Three Prayers from the day of the True Parents' Blessing

Sun Myung Moon
April 10, 1960


Prayer 1


You are working so hard for the accomplishment of Your Will. We stand again before You today in shame. Your providence was to have been glorious and You were to have looked with jubilation upon Your rejoicing sons and daughters in the garden. As a result of the unthinkable fall, however, Your providence could no longer be one of happiness but became instead a deplorable providence of sadness and suffering. Our Father who had to tread such a providence! We became the motivation and cause of such a providence, and we must now repent for our historic guilt and the guilt of the era. Father, we know that You long for the eternal world of peace and You are working ceaselessly to fulfill the providence. Also, we now bow our heads in repentance, because for the sake of that future world which You so desire, we know that without asking Your blessing, the providence will remain unfulfilled. We know that not one of the relationships of Yourself and mankind, mankind and creation, and Yourself and creation, was created outside of Your Shim Jung of love.

Father, the eternal father-and-son bond through which Shim Jung flows broke apart from the day of the fall. We know that heaven, mankind and creation -- each in the state of having lost their object -- have up till now resided in the realm of lamentation.

Father of Love! You know our situation well -- we who have not broken free of the grief and curse of the fall and who languish on the miserable road of fate. In order to permit Your blessing today, You have worked through several thousand years of history. However, as You look back upon us, we know that, while we must receive Your consent, the responsibility for establishing the foundation of the blessing is great. Now it is time to rebuild all of the Shim Jung ties that were severed between heaven and mankind. We know that we must restore the different groups of mankind and once again tie the Shim Jung bond that enables heaven to sing. Not only that, but the universe of harmony was to have been established from the beginning. It was to have been the basis for harmony within the domain of the eternal bond, the conditional object for victory and material for an ideological life.

Compassionate Father, there are many of Your flock who wander in search of the bond of Shim Jung, but few who know what Your Shim Jung is like. We earnestly wish that You can once again embrace this mankind that doesn't know Your Shim Jung and has been going the path of restoration while wandering in this world of darkness.

Father, this day is a holy day. Please bless Your sons and daughters gathered here who do not flee the path of sorrowful fate and are ready and determined to follow Your footsteps. Father, You promised a victorious day; we look upon Your Will and pledge to offer everything that we have. Loving Father, we earnestly desire that You let us become Your sons and daughters who don't know how to yield or be defeated and who will advance forward toward the goal of Your Will, singing the song of victory.

On this holy day, please give Your blessing upon all people. Father, we earnestly desire that You can reconnect the bond that heaven has sought with so many people everywhere.

We know that the Shim Jung of the trinity is to undo the grief and sorrow of restoration to reconnect the fallen bond and to build the completion of restoration upon that foundation of Shim Jung. We long to establish the Shim Jung bond of ourselves, our families, tribe, nation, world and cosmos.

Father, we bow our heads before You without even regarding our disloyalty and insufficiency. Forgive us, for we cannot come before You without tearful prayer.

Father, bless this day. By losing Shim Jung, mankind has lost the way to its final destination. Three billion pitiful people live on this earth. However, within these three billion people there are many religious groups that glorify Your goodness and, concentrating their pitiful hearts, raise unknown altars, crying out, beating the ground.

Father, we know that Your history is not one of discarding sinful mankind but that of finding and restoring man to his original state.

Father, we know that You have, up till now, held on to this dead world in order to establish and recreate the lost ideal of creation. Likewise, if today there are sons and daughters who are earnestly appealing in order to connect Your ideology and Shim Jung to the world, please grant them the same grace. Moreover, You know that at this time there are people who -- even in the face of ruthless persecution and adverse winds -- kneel down and appeal, glorifying one streak of the light of life and the experience of the Shim Jung bond. Please grant Your blessing upon them.

Father, You know the motive of our gathering here. You know that we are concentrating our good faith to come closer to Your world of Shim Jung. Please allow this time to be one where we can gather our earnestness together with our faith to attend You with our fervent hearts more deeply. Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters whose earnest hearts can bond with You and who can have faith in Your blessing. Please place Your blessing upon the people today. Father, there are lonely figures who have gathered here and are kneeling because they long for You. Please do not reject but embrace them. Please make this time one which Satan cannot take advantage of at all.

Please move and be intimate among this gathering where many saints, heavenly soldiers and angels -- together with Heaven's help - sing of the Shim Jung bond that flows within. Please put this audience in Your hand and manage it according to Your Will.

Father, we pray that You may bond all things on the foundation of victory, in the name of the Lord.


Prayer II

Father! Please receive us, for we have gathered at this place and stand before You. We know that these pitiful 30 million people have been protected and loved by Heaven without their knowledge. We know that Heaven has nurtured this desolate 3,000 ri Korean peninsula so that one person can come forth and face the dawn of new history.

