Sun Myung Moon
April 30, 1990
Welcoming event for True Parents' homecoming from the victorious Moscow rally
Suanbo Waikiki Hotel, Chungju, Korea
Photo date and location unknown
If I were to give a title to today's speech, it would be "True Love and the World of Unity." The word "unity" denotes a value desired by all people, regardless of whether they are high class or low class, good or evil. It is a term that will remain forever as long as humanity continues to exist. Moreover, it is not only human beings who desire unity; all created things and even God desire it.
In the human world the standard by which something is measured as true inevitably changes over time, and everyone has desires that are almost impossible to achieve. This applies in all parts of the world, in the East and the West. The reality is that human beings without exception cannot suppress their aspiration to have the best and be the best.
Given that people have such great aspirations, what do they seek as their absolute truth? For a man the absolute truth is a woman, and for a woman it is a man. For parents the absolute truth is their children, and for children it is their parents. And for God the absolute truth is human beings, and for human beings it is God.
Any words that are spoken in the original world are those of the ideal. This is because a true man and true woman have true love that unites everything, and their true love unites even human beings with God.
Consider the meaning of true love. Upon it rests the absoluteness of a man and a woman, and they try to obey it even at the risk of their lives. Even the absolute God sets true love as the highest and most precious ideal, the center of absolute values. Therefore, God also desires to live in absolute obedience to true love.
Accordingly, when a couple marries, they pledge their desire to live with absolute obedience to true love. Their commitment to each other in marriage is the center of absolute values for the man and the woman on the horizontal plane, and by it they can possess God's true love, which is His vertical center of absolute values.
Herein lies the cause and purpose for human beings being born and living their lives, as well as God's ideal of creation. When we expand this consideration to human history, we find that the solution to all our issues, including our view of life, view of the universe and view of God, can be found at the place where a true man, a true woman and God are united absolutely as one, centering on true love. This is the origin of absolute values. I searched far and wide to find what could fulfill human beings' unlimited desires in this world. I found that true love was the only thing that could do it. Among the many kinds of love, what love can do so? Only true love.
Rev. Moon's Unification Church teaches that practicing true love can save the world. The teaching of true love is life-giving; it is what human beings need for eternity. For true love, challenges and obstacles do not pose a problem. Within true love resides the power to go on, even at the risk of one's life.
However, when you look at human history up to now, there has not been one person who has achieved true love and the world of unity. This is because of the human Fall. Although people desire unity, they do not really know where the motive for this desire comes from. But you need to know it. The motive for true unity does not lie in the other -- in my wife or my husband, my sons or daughters, my relatives, my nation, or heaven and earth. It lies within me.
I have laid a global foundation in various fields and connected it to my own foundation. In particular, knowing that this nation as well as the world would need the proper use of science and technology, I understood the value of connecting the Tongil Industrial Company in Korea with the state-of-the-art mechanical engineering of Germany and the cutting-edge electronics technology of Japan. I have been continuously making preparations in those fields. All my efforts to set up this international collaboration over the span of forty-five years since the Second World War have been for the sake of the Korean people, yet this nation and its people have shown no interest in it. Now, however, the time has come when Korea has no choice but to rely on me.
When you look at history, God and the devil have pursued completely opposite strategies. God's strategy is that of being struck first, which eventually results in receiving compensation, whereas Satan's is that of striking first, which inevitably results in him suffering loss. Take a look at the history of the First, Second and Third World Wars. In each of them, the side that struck first was destroyed. This is true even in the Third World War, which has been a war of ideologies.
People like us, religious workers who stand in a public position, have been struck. History tells us that even Confucius was reviled. Very few saints were regarded as such during their lifetime. And what of Jesus? He was accused of being a rebel against the Roman Empire, and he was killed for it. Even though these saints in their own time died a wretched death, as the ages passed they were elevated to become the respected saints they are today. Being persecuted is a method to inherit the right to possess all that one's enemies owned. That is why in the history of religion, progress takes place when one is persecuted. If you are a person whom God truly loves, heavenly fortune always protects you.
