Sun Myung Moon
November 11, 1980
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Heavenly Father, even in my dreams I was not aware that the sorrowful path of restoration was to be filled with so many trials and difficulties. You called an immature and uninformed young man, who now stands before You today reflecting on the hardships and struggles that You placed before me. I have come to understand that they all were expressions of Your love.
During this long course, Heaven was heartless and ruthless. However, I realize that in each instance an absolute condition was required for You to bequeath to me something of greater value. For this I am grateful, and as a result today, the Unification Church has achieved worldwide renown. The time has come when the name of the child sitting here can be known among all the races, in every corner of the world. That name has first manifested itself in infamy, but even to this day I have continued fighting, knowing that it will become a name of good repute. Since You have supported me and guaranteed such a day, I know that such a world will undoubtedly be realized.
Persecution has come and gone. The pitch black world of darkness has passed and daybreak is imminent. Now when I raise my head high, I see that I stand at the focal point of the era, able to see how this world will come to an end.
Heavenly Father, through the Word, I have come to understand how precious the providence of Home Church is. I understand the truth that the liberation of all creation, our liberation as human beings, Your liberation, and the liberation of the angelic world are absolutely needed in order to restore the original world. I understand that this has always been Your heart.
We wish to love the creation and other people on Your behalf, based on our heart. Should we fail to become subject partners of heart representing You, when we stand in the subject position to instruct and command the angelic world, then we will be only object partners. In that case, the future realm of hope, and our complete oneness with You, will remain unrealized. Please grant that, even if we go effortlessly straight to that realm, we will not fall in the ensuing battle, but will remain victorious to the end, not only meriting Your praise but, as Your sons and daughters, inheriting Your love.
As we realize that the days remaining in this time period are urgent, we will seek to achieve outstanding results in the sixty days that remain, and to make short work in this period of what we have been unable to do until now. We will invest both our intelligence and best effort in the hope of presenting You at least with conditional results.
I have spoken long hours this morning. May the Word not just flow superficially but rather, let it take root in these hearts. Please shine Your light of life and love at the center of our efforts. Let a harvest spring forth in our midst and let us become sons and daughters who advance from this place to revere You. We earnestly ask for all these things.
I earnestly ask that You urge us along so that, when the day and time comes, we may stand tall and unashamed as heavenly princes and princesses. I pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju!