Jesus Who Looks Back On Walking the Path of His Fate

Sun Myung Moon
February 10, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea


54 Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance. 55 And when some there had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with them. 56 A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, "This man was with him." 57 But he denied it. "Woman, I don't know him," he said. 58 A little later someone else saw him and said, "You also are one of them." "Man, I am not!" Peter replied. 59 About an hour later another asserted, "Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean." 60 Peter replied, "Man, I don't know what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times." 62 And he went outside and wept bitterly.
Luke 22:54-62


Father, Your sons and daughters who have struggled and striven for the past week centering on the will, who have fought not to be deceived by the cunning tricks of Satan, are prostrating themselves in the presence of the Father in this hour. Please manifest Yourself, and govern the mind and the body of each of us.

Is there anyone who has resentment that has pierced to the very heart in this hour? Is there anyone who has the mark of Satan in his or her body? My Father who is full of love, please show them the miracle of recreation. Extend the hands of compassion. Please bestow Your grace on us. Sanctify us in this hour so that we can become ones who can bow to the Father with sufficient and adequate minds and bodies before the will that You desire. I pray with a most sincere heart.

Beloved Father, we hung down our heads and prostrated ourselves before the will of the Father, who called upon us the unworthy to inform us beforehand about the work of the dispensation on the order of the cosmos. Please command our minds in person. Urge our bodies. Guide us to be able to run toward the garden of goodness that You want, the will of goodness You desire, and the garden of triumph for which You hope. Beloved Father, I ardently wish and pray that You will raise us to be able to make strenuous efforts toward the fulfillment of the will. Allow us to step forward with conscious strength and self-awakening determination.

The sinful elements, which are unacceptable in the presence of the Father, remain within us. Therefore, Father, please liquidate our wickedness with Your dignified power of authority and, by touching us with the hands of authoritative power, produce the heart of repentance. I pray this sincerely.

This day is a holy day, the day on which You promised You would bless us. Therefore, please bless the numerous altars that are gathering for the sake of the people and guide us to raise the triumphant beacon fire. Father, I sincerely desire that You bless the many sons and daughters who are bowing respectfully in this hour, and that You lower to us the faculty of the sacred spirit.

Father, we have gathered here to frankly reveal all about ourselves before You. Please guide us to do self-analysis again to find out whether we are appropriate beings in front of the Father. Beloved Father, I pray from the depth of my heart that if there still remains anything insufficient which is not appropriate to the Father, You will allow us to repent about it and candidly reveal all of it, so that we can receive the Father's advice and counsel. In this time, when there remains part of the course of struggle to be completed, please allow us to unite our minds into one and to become the soldiers of Heaven who can dash forward towards the garden of life.

We know that Your lonesome sons and daughters scattered throughout the countryside are building the altars of blood, sweat and tears to testify to the words of the gospel. Wherever they gather together, I pray with a most sincere heart that You will manifest Your powers in person to openly acknowledge that they are Your triumphant sons and daughters. I pray You will guide them to be able to build the altar of victory that the Father can personally control and unfold the work of power.

Please allow Your sons and daughters present in this place not to have any self-centered concepts, doctrines or subjective opinions. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can put down everything they own with the mental attitude of a child. Listening to the words of command, let them become contrite about their deficiencies and able to speak about them before the Father. Please allow this hour to be one when we can be grasped by the hands of the Father's recreation.

We entrust everything to You, Father, so please do not let this hour be the hour when Satan invades. Wishing sincerely and desperately that You will guide this hour to be one in which only the glory of the Father is manifested, I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The Advent of Jesus and the Distrust By the Chosen People

In this hour today, I will speak briefly on the topic "Jesus Who Looks Back on Walking the Path of His Fate."

Due to their fall, Adam and Eve lost the garden of eternal ideals that God had granted. In other words, Adam and Eve lost the garden of goodness where they could share the pleasures and pains of life with God. For that reason, they came to leave the bosom of God and started the sorrowful life of longing for God. Accordingly, humankind has walked along the course of a 6,000- year history of sufferings until now, looking back toward God with sorrowful hearts. Just as our ancestors walked the course of life looking back toward Heaven, today all humanity is also walking forward through the course of life, looking back toward Heaven, wishing to restore their original position. Jesus, too, who came to save humankind, was looking for the people on the earth who could look back toward Heaven.

