Restoration of the right of the parent and right of kingship through the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father

Sun Myung Moon
October 17, 1989


What is required to fulfill the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father? The answer is the God-centered family. Thus, at the time when God is working to achieve this Will, the greatest problem posed in both the communist and democratic worlds is the breakdown of the family. The communist world does not recognize the concept of the family. It treats the family as the basis of exploitation. It has no relationship whatsoever with God. The same is true in the democratic world. In fact, the reality is that everything concerned with the well-being of the family is on the decline. Although the family is the foundation of the society, nation and world, it has been in complete disarray until now. As such, once we have secured our basis through the family, we will automatically embrace the right and left wing worlds.

Now the era of the absolute family is upon us. Without the family, the concept of the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father cannot be established. This is ideology is a path we need to take. It is similar to crossing a bridge. Because God's unified nation can only be achieved based on the family, hence, absolute emphasis must be placed on the family. In the family, the parents must be served as if they were the absolute God. Just as God's dual characteristics are eternally united, so His internal character and external form can never be separated from one another. Next, the children themselves should unite, just as Adam and Eve should have been completely united, without having fallen.

All levels from the individual to the cosmos must connect with the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father in order to restore right of kingship based on the family; this signifies the restoration of cosmic right of kingship. It cannot be achieved without the family, for that is the center. Through the foundation of Adam's united family, the harmonized tribe of Adam must be established. Wouldn't Adam have had a tribe? Based on the foundation of the unified family of the Adamic figure, his nation has to be unified and extended to the cosmos. Only thus can right of kingship be restored through the foundation of the unified Adamic family.