Ladies and gentlemen, true love, though invisible, is the most precious treasure. If we ask who among us is treasured, the answer is, it is the saints. The teachings of the saints are unchangeable. If a certain saint teaches righteousness on earth, that teaching remains. Even when he or she has gone to the spirit world, it does not change, because it is in harmony with the laws of Heaven.
Many Christians do not pay attention to the ways of history, which can be likened to the flow of water. They do not know what the origin is, or the nature of the great way of Heaven's law. Their eyes are blind, so why should anyone listen to their shouting? If they continue on their way, they are very likely to be run over by a speeding car at an intersection.
I have dedicated my whole life to pioneering this path in order to awaken them from their ignorance. So what do you think is the reason I have suffered so terribly? It was to find true love. Since God established His true love as the highest, absolute center, I have been trying to live in accord with it.
God is our Father and we are His children. Can a father tell his children to do something that he has not first done himself? That would be illogical and irrational. That is why, before God commands us to be absolutely obedient, He first was absolutely obedient. He had to do it before He could command us to do it.
True love, which even the living God desires to abide by absolutely, is the very thing that can conquer even hell. When you possess true love, you can absorb all sorrow and pain and transform them into joy. Where does this true love come from? It comes from the true love of God, which is its origin. It stems from there because God too desires such a love.
Try asking a man and woman, who are about to get married, what they hope for their spouse-to-be. In her heart, the bride will think, "I wish for my fiance to be better than me!" and the bridegroom also will wish for his bride to be better than he is. Likewise, parents all live with the hope that their children will grow up to be greater than them. These desires stem from God and center on true love. Given their basis in God, we can deduce that God desires for the object partners of His true love to be better than Him. This desire of His is the origin of our original nature. That is why God invests again and again. He created human beings to be the object partners of His true love.
The saying "Of all the myriad things, human beings are the most precious," is only too true. God created human beings because He needed object partners of love. That is why He also created all living things based upon the central model of human beings, so that all things can harmonize with and be embraced by human beings. It is all for the ideal of love.
When you study the created world, even in the mineral kingdom you will see that positive and negative interact. If you bring one element together with another randomly, they will not necessarily fuse. If their valences do not correspond, not even God can command them to react. God created even the elements in such a way. Interactions in the mineral kingdom, though at a more basic level, are reflections of the central model of the ideal form of creation, which is love. Through love, all elements communicate.
That is why, centering on the essence of true love, unfallen human beings can communicate with everything, from the heart of God to the animal kingdom to all things. When you enter such a state, you can communicate even with a stone. The problem is that you have not yet been able to enter that state. For people like us, when we enter this deep realm of mystery, we find that all things in nature are our friends. In the ecstatic state of love, when you laugh, all created things in the world and even God will harmonize with you.
Ladies and gentlemen! You have a spouse whom you love, don't you? How much do you love him or her? When you come to think of it, men were born because of women and women were born because of men. This is all because of true love, love for the sake of others. God designed men and women so that through their harmony they can achieve that ideal of love.
All created things in heaven and earth exist in pairs. Which among them would be the masterpiece, placed in that position by God Himself, to be the greatest object partner of His love? It is human beings.
The word "woman" came to be because the man was there first. And the word "man" is premised on the presence of woman. The word "above" takes "below" into account, and the word "right" can be used only after first recognizing "left." Therefore, the word "horizontal" must be premised on the word "vertical." This is self-evident. The fact that you recognize these premises verifies that you exist within a realm of relationships, the realm of existence for the sake of others. This illustrates the fact that human beings and all things were created through true love, with the established purpose of living for the sake of others.
The true love of God is the love that invests and invests again, gives and gives again, and then forgets having done so. If you still cling to the memory of having given, love cannot circulate infinitely. Since love is engaged in an infinite motion, you should not linger on the memory of having given. When you give and give again and again continually without remembering having done so, life can flow.
