Sun Myung Moon
January 15, 2009
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 23, 2012
Brothers and sisters in America! Happy True God's Day 2009!
I attended the ceremonies of "True God's Day" and the "Day of Victory of Love" in Korea as the representative of America. It was grateful that I could get much grace and heavenly fortune there. True Parents prayed at midnight (0:00) of January 1 as follows: "I proclaim the new age of the victory of the authority before starting this year with the motto of this year, 'The Victory of the Authority of Absolute Sexual Ethics, True Love, True Life, and Victorious Lineage in the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth.' I proclaim this on the foundation of the unity of True Parents and God of the Great King. Please accept this." Through this prayer, True Parents proclaimed that the age of God's kingship by true love has come in earnest.
This time, True Parents celebrated True God's Day and the Coronation of God's Kingship together, and, at the commemorative service, they wore the Holy Robes of the True Parents' Coronation Ceremony of the King and Queen of Peace on June 13, 2006. This showed that True God's Day in 2009 was a very important day.
True God's Day
On January 1, 2009, the 42nd True God's Day, the commemorative ceremony for True God's Day and the 8th year of the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship was held at Heaven and Earth Chung Pyung Training Center and Cheon Jeong Gung Museum in Korea, with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Human.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang was in charge of the MC, and after True Children entered and took seats, at 8:07 am, True Parents entered into the main hall of Cheon Jeong Gung Museum with the crowns and royal clothes used at the True Parents' Entrance Ceremony into Cheon Jeong Gun Palace and the Coronation Ceremony of the King and Queen of Peace in 2006.
True Parents lighted up 7 candles on the altar, went behind the altar, and took seats. Then, they called Dr. Yang, and gave a direction. Dr. Yang reported it to all attendants, "True Father proclaimed the establishment of the Parent UN on the foundation of the providence of the Abel UN, which has been lead centering on the providence of the Enfeoffed Kings. On the foundation, the ceremony that God and True Parents ascend the throne will be held on January 15 at Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. True Parents told us in advance that it will be the ceremony for proclaiming the Peace Kingdom, which combines not the three powers but the five powers."
The bowing ceremony proceeded from True Children in heaven and on earth and 5 saints, followed by the representatives of the second generation, all blessed families, and representatives of every sector of providential groups. After reciting the Family Pledge, Father again gave a direction to Dr. Yang: "From now, everyone should read the Peace Message 14 which explains the value and meaning of the Family Pledge after reciting the Family Pledge at the pledge service on Ahn Shi Il."
Then, Hyung Jin Nim, International President of FFWPU, offered a representative prayer as follows: "Today, the whole spirit world is together. Hyo Jin Nim, Heung Jin Nim, Young Jin Nim, and 5 saints are all here together. The year 2008 was a really historical year. We would like to give back the glory in 2008 to True Parents and offer the victory to heaven. We will have True Father's birthday of 90 years old this year. Please guide us to make the providence you wish bear fruits substantially one after another.
"Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong (Peace Messages)" We Should Regard As Important
Father started his speech as follows:
"Today is a meaningful day. It is a period when I am going to close the curtain of my life. What do human beings want? There is no God's nation, God's fatherland yet. There is no God's nation, so we cannot have our hometown. Without knowing our way we should go in our life wandering without our nation, and without knowing the spirit world, God, or history, we live our lives. We have to know how miserable and disgusting the fact is because we know the Principle. It is completely a wrong idea that we live in this secular hometown or nation as if they are ours. We need to eradicate the tradition which originated from the Fall. We entered into the 'Age of Proclaiming the Victory of the Authority of Lineage.' This is the core message today."
