Sun Myung Moon
October 13, 1974
We are now living in a world of disharmony; it has not become one yet. We are living in a world in which nations are fighting against each other. When they think of world unity, they think of it in terms of unity with their nation as the center.
In a nation where there are many races, a certain race will think of uniting the nation around that race. Organizations want to unite the whole nation centered on their organization. A certain family, for instance, would want to unite the whole around that family. Even in a family, it is a human trait that the father would want to bring the whole family into harmonious oneness surrounding him; the mother would think the same, and any one of the children would also think the same way.
This is not only our way of thinking, but has been the way of thinking of our ancestors and so many saints and sages in the past. There have been many changes and reformations and even revolutions in the cultural background throughout history, but this one trait of human nature has never changed or gone through a revolution. Orientals and Occidentals have never mingled with each other, and the Occidental people don't know much about Oriental customs, but both the East and the West have the same common traits. We think in terms of our nation in relation w the world, our tribe in relation to the nation, our relatives in relation to the tribe, and my family and myself in the background of the tribe. Any individual thinks of making those families into one; the family thinks of making the tribe into one; the tribe thinks of making the nation into one; and the nation thinks of making the world into one.
If applied in a proper way, this is a good trait of human nature, to bring the world into oneness and harmony. We all have desires. For instance, a member of the family has as his first desire bringing the family into happy wholeness and harmony. What is the desire of the family? The family will try hard to bring surrounding families into oneness, centered on itself. If the relatives and tribe have brought society into oneness, what comes next? The tribe would want to bring the whole nation into oneness, and then the whole world.
We must make the world into oneness
In the Unification movement, we are proclaiming that we must make the world into oneness. How can we bring it about? It may sound simple and easy, and you'll say, "Well, if the nations become one with each other..." But before nations can become one, there must be a central nation to play the role of the subject. If every nation would want to be the subject of the rest of the nations, harmony and oneness cannot come about. Any one nation could think, "Well, if the rest of the nations would come to our side, and become one, that's a wonderful thing; and thus world unity can be achieved!" Their nation must have subjectivity over the rest of the nations, and in that nation there must be a subjective view to make it possible. In any tribe, in any family, the same thing applies. Let us not deny it; the same principle applies to any individual.
Then, what is the starting point of one world? It starts right from yourself, you and me. When you singled out the most important thing, you didn't think of yourself.
We are living in a world of relation s. I'm not born of myself. There must be some cause. I'm the resultant being, born out of some cause, and if I'm not yet completed according to the original; mention of my Creator, I must be on the way. You must identify yourself as that. And when you look closely into yourself, you will see that there are two beings or two selves: your self-centered on your mind, and your physical self.
That does not mean that your mind and fleshly side are fighting against each other in disharmony. Put those two together and call it yourself. Automatically your mind and body tend to become one; when we say "I" it means those two put together in harmony. Then our mind, the subject part, cannot be changed.
We must not vacillate all the time
The greatest cause in the world is God. Can God be changed? We are bound for an eternal goal, but on the way we must not vacillate and change all the time. When there's instability, there's no unity. Even on the way to unity it can be scattered into pieces again. If I were to set up one principle, it would be that we must see ourselves on the way toward constant stability.
Where can we find such an unchangeable being? Between mind and body, which is less changeable, mind or body? We naturally think that our mind is. There's no question about that -- we want our mind to be unchangeable. The more we think of our mind as important, the more we would want to have it stable and unchanged. It is symbolic of human nature that we value certain jewels or treasures which never change -- for instance, gold and diamonds. We define our mind as the subject because we find in our mind unchangeability, well, at least more so than in our body. That's why we put more importance on our mind and we treasure our mind more than our fleshly side.
If your mind is in the plus position, would a plus and another plus become one? No. Where would the subject, or plus, go in order to make unity? It would go to the minus.
There is an ultimate subject or an ultimate plus. There is a God in the universe. If you go to Him with just your mind, which is in the position of plus, He would refuse to become one with you. You must go to your minus side first; unless you create unity between your mind and body, you cannot reach God.
Be reconciled with your enemies
This is why the Bible teaches you not to make enemies of each other. If you have resentment towards a certain person, you are told to go to that person before going to God, and be reconciled. Unless you achieve harmony there, you will have an obstacle in your path to reach God. If there is unity and beauty in the world, then all the rest of the things and people are destined to push you up to God and not destroy you. That's the nature of the universe.
On the contrary, if you have your enemy on your back and you try to go to God, the enemy will pull you back, not push you up. You have to be in the minus position to the ultimate plus, but if there's a power pulling you back, how can you become one with the plus? When you are told to love your enemy and be reconciled with him, you are told that because God is love and He wants you to become one with Him. If in yourself, your mind and body are not one with each other, then it means that your minus side, your fleshly side will pull you back, even though your mind tends to go to God.
Do you really want a world of unity? Then where must that start? It is simple; you must apply that principle. We have been training ourselves in faith and moral standards; all that has been in order to perfect ourselves according to that standard. Do we need desire? If that desire is according to the Principle coming from God, then it is worthy of desiring and you want to have it.
Your desire must be one which makes all others happy. What kind of desire must that be? That is the desire for unity under God. First of all, we must know how to bring ourselves into oneness, unity. Suppose there is a man with plus and minus harmonized in himself, and a woman also with the plus and minus harmonized in herself. What is the difference between the characteristics of man and woman? All the men would want the more feminine women and all the women want to have the more masculine men. Why is it so? Because in that way you automatically tend to become one, complementing each other.
