history. Look where Father comes from: a small countryside, a mountainous countryside in North Korea that nobody ever thought about just a few years ago. In this remote countryside there was one idea. Father proclaimed his idea. Follow me! This culture is number one all over the cosmos. What a big concept! What a powerful concept! Who can change this country? It is mine. The whole cosmos is mine, with true love.
Do you know that Father is smart, smarter than most people? Don't you think so? (Yes) Yet throughout his whole life he has been spending - he has been losing. I know that! Don't you think I'm smart enough to know what I'm doing?! Do you think I am just stupid? I have been gaining results. I have educated people clearly. I have moved the floor of the whole world with new truth. You must have that kind of confidence. You must embrace all life. You must fight and never be defeated. You must never become incapable. It is very difficult. Think in the same way about the economical habit of your world. Someone must think about Father, about atmosphere, about the concept that it is all mine! Mine! I will teach the concept. How precious it is. How wonderful it is!
It will not be the same as in the past. Father is already thinking about you connecting to the Japanese research lab and also to Tong-Il. In your work, you must constantly move back and forth between Tong-i1 industry and here. Father is thinking about rotating people: the people here can work for Korea and the people who work in Korea will work here. You will be introduced to Wacom in Japan. You will go to Wacom in Japan. When Father tells you to go to Wacom they will accept you and you will be able to work together. Also, if there is excellent work to be done in Germany, you can go to Germany and work with them. This is one, this is all one country, and that will be practiced now. It really doesn't make any difference what nationality you are, it is all one. The lab is under God - it is Father's, and it is mine. Father will begin to interchange people freely from now on. Think about that and don't think about what country you are in. Just believe what country we are under: the heavenly country - just one country.
Today, you must revolutionize yourselves. A new concept begins on this day. Never go back to the old concept that claims: "still I am German, etc." Don't do this. That would be the enemy's concept. If we continue to think like that, then that would be a betrayal of Father. It is a shameful concept. We have had a most shameful concept. Is your understanding clear now? (Yes Father) Don't doubt it. Don't forget that point. You won't forget that will you? (No)