Father also emphasized the value of Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong again and again as follows:
"Father has liberated God horizontally following the Principle since his childhood passing through 8 steps until his 90 years old. No one knows this. Therefore, I explained the content in Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong. This is the heavenly constitution! Who regarded this as important now? I myself read it every day and learn from it. In the past, we practiced what we should do without knowing its meaning. The Unification members who followed me did not know it either. However, this book is my substitute, the model which was proved. Therefore, I named it 'Shin (God) Gyeong (Scripture)' instead of 'Hoon (words' flowing) Gyeong.' This book is the way to peace God and True Parents show, so it is more than a constitution! Should you regard it as important? Or, don't you need to do it? You have to live being intoxicated with this book more than sleeping or eating. When I came here, I opened this book, and then there is what I should say today there. It is miraculous."
We Will Enter the Realm of the True Parents UN Through the "Final Ceremony."
Father explained the providential event on January 15 as follows:
"Today, I will give plaques to Pun Bong Wang (Enfeoffed Kings), but, before it, I will appoint Chung Hwan Kwak to secretary general of the Abel UN. Seon Jo Hwang will be automatically the vice secretary general. On January 15, we will hold the joint rally of the Abel UN and the Cain UN. Even though we cannot hold it, we will be able to fulfill our responsibility toward the UN. In the afternoon of January 15, on the foundation of the unity of the Abel UN and the Cain UN, Bun Bong Wangs, Ambassadors for Peace, and the ambassadors of the Abel UN have to offer the coronation ceremony for True Parents and True God who is absolute, centering on the secretary general of the Abel UN. This will be the final ceremony. Then, we will be able to enter into the realm of the True Parents UN of Peace. It will be the realm of God's nation centering on absolute God. In the world, God's nation will be established. In God's nation, it is not the separation of the 3 powers but the separation of the 5 powers including the media and banks, centering on the heavenly constitution. In this way, the year 2007 and 2008 have finished, so passing through 9, 10, 11, 12, we will conclude everything by January 13, 2013."
Father read the Peace Message 16 "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will (2)" for 1 hour and 20 minutes since noon. In particular, he strongly proclaimed the final part of the message, which was newly added this time: "True love of True Parents will realize Cheon Il Guk through the Parent UN, restoring the fatherland of peace and unification."
Amidst a storm of applause, Father calmly said,
"Now, I fulfilled my work. Soon, it will be the age when you cannot freely meet me even though you want to see or welcome me. It is not sure when I will go to the spirit world. When I want to go, I will go there immediately. I have already taught you in detail, so even if you cannot take your responsibility, I cannot wait for you. May God bless you, your family, and the sacred work of restoring God's fatherland! I close my message with my prayerful mind."
Let's March Forward as the Heartistic Object Partner of True Parents!
True Parents emphasized the importance of the "Absolute Sexual Ethics" at the commemorative ceremony of the Day of Victory of Love on January 2, saying, "Until now, it was a preparation for establishing the 'Absolute Sexual Ethics.' From now on, we entered into the age to practice it."
True Parents are really serious about fulfilling God's providence by January 13, 2013. Father said with tears at the end of the commemorative ceremony of the Day of Victory of Love on January 2,
"Hoon Sook! Hoon Sook! I am thankful to you for your speech today. I owe to you and Hyo Jin's wife. After I pass away, they might become a burden for everyone. They are the wives I cannot stop worrying about. Please understand such a situation.
We might get money much in the future. If I could go to the spirit world after making your wishes be fulfilled and seeing you live rich, how wonderful it would be! However, it seems not to be permitted by any means. Please understand that it is my worrying that I cannot do it during my lifetime on earth. So, please keep a mind to live economically in front of your descendants. I wish with tears that you will not be those who remain han (sorrowful regret) in your life. Please do not forget such a mind. Even in the situation that I will not be able to help you, I want to ask it to you. Do you understand?
Japanese members! I am sorry. More than 1000 members came from Japan, didn't they? Please overcome the last peak with gratitude even in tearful situations. Such people never ruin as long as I exist. Please understand that you have a called mission to overcome the peak. There is no time to do Ong Mansei, so let's close this meeting."
Now, America, the Elder Son Nation, has a very important mission to realize the Abel UN and the Parent UN substantially. Let's offer our utmost sincere devotion to the Birthday Celebration of True Parents on January 31, 2009.