Sun Myung Moon
February 14, 2008
Translation of notes taken by the Unification Church History Committee
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han January 1, 2007
A hundred leaders and missionaries from each Europe and other regions of the world took part in this morning's Hoon Dok Hae. Mrs. Wonju McDevitt reads chapters ten, eleven and twelve from the Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong.
True Father asked the members to make greater effort and produce results that are a hundred and even a thousand times greater than what Father achieved. He warned them of the reality of the spirit world and asked that they regain the heart and passion they had when they first joined the movement saying that the movement could grow and be recharged a hundred and even a thousand times over if they could regain that heart.
Dr. Yong Cheol Song then gave a report on the recent development surrounding the Schengen Treaty, which was one of the obstacles that had prevented True Parents from entering some of the nations in Europe. Dr. Song reported that as of December 21, 2007, True Parents were free to visit all 4,000 square kilometers of Europe, emphasizing that Europe was now able to welcome and attend True Parents on their land. Dr. Song also thanked True Parents for inviting more than a hundred ambassadors for peace and leaders from Europe to Korea in 2007 and educating them so that they may become part of the foundation for further advancing God's providence in Europe.
Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak gave a brief report on how the Universal Peace Federation came to being and its plans for the new year in fulfilling its role as the Able UN.