The Ocean and a New Way of Life

Sun Myung Moon
August 28, 1982
God's Will and the Ocean - Ocean Church and America
Provincetown, MA


You used to be only concerned for "me, me, me." But now you are thinking, "what can I do for the sake of God, for mankind, for others?" You used to try to find value in life with a self-centered views, but since you joined the church you now look for value in a much greater sense. Your future has broadened. Today you are not limited to where you stand; you now possess unlimited potential. Your future was limited, however, now your future is without any limit.

Once you may have thought about your own nation, but, now you think about the entire world and beyond. Therefore, at some point, America will welcome such people as you. In the past, all your sweat and tears and hard work were only for yourselves, but now all that same effort is for the sake of mankind. This is really the dawn of a new era and new history for you and your nation. It is truly the new beginning for the world.

It is the generations to come that will look at what we have done. These people will truly look up to and respect you. It is for them that we are living today. Therefore, our work has to have a vision of the future. We have to create a tradition that thousands of others can respect and follow for generations to come. So, today our purpose has to be for that better future. We must become a victor, not a loser for the sake of future generations to come. All of my life has been like this.

While I was working in the early years, everyone came against me; everyone misunderstood me. But now, as some look back and see what I have done, they admit that I was right. The same can be said for you. Sixty years from now, people will look back at your life. People looked at my projects with such a small eye at first, but as I continued, their eyes got bigger and bigger. My work didn't stop in Korea; it has expanded to America, South America and Africa and beyond. I may be somewhat of a mystery to others. However, within myself, I have a crystal clear plan; the goal is very exact.

Let me ask you something. Since you came here, did you like the strong winds or did you hate them? Did you feel on a windy day just like you do when you are meeting your fiancée or wife? No? Why are you laughing? In the start of the morning when you see a windy day did you say, "Today there will be something great out there waiting for me!" Did you feel like that? You have to cultivate your interest in life, even beyond the windy day. You have to see through it. Every young man is afraid of a storm. Have you ever studied why? Do you really feel stimulated and interested when some big wave comes over the bow into your boat? Do you see any hope there? Are you interested in that big wave? A man of the sea really tries to find hope in something like that. A small boat going through the wave is so dramatic. When you see your boat going through a wave, crashing over onto the other side, you really have to think, "Ah, here is hope for the future."

Don't hate the waves. You will only become like them. We have to accept everything, cold water and stormy skies. Always welcome the water with your hands, your feet, everything of your body. Do you do that every day? On the flat calm day look at yourself in the mirror of the ocean and realize the power of the water. On a calm day that flat mirror looks so peaceful, but the next day it could tower above you like a twenty foot mountain. The ocean is only taking a rest on those calm days, but its power remains constant.

Man is the same as well. You can be highly excited and stimulated, but then you calm down and your heart maintains a humble, quiet, appreciative standard. It is also the same within women. You can see your face reflected in the peaceful water, even so, the ocean is always moving. It has to for the sake of the fish. The wind moves the water and this movement allows for the oxygen that the fish need to live. God gave life into the ocean; and this is how the fish live.

If you look at a drop of water, it has no color. But if you gather more water, a beautiful color begins to emerge. How beautiful it is. In the water are so many species of fish; the ocean contains all kinds of fish and life. Water is life giving; more than 70% of man's body is made of water. When the water hits your face, it scratches your eyes because it's so salty. How do you feel at that moment? You spit it out, don't you, and try to shut your eyes? Ocean water has a basic taste; it is the natural taste of life. So when you go out again, you will feel and taste the water differently won't you?