Prayer: Please permit that we may go in a new direction

Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959


We keenly realize that, since human beings lost the land of Zion, they have needed to go through a history of hard work to find that land again. That land failed to become a place where the true people of original heart could live, and evidence of the original heart could not be established there. Therefore, Father, as You hold on to these people and continue to fight, dreaming about the original world, please grant that we may become sons and daughters who can comfort Your sorrowful heart at this time.

Father! When we recall Your sorrowful historical course, we cannot suppress our fearful mind, and each time we relate to the majestic self of our Father, You who have toiled so hard, we cannot suppress our awe stricken mind. At this moment, please raise these people as sons and daughters who are able to take over Your toil by offering their minds and bodies as sacrifices.

You have eagerly awaited the coming day of victory when we can sing about liberation from a position of joy that You are able to enjoy. However, You are not the One to realize this Will of liberation. We know that we unworthy human beings, struggling in the realm of death, must be the ones to do it. Please bear with this people on earth, who, despite being in such an important position, are languishing along the course of death unaware of our own value. In order to recover our original heart, please awaken now within us an earnest mind that holds new values for restoration and is capable of singing the praises of Your heart of glory.

Please allow us to have an original internal nature and original external form, appear as true sons and daughters, and be able to sing of Your liberation, Father. We realize that You know that this has been the hope of Your children for thousands of years. Father, we know that there will be a day of victory. Therefore, we bow our heads before You and offer this prayer in the place of this people, who are moaning in their pitiful situation. We earnestly hope and desire that You will lead us to victory and guide us that we may become sacrifices before the great Will that You wish to entrust to us.

Now that we are gathered in Your presence, Father, grant that we may open our hearts and release all personal issues from our body. Please allow us to comfort You with a sincerity that wells up from our true hearts, and permit that our hearts may be moved at this time so that we can bow down our heads with modesty when we face You, Father. Please raise within our hearts a sincere feeling so we can repent of our past, feel our way through the reality of our present, and revere Your sacred grace. Furthermore, please take dominion over that feeling in our hearts. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to realize in this hour that we must take a new direction by stirring up a new feeling and sensibility.

Father! Please allow us to prepare a living altar by bringing together our inadequate devotions. Since You urge us to become sacrifices for the victory, please eliminate from us all that does not please You. Furthermore, Father, please extend Your almighty hand and lift up a new authority of re-creation. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You may grant us the original internal nature and external form of recreation that allow us to eliminate from ourselves everything that is not Yours.

Father, please awaken now the thirty million Koreans in slumber and lead all people into the garden of Your original homeland, the garden of goodness of Your ideal, by gathering humanity, who have been wandering in misery, and bringing them together with Your own hands. Even if humankind goes through persecution and misfortune, we earnestly hope and desire that You will quickly lead them into the garden of Your desire.

In order to do this, Father, please command Your beloved sons and daughters so they may fulfill their portion of responsibility. They have the responsibility of finding and restoring sinful lands and people. Therefore, please raise them up and command them. We pray that, at this point in time, You will allow them to resolve to be commanded and to be sent to any place You desire, as diligent workers and chosen warriors of Heaven who are able to build the garden of victory.

Father, we sincerely hope that today You will extend Your glory and love to Your lonely sons and daughters, wherever they are gathered, so that, having felt Your touch of love and glory, they may offer their entire hearts, unite as one heart and one altar, and dedicate themselves to You as one being. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that You will bless the many denominations gathered here today as representatives of innumerable people and that You will let this land be a place of joy where the day of victory has been realized and Your happiness has been restored.

At this moment, please take full charge of us. If anything goes against Your Will, we are concerned that it may become a condition through which Satan will try to take advantage. Therefore, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will eliminate all conditions advantageous to Satan, embrace everything with the power of Your grace, personally give commands, and hold everything in Your arms. We sincerely hope that You will have dominion over us so that we may belong to You and only You, from the first moment to the last. I pray in the name of the Lord. Aju!