Sun Myung Moon
November 3, 1991
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 10: The Way in the Complete Testament, Chapter 1: A Perspective on Human Life, Section 4.3, Excerpts from The original mind is the teacher and closest to God
Photo date and location unknown
What is the mind? It is your master and teacher. Since your body resembles your mind, it is the origin of your body. Thus, on the horizontal level, the mind stands in the place of your mother and father, teachers, and masters. (222-157, 1991.11.3)
Your original mind does not need a teacher. It is your second god. Do not try to follow a teacher or me; instead, try to serve your mind. What about the mind? You wake up at daybreak, all alone, and it is so quiet that you can hear even the squeak of a mouse or the buzz of a fly, and you think to yourself, "Well, I should like such and such a thing. I should try to do a good deed." Your original mind will then tell you, "Good! Good! Do it now!" On the other hand, if you harbor only evil thoughts in your mind, it will chide you with words like "No! No! You fool!" Would it not know what you are thinking? Of course it knows. That is the way it is. It knows only too well. (138-124, 1986.1.19)