Heung Jin Nim and the Establishment of the Right of the Eldest Son in the Spirit World

Sun Myung Moon
January 2, 1992


I held the Unification Ceremony before Heung Jin passed away. I prepared everything for this and gave permission to the doctor to take off the oxygen mask. In this way, I sent him after paving his path. In this world, people would say that I was crazy to do such things while my son was dying. I was offering him to heaven. In this three-sided historical era, I was offering him for the sake of humankind, the people of Korea and the Unification Church, for the sake of this world and for the sake of the spirit world. Just as Jesus returned after ascending to heaven, similar things will occur. Thus, from the spirit world's point of view, Heung Jin is the returning Lord. He is the savior of the spirit world. Heung Jin was the one sent by True Parents as the Messiah of love. Since Heung Jin is assisting the Parents on earth, the age of resurrection and a unified world are coming about on the earth. That is why the time has come for the second generation to receive the Blessing. Do you understand what I am saying?

Heung Jin came into unity with the spirit world linking it to True Parents' family by virtue of his passing away as an adolescent and scion beloved of True Parents. He becomes the first son and elder brother in the spirit world.

Consequently, the domain of True Parents' love is expanded to the spirit world. Therefore, the Christians in the spirit world who could not establish a connection to the earth, and all the other religions, can now do this through Heung Jin... Jesus should attend Heung Jin as the elder brother. By doing so, Jesus can connect to earth. Through these developments, the spiritual support in this world will swell rapidly due to spirits returning to the earth, and as a result, the satanic world will begin to crumble. It will start to go into a rapid decline.

The borderlines that were created after the Fall between the spiritual and physical worlds will all be eliminated. Through Heung Jin's ascension, the earth is linked to the spirit world based on the domain of True Parents' love. Therefore, the walls between the earthly world and the spirit world have crumbled and we have entered an age of communication between the two worlds.

In this age, how will the domain of the adopted children and that of the children of the direct lineage exchange places? Heung Jin has an important responsibility with respect to this. He must bring order to the spirit world before the coming of that time. Until now, Jesus and all those who passed on to the spirit world have had no relationship with True Parents by lineage. They have not been related to the flesh and blood of True Parents. Neither could they establish a relationship with True Parents' love. Thus, all those who have passed away to the other world are like single, unmarried men and women. Jesus himself is like that. They must come down to earth and make that relationship with True Parents' love.