Plus and minus combined create unity
The man would want to have the woman in the minus position, with men as a whole in the plus position. The minus part of the man would tend to become one with the plus trait in the woman. These pluses and minuses combined will be stronger than the pluses and minuses themselves separately. These two together will play the role of plus. But even this, before God, becomes a minus, to receive God's love. But we know that in God Himself there is a plus quality and a minus quality, and the same thing happens there. That is why we say that we can be united with God.
But when you ask yourselves whether you r mind and body can become one, that seems to be impossible. How would you bring your mind and body into unity? When you apply this principle, you'll get the answer.
The fastest way for you to bring your mind and body into oneness is to find an object. Your minus side, your fleshly side, must come into obedience to the plus side of another person, and then by serving him or her, you'll find yourself becoming one with at least some clement. If you are successful with one person in getting your minus side and his plus side to become one, then it will expand to the larger level, and you can finally bring your plus side and his minus side into one, and the plus in yourself and the minus in yourself can ultimately become one.
That's what any religion would teach you: to serve other people. Serving other people and sacrificing yourself is the only way you can become one with others and be harmonized in your own self. If you serve ten persons at the sacrifice of yourself, then those ten persons will come under you and want to be dominated by you. Jesus washed the feet of his twelve disciples in order to teach us this lesson.
Serve other people
Which would be the first way to create unity -- by serving other people and becoming one with others first? Or to bring your mind and body into oneness? Which is the easier way or the faster way? (Serving others) This is because Satan is always getting hold of our body. It is a universal principle that when you serve other people, you are in a position of being far better off than Satan, so he must leave you alone. This is because Satan is self-centered. Satan is already guiding and undermining you on your fleshly side. So, if you want to leave him or have him separated from you, just be nonchalant to him and become faithful to other people. Then Satan cannot imitate you, because he's the symbol of arrogance and selfservice.
If you serve other people at the cost of your life, sacrificing yourself, den it's natural that he will be separated from you. Applying that principle is the only way for you to become one with that person and separate yourself from Satan. This is the secret of unifying yourself. This is the formula, and it can be applied to everything. By applying that method, you can separate from Satan on the individual level, family level, national level, and worldwide level.
Let us investigate more closely. Isn't it true that if you serve your friend with all your sincerity, wouldn't he want to follow you? If he knows that you are serving toward him, if you go to the corner and sit there, it will be natural for him to come to you. Which of the two will become the subject: the one who is serving the other, or the one who is served? Who will bow his head to the other; the one who is served, or the one who is serving? When he respects you, it means he is saying, "You are the subject. I want to follow you." If any group wants to choose a leader for themselves, the same thing applies.
Live for the world
When people want to define whether or not our Unification movement is good, if we apply this principle, it will be easy for them to grasp it. We must tell people that we are not working for the Unification movement, but for the good of the whole nation. If we are able to make Unification Thought the leading ideology of the nation, then that nation as a whole must serve the rest of the nations of the world, or else it cannot stand in the position of Abel to the world. This is the formula, and this is the principle to connect to the next level of things from the individual to the worldwide level.
In everyday life, you must live not for yourself, but for your family, for your nation, and not even for your nation alone, but for the world. Would you really want to live that kind of life? In order to be able to live for the world, you must resemble Jesus. Jesus' twelve disciples represented twelve tribes or twelve nations of the world. Jesus tried to bring his twelve disciples into unity within the scope of his own nation, but now we are going to bring twelve nations into unity, each representing one disciple of Jesus. If we can bring twelve nations into unity, we are confident to be able to bring the rest of the world into oneness. How to bring the world into unity is the problem. The question is, "Can you? Can you live your life for the people of twelve nations?"
Representing the twelve nations, choose any twelve people, or twelve of your friends coming from twelve nations. If you are successful in serving them from the bottom of your heart, you have the possibility of making twelve nations into one. America is a good place to serve this purpose. Here you have people from so many nations and so many races mingled together. If those people from so many races and nationalities can mingle in harmony and live here in beautiful unity, then this is already the most heaven there can be.
Apply the Principle yourself
If this were true, then America would be the only nation that has realized the kingdom of heaven. Is it that way in this nation today? You have problems between black and white. The Jewish people are not quite unified with the rest of the nation. If we can apply the Unification Principle in this nation, and if people really feel that this is the only principle that can bring unity in this world, they cannot but try to apply this method. Knowing that principle, are you not going to apply it yourself?
If it is all right for some male member to have as his mate a Negro girl, a white girl, a yellow girl, or a girl from any one of 120 nations, and if you could love any one of the 120, then you will pass the test. The same thing is true with girls. If you can really love any man of the 120 types as your husband, you will pass the test. If you don't like any one of the 120, through that nation Satan will come to invade you. Jesus, by choosing twelve disciples and serving them, trained himself and put that principle into practice.
One world is our goal, day and night, asleep or awake. Among yourselves you must not think, "He's from England; he's from the black race, the white race, or the yellow race." There should be no discrimination among our group. I must repeatedly say that we must be able to serve others in every category.
The problem is always yourself, and if you apply this principle we can create one world. By your doing that, when you pass away to the spirit world, you'll go freely through all twelve gates to the heavenly kingdom. If you only think of your own nation, you are entitled to pass through only one gate. You'll be miserable, because other people will go through twelve gates freely. I want you to apply this method in your everyday life, and attain the goal. In that case, you will be able to separate yourself from Satan.