New American Leaders

Sun Myung Moon
December 20, 1988

The new leaders of the American movement (far left, Dr. lames Baughman, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, and Dr. Mose Durst, and far right, Dr. Hugh Spurgin) receive guidance from True Father at the December 20 leaders' conference.

The new leaders of the American movement (far left, Dr. lames Baughman, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, and Dr. Mose Durst, and far right, Dr. Hugh Spurgin) receive guidance from True Father at the December 20 leaders' conference.

At the December 20 leaders' conference at East Garden, True Father explained that the three years after his Danbury victory-1986 to 1988 -- were to establish a providential foundation in America, and the four following years- 1989 to 1992 -- are to establish a unified heavenly nation in Korea. To create a strong body of leadership to be responsible for the American movement, Father chose candidates from among our members who had earned Ph.D. degrees, forming what Father called a "heavenly diamond":

Dr. Mose Durst Chairman of the Board of HSA-UWC

Dr. James Baughman President of HSA-UWC

Dr. Hugh Spurgin Vice President of HSA-UWC in charge of Education

Dr. Tyler Hendricks Vice President of HSA-UWC in charge of Administration

The new itinerary workers for the six continents. Left to right: Rev. Terry Walton, Rev. Martin Porter, Rev. Paul Werner, Rev. Dennis Orme, Rev. Jack Corley, and Rev. Reiner Vincenz.

The new itinerary workers for the six continents. Left to right: Rev. Terry Walton, Rev. Martin Porter, Rev. Paul Werner, Rev. Dennis Orme, Rev. Jack Corley, and Rev. Reiner Vincenz.

Also at the conference, itinerary workers (IWs) for the six continents of the world were chosen from among former national leaders and IOWC commanders:

Rev. Reiner Vincenz -- South America

Rev. Jack Corley -- Asia

Rev. Dennis Orme -- Africa

Rev. Paul Werner -- Oceania

Rev. Martin Porter -- North and Central America

Rev. Terry Walton -- Europe

The IWs will be working with and advising the church in many different areas, including administration, teaching, counseling, and public relations.

In addition, two national IWs for the United States were chosen: Rev. Ken Sudo and Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu.

Father called for the leaders to be responsible to create "a tradition-centered movement," one in which each leader raises up at least three others to be his successors by being the best possible example. As Father explained, "I have loved the church and loved America. Now it's up to you. The time has come for you to love your country. You are the hope of America."