Sun Myung Moon
November 14, 1995
Kiev, Ukraine
Unofficial notes
Photo date and location unknown
Where is Satan, does he hide? Are Ukrainians and Russians different? ["Alike!"] In many ways, you are different, not same! But you have the same ancestors don't you? Why are we so different? Do you think the human race divided and split-up while they were loving each other or while fighting with each other? Even between father and son, if the father is really bad then the son may split but if the son really respects or loves the father then he cannot split. There must have been some difficulty between Russian and Ukrainian.
When a brother and sister fight -- they would be using fists -- then in that moment are they loving each other or are they hating. Why do you unite? ["Because of True Parents"] But you never saw True Parents before. Your mind -- conscience {original mind} -- likes this teaching Divine Principle and your body wants to follow. Most of the time our mind and body are not united. How about Adam and Eve? If they have a conflict between mind and body, then there is a problem... fights. Do you want to be a person on the mind side or the body side? Why are you always moving between mind and body? Even prisoners will say they are good people. And you, where do you belong to? Your vertical axis is conscience {original mind}. You know yourself, which side do you belong to. That's why you can be liberated.
You need a good subject to appear, then you can be a good object. Or if you can be a good subject, then a good object will appear.
So we need a good teacher and a good religion.
Children believe that parents give original love, but the reality is different. What is the difference? They expect original love and receive selfish love. If love is self-centered, it is wrong. A true mother can sacrifice her fife for the sake of the child. Have you become true children yet? What is the qualification of being a true child? -- Unselfishness again, living for the sake of others.
What is the formula of good and evil? When you devote yourself to something, you feel good, don't you.
Jesus' teaching is to turn the other cheek -- why? Because after you are hit to right, the left hit straightens you out again.
This is the right teaching because then you have no enemies, neither in heaven nor in hell. The reaction of the Ukraine is so bad because these people were mistreated and misunderstood in the past. They think Rev. Moon is trying to take something from them, they think that I am their enemy. Do you have any enemies? If you have enemies, raise your hand. [No one does] What is best, the feeling of having enemies or not having them?
Why should we love the enemy? Because even the worst person has someone who loves them. If you want to have an enemy, you must first love them more than the total of all the people who love him, only then can he be your enemy.
If you love like that then the whole spiritual world will come down and support you. The one who has no love has nothing to do with True Parents. You may think this person is my enemy, but from God's viewpoint, he may have a loving family relationship. You must love them as God does. Otherwise, you are in a lower position than the man himself. When you strike out from the lower position, you will always be punished.
This is the communist way... strike first, kill the enemy. God's way is to forgive and give love and forget that you gave. You must go beyond all complications, then God will welcome you.
So you want to sit right next to True Parents, right? Is that good or bad? Bad, but not really, because you want to represent those who couldn't come here tonight, those who went home.
Where can we find God? We need to find someone who loves like God. If we can live with that person, we have a greater possibility to find God. Which teacher is better, the one who says, "You did well, now do more," or the one who says, "You worked so hard, now take a rest"?
Is religious life difficult? Do you want hard training or easy training? You say hard, but I'm a very hard trainer. You say hard, but will you stay, or will you run away. Before you, many young Americans promised to receive hard training but they left. I've seen many young Koreans also, promised but then ran away. Are you better than those who promised to receive hard training? Maybe you will run away too.
A good leader is working harder than we do. Even Father is almost 80 years old but young leaders don't like it because Father is pushing so hard. Even if we all drop out, True Father will continue and Unification Church will prosper. This because True Father will always take responsibility. The central figure should always be responsible. Who was the central figure for our gathering here? Who is responsible for the problem? Who was everything arranged for? For True Parents. Therefore, I am responsible. That's the way I feel, I will assume responsibility. That is the first qualification for a central figure. The Central Figure doesn't accuse, he takes responsibility.
Father takes responsibility even for things he didn't have anything to do with. Then you must protect members by always giving. "I am giving to you, but other members went back in tears. Am I speaking to the right people?" Father gives to you as leaders, you must give hope and love, inspiration to members. A perfect subject will make a perfect object. So good leader 1) takes responsibility 2) protects members 3) nurtures members.
When you nurture your members, you are the parents. You are Parents, then King and then Owner. If you order people around, do you think you will keep many friends? As leader, you must invest your tears and your entire heart. When you give everything you have, your friends will increase. Then you become the central figure.
