Humankind Wanders in Search of the Truth

Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958
The Selected Speeches of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Volume 5
(Unofficial Translation)

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

Today, you must consider that it is natural to get persecuted and verbally abused because you are the most inexcusable sinner -- who murdered your own parents -- among all sinners. Even though you are situated in such a miserable position, you must be grateful to God because you are able to feel God's sorrow and grief throughout history.

At the same time, you shed tears of love while embracing your siblings who curse and ridicule you. In this situation, you are able to reach and connect with God's Heart. Think of the heart of Jesus who concerned and prayed for the soldiers who were mocking and beating him on the cross. While holding such a heart, if you follow this path, it is the prototypical path the true person must walk. You must engrave this deeply in your heart.

Knowing you are the sinner, you must become the sacrificial offering. God waits and desires the appearance of this historical sacrificial offering.