Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1971
Photo date and location unknown
As you can see, the world today is far from having reached the final goal; we can neither find a really good person nor a life full of joy; but at the same time, it is easy to find certain people who have been searching for a new world.
What sort of person do we mean? He is neither a philosopher, an artist, nor a person popular with the masses; He is one who is attracted to and longs for the Sun Myung Moon Heavenly Kingdom; that is, a religious man.
Every person who is trying to get to heaven, regardless of who he is, is forced to conquer the dilemma of contrary directions between his flesh and spirit. Who on earth can boast of having a faith which has completely united his flesh and spirit?
Anyone who makes the pilgrimage to Heaven will easily find that this world will not cooperate with him, but on the contrary try to exploit him, pull him down, accuse him and even try to drive him away from such a pilgrimage.
Not only are there very few who can judge good and evil from the true standard, but there are also very few who can take the lead in trying to be good. You can hardly find a man who intends to lead the way to goodness, because to take the lead in this calls for far more courage than any other hero or warrior.
Then why is it that so few persons are willing to be men of goodness? The main reason must be that the way of goodness is not a quick process, but an everlasting one.
If it is true that goodness is connected with eternity and with the whole of life, then it is sure to take us our whole lifetime to get to the place of goodness, even though we can easily see where it is. Regardless of how long you have lived in error, it is possible for you to find the turning point toward goodness; but on the other hand, no matter how long you've lived a good life, you can easily be pulled down and your goodness lost in an instant. Only if goodness grows higher and broader day by day, month by month, year after year, and finally comes to be connected with the New World; then, if one tries to do good, in time he will be sure to achieve multiplied happiness.
A lot of people have been seeking for a more peaceful world and the Heavenly Kingdom, but how can we get there? From where does the peaceful world begin?
It has been said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within, be what does that mean? This refers to the very point where peace in life is found, standing apart from the environment of the fallen world, and nobody can find it in this material world.
Such a standard is like balancing the beam of a scale. Even though the main purpose of the scale is to maintain a balance, on our way to heaven, the beam should neither make a perfect balance nor decline to the left, but lean to the right; that's the starting point. A balance can establish a reference point, but it can't be the pointer to turn in a new direction.
Likewise, the pilgrimage to heaven starts from the mind, but from what mind? The mind which aims to conquer the environment. Unless your mind deals with reality, you cannot have anything to do with the providence of Heaven in the external world.
That is the reason why the formation of the environment of Heaven must be preceded by its establishment in one's mind. That is, the pilgrimage to the Heavenly Kingdom starts from oneself.
If one cannot discover the way to Heaven, then the way must be shown by some other person, and one must follow him. And who will be that other person? He must be the basic standard for every human being, and to introduce such a person to mankind, the various religions appeared. All the founders of the world's religions have paved the way to realize the final hope of mankind. What has human history been seeking? It can hardly be found in man's present state, which is why all the religious people have sought for that which is beyond the material world; that is, it starts with God Himself rather than any other human brain or organization.
When one's personality is formed centered on a spiritual base and God's Heart then the Heavenly Kingdom comes to develop. In other words, we have to seek for the organization, family, society, nation, and universe based on Divine Nature and Divine Heart.
Our mind acts, and there cannot be any action without an object. What is the subject of our mind, then? That is our conscience. Then why does one become conscience-stricken? Because he is separated from right action.
There is quite a difference between incoming and outgoing forces in give-and-take action. In action, the outgoing force is often less than the incoming force; but in love, it is the opposite; this is why it is possible for us to form the ideal world.
As you can see, the more of a sacrifice one makes of oneself for others, the larger his value grows. Likewise the more you give out what you receive, the more will be added unto you. Then from where does love begin? It begin not from man but from God, because man, created by God, can't be His subject but His object; so the center is God and God is the center of the nation, race, society, family and personality.
This is the reason why we of the Unification Church insist upon the view of history based on God's heart.
Who should be the hero of love? Upon what heart? Heart which is based on Divine Love. Love should not be egocentric. Where egocentricity is not rooted out, there can be no separation from the Satanic history.