Sun Myung Moon
March 17, 1996
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Father, please consecrate this place, Corrientes, which is watched closely by heaven and earth. It has been over a year since the work in South America was begun here, based on the Will of Heaven to use South America for the providence in the future. We hope that victory, glory, praise and dignity will be forevermore in this land of Your desire, under Your jurisdiction.
This year's motto is, "Let's be proud of True Parents and love True Parents." In other words, it means we should be proud of and love God. We understand how important is the mission that has been given to us, the mission to be proud of and to love God's family, nation and world. How long You have waited to be able to let us be proud of and to love the fact that we have become the children of Heaven, that we have become parents with children, and that we have our own families and can embrace our children!
Please bless us so that, just as Heaven is proud of us and loves us, we too can love Heaven and be proud of Heaven. Let this land become one in which all people and all things can come together to praise, be proud of and love Heaven, and grant that all created things and all people become like this. We know that it was Your sorrow that people failed to become families that could result in such a history. Therefore, with the Unification Church at the forefront, we need to do away with everything that brings sorrow and make this entire earth a place where all people, all of history, the world and the kingdom of heaven on earth can be raised up, and all will be proud of Your workmanship and love Your creation.
We have come to know that everything in the world desires this oneness. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless us so we will have nothing to be ashamed of when we look upon nature, can become free and liberated selves who are unashamed before the history that extends from the past through the present to the future, and who are unashamed as objects of love before You, the Creator, thus becoming dignified people who can reveal the glory of heaven.
Thus, You as the Creator were supposed to live together with us on this earth, to love with us and to begin a new history with us. But this did not come to pass. Therefore we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to be the children who can realize the purpose desired by Heaven through this era, with the name of True Parents.
Beloved Father, in this era wherein the spirit world longs for the conclusion on the earth, we earnestly request and hope that You will let victory, glory and good fortune be with us in light of the mission of the Unification Church, which is to make everything of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos spring forth, starting from the family and expanding to the liberated cosmos.
Please be personally with all the children of the blessed families who are merging their hearts and offering devotions while facing the place where True Parents are, and let them show themselves to be people of Heaven by demonstrating that Heaven is with them no matter where they are, what they do or where they go, in contrast to Satan's world. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless them, Father, so they can honor You from a place where all people and all things can respect them, love them and be proud of them.
Please bless the people of the Unification Church who are offering all their devotion for the upcoming Blessing of 3.6 million couples, which we have yearned for. We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow the participants in the Blessing to form families that can be proud and unashamed as blessed families of Heaven, that will become the pride of Heaven and be loved by Heaven.
We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to continue with the work through which, together with Your words, re-creation can be carried out wherever You appear, even at the far corners of heaven, so we can substantially demonstrate that the living God is with us. We also sincerely hope and desire that You will embrace all the children of the entire blessed realm in more than 160 nations centered on Korea, Japan and America, and unveil them in the cosmos as the extended family in the one, unified realm of liberation.
Now that the first half of March has passed, please allow us all to fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty before Heaven with resolution and with a new determination in the days still to come. Centered on the unified ideal of love of the physical world and the spirit world, we sincerely hope and pray that You will let us live together with the love of God and True Parents, and that You will allow the entire cosmos to be embraced in ecstasy and glory. We pray all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju!