Sun Myung Moon
May 3, 2006
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Father, today is May 3, the first Ahn Shi Il we observe this month. This place, where heaven and earth can become one through the blessed families, shall become a focal point. As such, may the entire universe orient itself in a single direction, according to a single bond, originating from a single motive centering on this focal point, and firmly establish itself as one resultant world! Let all matters in providential history that attempt to establish one point of settlement for the ideal of creation be aligned with this single focal point. Your embodiments have become Your counterparts in heart, aligned with that point of origin, purpose and direction, and have grasped the sovereignty of Your victorious love. They have been established by being connected with the single sovereignty rooted in love that is the origin of life for all existing beings and eternal life. These substantial beings remain as Your counterparts that can become one with You at the center.
Please let all the points of origin be recovered through Your hard work. Please let flowers bloom and bear fruit upon that recovered foundation. And please let the era of the kingdom of peace be formed in which the entire universe can be ruled for tens of thousands of years through a kingship that is unrelated to the Fall. Please permit us from now, in the capacity of an owner for all eternity, to embrace, love and appreciate all beings -- from the smallest to the largest groups in the universe -- as beings of value established through the ideal of creation, and to proclaim that everything is completed!
Now the blessed families and all the people of the nations connected to the United States on the earth are faced with the final goal of hope, which shall be fulfilled as a single goal through the United Nations. It is my desire during this year to focus on and connect to that hope, which is that You can take Your place on Your throne, based on the new Abel UN. Thus, I pray that the King and Queen of Peace, the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police can be united under True Mother and be brought to ultimate fruition. In this way, I sincerely pray and wish, Father, that You will bless us so that we can advance toward Your kingdom on earth and in heaven in which everything turns out as we wish and where we can freely assert ourselves while maintaining the beauty of a sovereignty rooted in love.
I pray that the content of all kinds of actions that we should present, focusing on Korea in connection with the world, and everything that has been proclaimed on this day, be integrated so that everything can become prosperous. I sincerely pray and wish that You will render Your guidance so that all of the angelic world will come down to the earth, enter the realm of eternal liberation and complete freedom, connect the family foundation centered on God with the tribe and nation, and realize a world that is the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.
I entrust everything that will unfold after this time to You, Father. Please allow all people to pledge to fulfill these instructions, which True Parents are conveying to the world, in their clan and nation with one heart and as one body. I sincerely pray and wish that by advancing toward this goal You will permit this era to become one when we can inherit the era of the kingship of love.
These teachings, which shall now spread from this day to Korea and throughout the world, constitute Your Word, the Word of the living God. May they become the center of the entire spirit world, have the value of bringing the sphere of religion on earth into unity centered on the Unificationists, and may this be offered to the Father. I sincerely request that, according to the value of what is offered, You will permit this world to become Your liberated kingdom of God on earth and in heaven under which we too can receive the protection of Heaven. All this I fervently report and proclaim in the name of True Parents. Aju!