Sun Myung Moon
February 6, 2000
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Father, thank You for allowing us this hour when the members of the Unification Church, spread out all over Korea and around the world as well as in the spirit world, can unite as one and make a new resolution while facing this place. We sincerely hope, Father, that You bless the original homeland where all blessed families in heaven and earth, who are heading toward the fulfillment of Your Will, can unite as one in mind and body and settle down, centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
As the spirit world and the physical world usher in the new millennium of a new dimension, we earnestly hope and pray that You build the nation and the world You desire and hope for, that You become the great King of love and that You lead the entire universe into the ideal world of peace.
Please allow all our family members in the spirit world, especially all those members of the Unification Church who have ascended, to stand in the position of leaders and become role models who inherit all the accomplishments of True Parents and fulfill their responsibility. Thereby, we hope and pray that You allow the spirit world to be newly reformed, so the kingdom of heaven on earth, the kingdom of heaven in heaven and everything here can move forward as a world of love resulting from the ideal of creation willed by Heaven. Please allow the people on earth to unite and lead everything toward the liberation of Your sorrow, as our Heavenly Parent who has grieved throughout history. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow heaven and earth to unite and become a nation that serves and attends You as our Father.
Now that I have come to Korea and the tenth of this month is only days away, please grant that this be a day of global and historical blessing, when Your Will can be completed as heaven and earth cooperate and work together, and with the paths of all our members worldwide intersecting at this place. We earnestly ask and pray that You allow this day to be the historical origin through which families who have received the Blessing through true love can advance and leap forward toward the new realm of unity between the spirit world and the physical world.
We earnestly hope that the current leader of this nation and its people can become one and unite with True Parents so the standard of the unified realm of the physical world and the unifying standard of the heavenly world can become one, and thereby realize the world of the sovereignty of love where the victory of liberation can be praised.
We earnestly hope and pray that this nation of Korea, when the North and South achieve oneness, becomes humanity's homeland, territory and nation that can receive the blessing of liberation by completely scrubbing off and washing away all unfilial processes in history.
We earnestly request that You allow this land to become the blessed homeland that can return everything to Your presence, Father, with blessings, love, victory and praise. I pray all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju!