The Unification

Sun Myung Moon
April 2, 1972
Unification Church of Paris, France


Unification must be accomplished behind one person. England, Germany, Holland and France are different nations which fight against one another.

Napoleon had the dream of uniting Europe behind himself and his nationality; Hitler had the dream' of uniting Europe behind himself and his nationality. These two dreams are not logical. Soviet Russia's ideology aims to go beyond the boundary of nationalities and to conquer the world. In the past, the leaders of countries resorted only to military force. Man generates energy in two ways: the power of flesh, which is exterior, and the power of mind, which is interior. Communism, in the highest form of its ideology denies God. Communism is using the power of mind. When they fail, what will the world be like?

Without God, Communism is mobilizing the maximum power which exists in our world. On the other hand, religious people have been extremely attacked; their bodies have been attacked. Communism attacks our physical body, but it cannot infiltrate our spirit.

God does not permit the attack of Communism into our spirit. From that standpoint, religious power has only internal power, but not external power. The religious world has been denying the physical body, the external, and has been emphasizing the internal, but it has been losing the essential point. Therefore, in the world of religion, a greater ideology superior to Communism will combine the internal and the external.

Our movement is to unite the spirit world with God and in this way, also unite the physical world. Prior to this time, a leader of a movement would want to unite with a national goal. Even Communism, a world ideology beyond nationalism, cannot go beyond nationalism. If the Russian people had greater generosity to do more, and had done more for the Communist ideology, they would have had greater opportunity beyond the limitation of their own Slavic people. Then, the split between Russia and Red China would not have occurred. Those dreamers who wanted to conquer the world in the past could not go beyond their own nationalism. They tested it and failed. Communism is testing it, and they are failing right now.

If there is God, God is closely watching this development. God's ideology, what He is thinking, His plan, has to be an ideology that goes beyond nationalism. God knows clearly that any ideology based upon the interest of any nation will not work for the unity of the world; therefore, God's ideology is going beyond nationalism. All the man-made ideologies and man-made philosophies have failed; therefore, the only solution is to have a God-made ideology. If a God-centered, God-made ideology is established, and if, with this ideology as a center, the people are united and establish their own country; God's country, not a man-made country; then with all united towards this one central goal, the world will move into unity. Through this God-made ideology, if it has exercised its power, even uniting the physical world and physical power, then no power under the sun is capable of defeating this new strength and power. This is the very road we are now taking.

First, we must know about God and we must teach that God" is our Father and that God made the world and that all of His creation is our home. So, the Unification Church should teach clearly of the existence of God first. Our church teaches clearly God's will. God's will is to have all people, all mankind in the world become one true brotherhood.

Through the Divine Principle, you must have learned already the purpose of creation. Losing the purpose of creation is losing God's will. When we fulfill God's purpose of creation, then the ideal world of God and man becomes a reality. What is the purpose of creation? God wanted the God-centered heavenly unit of four positions established. God's love is the unification of parents and children centered on God. In that world, there are no national boundaries. If the world can deny God, then boundaries will remain a reality. But denying God is impossible. And all these things are products of the Fall of Man. Cain and Abel is also the product of the Fall of Man; heaven and earth, and hell is also the product of the Fall of Man. If Adam and Eve did not Fall, their language would have become their children's language; therefore, there would have been one language upon earth with one way of life and culture. If there are two civilizations -- one that belongs to God and one that belongs to man -- should God follow the civilization of man? Or should man follow the civilization of God? Which way of life would you go? The way of life of man or the way of life of God? Certainly, it is obvious, God's way is man's way. If all mankind truly knew, truly realized that God is the center and the closest one, that God is their Father, then they could not go the other way; in other words, there is n ' other way. There is only one way to live -- God's way.

We must be one with our mind and body, centered on God then our family will become God-centered. Religion has been denying the physical body and has been repelling, disregarding and rejecting the external body and the physical world. It has centered itself exclusively on man's spirit. In the Last Days, God's providence will work only from the mind, the spirit-centered way into harmony between spiritual and physical world. This will happen at this time -- the time of the Lord of the Second Advent. We must know that the Satanic world and the world of God are moving in opposite directions. The Satanic world is centered on the physical body, and then on the world of mind. God's world is centered on mind and heart and spirit, then is moving towards the physical Since God is the highest in spirit and in the world of mind, in order to control all of the physical world, God has to come down.

