Sun Myung Moon
November 26, 1969
We are not focused on the individual but on the family. Still, we are not trying to solve everything based only on the family. Rather, we should connect everything to the family. Hence, the endeavors made in the past while cultivating a solitary life of spirituality are not enough now. To this you should also add your own determination and resolution to exert yourself much more than you did in the past. In an instant, a life of challenging evil can easily leave one fatigued and lead one to retreat. When you have a family, you should work much harder than when you were single.
The family is in the central position. We cannot avoid reality. You should establish relationships of front and back, left and right, top and bottom in your family. It will not do to have the kind of faith that existed in the past. That kind of one-sided attitude in faith that you had in the past will not work.
You should stand in a straight line with God at least during morning Pledge service. It is a truly serious hour. You should repent if you are even one second late. You should also prepare some candy as holy food, like you would for Holy Communion, and share it with your children.
When you were alone, everything came to pass when you prayed. However, if there is a person opposing you in the family, you should bear the cross and persevere until you reach the original standard. Alone, you are like one car of a train and the family is like a locomotive. It is simple to restore an individual's mistake. But if there is a mistake in the family, it brings ruin.
You should pray even while doing your laundry or walking down the road. You should constantly fill up your storehouse; it should never be empty.
If you destroy yourself that's one thing, but a family should not be destroyed. The wife is the most needed person in the world for her husband, and the husband is the most needed person in the world for his wife. You should be each other's walking stick and comrade, advising each other.
When the parents make serious efforts not to deviate from the heavenly way, the children will never be disobedient.
Without leading a life of constant prayer, you cannot go the way of God's will. Do not think of money in your daily life; you should first think about God's will.
The wife of a leader should not nag her husband when he is about to leave for work in the morning. The feelings in his heart that arise due to his wife's nagging will be like waves; they will be very disturbing. His disturbed heart can affect the whole world. If women are going to nag, then they should nag at night, and then all the problems will be solved overnight. Men go out to battle in the morning. The wife of this kind of husband should wake up early and serve him well.
You should offer a prayer of gratitude even if you are strongly chastised by your husband, saying, "How can I expect my husband never to reprimand me? Thank you."
Women should always be beautiful, even if it requires using makeup and perfume. A wife should not be emotionally indebted to her husband, and she should always concern herself with her husband's body and clothes. When a husband looks tired after returning home, she should prepare the water to wash his face and things to brush his teeth, and be able to wash his feet and comb his hair. A woman's smile is the flower of the family. In order to establish a harmonious family, the woman should be a first-class actress of both comedy and tragedy. She should completely captivate her husband all the time, whether he is joyful or sad.
A woman should change her clothes at least once every three days. She should also wash her hair that often. She should always smile. A smile is a flower of the mind. Always keep your flowers in bloom and give off a sweet fragrance. A woman should test her partner's response to her hairstyle and makeup. If you cannot bring joy to your partner with your facial or external appearance, you should do so through your interests even if you have to mobilize all the arts, such as music. You may research women's physiology by looking at magazines or explain to him about literature after reading several books. Make your husband live like a child who is enfolded in your skirt.
Pray. Prayer is your heart's storehouse. If you do not have time, you should at least pray while doing your work.
Once a husband and wife meet, they should be together, holding each other's hands, whether they are going the way of life or death. Since you are to go together, you should do so with style.