God gives this love of infinite value from the position of the Father and forgets what He has given. Even if the sons and daughters who have received that love betray Heaven, He gives again. It is thanks to that endless love of God that you were able to come here today and sit in this audience.
Therefore we can conclude that the path of true love is not to have others live for one's own sake. It is rather the path of living for the sake of others by unconditional giving. For this reason, when God creates the object partner of His love, He wants to live for His partner and invest everything He possesses one hundred percent, again and again. God, the Creator of heaven and earth, is the original central figure who possesses such a heart.
In living for the sake of others, true love gives everything, one hundred percent and one thousand percent, and creates a vacuum. It follows the logic of the atmosphere, in which an area of absolute low pressure automatically initiates circular motion by pulling air from an area of high pressure. In the same way, in a state where one tries to live absolutely for the sake of others, one is connected to infinite power. This is how God can exist eternally. This is how the process of giving and giving again, which is born of God's original nature, can continue endlessly. This is the logic of eternal life; it springs from the path of true love.
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the main reason we desire to live today, tomorrow, for ten years, for a hundred years, for a thousand years and for ten thousand years? The reason is not for money. It is not for the nations in the world. The reason is for the true love of God, which is the absolute origin of unity.
In contrast to the true love of God, which is based on living for the sake of others, it is evident that the root of today's human world is false love, which tells others to live for our sake. This is a consequence of the human Fall. Yet, it is logical that telling others to live for one's own sake cannot bring about unity. This sacrifices the realm of relationships and eventually brings about its destruction. That is why the universe does not support a dictator. The one who destroys the ideal object partner is the devil.
The Unification Church has the mission of a healer. Its work is to cure people, and we are putting the cure into practice. Accordingly, the teachings asserted by the Unification Church, which is responsible for saving the world, must accord with this logic.
What is the logical basis for the proposition that unity is established by centering on true love? It is this: First there is God and then comes Adam and Eve, and although the man Adam is bigger and the woman Eve is smaller, everything works out when they possess God together. Even if Adam normally takes the initiative and Eve normally follows, what will happen when they both discover God and compete to take hold of Him first? Unity cannot exist when one asserts oneself over the other. However, if you think about it from the standpoint of living for the sake of your partner and living together with God, when Adam says, "I am trying to take hold of Him first, but it is for your sake," the smaller Eve will say to him, "Then hurry up and take hold of Him!" Or if Eve says, "I am trying to take hold of Him first, for your sake," her husband will be delighted. They act this way because they have achieved unity.
As can be seen, the logic to unite the world, in heaven and on earth, can be discovered through God's true love, living for the sake of others. This is how the Unification Church emerged.
I dispatched Unification Church missionaries to communist satellite countries and to the major cities of the Soviet Union as part of my preparations to save the people in those places. Those missionaries were subjected to extreme persecution, and some were even sentenced to death. They crossed national borders again and again as they followed me, even though they had never met me personally. As they walked to their deaths, they clasped their hands in prayer while facing the land of Korea to the east and said, "I am departing!" Can you imagine the burden of heart I carried, being unable to hold them and save their lives?
Even though I knew the heart of Heaven, who pitied those who were suffering hardships and enduring anguish at the hands of the devil and who had become his prisoners, I still had to resolve to march forward day and night. I had learned based on the law of nature that communism would not prevail, and so I waited and waited. Finally the Soviet Union somehow came to recognize our truth about unity. They came to realize that it is indeed a great truth, the absolute truth that can plant new hope in the nation.
Ladies and gentlemen, although the harmony of great nations and the cosmos is a major goal, we must give priority to the matter of achieving harmony within oneself. We need to know that we have a master through^ out our life, a leader who is closest to us, whom we must not exchange for all heaven and earth. Yet we are pitiful people, because we are ignorant of this fact and are living our lives as slaves to sin. That master is none other than our conscience. How many times has this conscience guided you? When you had evil thoughts, how much did it endeavor to drag you over mountains and across rivers, to say, "you slime!" and reprimand you unceasingly, night and day?
