The Essential Nature of Satan

Sun Myung Moon
Excerpt from "We Must Go Forward"
Circa 1960
Unofficial Translation


In order that we remove Satan's lineage from our beings, we must deny our youthful passion -- especially self-centered youthful energy and passion. The essential nature of Satan is pride. The nature is to control everything by his self-centered purpose. Therefore, we must develop a nature opposite from his nature. We must gain and possess a nature that is honest and obedient. Once we develop such a nature as our essence, Satan cannot control us without losing his own essential nature in order to catch and follow us. Thus, Satan must surrender to us. Satan always wants to control everyone centered on him.

All nations and societies try to gather people around their respective self-interests regardless of God and the position of goodness. However, God's way is to step down from where you are, trying to go down to the lower position, which is the opposite direction compared to nations and societies. It is understood to be evil if you gather people centered on your own self interests. On the other hand, it is good if you give away what you have and offer them for the public and for the sake of other people. Their directions are totally opposite.

Then, what is our life where we stand at the dividing point between God's path and Satan's path? Goodness is to sacrifice all self-centeredness -- give away all you own and offer them to others. Evil is to pull all for the sake of yourself.

The evil side always attacks first. The good side is always beaten first. Therefore, for instance, the allies who attacked first eventually lost the war in both World War I and World War II. So, in your case, take a beating first, and then gain your victory. Goodness never attacks first. Evil always attack first. This is where the division of Heaven and Earth hangs in the balance.

In order that we remove Satan's lineage from our beings, we must deny our youthful passion -- especially self-centered youthful energy and passion. However, God-centered youthful energy and passion is good. It is evil to sacrifice the public for your own sake instead of desiring to sacrifice yourself for the public. The boundary of good and evil is very clear. Therefore, when you love, not for your own sake, love for the sake of the nation, the world and God. When you value yourself in high esteem, you should hold yourself in high esteem because you are at the center of this world. As you see, our restored view of life which God desire is fundamentally different from the secular view of life. We must pioneer this path.