Master visited all District Headquarters in Seoul

February 11 - 19, 1971

Master addresses at Yongdungpo District

Master addresses at Yongdungpo District

Shortly after Master finished his round visit to 24 local districts for twelve days last January, he again paid a round visit to all headquarters of 10 districts in Seoul for 9 days from February 11th to February 19th. Every night, during this period Master visited at each District Hq. about 7:30 p.m and addressed and encouraged members. Usually he returned home about 11:30 p.m. by his sedan.

The visiting schedule is as follows:

Date District

February 11th Mapo
" 12th Yongdungpo
" 13th Yongsan
" 14th Choongku
" 15th Chongno
" 16th Sungdong
" 17th Sungbook
" 18th Dongdaemoon
" 19th Sodaemoon