Sun Myung Moon
July 6, 1990
Orientation for the Korea-Japan Economic Delegation
Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea
Photo date and location unknown
I am truly delighted for this opportunity to speak to you economic leaders of Korea who have come here this evening at my invitation. I want to tell you how I have dedicated my life and devoted my energies to realizing the Will of God on this earth and to explain my purpose for having done so. I expect great transitions to take place on the Korean Peninsula, and I would like to share with you some of the fundamental ideas I have long entertained about Korea's role in the development of the global economy.
My title this evening is "Heaven Is Calling Korea." I hope my words will be of help to you, who are working hard for the prosperity and unity of our homeland, Korea, and for the welfare of people throughout the world.
Throughout history people have sought the fundamental truth, yet they have been unable to answer even the question of whether or not God exists. Philosophers throughout history have tried to find God and missed. The founders of the great religions based their teachings on divine authority and taught humankind from that position. In this present world, however, we hear such notions as "God is dead," even as we also hear others say, "These are the Last Days."
The question of God is an important one for history to settle. It is also important that each person settles this question for him or herself. When we come to know clearly about God, all other questions can be resolved and settled. The answers to all questions about humankind, the creation, the world and the universe will become self-evident.
Therefore, I persevered in striving to discover God, and in the end I came to know clearly that He exists. God is eternal, unchanging and unique. He is also the absolute being, and so it is only through Him that we find absolute value.
Is there anything that God absolutely needs? Does He need commodities, knowledge or power? These are things that God can create any time He wants and can control freely by Himself. The only thing that God cannot control as He wishes is true love.
True love can be found, expressed and experienced only by relating to an object partner. A being when it is alone cannot experience it, and that is the case even for God. In order for God to feel true love, He had to have a created object with which to relate. Thus, God created the world to manifest His ideal of true love.
When we study the natural world, we can see that all things in the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom were created in pairs so that they can interact through love. Also, everything was created in such a way that those of a higher order can absorb entities of a lower order. Thus, in the end, all things are meant to become part of the highest beings in the created world, namely, human beings, who are the object partners of God.
Human beings are the only beings that God created to be His partners in true love. That is why it is said that, of all the myriad beings, human beings are the most precious. These words are only too true. Without human beings the true love of God cannot manifest.
Even the absolute God wants to submit Himself absolutely to true love. These are precious words. Unless we recognize this, we cannot apply the concepts of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure to God. God has placed true love in the position of the greatest value. It is only when God absolutely submits to true love that He can command human beings and all things also to absolutely submit to true love.
Consider what great care God took in creating His partners of true love, human beings. When a young man and a young woman marry, doesn't each want their spouse to be better than themselves? Do any parents desire that their children be inferior to themselves? Absolutely not! Where does such a mindset come from? It stems from God.
Accordingly, we can say that even God desires that human beings, His partners in true love, be better than Himself. To God, human beings have the highest value; we are His masterpieces. Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever thought about this? Each human being is a masterpiece of God.
At the time of creation, God invested Himself one hundred percent to manifest His ideal, and then forgot how much He had done and invested Himself yet again. By proceeding in this way, He began an infinite circular movement, and from this origin we are provided with eternal life. By investing and investing again in others, the circular movement becomes continuous. Herein lies the logic of eternal life.
So we see that true love begins from the place where you give and don't remember how much you have given. Here we have the answer to the question, "What is true love?" God's ideal of creation began with His love, which is for the sake of others. Thus, true love arises from love that gives and gives yet again for the sake of one's beloved.
God's purpose in creating the universe can be achieved only within the realm of true love, in which God stands as the vertical Parent and the human ancestors, had they not been tainted by the Fall, stand in the position of horizontal parents. There, eternal life goes on forever as true love circulates, with each loving and loving again, always for the sake of others. Only in that realm of true love can we attain complete oneness and unity with God. There we would gain the right to inherit from Him, to live together with Him and to participate in everything He does.
For us human beings, it is only then that God's love becomes our love, God's life becomes our life, God's lineage becomes our lineage and God's Will becomes our will. Only then does God's ideal become our ideal, and we can form ideal families and an ideal world where we can live forevermore as children of the eternal God.
However, when we look at the world today, instead of the original world of God's ideal, we see a world of hell overflowing with sin, a history of unremitting war, a world drowning in disease and pain. Take away human beings, and the natural world and spirit world by themselves have no problem. When we think that it is because of human beings that both the natural world and the spirit world are suffering, we cannot deny that our human world is diseased.
The human world, so diseased and broken, is described by religions as being fallen. Because God is trying to restore such a world to its originally intended state, He has had to carry out a providence of salvation. The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. In other words, the providence of salvation is the providence to restore something to the way it was. That is why the providence of restoration is also called the providence of re-creation. It is broken, so it needs to be created again according to the original blueprint.
In short, human beings, who instead of living for the sake of others in the original world, the world of eternal life that is based on true love for the sake of others, are living in the midst of false love in a world that has been transformed into a fallen world, where people are self-centered and headed toward destruction. Herein lies the cause of the antagonism between God, the owner of the original world, and Satan, the owner of the fallen world, and why they have gone through a history of conflict.