God, through religion, has been uniting the world of mind, and from this point, God is further moving the new providence, which is uniting not only the world of spirit and the world of mind, but also the world of flesh. And when God comes down to the world of flesh, and God's ideology for even the physical world is superior, then everything in that physical-body-centered ideology has to be united together, has to be gathered in.

Satan's method is aggressive and always offensive. God's method is sacrificial and conservative. God has been declaring peace from the very beginning. And He is the Principle of Peace. Satan resorts to war. Therefore, the history of man has been the history of war and this history will be no more. Everybody loves peace in this world; therefore, the new ideology will bring forth to the world a concept of uniting mind and body into one. The first peaceful man on the earth was the Creator. Through His ideology, the whole world will be united into one. Throughout history, man has had a selfish purpose. In order to achieve that selfish purpose, he has always made others sacrifice for him, has made the world sacrifice for him. However, God is the Father, and all men are in the position of children. God loves them with a love of giving; therefore, through this, confidence is much stronger through which the world is more quickly united. No parent wants his own children to quarrel with each other. If all brothers were united with the Parents, truly one, then among brothers, war could not be conceivable.

Satan's methods and Satan's actions have always been to take you away from the center, divide you, thus making you quarrel among yourselves. We must know that this world does not have a center, a core or nucleus and, thus, there is fighting among men. Therefore, this is a Satanic world.

However, we have a center and a nucleus. Once we are united with that center, or nucleus, then horizontally, we will all be united among ourselves. Once we fulfill this ideology, this ideal, then all the Satanic world will crumble. Therefore, Satan is constantly working to take us away from the center and divide us among ourselves. Evil men in this world have already used the same means. They are always telling you (and this is the sign of an evil man) to deny your parents and try to separate you from your parents and to encourage division among yourselves. You must know that this is the source of evil. Even though this world is the fallen world, the love of parents for children has not changed.

The age which denies the authority of the parents and disregards the parents has come. Children are trying to take their own selfish freedom. Then you must know that this age is the Last Days.

Men and women of the world are trying to think in a self-centered way about everything and are trying to take advantage of others for their own sake. Mankind will then be destroyed. Since this is the Last Days and God cannot afford to have this world crumble and be destroyed, God sent True Parents on the earth through which the whole world will be revived.

Therefore, God is trying to destroy this self-centered ideal, self-centered ideology, and God is bringing a new ideology, a new ideal on the earth that will benefit others. If you serve and sacrifice, then others will benefit. Put yourself in the Parents' position. If Parents have their own children, who help each other, give to each other, give and take with each other, then how much joy comes back to the Parents. On the other hand, when children are fighting each other, that breaks the Parents, heart. This is our way, this is our Divine Principle way. God installs the True Parents and we are all trying to unite as one with True Parents.

Then Satan attacks, but under any kind of Satan's attack, we must not separate. If no nation nor world power nor ideology on this earth has the power to separate the unity and the union between parents and children, then this is the ideology through which this world will be revived and will be saved and which will bring the world into unity.

From this standpoint, the French people must not be prideful people, particularly with other nationalities. The French people are in the position of Cain and the foreigners who came from outside are in the position of Abel because the French people have been here for many generations, but the foreigner has just come in.

Do you think like that? This is the view of the Divine Principle. Which one should obey the other? Should Cain obey Abel or should Abel obey Cain? Those hosts who treat their guests most kindly, cordially, that house will prosper. So you treat the guests right.

As I said, God has been working through the world of mind and the world of spirit, and upon this position, Christianity has been established. Sine Christianity does not have a physical base and the world of flesh has nothing to do with Christianity, because it gives only spiritual salvation, God is now establishing a new religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church.

If the Unification Church is really chosen for that position, then we have only one way. God sent me to fulfill this mission, and Satan, therefore, since this is his last day, desperately counterattacks from the individual level to family level, tribal level, national level and worldwide level, but Satan has not been successful. Then what do you think? Has the center been established on the earth or not?

