Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1988
Seoul Headquarters Church
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Father,
This New Year has just begun. It is so difficult even for me, Your son, to shout "Mansei" at the day of this country's liberation because of the incredible hardships endured throughout 40 years.
We now stand on the foundation of those 40 years of suffering, unimaginable humiliation and struggle. Above all, we kept going through those blood-shedding battles in the hope that we would see that day of liberation as well as the realization of the fatherland for which You have been waiting. We are truly grateful that we are within Your protection and love.
The worldwide members of the Unification Church are facing this altar today. Father! Let us pledge as one unified movement to march forward today to the ideal fatherland, Your fatherland, transcending all national boundaries. Let us overcome all barriers -- personal, national, racial and ideological. We will march forward unchangingly for Your purpose -- the establishment of the fatherland based on the absolute standard of true love. This is the true hope of all mankind.
Please accept this heartfelt pledge of the Unification Church members. I pray that You will lead them as You have led me. Please allow the North Koreans to yearn for the South Koreans more and more. I know that only true love has the ability to transcend all barriers and subjugate all. I know that even in the communist realm, people are yearning for Reverend Moon.
Father, the responsibility to liberate these people lies with the Unification Church members. As this responsibility is fulfilled, the unification of north and south has to occur. As the unification of North and South occurs, the unification of East and West will be possible. Furthermore, the unification of East and West Germany will become possible.
We know it is only Your original love that can be the true catalyst to unite not only all the religions but also the ideologies -- so long the source of division amongst all mankind. I pray that, through this true love, Heaven and Earth can appear as one unified world in the liberated fatherland, and I pray that You can protect our members who have determined themselves and pledged for that world. I truly pray and beg that You will bless and lead the world to light the beacon of true hope through the victorious Korean peninsula.
Please allow us not to be shameful sons and daughters in this remaining time. Please allow us to be the brave ones who are marching for the sake of our fatherland. I pray all these things in the name of our True Parents.