Prayer: Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Comfort You, Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 4, 1958

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

Father! If we have life, please do not allow the driving force of that life to limit itself to my one being, and if we have the power of the word, please do not allow the word to remain in our own individual selves.

And furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who can make the power of the word and life go beyond the people and move heaven and earth by swaying the world.

We who have gone forth seeking you now did not know that you are not just a father of glory as we had thought; rather, you are going through crises of crucifixion. Today there are many people who are waiting for the Lord of glory, but since there are no people who have a true will to follow the Lord of suffering, Father, please bear with these pitiful human beings.

Father! Now we are those who must go over the peak of sacrifice, but when we realize that you have struggled indescribably before us in order to find us, we come to feel that we cannot help but go this way whether we want to or not.

Since we know that today we have the entire mission of having to indemnify all the historical debts which remain, if we are unworthy, please eliminate that, and please allow us to be able to be capable of carrying out the mission given to us.

For the sake of this people, and for the sake of the world, and for the sake of heaven and earth, please allow us to be able to establish this people first before you, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who can do that and much more.

We, who hear the sounds of the screams of sin which are left from the course of the 6,000-year history, know that we are standing in a position of having to break through from now on as new ancestors of goodness by going through the positions of Adam and Eve. Therefore we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will establish us as heavenly workers who build a new world stepping over all of the present realities.

Until now we sought you, our father, who comforted us, and we sought you in order to be comforted, but now please allow us to become people who represent you, the father who is comforting us, and attend the Lord instead. And we earnestly hoping that you will guide those of us who have sought to be capable of carrying out this mission so that all our power will be able to remain until that hope in our minds is realized. We have prayed in the name of our beloved Lord. Amen.