As you can see, though your mind is trying to take the form of the true owner and protect you, your body has betrayed you. The mind is your one, unique and precious teacher sent by the universe, but your body has treated its teacher with scathing contempt. What is more, your body has utterly violated the conscience, which stands as your parent to enable you to practice your original heart of love. Should you indulge this body, when it has become the enemy of your mind? No, you must not!
Do you try to protect this body, which has violated, neglected and contemptuously treated the conscience that is trying to defend you, or do you try to conquer it? Your conscience, second only to God, has the position of your owner, teacher and parent. It is trying to make you a righteous person. Can you conform yourself to God, who is the great Parent of heaven, the great Teacher of heaven and earth, and the great Owner of heaven and earth? When you as a person bring your body under the control of your mind, and can live for the sake of others, you will find happiness. God will dwell with you. That is why it is said that when there is harmony within the home, all goes well. For the home that is yourself to be at peace, your mind and body need to be united.
Ladies and gentlemen, love in today's human world is love that centers on the self. It is not related to the mind, but only to the body. Your body is bound by the devil's anchor cable. Your mind is in the position of the plus, representing Heaven, and yet your body has become another plus and is manipulating the mind. Correcting this is our duty, and we must fulfill it in our lifetime. Knowing this, God created religions as repair shops. Religions convey Heaven's guidance that the body is more evil than the mind, and hence you should strike it forcefully. For this reason you are told to fast, to sacrifice, to serve others, and to be willing to lose your life for God's sake.
A religious life consists of embracing the lifestyle of denying the body's desires and conforming to the wishes of the mind. We must do it for a period of three to five years or even more, until it becomes habitual. After that, we are told to pray without ceasing. Since the mind easily falls prey to external influences, you need to offer devotions from the midway position. Do that until you have gained three to four times your present power. Then you can use that power to drag your body around until it follows your mind out of habit. Other than these two methods, there is absolutely no way to repair yourself.
Without going through the door of such mental training in religion, you cannot find your way to the original path for human beings. The path of philosophy, the path of knowledge and the path of trying to habitually following one's conscience are not enough.
The body and the mind need to become one. The mind is vertical and the body is horizontal. If human beings had not fallen at the outset, their mind and body would have become one. The being that made it impossible for them to become one according to the ideal of God, is our enemy. It was the devil himself. The devil caused human beings to fall. It is said that the human Fall was due to eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but which part of their body did human beings cover up after eating that fruit? Did they cover the mouth or the hands? They covered the lower part of their body. It was with that part that they sowed the evil seed.
Human beings fell when they were in their adolescence, before they reached maturity. Once they planted the seed of evil, the lineage of evil spread down through history throughout the human world. So in the Last Days, young people in all parts of the world will flout the ethics of love, as did Adam and Eve, and follow the trend of moral degradation. This phenomenon tells us that the era when Satan exercises his full authority has come upon this earth. And when this comes to pass, the iron rod of God's judgment will be upon us.
Look at today's advanced nations, such as the United States, Japan and the countries of Europe. Who can stop the waves of free sex and immorality raging throughout the East and the West? As if it were not enough that people hedonistically seek to stimulate their senses with disordered love, now the world is filled with people who have become so degraded that they crave hallucinogens and narcotic drugs. Led by the body, these people are careening down paths toward death. There is no way the mind would desire to follow these paths.
The mind throws up its hands in despair. It laments that the calling of the conscience to guide human beings to the bosom of God on the great way of Heaven's law has ended unsuccessfully. Therefore, someone or something needs to lead humanity to the path of salvation. That something is the Unification Church. There is no other hope in the world.
