Proclamation of the Complete Liberation for Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of the Satanic Lineage

Sun Myung Moon
January 8, 1999
Punta del Este, Uruguay


This year's motto is "The Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of the Satanic Lineage." This means not being related in any way with the satanic world. If you are centered on what is true, then what is false cannot come between you and your spouse. Last year's motto was "Being proud of and loving the True God means completing the 360 Million Couples Blessing and eradicating the lineage of the satanic world." The fact that we were able to fulfill this motto by September 30 last year shows that the era of struggles in the subject and object partner relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds has passed. In short, we have crossed over the summit and accomplished this by blessing people on such a grand scale. Those couples represent the original Adam and Eve and are standing in the position of having received the Blessing; therefore, there should be no walls separating heaven and earth. This year's goal is to root out the satanic lineage. It must be pulled out at the roots, and to do so, the realm of the grace of the Blessing must be established in the cosmos, in both the spiritual and physical worlds.

Adam's family should have been perfected through the support of the angelic world. Since the original couple fell, that family needed to be completely cleared away and recreated. In other words, the ancestors had to be recreated into a family in the position of the archangel.

Thereupon we will enter the era of blessing on a large scale, of liberation and blessing of the spirit world. It will be the era of liberation and blessing. When this comes to pass, all the people in the spirit world will be crowded into the archangelic realm of free movement on the family level. In that liberated environment there will be no such thing as the works of Satan.

The people in the spirit world will descend to earth with their spouses when the Blessing is scheduled to take place, and from the position of ancestors they will urge their descendants to receive the Blessing.

Originally, only those who lived on earth centering on the True Parents can enter heaven. Therefore, for those spirits that could not live with and serve the True Parents on earth, the Blessing is a ceremony that opens the path for them to come down to earth to serve True Parents.

Now they are liberated to come to earth, bringing with them whomever they like, in order to receive the Blessing and become married couples. This was not fulfilled in the Garden of Eden. By following their descendants and supporting them in practicing absolute faith, love and obedience, they can live together with the True Parents on earth, and be a part of those following the great path that leads to heaven. Rooting out the deep-seated satanic lineage will make this possible; this is something I must achieve. Do you understand what I am saying?

Humankind is currently headed in the wrong direction, but with the liberation of everyone and the banishment and eradication of Satan, the root of sin can be corrected. Thus, people can follow the right path. Devils and sinners are bound for hell. Being imperfect, they have been heading in the opposite direction. By becoming good, however, they would be able to turn around, face the right direction, and enter the level of the heavenly world appropriate to them. This has been made possible by our opening up the cosmic expansion of the Blessing both on earth and in the spirit world.

Based on today's proclamation for the Completion of the Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of the Satanic Lineage, all Blessed Families, by making a special offering centering on my birthday, February 20, will be able to rise beyond the level of everyone that Jesus yearned to bless on earth – not just his twelve apostles, but also from the 72 generations to the 120 generations. They will then automatically enter the realm of the direct dominion of the True Parents and live in an age completely unrelated to Satan.

All ancestors in the spirit world will be liberated. Even Satan should be liberated. Thus, in the future, as tribal messiahs who have blessed 160 families, you will be able to include and connect them to your own tribe and give the offering of total indemnity. On that foundation you will then be able to bless 120 generations of your ancestors. In your lifetime, you need to bless 160 families, and with the Blessing of 120 generations of ancestors we would then enter the realm of the unified world. It would be in stages of 12, 72 and 120 generations and once you completed 120 then all of them would be able to enter. Concurrent with the Blessing of 120 generations of kings including their eldest sons, then the True Parents and God would give the permission to liberate all citizens under their right of kingship.

You need to stage demonstrations and from now on display your pride in the True Parents and in the reality of a true family, true lineage and true purity. You should dedicate yourselves to expand the True Parents' foundation worldwide, and the individual, family, tribe, people and all nations should be centered on the True Parents.

Practice of the ideal of true parents, true family and purity at the individual level should be expanded to the levels of the family, tribe, nation and world. Once the national foundation is laid, then global expansion can take place and we can enter the era of liberation through the true-parental standard connecting with all levels from individual to nation, to the world and cosmos, as well as the standard of a true family and the bloodline of true purity.

Thus, in order to clear up everything, we need to stage demonstrations. This should come first, even before witnessing or bringing people to the Blessing. Once that has been carried out, there will be no one who can accuse the True Parents; not even Satan or God could make accusations. That place where the liberation, reconciliation and the fulfillment of God's desire are completely realized will be where God's kingdom on earth and in heaven would be established. The church should then cease to exist.

However, the era of the Family Federation will not pass, but will remain until the very end. Everything has been carried out through a prolonged and difficult course of indemnity during the forty-year period between 1960 and the year I turn eighty years of age. By Korean age I am already eighty years old now. Before my coming birthday, all the proclamations will have been made.