God sent Jesus Christ out of love, hoping that the people of the world would listen to the new gospel of Jesus Christ, who was turning things upside down and altering their life course. He was hoping they could cling to Jesus Christ. However, humankind then and the numerous people since then have not been able to rightfully welcome and attend him, as their master who can make them look back toward Heaven. Because of that, history has been flowing forth without fulfillment of the purpose of life in which they can proceed looking back toward Heaven. Similarly, you of today also are faced with the destiny to go forth looking back toward Heaven at all times. Because humankind cannot go back toward Heaven by its own ability, God provided the way by sending Jesus Christ, through whom humankind can go back. If humankind had looked in the direction that Jesus looked and walked as Jesus walked, humankind could have accomplished the hope of returning to the bosom of God. You must know for certain that this was the central meaning of why God sent Jesus Christ.

The Israelite people and the whole world should have gone back to the bosom of God after achieving the purpose of life that they must go forth looking back toward Heaven, holding on to Jesus. However, because of humankind's distrust, Jesus and humankind have become separated from each other, each going different ways. Therefore, you must bear in mind that Jesus was put in a situation where he had to stop walking on his course and look back toward the earth.

While humankind has been passing through the course of the 6,000- year history until today, there has been no one among them with enough faith to turn back toward Heaven and exert himself or herself both physically and mentally. What is more, there has not been a single soul of faith who has wholly devoted his or her life, love and action. In other words, there was no one who became the undefiled sacrificial being who could halt Jesus Christ from stepping further on the course of suffering toward Heaven for humankind. You must know that this was the source of the bitterness that pierced God's heart. Humankind must go forward, sweeping aside the influence of the world, appealing for mercy from Heaven. Yet they distrusted Jesus, having held fast to the earthly ground and centering on the hope of the land. Therefore, the dispensation of the will that God had unfolded on the earth for 4,000 years suffered a setback. God sent Jesus Christ to fulfill the will that humankind on the earth, at that time, hoped to be realized. Because they did not elevate Jesus Christ, God ended in a situation where He has had to look back again to the earth, passing through the long history of the 2,000 years since Jesus' death. In like manner, Jesus and the Holy Spirit came to stand in a position where they, too, have to look to the earth again.

What then was Jesus' desire that he cherished throughout the thirty years or so of life? His desire was to devote himself solely for others' benefit. Although he felt sorrow and lamented in his heart, Jesus did not express those feelings. Instead, he led a life of serving and caring for others. If humankind at that time had known Jesus to be the master who could restore and fulfill their whole desire and had turned around toward Jesus, Jesus would not have gone to the cross to die. The Israelite people were to go forth toward God in unified action with Jesus during his course of life to awaken ignorant humankind. Yet because they betrayed Jesus, Jesus had to stop stepping forth on the path he was meant to take.

You must fix this in your memory: Jesus could not fulfill the mission assigned to him by God. Therefore, he had to stand in a position where he looked up again toward Heaven for the sake of humankind and to take the steps seeking the bosom of God as the representative of humankind. If humankind had devoted itself for the sake of God and Jesus and walked the direction Jesus was taking, in his place, and had taken care of him for his sake, Jesus could have reciprocated with humankind in place of God, who loves humankind. The relationship between humankind and Jesus would have been the same as Jesus' reciprocal relationship with God. Further, Jesus could have ushered in the day of glory by having established the altar of rejoicing on this earth. However, because humankind at that time did not advance toward Heaven, Jesus and humankind have become separated.

Since God bears the responsibility founded on the principle of creation, He wanted to see the day of triumph when humankind reversed their direction and moved forth toward the bosom of God through Jesus. You must understand that, since Jesus who came on the earth was rejected by the Israelite people and crucified on the cross, the will of God's dispensation to be carried out through Jesus resulted in failure.

The Shim Jung of Jesus Who Looked Back at Peter

By the way, while Jesus was going the path of the crucifixion, the lonesome path to the summit of Golgotha, he looked back at someone. He looked back at Peter, who was the representative of the beloved twelve apostles. That was because Jesus feared that Peter, who should be the first one following him, might change his mind. You must become the ones who experience again the sense of being gazed at by Jesus, who looked back at Peter with a loving heart despite having bitter grief in his heart over the fullness of his concern about God's will.