Then, among the Unification Church members, if there are those who have the bitterest tribulations, rejections and accusations from their own family, and still deny their physical family and come to True Parents, then this is the solution, the final solution. Your parents might not like you, they may reject you and criticize you by saying that you are away from home and always in the Church.

It is very natural in our movement that when you go home, you have all kinds of headaches, but when you come to the Church, then even if your dwelling is very poor, and you sleep on the floor and eat a very poor diet, you feel in heaven. This must be the natural tendency. If our Church goes in this direction, then you must feel that this is the answer for the world. From this point, the world salvation will begin.

If these phenomena occur, not only among Frenchmen, but among many nationalities, without quarreling or fighting, and if they become true brothers and feel so comfortable with each other, then this is the final destination of God, our final terminal.

Do you think that this very place is right here? Then there is no other opening. There is no other way. Once you leave here, and go into the Satanic world, then division occurs. It is our mission, our responsibility to make our tradition for all the people of France. it is your responsibility to make this new ideology come to everybody so that people like God, and you popularize God. If the tradition is set up on those members who are not sure or are in and out, the flaggers, and if this is the case, then this movement will not go any further. The tradition must be set upon the absolute determination of sacrifice. Would you like to set your tradition on the highest level or on the lowest level? If you really want to see your tradition on the very highest possible level, then you cannot emphasize yourself. You must be in a servant's position, in the position of service. This is where you should be. The person who sets the tradition will become the patriot of that nation and a historical person. Would you like to become such a patriot and a historical man? The Unification Church is not only established in France. The Unification Church has been established in 30 different countries. In order to set the tradition for the worldwide level, then your determination should be on that level -- the highest.

Do you want to become the thumb, the top of the world, or the little finger that waves out into the world? If you cannot reach that highest possible tradition, that highest level, or set your tradition on the highest possible level, then do you want me to help you, to push you out to achieve that goal? Then, for French people, French method does not work. Also, the oriental method does not work either. The method that we are going to use is relentless, absolute, and sometimes cruel.

Let's decide one true patriot for France. Among many candidates, patriots of this nation, we finally decided three most likely candidates. Among three, one is a very old person, one is middle-aged, one is a young man, and all three gave their lives for France.

Who is going to be the top patriot of all? The old man? Middle-aged man? Young man? It must be the youngest man, then middle-aged man, and then the old man. This is a very normal sequence under normal circumstances. However, given another method of giving sacrifice, the youngest man was just shot and dropped dead.

The oldest man, however, died in a most miserable fashion. For example, his fingers, his arms, his legs, and all his members one by one were cut off. It was the most incredible and most miserable way to suffer death. If that is the case, then who will be the first patriot of all? The young man? One just died, just gave his life, yet the other one, the oldest man, gave his life and went through miserable suffering and tribulation. If you had to be in a position to die or give your life, would you like to die rather quickly or die slowly while you are going through tremendous suffering? It is almost doing him mercy to kill that person at once, but those who really went to best their enemies sometimes revenge through the method of slow killing.

Given a new situation, the old man and young man die in the same miserable fashion through slow killing. Then who will become the first one? The most natural thing is to bring the patriot who suffered the most and put him in the top position. Now do you think you can become the patriot of this new Kingdom of Heaven which only comes one time in human history? Those who are trying to live a comfortable life cannot come to this position. Those who are determined even to give their own lives for the sake of the cause can be in this position.

And do you think that Jesus come upon this earth for this great and divine mission? Don't you think he harbored the desire to set the highest possible tradition upon the earth? From that standpoint, it is a matching theory that Jesus preached to his disciples that he who finds his life will lose it and he who loses his life for his sake, will find it. You must give up everything and love me the most. Do you think this is the right method of training or the wrong method of training? It is this principle that directly applies to us all. Those who as future sons of God are trying to lose their lives for the world and world salvation, will find it. Which way would you prefer? Would you rather receive the command, the order from Father and do your best and fight and ultimately win the battle or do you just want to keep up with your own way and your own methods, then ultimately you will die. I am a man of strong will. Do you want me to say to you, "Well, you just do what you can do and you can have all kinds of freedom and possibilities, just do what you can do." Do you like this method? Or do you accept my strict commandment to you and push you out to one direction? I am going to be here for three days. So I am going to tell your leader in a very intimate talk, a very private talk and instruct him to push every one of you out to work. And if you ever feel that this German-born leader is really giving you a hard time, this is not right.

