Prayer: Please teach us to take responsibility for the heart of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

Father, on this day that You have granted us, we are gathered before You on our knees, concerned that we are unworthy. Please allow us to fathom where our hearts are right now. We know that the life course You have pioneered has been so very solemn and sanctified.

Father, please look with compassion upon Your sons and daughters gathered here. We earnestly hope and pray that You will show Your awesome free among us. Grant us the standard of victory You have set up, by which You can seek and recognize us as Your sanctified people. We know that if the remaining providential course is one of sorrow, it is our responsibility to resolve this sorrow. We also know that one who cannot feel Heaven's infinite sorrow cannot take responsibility to alleviate that sorrow.

Please let us become people who can take responsibility for the sorrowful heart of Heaven and the battles that remain. We are aware that, unless we profoundly experience sorrow to a greater extent than anyone else, and unless we become people who do not give up even when faced with great injustice on the battlefield, we will be incapable of handling this responsibility. Father, it is our earnest hope and prayer that You allow us to stand before You as people whose hearts are concerned over whether our bodies can be victorious sacrifices, worthy of being offered to Heaven.

Two thousand years of history have passed since Jesus came to the earth and left. Still, the altar of true victory that Jesus established on Mount Calvary, over which Heaven wept together with him, has not yet appeared on earth. We know that the time has come when Heaven and all human beings cannot help but move, when heaven and earth connect, and when the summit of Gethsemane and of the world level Golgotha appear.

There should be many believers who are equal to this responsibility. But the more we realize that there are no groups that Heaven can happily seek out, the more we cannot help but weep as we look at this earth as sons and daughters who are concerned about Your heart. Father, please let us understand that the more eagerly You anticipate the day You have long hoped for, the more eagerly You anticipate the appearance on earth of those who will be loyal to You, Father.

Please allow us to become people who can take on all the historical sorrows, sons and daughters who can find our place in Your innermost heart and hold Your hand, offering You our entire mind and body today. At this time, please resurrect our mind and body through Your personal touch. Please pardon us for not fulfilling completely the responsibilities given to us during the past week and for not offering You our complete devotion. Please forgive us that we did not live each day overflowing with tears as we clung to Your heart, and that we have forgotten how hard You willingly toiled to find each one of us.

Father, it is our earnest hope and prayer that on this day, at this time, we may make a new determination and resolution, realizing how lacking we were in the past. Please grant that, controlling our mind and centering on Your heart, we may step forth as Your sons and daughters. Father, this is a sanctified day. Please look with compassion upon the 30 million people who are in a pitiful state. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will be their friend, that You will be their leader and that You will be the Owner who resurrects their lives.

We pray that You will become the center of their hope. We hope and pray that You will let them become a group, let them become a people and let them become a faith body that cannot move apart from You.

We sincerely hope and pray that You may bestow the blessing You have prepared for this people at this time. Please grant Your sons and daughters, who are responsible for the day of victory, the ability to handle their responsibility and mission. We know it is this people's responsibility to fulfill Your Will and reveal Your glory. We know that the course to the fulfillment of this responsibility entails countless trials. Hence we sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can go forth on Your behalf, taking responsibility even for this course of trials.

Please also bless the many people who are ignorant of Your Will. At this time, as people are being swept along by the tides of life and death, please allow many groups to appear in the midst of humanity that can catch hold of You and become Your sons and daughters. We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that from among the people on earth many sons and daughters may rise and stand before You, capable of taking full responsibility and thereby allowing humanity to avoid the rod of judgment.

If there are people who are unaware of this mission, this age and this responsibility, please warn them through us.

Furthermore, Father, we earnestly hope that You will allow them to become sons and daughters who can handle the responsibility and mission of the Last Days. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will extend Your grace without restraint to those groups that are scattered throughout the countryside, appealing to You with lonely hearts. Please hold on to them so they will not fall behind in the course of battle to attain and claim the one day of victory You have permitted us.

We sincerely hope and pray that You will lead us personally from the first moment of this gathering to the last, Father, and that during this hour the powers of darkness may not be active. We surrender everything unto You. Please receive and take charge of our offering.

We pray in the name of the Lord. Aju!