Instructions for 1987 -- The Unification of the Fatherland

Sun Myung Moon
January 2, 1987


I. Unification of the Individual:

(1) Unification of mind and God
(2) Unification of body and God
(3) Union of mind-body with God
(4) Individual unity with God's love
(5) Unity in virtue and love with the Parents of heaven and earth

II. Unification of the Family:

(1) Uniting with parental love
(2) Uniting with love of husband-wife
(3) Uniting with brotherly love
(4) Experiencing the heavenly love
(5) Responsibility of husband-wife in love

III. Unification of the Clan:

(1) Centering on love for the central figure of the clan
(2) Love for equality among families
(3) Life of love centered on other families
(4) Serving and loving up-down, forward-backward, and right-left
(5) Life of love for duty of going out to the world
(6) Love for moral life in going out to the world

IV. Unification of the Tribe:

(1) Love for the tradition of heavenly will and for its bequeathal
(2) Love in trusting and attending the leader of the tribe
(3) Love for becoming one with the original order of society
(4) Brotherly love centering on family
(5) Love for moral responsibility toward the world
(6) Love for the dignity of an ideal people

V. Unification of the Nation:

(1) Loving the re-manifestation of ideal people's spirit
(2) Love for the sovereign more than that for parents
(3) Securing the heavenly system and the life of love for service
(4) Experiencing the one clan of the Parents of heaven and earth
(5) Realm of attend-and-trusting and attend-and-loving the passing on of the heavenly kingdom
(6) Centering on love for becoming one body as a nation

VI. Unification of the World:

(1) Transmission of the ideal of love beyond the nation
(2) Respecting the love of the Parents of heaven and earth the most
(3) Love for all people's equality and for harmony with others and the love for service
(4) Sacrificial love for world peace
(5) Love in serving and respecting the inheritance of the spiritual heavenly kingdom
(6) Making absolute the love of the Parents of heaven and earth and the brotherly love

VII. Unification of Both Heavenly Kingdoms:

(1) Love for training on earth in preparation for the spiritual heavenly kingdom
(2) Man of love in making absolute other-centeredness
(3) Man of actual results in love for service throughout entire lifetime
(4) Becoming a public-minded person in passing on the legacy of love
(5) Man who respects the love for the past, the present, and the future
(6) Man who lives a life of love for deep attachment to the Parents of heaven and earth.
(7) Man seeking peace through joy, service, and love
(8) Man of good character who easily makes harmony with all realms

On the path toward unification, heavenly will and support shall be with you always!

These instructions were first presented at the International Leaders' Meeting at the World Mission Center on January 2, 1987. Dr. Bo Hi Pak read them aloud in Korean from Father's notebook, then gave a preliminary English translation. The instructions were later officially translated and sent to all regions.

The deep spiritual content of these instructions is not easy to express in English. They should be read not with an analytical mind but with an open, prayerful heart.