The Unification Church is the place where God and human beings, and the mind and body, are united through the ideal of true love. Since God possesses true love, true life and true lineage, and since we come from Him, we too need to have true love, true life and true lineage. Human beings are born into a parentchild relationship with God, under His true love. So, just as the body and mind of God are naturally united through true love, our body and mind also should unite naturally through true love.
However, we have become fallen people who have inherited the love of Satan, the life of Satan and the lineage of Satan. Our body and mind are the battleground where Satan and God are constantly fighting. I, Rev. Moon alone have complete knowledge of this; therefore I cannot help but cry out about it.
Anyone who follows the teachings of Rev. Moon can make their body submit and unite with their mind one hundred percent. When you have done so and your mind and body are united, you can become the eternal object partner of God, the partner of His love.
Love possesses three great properties: the right of inheritance, the right to live together, and the right of participation. Therefore, when you stand in the position completely united with God's absolute and unchanging true love, you inherit the right to live together with Him at all times. When this comes to pass, you enter a world of profound resonance where you can see God without closing your eyes. In that state, you may experience the sorrowful heart of God so intensely that while you are in the middle of going somewhere you suddenly stop and begin crying your heart out.
Even in the fallen world there are many cases in which a mother's love is so great that she knows when her child meets with an unexpected accident far away from home. It will awaken her from sleep, and she will sob and cry out the name of her child.
Because such power lies within love, when you become one in that love, the two worlds of matter and spirit dwell together and communicate with each other. To put it another way, when you reach the level when you are able to absorb the essential true love of God, the true love within you will proclaim that it will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years. At that point, you own one hundred percent of your body and mind. True love takes root in your heart so that you feel everything that God feels, and your body automatically resonates with that.
The body was created as a resonator centering on the true love that comes through the world of the mind, but you need to know how to enter the state of mind-body unity. This is the task we need to do in order to reclaim the essential true love of God, which remains to be fulfilled.
The logic of true love is that when we resonate with it, we enter the realm of equality and are able to say that God's love is our love, God's life is our life, God's lineage is our lineage, and the created world under God's ownership is our created world. Only when we have this heart, the heart of the father and mother embracing heaven and earth, can we be registered in the kingdom of heaven.
Knowing all this, I have lived my life climbing over mountains and crossing rivers with the heart to love the five races more than my own parents and brothers and sisters. Thus, I have elevated the Unification Church today to the highest position in the world, under the protection of heavenly fortune. Heavenly fortune comes to the place where true love makes its home. That place is also where the love of God dwells permanently.
That is why the members of the Unification Church, regardless of age or gender, esteem Rev. Moon. If you truly understand how piteous my life has been and how often I have shed tears spontaneously, you will receive revelations when you are in a state between sleep and wakefulness. You have no idea how spiritually enlightened you will become. Such a world will truly unfold for you when you embrace the Unification Church.
Ladies and gentlemen, look here! Why am I bringing together tens of thousands of young American men and women, most of whom are college graduates and some who have even master's degrees and doctorates? They represent the world's advanced nations. Through them I am bringing the five races together. Regardless of whether they are from Africa, South America, the East or the West, I am pairing them up for marriage.
Ladies and gentlemen, is there any issue more important in a person's life than marriage? Yet these people have entrusted me with this matter. I can only carry out this calling because I am so serious as to stake my life on it. I tell you, a new, revolutionary event is taking place in history.
If Adam and Eve had not fallen and instead had reached maturity, they would have become the object partners of God's love, that is, His own loving spouses. Suppose a man and a woman get married, but on their wedding night a thief came and seduced the bride, and they eloped. Later, unable to forget her husband, the woman came back to him. Would the man just say, "Hello, welcome back"? No, his eyes would shoot fire at her. Yet this is God's situation.
What is God, who is our ancestor, going to do? Though He wants to pour out His love upon this world, He cannot do so. He is restraining His aching heart, because evil has been planted there. So He waits for the day when the waters of evil will flood that place and destroy the evil world completely. With the coming of autumn, the immorality that was sown in the shadows is bearing abundant fruit in the form of depraved and suffering adolescents in all parts of the world. This is happening at this very moment.
