The Forsaken Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
June 22, 1958
Former Headquarters Church
Seoul, Korea


1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 4 As you come to him, the living Stone -- rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him -- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," 8 and, "A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message -- which is also what they were destined for. 9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
I Peter 2:1-10

God Drew the Chosen People for Salvation

These Bible verses metaphorically describe Jesus as a stone. They also describe how the stone which the builders rejected became a cornerstone. We can see that this situation was not recognized by Jesus family, his religious order, the Israelites nor even his own beloved three disciples.

God drew out the chosen people from among their enemies. He raised them for salvation. Through this people, He tried to accomplish His great will. However, although the Israelites saw this will of God from the viewpoint of an ideology or history, they still could not live up to that will.

To seek one person of hope, God came through a toilsome course. God toiled so that each individual might experience His will. In other words, through 4,000 years of toil, God had reached as far as the realm of life. However, though the people had longed for the Messiah to come in their minds, when the Messiah actually came, no one welcomed him. There was no one who understood.

Jesus Was the fruit of God's Providence

Throughout her life, Anna had eagerly waited for the Messiah to come. She did not leave the holy temple, and she fasted. However, when the Messiah actually appeared, because she could not attend him even after bearing witness to him, she too finished distanced from the will of Heaven. This was Heaven's sorrow.

Jesus came as the fruit of God's providential dispensation of 4,000 years. If Jesus' parents or relatives at that time had known Jesus was the Messiah who was to save their own nation, they would not have allowed Jesus to be born in a stable. Had the chosen people known him to be the Messiah, they would not have let him be harassed from this village to that, during his thirty years of private life as the son of a carpenter and in the course of his three years of public life. When He saw this, God felt sad and so did Jesus himself.

Since Jesus was driven out as a traitor, God's will and the hope that the chosen people had cherished could not connect. God could not form relations with them. Consequently, since the gap between Heaven and the people could not be made up, Jesus could not help worrying again about the eternal connection of the past history of the nation to the present and the future. Because no one knew Jesus, that is, because no one could attend him as the Savior of the nation and the Messiah, among all things of the world of creation and all humankind, no one could form a direct relationship in any way with God.

The People God Granted Cosmic Value

As Jesus whittled at a piece of wood in his carpentry work, he imagined he was shaving off the sins and blots of the people. His words and deeds and meditations during his life were done as preparation to establish the heavenly ideology centered on goodness. Yet no one understood the situation and heart of Jesus then. For that reason, even if Jesus had wanted to talk, he came to be in a situation where he could not talk openly to anyone. Even his family could not understand his will, and therefore they rejected him. Finally, he left home. At this time, Jesus sought and entered a religious order, but then again, he came to receive rejection from the religion which could not understand God's heart and will. In the end, Jesus came to be driven out as a traitor of that nation, but because he knew that there remained for him the path of Golgotha that is even bigger than the nation, he resolutely determined never to separate from Heaven.

Only those people who form relations with God and the universe will be granted cosmic value and worldwide value. Because Jesus felt that he was connected with his family, the religion, the people, the earthly world, and even the spirit persons in the heavenly world and hell, he was undaunted in spite of the rejection of his family and church. Although the chosen people expected that everything would end due to Jesus being crucified as a traitor, because there was a flame in the remaining set of people, including the twelve disciples, Jesus could work through them. Consequently, Christianity could expand worldwide as it has today.

In the last days, we must above all become the people who comprehend God's mind. Humans have the three elements of intellect, emotion and will. He is left with the mission to attain emotional heavenly compassion based on intellect and will. Because the love of God flows, and there is a heavenly providence concerning us, an ardent passion and loyalty and piety toward Heaven must flow more strongly from the heart of the Korean people than any other race.

We Should Own the Core of God's Deep Heart

We do not need any leader to know God's heart and truths. At the time of his crucifixion, Jesus cried out, "Why have You forsaken me?" Due to this one word, you must realize that a new point of transition in history began to develop.

After Jesus' death, the whole universe was mobilized by several women who could share his blood and flesh as their momentum. For that reason, we can see that although the Korean people do not have anything, we can and should own the core of God's deep heart. Even if the Korean people are deprived of everything, we must become the people who do not lose the heart of God. By doing, so, if this nation becomes the altar of spraying blood for the sake of Heaven and earth, and if we can cry for the sorrow of all humankind and all things in Heaven and on earth, there is a way to live here.

God is a Being who sheds tears even as He lifts the whip in a rage and strikes. He who delights in seeing this will fall victim to the condition of judgment. Therefore, you must now find Jesus again whom you abandoned in the past and become his friend. Only then will you be able to stand as the bride before Jesus who comes again.