True Parents are the center of the Spirit World

Sun Myung Moon
September 9, 1990


The democratic world represents the right wing whereas the communist world represents the left wing. They are now breaking down. The same can also be said of the United States. Neither world has a center. What is needed at this time is head-wing thought and Godism. No form of humanism can stand before God. God alone is the absolute and eternal center. Only head-wing thought can become the center of all humankind.

The true center for the spiritual and physical worlds can only be the ideology centered on true parents. From the perspective of true love, head-wing thought and Godism are the same concept.

Is there a limit to the need for the True Parents? There is none. Whether in this world or in the spirit world, this need is infinite. On the other hand, where is the limitation of the President of the United States? In four to eight years, he topples over and drops out, but the True Parents do not. The limitation is different. In four to eight years, the American president has to pack his bags, but that is not the case with the True Parents.

The True Parents are needed not just in this earthly world but also in the spirit world. Why? A palace was supposed to be built in the spirit world by people who lived on earth with love, but there were no such people. Even God and the people in the spirit world cannot build the palace of love. The True Parents must build it.

The palace of love in the spirit world begins from the True Parents. Even if there were already a palace in the spirit world, the entire spirit world could only settle with that place at the center if the True Parents entered and declared: "This is where we will have a palace." The spirit world absolutely needs me because this responsibility has yet to be fulfilled.