Yet three times Peter denied he knew Jesus. Therefore, he ended up standing in a situation where he was completely separate from the will of Heaven and had nothing to do with Jesus. Although Jesus knew all of this, he wanted to find just one person on this earth who could defend him to the last as he walked the path to death and could deeply sympathize with him, so he came to look back at Peter, who was the best, most beloved disciple. You of today must understand that Jesus' intention to find one true person was buried deep in the gaze that he sent in the direction of the beloved disciple, Peter. There cannot be any more grievous scene to Jesus, who came with the responsibility of carrying out the whole dispensation of God, than standing in such a situation as this. Not even one person could understand the feelings of longing and lamentation of Jesus, who wanted to find one person who could inherit the mission of him who was heading for the pass of Golgotha, the path of death, owing to the distrust of humankind. Accordingly, Jesus' heartrending feelings were beyond description. Only God understood Jesus' sorrowful heart and worried about the lamentable situation of Jesus.

When Jesus reflected on the course of toilsome effort he had walked representing Heaven alone in bitter sorrow for his lifetime, the resentment with which he wanted to scorn humanity and to call down curses on the earth pierced him to the very marrow. However, Jesus restrained himself and stopped to look back at Peter, who was following behind. You must know that unless you can understand such inner feelings of Jesus' heart, you cannot proudly stand in front of all humankind after inheriting the work of the dispensation of God centering on Jesus.

What then would be the heart of Peter, who was watching Jesus concluding his life by walking the course of tribulation alone? He might have been in awful misery, pining in desolation, not being able to forget the love relationship of the original nature he had with Jesus in the past. Of course, the heart of Peter who was watching the grieving and innocent Jesus being insulted and rebuked and dragged in bonds must have been aching very much. However, because Peter did not realize Jesus was the Messiah who came with the representative mission to restore the whole of humankind, he ended in a situation where he could not step forward on behalf of the other disciples but instead thought only of himself. When servant girls came out before Peter to ask whether he was one of the fellows who were with Jesus, he replied, "I do not know him" three times. You must know this clearly -- that aspect of Peter was the representative attitude of humankind on the earth. When we look back upon the circumstances of Jesus and Peter again, the fact that Jesus turned to look back at Peter, who denied him three times, did not take place only between Peter and Jesus, but is shown to have happened throughout the course of the whole of history. When all the humanity of the world steps forward before Satan as true Christians on behalf of the will of Christ on the course of Heaven, they will definitely meet ungrounded accusations three times. This can be seen as the symbolic expression of the positions of Adam, Jesus and the Lord of the Second Coming during the 6,000-year history. This will again take place in the final days in the forms of World War I, World War II and World War III. Such happenings will appear not only during the whole of history like this, but also within your individual course of faith today. You must understand this.

Peter's Self-Awakening

Today then, what is going to happen right before you meet the Lord? Just as there was the hour of betrayal in which Peter said, "I do not know him," toward Heaven, we must be aware that such a time can possibly come even to us today, faced with the final days. We are faced with the historical, dispensational and religious fate to follow after the triumphant Jesus and to find and establish ourselves in the external position of Peter. We who must climb over such a hill of fate as this must understand we are responsible for whatever situation exists.

As Jesus walked on the pass to Golgotha before he resurrected from the cross, all Christians of the world must walk on the path to Golgotha with the Lord in the final days at the time of Second Coming, to take part in the glory of resurrection. We must bear in mind that such a time will surely appear.

Today then, from what position must we lead our life of faith? just as there was a moment in which Peter could not externally say, "I know him" while being heartbroken internally as his beloved and innocent teacher was being dragged on by the Roman soldiers, there will be a time when we of today will be put in a situation where, because of certain worldly conditions, we have to say against our will, "I do not know Jesus." We then must be able to say, I know Jesus. What is more, we must lead a life of faith, constantly paying attention to such vulnerable points.

Jesus, who walked to the pass of Golgotha on the earth has walked forth until today to the pass of the world-level Golgotha even in the spirit world. Similarly, Jesus who personally walked the path to the crucifixion and the course of tribulation on earth and in the spirit world, leaving behind the beloved faithful believers, will develop a great conclusive war against Satan in the future.

In what kind of situation should we stand when such a time of fierce battle comes upon the earth? We should not be standing in a situation similar to Peter's when he said he did not know Jesus. We must become those triumphant sons and daughters who can defend the course of blood, sweat and tears that Jesus walked to the end, standing in a similar situation as Jesus, having divulged all of our reasons, circumstances, sinfulness and inadequacy reflecting on ourselves again. Unless we can stand in such a position, we cannot take part in the glorious position to receive the returning Lord.