As I said before, there is no German, there is no French. We are all one breed and kind of people and we have only one tradition that works everywhere in the world.

We do not have weapons nor do we use any method of aggression to others, yet we have the strongest ideology on the face of the earth and even Communism cannot even compare with the ideology that we have. Then, there shall be many people who, echo our movement and who will try to stand on our side to help., us out. Our ideology has the power to bring all Christianity within our arms. Our teaching showing God, teaching the existence of God, is much clearer than Communism's denying God. Do you think that any Communist, who comes to know the reality of God and the existence of God can keep his own Communist ideology or do you think he will throw it away? He throws his conventional ideology away. If this is the truth, than the world is ours.

With our right foot, we subjugate Christianity; with the left. foot, we subjugate the ideology of Communism; and with both arms, we reach out to God and bring Him in and the world will be ours. One ideology will exist.

The world is under Satanic sovereignty. If theologians could solve the problem of why Satan could become the king of this world, then they would solve the rest of the problems. Satan is governing the entire world, and in this world, there is one representative nation. So God is working to establish one sovereignty under His direct command. That sovereignty is superior to any higher established, Satanic government. Satan is the fallen angel.

The angel become fallen and become Satan. If Satan is governing all the sovereignties of the earth, and if the angel is in the lowest position and is the lowest from God in heaven; therefore, the one nation that God directly controls or Adam directly controls must be superior to this nation which is under the sovereignty of Satan.

The new Messiah is coming in the position of Adam; he is coming as a restored Adam and therefore, he is the second and third Adam. So, the sovereignty that the new Messiah will command must be superior to the sovereignty that the fallen angel commands because the angel, in the original concept, should come under Adam. So, 2,000 years ago, God has been working to establish the chosen nation of Israel as a base for the foundation to receive the Messiah.

And, on this foundation, Jesus comes as the Messiah to become the head of this nation. So, this nation should have come under the Messiah's command and should have overcome or subjugated the Satanic sovereignty. Then, this dispensation and the whole of restoration should have become worldwide.

Jesus truly came as the King of Kings. So, he is coming in this position. If all the Satanic powers or sovereignties came and the government surrendered or became subjugated under the Messiah, then this is something like the fallen angel's position. It has to be restored by obeying Adam's position through which all the world shall be saved. Because of Jesus' death, this goal was not realized. The world is divided into two worlds -- one is the Democratic world, and the other is the Communistic world. The Democratic world is the base for the coming of the new Messiah.

And the new system, the Principle of the Kingdom of God, must then subjugate the Communistic world, and the world will become one under God's sovereignty. Then, in one stroke, the world will be united. Because of the death of Jesus, Christianity has only spiritual salvation. The physical base has been lost; therefore, In the physical world, in the free world, there is no physical base, no nation that God can claim as His own. Christianity has only been developing the spiritual force. Right now, just as Cain attacked Abel, the Communistic world, which is in the position of Cain, comes out of the world first and now it is ready to attack Asia. The ruin of Christianity, on the other hand, is in a very critical moment of peril at the coming of the new Messiah. Therefore, when the new Messiah comes, he will work with Christianity; however, the first thing he has to do is to establish his physical nation, the chosen nation of Israel as his physical base for the dispensation.

Christians are doing it and our nation is ready for it; therefore, the Unification Church should do it. The worldwide unity of the Unification Church will stand for establishing one nation under God's sovereignty. We are now forming the foundation for the world. So, you are the candidates. You are the fighters for the restoration of our heavenly Fatherland.

Once the good sovereignty becomes superior to the evil sovereignty, then things are already fulfilled. At this moment, the world will come to its very end. Then this God established sovereignty that we are working for under the new Messiah's command will unite all the other free nations into one. The Communistic world will crumble automatically. Therefore, this is the reason why Communism hates religion and calls religion an opium. Satan has the power of vanity and the power of the physical world. God is establishing this foothold in the spirit world and gradually comes down to establish His foundation upon the earth. And as soon as Satan began to lose his base and his power and his vanity, he used the power of that age, which is symbolically equivalent to our head.