If two people have been giving everything, they both become the Central Figure. Then when they meet, will they fight -- saying, "I'm the Central Figure"? The person who continues to give more will become the real Central Figure. We don't need to pray for the enemy to collapse, we need to serve more. Father has practiced this truth all his life. Is True Father the victor or the loser? Does Father try to receive or to give? When we look at the enemy with the eyes of true love then we feel, "He has my sons' eyes." With such kind of love, you want to give him a big kiss, then Satan who was in the enemy will have to run away. God likes love and Satan likes hatred.
(These words are not just for you, you should tell all those who had to go home, teach them everything.)
Russian Communism is not the problem, this world is not the problem, the problem within yourself is the most fearful. In this internal conflict, internal war, there is no ceasefire, it goes on and on. How can we deal with this problem? If we don't know God, there is no solution. If you know truth, truth will liberate you.
What is more on the side of good, mind or body? Does the mind follow the body or does the body follow the mind? The leader must go against the bodily desire. When you look at someone with the eyes of conscience, everything looks beautiful. If you look with the eyes of the body, everything becomes bad (free sex etc.) So we can conclude that inside yourself there is a monster everything; monster Satan, monster King, monster God. [Editor's note; "monster" means "very big")
God is also inside of yourself, so every morning you can greet and comfort God by greeting yourself. Even you can rub and stroke your nose. The nose is the center of your face. Does your nose likes to smell only good smells or does it like bad smells too? The nose is the king of both worlds and it needs hard training. We should experience good and bad. That way you can embrace that which is good, and you can embrace what is smelly, bad making it good. This is the way you can become whole. Without unity between mind and body, there can be no unity in the family or the nation.
So God gives His true love, life and lineage and also true conscience. These should be unchangeable, like a diamond. That's the way mankind is, unique and he should become unchangeable and absolute as God is unique and unchangeable. He should become another God.
Everyone was to become an eternal true love partner. Do you want eternal life or temporary life? Even if some paints your body red, inside you are still white. Internally you must become like that also, unchangingly like God.
But we have a problem. There is a problem between men and women and between mind and body. Who is the original cause of this? Satan! Satan takes love for himself. God gives love for the sake of others. When parents care for their children, do they do it conditionally? Maybe parents are always counting what they have given and expecting some return? Or do they give themselves continuously, unconditionally? Do parents count everything and then when their son is 21 hand him a bill: "You owe us so much for food, so much for clothes, so much for housing"? (Of course not!)
That is why parents are like God. Do you like being limited or infinite? When you have true love, that means unlimited eternal love, then spirit world is right in front of you. If you truly understand the spirit world then you want to go there, but you must first gain the qualification of true love. This is the training ground for true love, teaching us how to adjust to spirit world.
When you are born in this world, coming out of the mother's womb, somebody needs to cut the umbilical cord, you can't be born by yourself. It's not a simple process. First, all other things have to be closed down and all energy is focused on the passage through this small tunnel. Even things become deformed -when the baby comes out his head is like a cucumber- so every bit of energy is needed.
Before being born, did you have some idea about what this world was like? Did you know you would need to breath air or see things?
...everything needed partnership... [?]
But we have everything we need. Look at the face, every is in the right place, the eye has a brow and lashes, the nose points down. There was a knowing spirit which guided this development. Which comes first, matter or the spirit.... [Someone says, "Matter"]
No, not matter, spirit came first! Look at the eye -- can the eye work without the lash? The lashes are necessary for the proper function of the eye, but did the eye know that and make the lash by itself? There was a plan first, someone had a plan first. What about the position of the eye? If it were vertical, water would get in, but the whole face is designed to keep water and sweat out of the eye and out of the nose and the mouth. Behind the structure of the world, there is a knowing spirit.
The body holds all the secrets to this mysterious kingdom. Look at the face, it is divided in three parts. The eyes represent heaven, the nose is the mediator and the mouth is earth. The nose has two holes (nostrils) which become one inside and further along. They represent man and woman. The whole body has three major parts also.
Satan always stays in the dark in the unknown, unseen. He tries to keep people isolated, ignorant. He cannot be in the open, in public. We need someone to teach about spirit world, then Satan cannot control people so well.