Although Peter denied Jesus three times, saying he did not know the teacher who stood in the difficult situation, Jesus truly turned his body around to look at Peter. Consequently, when Peter saw Jesus turning around to look at him, forgetting all about his own difficulties and sorrow and his own reasons and circumstances, a complete revolution took place in his mind. Despite his three dreadful denials of knowing Jesus, upon seeing that Jesus truly cared about him and worried about his future, in spite of his own sorrow Peter experienced an explosion of emotion within. The moment he remembered and sensed the old relationship of having shared the joys and sorrows of the Lord, Peter became aware of his own identity on the spot.

Peter saw the fact that Jesus, having determined to risk his own life to accomplish the one will of Heaven, was making a great effort to proudly cultivate the path of salvation for humankind without being affected too severely by the resentment that he felt as a human being. Peter saw that even as Jesus walked the path toward heaven to death, Jesus was even concerned about the well-being of him, Peter. Peter felt insufficient and inadequate internally. In other words, when Peter contrasted the position of Jesus, who represents God, and his own position, which was to represent Jesus as the disciple who had pledged to render devoted service for the sake of Jesus only, he realize that there existed a world of difference between his devotion to Jesus and Jesus' reverence for God.

What is more, although he had thought he believed in Jesus, the minute he found out his faith was based on self-centeredness rather than on Heaven-centeredness, as was the case with the Lord, Peter received such a great shock as to be deeply ashamed of himself at the gaze of Jesus. In short, he lamented about being distrustful.

Peter's Contrition and the Value of His New Determination

We must know that the minute Peter saw Jesus who endured the course of a cosmic level mission without being doubtful at all -- a figure of eternal immutability in the course of faith toward Heaven -- Peter's mind underwent a complete change. He felt an impulse to live for the sake of the Lord for the rest of his life. Once he came to realize he was being distrustful, Peter thought about the relationship between Jesus and himself and contrasted their life courses. As a result, he felt his own inadequacy more strongly.

Jesus offered himself as a sacrificial being before Heaven for the sake of the One will, without pursuing his own happiness but for the benefit of humankind on the earth. He did not show any resentment in spite of being dragged away bearing the cross on his shoulder. Watching this, the three disciples came to realize that their lives had been too self-centered. Thereupon, before Jesus Christ who was not self- centered, the disciples reflected on themselves of their own accord and could make a definite promise and pledge to take over the will Jesus had hoped for and to realize the will on this earth.

What did Peter feel next? He felt his own distrustfulness and simultaneously the mistrustfulness of Jesus' entourage. While watching those wicked ones around him tie Jesus up and enjoy themselves whipping Jesus Christ, who was innocent, and about whom anybody and everybody would say he was guiltless, Peter could see through the heart that was sorrowful and lonesome when he met the gaze of the persecuted Jesus. Before the warm glow, being sent off in his direction by Jesus, who was showing the way to protect and obey Heaven's rule even in such an undeserved situation, Peter felt the haughtiness of the surroundings. Then Peter, Jesus' disciple, made a righteous resolution to fight against the haughty power of the surroundings until the time when the Lord would return to destroy the wicked crowd who could not be on the side of Jesus Christ.

There was a cosmic difference between the good, immutable attitude of Jesus who was heading toward Heaven and the haughtiness of his surroundings. Through Jesus' gaze, who turned briefly to look, Peter could liquidate his fatuous life history and determine to establish the standard of goodness by purging the environment and devoting himself toward God all the more. Through Jesus' dying in silence for the sake of Heaven, earth, humankind and the will, Peter came to respect the Lord naturally and shed penitential tears, weeping bitterly in the face of such a death.

This fact made Jesus Christ, who turned to look for the last time, realize that there was a disciple who understood him, and that it was the moment in which the link that was disconnected between Heaven and humankind was being restored. Feeling insufficient and inadequate toward Jesus, who died before the will of God on behalf of heaven and earth, Peter alone shed the tears of contrition representing all humankind and the many disciples. After seeing that Jesus was being put to tribulations before being crucified, only Peter wailed, shedding tears. Because of this, you must know that a standard by which Jesus could uphold the dispensation centering on the disciples and a new standard by which Jesus and humankind could connect was created.

