Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1992
Excerpts from The original mind is the teacher and closest to God
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 10: The Way in the Complete Testament, Chapter 1: A Perspective on Human Life, Section 4.3
Photo date and location unknown
"Before desiring to dominate the universe, first achieve dominion over the self!" This was the motto at the time when we were pioneering the path of truth. I told everyone, "Before desiring to dominate the universe, before establishing a connection with everything in this world, first dominate the self!" The original mind has three great personas. It can be the master, teacher, or parent, and only when the body finds itself dissatisfied and lacking in its service towards the mind, even after serving it for tens of thousands of years, can heavenly fortune finally come and reside within you. The mind wishes to serve the body, but the body does not serve the mind. This is the problem. The problem lies within the self, not society. (201-154, 1990.3.30)
The original mind tries to protect you in the form of the true master. However, the treacherous body has treated this teacher contemptuously, though it is the one and only honorable teacher sent to you from the universe. It has trampled upon the conscience, sent in the place of parents to connect the body to the mind of original love. Do you love this body, which has become the enemy of the mind? No, you should not! Unless you stop the conflict between the mind and body, the Kingdom of Heaven can never be established. Not a single saint thought of this. (201-154, 1990.3.30)
Yin and yang, the internal nature and external form, the positive and negative are complementary; they cannot be conflicting. However, within today's fallen humanity, the voice of the mind as well as that of the body can be heard. They have not been united. How did the mind and body of man and woman, who were created to resemble God, come to be separated? This is the problem.
God is absolute, and therefore the basic human attributes of mind and body should be absolutely united and assimilated into the whole world created by Him. Together, they should act as the center of that world. Instead, however, they were separated. How did this come about? If they were intended to separate from each other, there would be no God, and the basis for such things as ideals, unity, peace, or happiness could never be found. (195-304, 1989.12.17)
God is not far away from us, but within us. Is the original mind your master? When you attempt to carry out an evil deed in the middle of the night, the mind stands in front of you and tells you not to go. It appears whenever and wherever you are as your master; it guides you as would your mother or teacher. Hence, your body is your enemy. (201-74, 1990.3.1)
What is God like? He is both masculine and feminine, like human beings. You cannot see your mind, can you? Do you want to see it or not? The same is true of God.
Nothing can be achieved unless mind and body are united. This is what you should focus on. If something weighs on your mind during prayer, you should repent. When repenting, you should not do it alone. The four directions of north, south, east, and west need to be arranged first. You need to speak it aloud in front of those closest to you, such as your parents or your teacher. After doing so, you also need to make public what you have done wrong in front of your children and students. "I have done this thing; do you think I can be forgiven?" In this manner, you need to walk a path where those closest to you can support you with one heart. Do you understand what I am trying to say? (184-301, 1989.1.1)
When can your mind and body be unified? You have never thought of this, have you? This is a very serious matter. They are engaged in a lifelong fight, and who can stop them? This is the problem. Your father or mother, your king or your teacher, even saints cannot stop it. Where is the master who can stop it? Have you ever looked for him seriously? That master is true love. (184-211, 1989.1.1)
The original mind is your watchman; it protects you night and day and gives you no rest by telling you over and over again, "Do good deeds. Do good deeds!" So, can you imagine how exhausted it must be? From the day you are born, from the day you can think for yourselves, from the day you acquire intellectual faculties to analyze every situation in society, the conscience follows you around until death and tells you what to do forever. This is something that not even your own teacher, your mother, or father can do. It tells you to take after God, the saints, the patriots, and the children of filial piety. It orders you to resemble them all and keeps saying, "You, the body, should take after me!" (179-311, 1988.8.14)
Mind-body unity can be brought about only through true love. Hence, the mind sacrifices itself for the sake of the body and forgets it has done so, repeatedly. The original mind stands in God's stead, and is the teacher of all teachers for you. Your original mind is your center, dispatched by God on His behalf. It is the vertical you. (226-60, 1992.2.1)