February 15, 1965
San Francisco, California
Photo date and location unknown
Dear Omma:
It has already been 20 days since I left home. I left behind me a lot of history as I passed through Japan. But now I am in San Francisco, and as I gain a sense of a new cultural lifestyle and visit scenic spots, I think of you.
When I think about how you are alone, living in such complicated circumstances for the sake of the Will, I am so concerned. I am sure you have a lot of uncertainty due to your inexperience. Nonetheless, I hope that during this period you will be victorious over your circumstances through a lot of prayer.
After coming to America, and as we remain apart, I realize all the more how precious we are to each other, and what a great mission we share. The feeling that comes with that realization is something I am very grateful for.
How crucial is our lifelong duty! Our historical destiny as a couple is to take responsibility for heaven and earth. We have a mission to do what no other couple can do. We occupy the central position where our deeds, both good and bad, will influence the whole. Therefore, we must become a shining couple our whole life long, one that fulfills the duty of loyalty and filial piety toward heaven, working hard for the world, and to liberate and accomplish the historical Will.
In order to fulfill this serious responsibility, I am offering all my sincerity before the American members, the Japanese members, and heaven. When I see the earnest expressions of the members and the sight of them devoting themselves, I feel they are indeed heaven's children. The more I feel that, the greater the awe in which I hold True Parents' position.
I am slowly becoming familiar with the various problems and issues. Japanese members and Americans members are very different from each other. I will omit the details and save those for next time, but we must possess heaven in our hearts and convey the heart of heaven to others.
Please comfort the people who are close to you and develop your motherly presence. I will also work to complete this tour with strength. I focus my concern on the position of our homeland and our international mission, imagining a new tomorrow. There is so much I want to say, but I will stop here and wait for the day when I can see you again to deliver those words to you. I wish you well. Please forgive me for stopping here.