Just as Christians have hoped and longed for the time of resurrection and the Second Coming, holding onto the will of God alone since the time of Jesus' crucifixion, you have to go through a similar situation. What is more, you must go through the process of restoration through indemnity from a position similar to that in which Peter found himself. Since this is the last fate left in the course of your faith, you have to be able to model yourself after the principles of Jesus by earnestly looking back on the relationship between Jesus and yourselves in a serious manner. You must bend down and be contrite before Jesus' countenance.

The problem is whether we have cared about the Lord while living, the way the Lord has been concerned about us, throughout the course of our life of faith up to now. Although you may say you have lived your whole life being concerned about Jesus, how can that bear comparison with the life of Jesus, who was looking at Peter while thrusting his way through the place of death?

Now, in accordance with the principle of restoration through indemnity, in the same manner that Jesus looked back at the crowd on the path to death, we, too, must become those who can turn to look at Jesus on the path to death. In such a situation, we have to suffer and worry in place of Jesus while looking back, to stand in a position where we represent Jesus. At the same time, we must attend and worship Jesus in a glorious environment. The question is whether you ever had such an occasion. If you never had such an occasion, on the last day, on the day we receive the glory of resurrection, as Mary Magdalene grabbed hold of the resurrected Jesus Christ, you will not be able to grab hold of the Lord of resurrection and say, "Oh, my Lord!," and "Oh, my bridegroom!" Although Peter and the three disciples were restored for the first time by looking back at Jesus on the cross, there has not been any faithful believer who has gone to the kingdom of Heaven holding onto Jesus in person.

The Responsibility of the Faithful Believer, Who Is to Look Back at Jesus

Now to become true, faithful believers whom Jesus can live with and whom Jesus can motivate according to his instructions to become true disciples who are loved by Jesus, you of the last days must be able to be concerned truly about Jesus' well-being and to fight against Satan for Jesus, just as Jesus looked back at Peter even while walking the path to death. Otherwise, you must understand, you will not be able to bow respectfully to God, holding onto the glorious Lord.

Although we are leading a life of religious faith, we have not led a life of being concerned about the well- being of Jesus throughout all of our day-to-day life. Therefore, although Jesus came looking for us hundreds of thousands of times, because of our distrusting lifestyle, he might have only looked at us with sad eyes, turning around reluctantly. Although Jesus came looking for us and had many occasions to do so, we cared only for ourselves, not being sensitive to his situation and his state of mind. We have led an easy religious life hoping that things would work out as we wished.

When Peter contrasted the history of his life and the history of Jesus' life before the gaze of Jesus, he felt remorse about his distrust and became conscious of the fact that he had lived too self-centeredly. Similarly, when you, too, contrast your own life history with that of the thirty or so years of Jesus, and when you compare your life course with the dispensational life course of Jesus, who has upheld the dispensation for 2,000 years until now for the sake of God, you cannot but feel that you have lived self-centeredly, just as Peter felt. Unless you shake yourselves free from the path of such distrust, you must know that you can in no way greet the returning Jesus.

From what position then do you have to move forth? Acting in line with Jesus' unceasing gaze, you must be able to feel and experience the state of Jesus' mind and to move forward as far as the seat of the grace of resurrection, after crossing over the hill of crucifixion -- not the top of Golgotha, which is on the verge of seeing the suffering on the cross. To do that, you, like Peter, must be contrite about having a self- centered concept of religious faith. In the same way Jesus lived, having his center on the will of God, not on himself, you too must live for God's will, not having a concept that your faith is only for your salvation and for the benefit of your well-being.

You of today have a concept of faith based on self-centeredness, just as Peter did. Peter's faith was based on his own well-being. Peter betrayed Jesus three times while he was not aware of it. You must keep in mind that such occasions when you reject Heaven will occur at some time, some moment and some period while you are not aware of it.

In other words, you must lead the life of faith in which you have faith, not in yourselves but in Jesus, in which you seek not for yourselves but for Jesus, and in which you make your goal not for the sake of yourselves, but for Jesus. You have to be aware of the fact that when Peter tried to lead a life of soul- searching faith, he had to go through indescribable hardships and deprivations. As a result, his relationship with Jesus was finished, so you must steer clear of such a situation. You must change the style of your religious life of faith from one seeking your own benefit to one seeking the good of Jesus and God.

Next, just in the same way Peter restored the atmosphere from that of distrust to that of trust and was grieved at the fact that he had been distrustful, you too must move forward with righteous indignation and animosity against the distrust that is against God's desire. You then must walk on the course of goodness that God desires. What is more, the goodness must not be self-centered, but God-centered, and the goodness must be linked with ourselves. Only when you find this goodness can you, too, for the first time, feel sorry for the sake of humanity and for the good of heaven and earth in Peter's position, just as Peter felt grievous upon seeing the atmosphere where the will of God was not being fulfilled.