Although human beings originally were to have become the sons and daughters of God, they instead became the sons and daughters of the enemy.
What I want to ask you is this: How many Christians know how wretched and painful is the heart of God as He looks upon human beings, who are engulfed by a misery from which there is no escape?
Ladies and gentlemen, true love takes the shortest and most direct route. The path of true love connecting God, Adam and Eve can only be a vertical line, for it is the shortest route to the horizontal. The path of true love between husband and wife connects from the east to the west and also follows the shortest route. There is only one intersecting point, and it is at a ninety-degree angle.
When a man and a woman reach maturity, they meet each other on the shortest horizontal route centering on true love. God's vertical line and their horizontal line meet and form a right angle automatically. This point is where the vertical line and the horizontal line meet. It is the position of absolute value, the model, and the single central point that binds them together in true love.
However, because of the archangel, before Adam and Eve could reach maturity this angle was twisted, and this constitutes the human Fall. Due to the Fall, humankind inherited the lineage of Satan. This act of the devil was self-centered, self-focused, and is the root of extreme individualism. As a result, fallen human beings place themselves first in every situation. God, on the other hand, thinks always of the whole. Therefore, good people who resemble God live for the sake of the whole, whereas evil people who resemble Satan live only for their own sake. This is what divides heaven and earth, divides the kingdom of heaven from hell, divides good people from evil people, and divides public-minded people from selfinterested people.
The corrupted path of love that aims to satisfy only one's own physical body must be obliterated from this planet. I'm not talking about killing people, but about saving them. To use a biblical parable, people who have fallen and gone over to Satan's side are wild olive trees. But the human beings whom God has selected from among them are the wild olive trees of the religious realm, and they are under His ownership. That is why God can deal with them freely. He has prepared them for the time of the returning Lord. It will be easy to cut and engraft them onto the returning Lord, when he comes, in one fell swoop. Thus, they will become true olive trees, achieving their originally intended state.
In other words, people of faith need to find the True Father, for as wild olive trees they were born without having received his seed of life. That is why they have been unable to achieve the ideal as true sons and daughters connected to the lineage of God, centering on original true love. That is why the Messiah needs to come.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who the Messiah is? The Messiah and his bride come as the True Parents. They pull out the false root of all who were born of the false parent, Satan, and guide them to their originally intended state. By doing so, they will expel Satan and build the kingdom of heaven of freedom and liberation, which all will welcome. They come with this enormous responsibility. Yet, are Christians today even thinking about this?
Then what kind of a being is God? He is the Parent of vertical true love. How close is He to us? When the unfallen, original True Parents, that is the Lord of the Second Advent and his bride, come to earth, the vertical line of God and the horizontal line of human beings finally will be able to come together at a right angle. I am educating people in the ability to create this right angle. When you come into the realm of true love resonance, you will be able to see heaven and earth clearly.
The reason Buddha was able to say, "I am my own Lord throughout heaven and earth," is that when you enter the core of that realm of resonance, all of heaven and earth is in your hands, God is inside you, and the law of nature is connected to you. When you enter the realm of true love resonance, you do not need religion and you also do not need a savior. You are liberated. Everything is finished and done with.
We have seen that one of the reasons God has carried out the providence of creating human beings was to find His object partners of true love. A second reason is so that God can dwell in a physical body. The physical body is important. People who dwell in the kingdom of heaven in heaven are sons and daughters who used to live in physical bodies. Therefore, God too needs to dwell there as the Parent who attained the form of a physical body.
When you ask what the form of this body is, the answer is that it is the internal form of the original Adam and Eve. Then the question is, where would God and the original Adam and Eve meet? The place where the love of God and the love of True Parents, the life of God and the life of True Parents, and the lineage of God and the lineage of True Parents come together in union is this right angle connecting the vertical and the horizontal, and no other. This is the point that establishes true love.
