Prayer at the Ceremony of Liberation and Unification of All Spirits and the Entire Spirit World

Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1998
São Paulo, Brazil
The Sixth Declaration of the Seven Great Jardim Declarations and the Establishment of the New Eden


Since all spirits received the Blessing without having proper merit, they must aid their descendants on earth in establishing God's kingdom on earth.

Beloved Heavenly Father! Today is October 5, 1998, which is also Chuseok in Korea, a day of celebration on which the people honor their ancestors. You have worked endlessly to establish the realm of liberation for the Old, New and Completed Testament ages in history to ease Your grief over not having seen this world become a settlement of love, in which all forms of creation, all people in the spirit world, countless believers, and all things created with love and living on earth would have lived together with You. Today, before heaven and earth, Chung Pyung in Korea, and the people gathered here in São Paulo in the western world, please bring to an end the sorrowful history that You have had to endure.

The time has now come for the final transition to take place, made possible on the foundation based on the blessing of five great saints and their blessed followers, in the spirit world on June 13, members of the groups they have established. Those serving You and the True Parents on earth and in the spirit world must now follow the way of filial piety, loyalty and heavenly tradition. In other words the archangelic families on earth should come together and join the liberated domain of the Blessed Families in the position of perfected Adamic families on earth. They should strive to fulfill their duties before You as filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots in the nation, and saints in the world, and also inherit the bond of love tending to the duties of Your divine sons and daughters on earth and in the spirit world. In order to do so, they should become as one with You in heaven and with the True Parents on earth to be enabled to fulfill this, Your long-cherished desire. So please liberate the followers of the saints and the ancestors who are the offspring of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve.

Based on the kinship of the sphere of love united with the originally intended perfected heaven, and by serving the True Parents on earth, all those who could not serve them until this time can arrive at the destination founded on the family. The family is the result of vertical and horizontal love coming together, the original ideal of creation, springing from the bond of siblings, and of parents and children, as formed between the ancestors both on earth and in the spirit world.

This is the day proclaiming that both the physical and spiritual worlds can now be connected eternally on the foundation of the cosmic family centered on the True Parents, and that through the liberation of both worlds all families can freely travel in all directions. In the name of the True Parents the era has now arrived in which we can publicly carry out activities after we have brought all those in both worlds together and establish a foundation on earth. Then together with all created beings we can advance in full force for the victory of the eternal sovereignty of Your love and the establishment of Your kingdom on earth and in heaven. This will be founded on true love and the sphere of heart of Your true lineage and that of the True Parents.

All this I declare in the name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen! Amen!