Please look upon these lonely people with compassion. Please look with compassion on this 3,000 ri Korean peninsula which has suffered so greatly at the hands of its surrounding environment. Father, we know You have kept this peninsula -- these people You love -- with compassion.

Father, please love again these 30 million people and please love again this 3,000 ri garden.

At this time the number of Your flock who have come and bowed their heads in front of You is small; yet, who among them does not long for Your Shim Jung even more than their own existence, or does not long in their hearts for the garden of goodness? However, so many people do not know the path to follow and are wandering. Father, please remember today those who have lost their value and wander, not knowing the right path.

Father, You do not call someone because he is distinguished. We know that it has been Your singleminded course, wherever there are sons and daughters who know You and shed tears longing for Your Shim Jung, to put aside Your dignity and honor, and stop Your busy footsteps to hold them in Your hands and encourage them.

Compassionate Father, please protect the road ahead for this pitiful mankind. Moreover, we earnestly desire that You protect the many saints who long for Your garden and call to Heaven.

There are people who, in order to follow the traditional course of Your ancient sons and daughters, have thrown away everything -- people who, having put aside their dignity and honor, do not eat what is to be eaten, wear what is to be worn -- who, focusing their heart and soul, cry before Your altar. Please bestow Your blessing on them.

6,000 years to long for the one day of happiness when, having connected life to life, We can attend our Father! Even fallen man longs for that day. Please let us understand You and how we can embrace the original Shim Jung.

We do not want to possess any particular thing or power. Father, it is our desire that we keep to Your bloodstained footsteps, setting up a small cornerstone that You can be happy with in the fallen valley. Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters who bow their heads in shame before Your unfulfilled Will and know how to walk Your course in tears.

Father! We are grateful that You have brought us together at this place today. From the first day we knew we must go this way, we knew also that Your earnest voice was calling us to come. Father, we want to thank You for protecting our footsteps from the day we heard bloodstained crying from Your heartbroken Shim Jung.

While walking Your course there were treacherous roads, and only You gave us solace. We want to thank You for the grace of having protected us, who have come, ever worried that we might stain ~even one aspect of Your holy tradition.

We know that You have stood at the forefront of Your lonely path and cultivated it. We know the Shim Jung of comforting those who are lonely while harboring sorrow from Your sad position. We know Your aching Shim Jung that cannot discard the grievous masses who bear the cross of suffering, wandering in Satan's domain and add to the burden of Your cross.

Now, what should we who have heard Your calling, who have experienced Your Shim Jung, hesitate for? What should we fear? Our wish is to bring You glory, giving ourselves as the offering. Father, because You know that only then can we untie all the sorrow, we earnestly appeal that you compassionately watch over us.

Your sons and daughters who have gathered here today have walked a lonely road. They have walked a sorrowful road. You know the one road that only Heaven knows, the bond established with Heaven, our Shim Jung which can connect with Heaven. We know that this gathering has not come about in one or two days but is only one scene that came about from the bond of 6,000 years of blood. Father, we earnestly wish that You allow us to realize that the history of indemnity demands that blood: not the blood of death, but the blood of glory that is full of life.

Father! As we face this day, you know of our sad hearts, regretful Shim Jung, and our Shim Jung which replaces Your unjustly suffering Shim Jung. Those who follow You from this position are pitiable. Father, while on this road we have been rejected, beaten and imprisoned. We earnestly pray that You allow this absolute eternal course, and the determined, rock-like heart which cannot break from the lifebond tied with You, to remain.

Please allow Your sons and daughters gathered here to become ones who know nothing but their course and destination and ones who in death will keep running towards their goal. If there was a sorrowful incident, we prayed together with You. Father, we fear that we could change and tie bonds with Satan, being used for his design. Please allow us to follow the example of principle and honor set by the trinity, taking it as unfinished work and allowing us to become ones who can lay the cornerstone for heavenly Shim Jung which You establish today.

We know that the mission bestowed upon us is vitally important. We go once, twice and again to You but still remain in the condition of disloyalty, impiety, inferiority and incompleteness before You. Please open Your large outstretched hands of love, for we have gathered here, having been unable to break free from the fate of complaint and grieving. We earnestly pray that You allow this time to be one where You can open your heartbroken Shim Jung and frankly say, "I have lived this way up till now for your sake and I have come this way in order to find you."

We know that the people whom Heaven wants, expects and looks for are not those with much knowledge or those who follow without will, but those who grasp Your heart and shed tears in deep shame. We learned that without going through Shim Jung one cannot undo the grief and sorrow that came about from Shim Jung. Father, we earnestly desire that You allow us to become your sons and daughters who will attend You as "my Father," take over Your loneliness and sorrow-soaked grievous Shim Jung, and comfort and attend You.

Please grant Your blessing upon the billions of mankind and the 30 million people here. Moreover, we know that at this moment there are many of Your sons and daughters who are in lonely situations, faced with cold frost, who cannot eat nor clothe themselves, yet shed sorrowful tears to establish loyalty before You. It is a sad thing. We earnestly desire that You comfort each of their hearts and show them, who long for the day of happiness, a sign of glory and victory.

Please recognize the gathered figures of Your sons and daughters as holy, and allow this time to be one which Satan cannot take advantage of at all. By having Your seal of love stamped to be eternal sons and daughters, please connect at this time each Shim Jung so that through this bond we can be claimed as Yours. Please have the new history of happiness and the jubilation of re-creation before those gathered here, so that it may be full and ripe in their hearts.

Please control this remaining time. We pray that You allow the promise of glory and the grace of happiness to be upon all the members in Heaven and Your true sons and daughters on earth. In the name of the Lord we pray.


Prayer III

Father, please let us see what kind of position our Shim Jung is in. I, who wanted to lift up and praise my own value. Now please allow me to take apart once again the thing in myself that makes me insist on "I". Having spanned the past and lived in reality, now I do not know what position my life is in or my value today. We cannot help but feel that "I" of the past is not much different from "I" of today. Please allow us to reexamine where our hearts are centered now. Please allow our minds to not become those which float aimlessly. Please do not allow our minds to languish and forget our own position without a goal.

Jesus said that even though Heaven and earth change, his words will not change even one iota. In light of this, please let us know that his speaking in itself is unchanging. We know that Jesus' words were not to bring about people who liked those words but to make people who would like to unite with Jesus' Shim Jung and body. Father, when our minds address Your Will or Your Shim Jung, we know that the question is from which position we can or cannot become figures who can cultivate our lives today with the value of the means of purpose and the bond of the objective relationship.

Father! It is grievous that this heart lost the position of being able to have You reside within it. We know that it is grievous that the qualification to discuss one's value together with the whole world and Heaven was lost. Original man, knowing the course to follow, making a relationship with Heaven's Lord, must praise Your value, highness and goodness in the atmosphere of freedom. We know that we are human beings who must harmonize and rejoice together with You through Your Shim Jung. Mankind is wandering to find its lost original position and laboring to find its lost original value. Our wish is to sing together with You forever in the purposed garden in which Your Shim Jung is invested and in which mind and body can be happily harmonized.

Until we can claim it all, please allow us to be Your sons and daughters who don't know how to waiver, from the day we start our footsteps in the direction of that garden, no matter what hardship or sorrow comes. At the same time, please decorate with the value of unchanging loyalty the Shim Jung of wholehearted determination towards You, our Father. Let this be like the unchanging pine and bamboo which rise up more than enough to move the entire world of existence on Heaven or earth.

We know that if there is a Lord of Creation, we can reason that that kind of figure is desirable and that it would be Your wish as well. We earnestly desire that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters who bond with our Father upon that foundation and have no insufficiencies in stamping out the fallen and grave evil world.

Although this body is scarred, I offer it before You. I also lay out this unmanageable mind which wanders as if on the street. Also laid out are all of the past deeds that went wrong, which languish, unable to find a resting place. Please allow this time to be one where we who have seen You, the grace of the subjective real existence and eternal being, can bow before the Father of life and love.

Nothing belongs to us. We have given it all to You. Please help us, so that if our bodies are not right, purify them. If our minds aren't right, return them to the original position by any means necessary. If our Shim Jung isn't right, restore the bond with Father by breaking it if necessary.

We earnestly desire that You advise us, for we know that in establishing the bond there are many instructions to be followed.

What can I now say? We know that till now, for You to speak in front of us, Your grief is great and our hearts are anxious. Father, please be with us. We know that before the body comes mind, before mind comes Shim Jung and before Shim Jung we must attend the Heavenly moral laws. Please express at this time Your heartbrokenness and the Shim Jung You worry about. Please allow this pent-up Shim Jung revolution to take place and for many of those who repent of betraying Heaven's bond to come forward.

Please allow for the will of the giver to be equal to the will of the receiver.

Please allow us to experience the promise of happiness when without even knowing it we get swept up in Your total atmosphere as the consciousness of existence gets captured by Your encircling consciousness, together with Shim Jung. At this time, when there are lonely people who kneel and bow their heads in prayer in all regions of South Korea, please be with them. Moreover, at this time there are members who shed tears longing for this position. Please be together with them as well. How sad are the hearts of those who, because of being tied up with their situations, cannot move according to Your Will. Please hold and shower them with great grace at this time.

May the trinity manage this remaining time entrusted to us. Please bless all the spirit men who gather their Shim Jung together with all the good men who long for Your affinity, under the domain of Shim Jung of a common membership. As we ask that you allow this time to be one of making the bond relationship, we pray in the name of the Lord.