He resorted to the power of the high-class society. And this part of history is up to World War I. In this struggle, Satan was defeated therefore, Satan resorted to the middle class, comparable to the middle part of our body. Satan used this power to throw out God's power. From World War I to World War II is the age, the period of military might. Physical power was the means to fight. When Satan failed, then God could restore up to that point.

Since Satan is the fallen angel which denies God, once God steps in and gets His power which accepts God, then the Satanic world will crumble. This angelic, heavenly archangel position is now America. America is in the position of heavenly restored angel. After World War II, the terminology left-wing and right-wing became popular terminology.

So, Communism, Satan, has no other place to go except to go further down to the leg part or lower part of the body. So, Satan is using the lower part of the body, earth and feet -- materialism. Lower class people are represented by the laborers. There will be confrontation between the ideology of heaven, which was originally America and the Free World, God's world in God's position, and the ideology of the earth or the Communist world in Satan's position. The leader of the Free World, America, should be in this superior position.

America is, however, declining and shaking right now. At this very moment, I started the Third World Mission. My mission of the Third World Tour is to bring this balance into its former position, in other words, to bring America's position into the originally intended position of God. Even though Satan is going down to the lower part, in other words, to materialist-related ideology, he is bringing up the power of the mind and mobilizing the power of the mind. He came out with an ideology; therefore, since he took this form of ideology, God cannot help but allow this to go on a world-wide level.

In the pattern of history, evil always comes out first. Communism came out as the last evil and it will stay upon the earth for a temporal period. Therefore, there is a division in Communism. If they split once again within themselves, then it is the end.

These things are not man made things. These come under God's plan and God's strategy. God's position is this: God is permitting Satan to use every desperate method, then Satan surrenders. In other words, if God has given Satan every possibility with everything he wants to do, Satan will say: "God, I have done my best. There is no other way. Now, I surrender.”

Satan is also working for his own purpose, his own goal to unite the world towards one world. He is working towards one world. In the Last Days, when God restores the Satanic world, then all the work Satan has done directly contributes as it is for the Godly purpose; therefore, even Satans in the Last Days, when they are restored, they are in a position that they have worked for God, and not for themselves. So, therefore, God preserves His position as absolute and almighty. The fallen angel, no matter how he tries, cannot become God but always remains in that position.

Why then is the last Satanic ideology a God-denying ideology? Because Satan knows that once he loses his last battle, in other words, once the lowest class people are restored to God, Satan has no more place to go. This is final. Therefore, he knows that he will not last so long. While there is an upper class and middle class, there is always somebody serving Satan, so Satan says, "Well, if I cannot have it, God cannot have it either." So he says, "There is no such thing as God." If this is the case, if all this is true, then have we come to the final days, last days, or not? Number two is the nearest number to number one. So, one world can only be established through our ideology. So, God will drive you out. The only reason why God drives you out is for success. The battle has now come to the final showdown.

On our side, there is God, the Unification Church members and the entire spirit world. Satan's side is Satan and the Communistic world. These two great struggles are happening now. You can compare these two camps -- Communistic camp or Satanic camp and God's camp. The Satanic camp has all the Communists in the world plus all the Satans. Our camp has God, the Unification Church members and the high, good, spirit world. Which side is the victor? Both God and Satan are trying to infiltrate the world through man's mind. They are trying to occupy man's mind. Satan is desperately trying to get us on his side, and God is working through the same side. Therefore, all kinds of mental disorders are occurring right now. And spirit world is descending, and this makes that situation even worse.

Because of this phenomenon, there are people which we call the hippy generation. They have become so disorganized. They are just becoming trapped and helpless people. On the other hand, there are young people, who are in the Unification Church, who rally around God and are moving the world in the right direction.

I might term these young people who participate in this crusade as God's hippies. Good people and evil people, good and evil separate from one point. Satanic people are denying everything-existing order, parents, their brothers, country and society. They are so disorganized that they do not know where they are standing. Right now, they claim that they are love -- flower people -- and claim that if you have love, it is the most precious and wonderful thing. But the time will come, when there will be nothing left. It will become a tragedy.