God is the vertical Parent of true love, and the perfected Adam and Eve are the parents centered on horizontal true love. When you are born inheriting the love, life and lineage of these two sets of parents, your mind becomes the vertical "you" and your body becomes the horizontal "you." When this vertical "you" and horizontal "you" become one in unity, you become the eternal object partner of God's true love.
For human beings, where is the starting-point of true love, the starting-point of true life and the startingpoint of true lineage? Do not be surprised: It is the reproductive organs. Sadly, however, these organs through their misuse became the diabolical palace that destroyed the law of Heaven. They became the fountainheads of evil. They came to be seen as indecent and as the most evil things in heaven and on earth. However, ladies and gentlemen, as husbands and wives, do not your reproductive organs occupy a central place in your lives? Isn't it by means of them that you become fathers and mothers and then grandfathers and grandmothers? So why should they be considered indecent? This is because their misuse destroyed the law of Heaven.
That is why cities and nations that are immoral in the sight of God are destroyed. There was no other reason for the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone or for the destruction of Pompeii. They were destroyed because they did not uphold chastity, and thus drowned in immorality.
Do you know why the United States is going to ruin? I warned America early on. Do you know that there are reports of incestuous relationships, such as a grandfather sleeping with his granddaughter, or a father sleeping with his daughter even though he still lives with her mother? All the signs of the coming ruin in the Last Days are on display. Yet the advanced nations ignore the terrible fact that the time has come when they can be struck directly by the destructive forces that Heaven will bring upon them. This is why they need me and the Unification Church. Christians of the United States, Catholic or Protestant, can be united if they will only listen to me. I have the content by which they can do so. However, what is the attitude of these Christians? I have concerned myself with them and tried to save them, yet they have continued to treat me as an enemy. The Bible says that when an enemy comes to you and says he is hungry, you need to feed him, and it has been said that if you strike the people who raise a white flag after losing a war, you become the enemy of God. How, then, can Christians act in such a way?
Ladies and gentlemen, you must know this clearly. The point through which you can become the root of a united heaven and earth, where the mind and the body do not fight with each other, will be created within you just as it is in God Himself. This will come to pass when you become true sons and daughters who have inherited the love, life and lineage of God, and the love, life and the lineage of True Parents. By inheriting these you will become one with true love, living for the sake of others. Then unity within your families becomes possible. Then the quiet love of parents for their children will shine forth from you for tens and hundreds of years. God is such a Being, and you will be as well.
What am I instructing all the Unification Church members in the world to do today? It is to practice the truth of living for the sake of others again and again in accordance with the Principle of Creation. I am teaching you that, with the seed of new life, you need to penetrate this world in which the lineage of justice could not take root because the task of finding the ideal object partner of love was too difficult.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us all shed sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven, with the heart of a parent and in the shoes of a servant. Remembering the fact that we bear the historical cross of alleviating the sorrow of our Heavenly Parent, the great Lord and Creator of the universe, let us march forward on the path of world salvation!
Ladies and gentlemen, what will happen when the people of true unity spread out across the world? What will happen when the five races begin to live their lives investing again and again for the sake of this entire planet? What will happen when their investment extends for generations to come? Our banner will multiply and fly high, together with shouts of joy! Our world will become the kingdom of heaven on earth. Religion will no longer be needed. Nationalism will become obsolete. Even police will be unnecessary. When you become people of true love, you do not steal, even if you are told to. You naturally know it is wrong.
Our movement is the starting-point for unity based on true love, and will lead to the world of true unity. Let us march forward for this providence, on the true path of eternal life and under the direct dominion and protection of God and heavenly fortune!
You are not alone. Those of you who resolve to march forward on this amazing path together with your family and your clan, raise both your hands right now and welcome it together with me!
I pray that the blessings of God will be with you, and that you will become the leading figures of the world of unity and true love.
Thank you.