Now today, you have the responsibility to achieve the final victory in front of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. What is more, you must become the ones who can follow Jesus, who is walking on the path to Golgotha, not betraying him.

You should not become the ones who are concerned about their well-being. Instead, you should be able to exhort, "Oh, my teacher," following Jesus, who forgot about his own suffering. In other words, you must not become the ones at whom Jesus gazes out of concern. Rather, you should become those who can comfort Jesus with the heart of caring and being concerned about putting yourselves in Jesus' position.

Who was doing this work? Only Jesus has repeated the work of shedding blood, sweat and tears for the sake of humankind until today, hoping the day when this work was completed would come.

Now you must not become the target of Jesus' concern while living your lives. You should not become the ones who offend the faith, against the will of Jesus, who has placed all of his hopes in us and the dispensation of God. Just as Peter sighed for grief looking back on himself after he had distrusted Jesus, you too must lament about your own distrustfulness and move forward, ready to risk your lives, with the heart that has tacit understanding about the circumstances of sorrowful Jesus, who was sacrificing himself for the will of God. Accordingly, only when you move forward with the determination that you, too, will go Jesus' course and cross over Golgotha, can you greet the resurrected Jesus as the bridegroom and return happiness and glory before Heaven.


The mission to pass through the grievous high road with the heart of painful memory at the cosmic level Golgotha, blocking the course of the wrongful history of humankind and building the victorious grounds of Heaven, is left to the 2.4 billion people in humanity. Loving Father, please allow us to become the ones who can understand that the solicitude You showed after You sent off Jesus did not arise just from the Golgotha of the past only, but also struck home before our very eyes today.

I pray from the bottom of my heart that although we must also become the ones who can cry out of anxiety about our insufficiency at the present time, please guide us to become sons and daughters who can cry, being concerned first about the result of Jesus' hope. Please allow us to become the ones who cry worrying about our own imperfect selves, and who simultaneously shed tears and repent of our sins for Satan's making a fool of Jesus, howling at him and throwing obstacles in his path as the world changed into a wicked place that did not see the will of God fulfilled.

Jesus offered himself as the sacrifice until the moment of his death to complete the course of restoration through indemnity, always feeling God's gaze upon him. Like Jesus, no matter which day and what time he comes to see us, Father, please do not let us forget his gazing upon us and his pacing toward us. Please allow us to be awakened to the fact that we have refused countless times until now to have Jesus' gaze upon us and step toward us.

Father, please guide us to repent for not being able to comfort the sorrowful Shim Jung of Jesus, who kept coming back looking for us without change, though we betrayed him two or three times and were unable to shed tears before Heaven on so many occasions. Father, since we know that the time of world-level judgment is near and that the garden of the cosmic-level Golgotha is coming around the corner, please guide us, Your lonely sons and daughters, not to walk the self-centered course of religious faith.

Our life is not our own, the life we are leading is not our own, and the hope that we cherish is not our own. So, beloved Father, I earnestly hope and desire that You guide us not to lead our lives for the sake of ourselves and not to take all of our ability, our demands and our desires for the benefit of ourselves.

Peter shed tears as a comrade, believing in God, upon seeing Jesus bearing the cross, having understood at last about the constancy of Jesus' faith and lamenting in his heart about misunderstanding before. Even if we step onto the path of death for Jesus, loving Father, I pray sincerely that You, before Golgotha's judgment day comes, can guide us to become the sons and daughters who can shed tears of repentance before Jesus, who can cry before the Father, and who can speak out their mistakes, undertaking to repent on the cosmic level.

Father, since we will follow in Jesus' footsteps, please entrust us with the mission to save the miserable people of this earth. Allow us to walk the remaining part of the pass to Golgotha. Beloved Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will guide us to destroy satans all over the world, to establish the glorious foundation of victory, and to serve and worship the resurrected Jesus during our lifetime.

Please allow us to fulfill the will of the Father in the last days. I pray that You will let us shake ourselves out of being distrustful and leave the world of mistrust to the world of eternal trust. I pray that You will guide us to become the sons and daughters who can repose eternally with the Father who can subjugate and give commands to Satan, standing on the side of Heaven with the love of the Father. I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.