Please Let Us Learn a Lesson from Israel Which Turned Its Back on the Will

Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959
Prayers: A Lifetime of Conversation with Our Heavenly Father


We know that your sorrowful tears remain on this earth where you lament wondering where Israel has gone which used to live within your realm of blessing, and boasted of being the chosen people and boasted of its authority as a chosen people.

In spite of the fact that while enduring historical loneliness, you went forward holding on to the chosen people of Israel throughout 4,000 years of history in order to send the one Messiah, they left the Messiah behind and were embraced in the bosom of Satan. We have come to know the truth that because of that, the sorrow you felt as you watched was not a loneliness of that time alone, but it has remained as a historical loneliness for billions of years.

When we reflect on the fact that at that time the chosen people of Israel did not know this kind of fact, today we cannot help but be sorrowful that it is our responsibility to have to reveal the nature of the historical sin as we bow down our bodies and compose our minds, and repent in their stead for that historical sin.

Today we know the fact, which has been hidden in the shadows of historical sorrow, that Jesus came with the lonely heart of heaven to the people who were collapsing and overthrown and dying, and taking compassion upon them he came to them without holding back even his own life. But the people of Israel, who called themselves the chosen people, did as they pleased to the messiah who was sent by heaven and to John the Baptist who was prepared by heaven.

Please allow your sons and daughters who are gathered here today to know that it was not because the people of Israel at that time were less than us, that they betrayed heaven, and it was not because their desire to live for the sake heaven was not as great as ours, that they forgot heaven.

Please allow us to realize that they were lacking in hope about the new age, and they had a concept about the new messiah, and they thought that the new Lord to come would be very great, but because the messiah who appeared in reality was too haggard, and pitiful and unimpressively small, they rejected him.

Please allow us to consider what kind of position we are in now, and today we commonly speak ill of the historical people of Israel, and like to criticize the situation at that time, but please let us know that there is no difference between the situation today and the situation at that time.

Please allow us to have minds that admit that if we had been alive at that time, we would have been the same as them, and if we had been alive at that time, we would have been in the same position as they were. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to realize that we are people who have within us the traces of that kind of historical sin, and that Satan's evil influence is stalking our bodies.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.