Sun Myung Moon
November 1, 1987
Photo date and location unknown
Loving Father,
I recall the memories of my immature boyhood. I can never forget the time when, realizing the path of Your Will and facing the most difficult, miserable circumstances, I was writhing in painful agony. I understand the tangled web of tears which is the foundation of the Unification family. Now that I have come back to this place and think about our members, I realize that they have become an unstoppable force of new life.
I have travelled throughout Japan, North and South Korea, America and the rest of the world. I am grateful once again to You for making me walk this course of life. Once I realized that the way to Heaven could only be accompanied by persecution, I could only be grateful. On the foundation of this heavenly fortune, we have to uncover the problems in the land of Korea and, with an unwavering attitude, accomplish the unification of North and South. I know to my bones that this is the Will of the Providence.
This is the breathless moment when we must commit ourselves to establishing the axis where everything can be connected to this new world, finalizing this victorious moment. This band of young Unification members does not really know this world. There have so many situations when you could have just become exhausted. However, this time please allow us to have a pure heart, overcoming the past mistakes we have made in accomplishing the liberation of North Korea and in realizing our country's cherished hope, the unification of North and South.
With such a heart on this first day of November, let us begin anew, burning with patriotic fervor.
The year of 1987 is the 43rd year since the liberation of 1945. This is indeed an urgent time. I praise the ceaseless labor of our Heavenly Father, of Parents, of all brothers and sisters and of elders. Through their labor, we were able to present this race with a written oath finalizing all these conditions, entering into an era where there is no opposition and where everybody voluntarily signed this oath.
I have been yearning for the day to come when, having solemnly pledged, we can enter the homeland that God has so long desired. Then, centering on Heaven and Earth, we can exclaim "Heavenly Father, Mansei, True Parents, Mansei, and all nations, Mansei." When I was leaving North Korea for that one day I prayed at the 38th parallel. Until this day, I fought through battles with that one prayer in mind. Now that I've reached the final stage of carrying out that task which I undertook so long ago, Father, please be here with me.
I have prayed for so many days before You, almost crawling on my knees because my physical body could not bear Your deplorable history, unknown to anybody. No matter how many grievous and shattering events occurred throughout history, there is one undeniable fact: the deepest restoration must occur in the tangled web of the father-son relationship.
Despite my old and weak limbs, I could not forget this fact. I have remained at the front line, determined not to lag behind the strong and the young.
Whenever I reflect on the dreary days of my youth and with some melancholy watch myself approaching seventy years of age, I think about the fact that so many people in the democratic world who inflicted injuries on me have died and ended up in hell, and I gnash my teeth in indignation.
Father, I cannot avoid blaming myself for not having accomplished my responsibility. Please protect this people as they proceed toward the unification of North and South.
I earnestly pray that the day You have been waiting for will come - the day when You will be liberated from Your sorrow, when we can offer our praise. Please grant us a blessing, so that we can overcome difficult obstacles and battles, becoming champions of victory in order to prepare the national foundation to receive the inheritance from Israel.
Unification Church members from around the world have been preparing and moving to Korea to accomplish this goal. I pray that each and every one of them shall burn with hope and never halt their determination and progress. I pray that they will be even more motivated, preparing themselves to proceed toward Korea, crossing the Pacific Ocean and all national boundaries. I sincerely pray that You will guide them with eternal blessing.
Father, please do not hesitate to receive our commitment not to become shameful before You. I beg You once again to guide us. I pray all these things in the name of our True Parents.