In a way, we are doing the same thing. We are denying existing order, existing world, existing nations, existing societies, existing families, existing parents, existing brothers. But, we are denying simply because we are establishing a new order, new parents, new brothers, new society, new nation, a new world centered on God. If you find such a peace to establish a new God centered order, then you have found the happiest place in the world. When this movement grows into the form of a tribe, it becomes the strongest tribe the world has ever known. When it becomes a race, with a new freedom and a new religion, then it becomes the strongest race the world has ever known. And if it takes the form of a nation, that nation will become the strongest nation the world has ever known. Since we are surrounded by the Satanic world, we have to penetrate into the Satanic world and establish our foothold on the family level, tribal level, race, national level and come up to the worldwide level.

That means we are destroying the Satanic sovereignty and establishing the sovereignty of God. We are surrounded by Satanic power, so we must first go across the Satanic world. We must all become restored to Adam's and Eve's position. Our position is superior to the archangel. As a fallen generation, can we get out of this, out of this bondage of Satan? Can you do it by your own power or do you need help from God? That is why the Messiah is an absolute necessity. The Messiah has come to destroy the Satanic sovereignty and establish the heavenly sovereignty, to open up a superhighway to perfection so that all mankind can follow this pattern and fulfill in the same fashion that he has. This is the first mission of the new Messiah. Secondly, the Messiah has come to eradicate the original sin from you and all mankind. Every one of us has original sin. The Messiah comes to eradicate it.

No matter how much you have strong faith in Jesus Christ, in Christianity, in the Pope, the bishops of France or the great men and devout men, do they have the power to eradicate original sin so that their own children will go to heaven without going through this process of salvation? Every child, every offspring in our family, still has to go through the same process of faith. They must believe in Jesus Christ. That is the proof that they cannot eradicate original sin. If they can really wipe out your original sin, then your children should be able to go to the kingdom of Heaven without coming to Jesus. Hell is the product of the Fall of Man and the Savior has also become a necessity by the Fall of Man.

Through the principle of the Fall of Man, I am sure that you learned of original sin and the problems of the Fall of Man. In short, in our blood stream, there is a Satanic lineage, so, within our own power, we cannot cleanse this stained blood.

Therefore, we need a help, and this help is the Messiah. Did you wipe out your original sin? Among us, is there one who claims to be without sin, so that your children can go to the Kingdom of Heaven without going through the process of believing in Jesus? So, you all need the Messiah. What are the two missions of the Messiah? One to change the Satanic lineage into heavenly lineage; second to restore the sovereignty to God.

The Fall came about through Parents, so the restoration must also be made by Parents. In the days of Adam and Eve and the Archangel, the True Parents did not have anybody to discuss with. All mankind is in the position of the fallen angel. I cannot teach all of you every truth I have because you are not ready.

Unless you accomplish, you cannot be taught. The Fall of Man was. initiated by Parents, Adam and Eve, who were in a fallen Parents' position; therefore, restoration is also done by Parents, True ones.

So, Adam and Eve, the True Parents, cannot discuss this matter of salvation to any other people because they are in the position of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and there was God, Adam and Eve. Besides them, there was only one -- that is the archangel who was fallen. The True Parents have no one to discuss, no one to confide upon. All mankind are in the position of children of the fallen angel. So, if I teach all the truth to you without your paying your indemnity, without your accomplishing, then you are immediately in the position to be accused by Satan. This is why for 6,000 years God could not reveal His hidden truth unless men were ready. And Jesus Christ could not give his whole truth to his disciples because none of them were ready. Among you, if you can believe in Father for 1,000 years, 10,000 years without failing, raise your hand. But there is really no one capable. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, for years I have been watching and waiting for all of you. I am fulfilling my mission all by myself. When you hear me speak, then you will feel that the world has become so small and that everything comes within the grasp of your hand. It is natural that you feel that.

Three people are most afraid of me. First of all, Christians fear me, Communists fear me, and Satan, of course, fears me. Are you afraid of me? If I am Father, we are your True Parents, and you are the children, how can children be afraid of their parents?