Sun Myung Moon
May 1, 1981
Seoul, Korea
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Heavenly Father,
We know very well how painful our history has been for You throughout the course of restoration. You persisted through thousands of years to build foundations of indemnity on the individual, family, clan, and national levels, always acting on the principle that servant-of-servant humility brings success. Finally, You were able to lay the national foundation in Israel, making possible the appearance of the Messiah on the worldwide stage. Yet when he finally came, he was not accepted and thus could not complete the restoration.
The result was that during the next 2,000 years, You had to witness a history of terrible suffering. America was born on the foundation of the heartbreaking tradition of martyrdom and constant bloodshed, and has become the center of the free world in the Last Days of the worldwide level of the dispensation. You expected America to assume the task of protecting the victorious worldwide godly foundation and offering it to You by fulfilling Your Will, especially during and after World War II. But again this did not take place.
I also know how anguished and heartbroken You are when You see people turning away from accomplishing their responsibility. Today, America cannot lose her link with South Korea. The destined age for the spiritual leaders and the providential nations to unite has come. Reverend Moon, who was born in Korea and who represents the internal subjective position, and the Reagan administration, which represents the external position, must be so united.
Even at this moment, worldwide communism with all its tremendous power is making maneuvers designed to overthrow the Reagan administration. The time has come for the administration to be strong and bold. The time has also come for Korea to be strong and bold. Also, now is the time when even the Korean people must be strong and bold.
Heavenly Father, we have learned that Your will is for the free world to help he communist world, both spiritually and physically, upon the complete foundation of unity between Korean Christianity and the Unification Church, and between American Christianity and the Unification Church. I sincerely ask You to provide Unification members, who are striving to accomplish Your will, with a strong and bold determination so that they can strengthen the free world and give it the boldness to take the subject position over the communist world both spiritual and physically.
This is the road toward immortality, and Unification members have learned that this is the road to Your presence. Therefore, I humbly pray that You can bless them to be lights in the world of darkness, shining like the brightest suns, brave and strong like victorious generals. Even though the arrow of persecution may be strong, Heavenly Father, please let them be stronger still, so they can never be penetrated and brought to surrender. I humbly pray and wish to give them the Blessing, so that they can become the ones who can stand in the position to inherit the foundation of rue Parents' family and represent the heavenly family -- by practicing and mastering the principle of servant, adopted son, and son. Also, I pray that they can be protected on all sides by the shield of love, and learn to talk the path of tradition as they march toward the Kingdom of Heaven and become the representatives of heavenly love.
I thank You that we can have such a time and day as today. Now we have understood what the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity is and the role religions played in the development of tradition. The path I have trodden until now has been to gather the different races from all over the world. They are not even from the same lineages.
The success of this has been due to Your love. When this foundation develops from the national to the world level, then naturally we can embrace the world and absorb all cultures and historical traditions. We know such a day is at hand. I pray for the Unification members to be strong and bold so they can march forward, overcoming all things through love.
I respectfully pray and wish for them to have great confidence that victory is waiting for them, and that failure can be banished. I thank You for allowing me to return to Korea for this anniversary day.
I sincerely pray for unity among the leaders and all the members. I pray that they all will defend heavenly tradition to the death and live in accordance with this way of love. A unity of all races, with its blazing fire of love, is being offered to You, Father. With this love and unity, centering on the nation of South Korea, we can gain the power to master North Korea. I pray that members will make effort day and night without rest to achieve this goal.
I hope that one day soon we can establish far and wide this tradition of unity and love, and that all mankind can soon measure up to it. We know this is Your desire and will. I pray we can be determined to be the ever-victorious heavenly army. By making such a determination, I respectfully pray and desire for members to become better sons and daughters, who can come closer to You each day. Centering on love, they can become the group that prepares the way for the restored nation and family.
I pray all these things in the name of the True Parents.