Sun Myung Moon
December 24, 2007
Hoon Dok Hae and Ahn Shi Il
FFWPU International
Translation of notes taken by Rev. Dong Mo Shin
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han October 3, 2011
Today is the 167th Ahn Shi Il. The Ahn Shi Il pledge service was led by Dr. Chang Shik Yang. Right after receiving the members kyung-bae Father asked that they all pledge new determination. He emphasized that we should take action, as we already know everything that True Parents taught to us, and gain victory. True Father emphasized that we should be serious in fulfilling our mission that we were called to fulfill, that is in creating Cheon Il Guk by 2013. He expressed his wished that everybody show determination and resolve in fulfilling their responsibilities and for Cain and Abel, the members of the True Family and the blessed families, to unite in fulfilling this purpose.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang then read chapter fifteen from the Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong. After the Hoon Dok reading Father asked Dr. Yang to tell the members about some of the recent and exciting providential developments. Dr. Yang first talked about how the 2009 Peace Cup Tournament was going to be held in Spain. He read a report that Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak had sent to True Parents. The report touched upon the providential background surrounding the football (soccer) providence which went back to the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Il Hwa, the football club True Parents established in Korea, has won the league championship seven times, a feat that is unrivaled to this day.
Dr. Yang also read parts of articles that were covered the Peace Cup 2009 in Korea.
Dr. Yang also gave a report on the youth football tournament that was held in the Gaza strip and in Israel. Sixteen teams from Gaza played against each other for three months through this tournament sponsored by True Parents. This was but one of True Parents' initiatives for promoting peace through football that moved the hearts of the executives at FIFA.
To this, True Father emphasized that people cannot create a world of peace without doing anything, and that peace should be realized not only in the religious spheres but also in the spheres of politics, economy and culture. Father also talked about how Hyung-jin nim was creating a stir in Korea through his ministry, and that in a couple years' time, Hyung-jin nim would be able to nurture the church to become a venue to which thousands would come flocking.
Dr. Yang then gave a report on Hyung-jin nim's induction ceremony as the senior pastor of the Headquarters Church. Dr. Yang first talked about how True Parent's lineage was firmly in place through three generations and that it was time to expand this realm. Dr. Yang reminded us that we were all part of this endeavor and that ultimately God's will would be realized whether we take part in it. He described this as a silent revolution that was slowly growing strength. Dr. Yang reminded the members that Hyung-jin nim was at the center of this revolution, as many of the members in America were probably wondering where he was and what he was doing.
He explained how Hyung-jin nim was recently inducted as the senior pastor of the Headquarters Church after serving as the pastor at Mapo Church in Korea. Dr. Yang explained the historic and providential significance of the Headquarters Church, it being the place where Father had given sermons many times. Dr. Yang introduced how Hyung-jin nim was offering devotion and prayer every day, offering a hundred bows and prayer each day from 2:30 a.m. at the church when he was the pastor for Mapo Church. Devotion is what moves heaven; devotion is what moves the heart of people; devotion is what builds spiritual power. Dr. Yang also spoke about how Hyung-jin nim's ministry was gaining attention in the Korean media as he was the son of the famous Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
After this Dr. Yang also spoke about how Hyo-jin nim was giving a sermon at Belvedere each week, expressing his deep appreciation to each of the True Children. Dr. Yang called upon the members to unite with the True Children and True Parents and march forward to the final day of victory.
Hoon Dok Hae concludes at around 7:20 p.m.