Strictly follow the commandment during adolescence

Sun Myung Moon
May 31, 1972


There are many unusual winds blowing in the world nowadays. The Unification Church members must never be swayed by such trends. That kind of adolescence is not Sa Choon Gi, the "time of thinking of spring" but Sa Choon Gi, the "time of the death of spring." Which one would you choose, this one with the character for Sa meaning "thinking," or that one with the character for Sa meaning "death"?

Did Jesus go through adolescence or not? Did Jesus not also go through adolescence? What kind of adolescence did he have? The one of "thinking of spring" or the one of "the death of spring"? He did not have the kind in which he whistled at girls. He went through adolescence with the character meaning "thinking of spring."

First of all, you should go through adolescence in the right way. If you want to live, the adolescence containing the character for thinking is for you. If you want to die, the adolescence containing the character for death is for you. If you earnestly seek to overcome adolescence containing the character for death, then, turn it upside down. If you turn it over 180 degrees, the adolescence containing the character for death (死) transforms into the adolescence containing the character for thinking (思). Therefore, by overcoming the adolescence of death, Jesus moved toward the young adulthood of the bride and bridegroom, which was like a spring day of hope and of new life. That is what the Christian history of the bride and bridegroom is all about.

What is the Fall? It was the failure to receive springtime centered on God. When spring comes, do children who aspire to become filial sons or daughters enjoy the season by themselves? They are filial sons or daughters if they can say to their parents, "Mom and Dad, it is spring. Let's go out together and enjoy the day!" There are some, however, who say, "Mom and Dad, although it is spring, it's best to take a nap." Then, while their parents sleep, they go outside by themselves to sing and dance. Can they be considered to be filial sons? They are not only unfilial, but they also deserve to be punished. Don't you think so?

What was the Fall? From God's point of view, it was the beginning of the time of adolescence containing the Chinese character for death. History began with the adolescence of death. Therefore, spring is coming for those who risk their lives. A new age is coming. The history of Christianity has been going through such things to this day.

When you eat, you should do so in a way that is different from the past. Even when you go to the restroom, it should be with a different attitude than before. These days, when you take a train and use the restroom, you find toilet paper hanging there. You probably use it excessively, thinking, "Well, no one is looking." You should not use it wastefully just because it belongs to someone else. You should use it sparingly and take some only one time. You must have a better attitude.

Even when you eat out of hunger you should not completely fill your plate with food. You should maintain the standard of finding satisfaction in eating three-fifths of your plateful after removing twofifths of it. Only then are you a wise person. You should know how to be frugal in everything. You should save the maximum and then find out the minimum you can live with. If you invest yourself using the minimum for at least three months you will discover the real minimum you can live with. After you do so, let's see how it goes.