So the womb is the first mother and the second mother, the second womb is the earth, preparing us for living in heaven. [Ed.: Father expounded a lot]
Father doesn't like to sleep so when he does he sleeps like a shrimp (shows fetal position), he never sprawls out fully. That way he's ready to jump up and go at a moment's notice. Nobody taught him this way, Father taught himself. His desire is absolute, to liberate God from His suffering.
Then True Parents became the owners, owner of all creation, all creatures and even God. Then you all belong to True Father. What about your language? Do you speak Korean? Are you studying Korean language, your parents' language? Without Korean language, you are like orphans.
God really needs man and wants to live for him. Only those who live for the sake of others can go to heaven, only by giving and giving and forgetting what (how much) you gave.
God created everything in absolute faith. We should have absolute faith, like God. What should we have absolute faith in -- in True Parents? -- in God? We should have absolute faith in the Principle (i.e. the Principle of Creation). Faith in God's Word Then came absolute love. Starting from the animals (i.e. the first stages of creation) everything is an expression of God's absolute love. The next stage is absolute obedience. God's ownership comes from His absolute faith [Ed.: in the process of creation] absolute love and absolute obedience (to the law of living for others) and when we have absolute faith, love and obedience we can become the true owner.
Why did God create man? Most basic reason is He created man as His visible form. God is invisible and He became visible through Adam. Even in the spiritual world, God is invisible, so He gave Himself a visible form through Adam. Adam is the external God and God is the internal Adam [later Father said, "This exactly applies to Eve also"]. So that means that God is Adam's wife. And Eve is God's wife. And Eve's husband is God. And Adam's wife is God.
Adam represents the vertical aspect and heaven. Eve represents the horizontal aspect and earth. Their relationship is the unity of heaven and earth, the vertical and horizontal and it's the place where God dwells. God wants to be a part of that union and the sexual union of husband and wife. The sexual organs are the Holy Palace where we can meet God. You should invite God into that moment of completely forgetting yourself, the moment of complete union of husband and wife. In that atmosphere, really you can meet God. Man's love IS God's love.
Children should receive love from two kingdoms. Grandparents represent the spiritual kingdom, giving grandparent's love (which is God's love). Parents represent the earthly kingdom, giving parent's love (which is God's love).
God is Eve's husband. Then can anyone compete or replace God? Women only want one husband, not two. Children only want one mommy, one daddy, not many. What about men?
Man's ambition is infinite. Man is in the position of King. The Three Great Kingships represent past, present, and future, which means grandparents king, parents king and child kingship [?]
So God created Adam to be his external form, even as King of Kings. The second reason why He created man was to have an absolute partner, absolute object of love.
Since God is invisible and vertical, He can connect to the world at a specific point. Spirit world is vertical and it cannot multiply. So God created man to be able to fill-up the spirit world which is the "storage warehouse for perfected fruits" of this world. The third reason God created man was to be able to populate spirit world.
Man was made for woman and woman for man. [to Nadezhda Kasyanenko]
To make babies, you need to practice. Blessed Couples are free to experience holy sexual love in their relationship.
Blankets and street corners. [an inside story, ask me]
Adam stands just as God or even better than God. God is vertical and can only connect in one place, only create once but Adam can create many times. Who is a bigger god, God or Adam? Adam is bigger, since he can create many sons and daughters.
The problems of this world begin in the family. The original source of the Kingdom of Heaven is the Four Palace Kingdom (sic). The only fights would be happy fights. In marriage, the woman wants to conquer the man and bring him to God, perfecting God's world. [???]
When you go to spirit world to get into Kingdom of Heaven, you need to know the guard at the gate. The best guard is your own child, so you need twelve children. If you have only one child and he stands at the winter gate then you always have to go around to that gate and your Kingdom of Heaven will be cold as hell. Even your children may get lonely at the gate, so 24 children is better. [He said it. I report it. ]
Before we were in a period Cain and Abel, now we are in the age of Parentism. Next comes the age of Kingship. Therefore, we must understand the change of blood lineage. The process involves accomplishing the position of elder son, then True Parent. Now True Father is working on the position of king. Blessed couples must participate in the process, Blessed Couples absolutely need the Tribal Messiah mission.
Until now there was a steep path between heaven and hell [Father shows /\] But now it is flat and people can go straight [– –]
[This is the end of our notes. Father spoke for more 2 hours about Jesus and the history of the providence of restoration, centered on the development of mind/body and husband/wife unity]