Human history is a history of conflict between good and evil. It is not a history in which dialectical conflict is natural, as the communists claim. God desired to establish true parents, true children, true families, true nations, a true world and a true universe, and to have dominion over them all according to the ideal of true love. Instead, Satan established false parents, false children, false families, false nations, a false world and a false universe based on false love, and has continued to exercise dominion over them.
In order to correct this, human history has involved repeated conflicts between good and evil. From the individual all the way up to the eternal spirit world, Satan has been trying to destroy the world of the Principle. He does so by mimicking God's principle of historical development, creating a flawed imitation of the principled world before the true world could come into existence. Thus, evil inevitably asserts itself first and then comes into conflict with goodness.
We need to know that God stands in the position of living for the sake of others. He carries out His providence of re-creation through the strategy of working for the sake of others again and again, and claiming something only after being struck first. Satan, however, stands in a self-centered position and takes the path of striking first, even though he then has to pay damages. God's strategy is to be struck first and then gain something, while Satan's is to strike first, and then having to retreat. As you can see, the good side develops after being struck and persecuted and suffering losses, while it is the complete opposite for Satan.
Let us take a look at the history of the world wars. In the First World War, Satan's side invaded first and then came to ruin. Likewise, in the Second World War the evil side was the first to strike, yet in the end it was completely defeated. In the Third World War, the war of ideology, communism struck democracy first. It too has come to ruin, hasn't it?
As can be seen, Heaven's side of goodness has advanced while enduring persecution. Therefore, persecution can be a way of inheriting what belongs to Satan's side, or the enemy's side. This means that being persecuted is not the same as being tormented. Persecution is a way of inheriting the right to own the enemy's world.
The God of goodness cannot strike first. Since He cannot strike first, He has continued this process of reclaiming after being struck. In light of this strategy, religion has to be the mainstream force on God's side.
Throughout the course of history, Judaism was the mainstream religion that advanced by offering its own blood. Since the people of Israel were a people who believed in the philosophy that they were the chosen people, they were chased, hounded and made to shed their blood as sacrifices. In this way they set the condition of indemnity by being struck as God's representatives.
In the Old Testament Age God paved the way for His children by having them make sacrificial offerings. Four thousand years later He sent the Messiah, Jesus. Had His children believed in and attended Jesus, God would have restored Rome, which was the center of Satan's world, and expelled Satan. This would have restored the world ruled by the love of God alone.
It was the mission of Jesus, together with Judaism and Israel, to restore the sovereignty of goodness in such a manner. If Judaism and Israel had become one with Jesus and practiced the principle of investing and investing yet again for the entire world, the way would have been opened for Israel to be received by the world. However, the nation and its religion went completely the opposite way, following the belief that the world existed for their sake. Although Jesus taught them to love their enemies, they sent him to the cross.
Their descendants have suffered two thousand years of bloodshed and wandering, while waiting for the coming of the Messiah, their True Parent. Christianity, in the position of the Second Israel, also had to endure a history of persecution in order to fulfill what Jesus could not complete.
Then, to fulfill God's Will on the world level, the United Nations, representing a united world, was set up after the Second World War. It was led by the United States, an independent Protestant nation in the position of Rome on Heaven's side. Endless amounts of blood were shed to restore this earth as a free world.
If the True Parents, the Lord of the Second Advent, had appeared centered on the United States and formed the united realm of God, the entire world would have advanced into unity, and a global cultural realm centered on Christianity would have been established. In short, the Completed Testament Age centered on the True Parents' teaching would have come about.
However, Christianity, the United States and the entire free world was not practicing the way of investing in and living for the sake of others. Instead, America took the position of dominating the world based on its own viewpoint. Thus, the Unification Church came to exist, and it had no choice but to walk a path of persecution and suffering.
The Unification Church, centered on Korea, has walked the path of bloodshed and persecution. Now, however, it has advanced to the highest echelons of the world, and we have entered an era when the Unification Church can integrate the right wing and left wing through head-wing philosophy.
True Parents through this bloodstained path are fulfilling the mission of bringing God to earth. For this, they have shouldered the cross. In the Old Testament Age the things of creation were sacrificed to serve the children, and in the New Testament Age the children shed blood to pave the way for the coming of the Parents. Now the True Parents have come and are shedding blood in order to bring God here. History develops through such a process.
Now head-wing philosophy has brought democracy and communism into line, uniting horizontally the left wing and the right wing. And it has united vertically the spirit world through Godism, ushering in the age of complete unity, which is also the age of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth. Thus, we can leave behind the world of selfishness, where we desire others to live for our sake, and advance to the original world that is free of Satan's control.
In the original world, we live for the sake of others based on the true love of God and True Parents. It is the world of the kingdom of heaven in heaven and the kingdom of heaven on earth. It is a world of altruism and unbounded concern for others based on true love. The original world has nothing to do with the realm of spiritual death that is drenched with scheming, slander and mistrust. By engrafting human beings to the foundation of the true family on a global scale centered on True Parents, we will establish new, restored families and a new order and return to the eternal, ideal world centered on God.
When the Unification Church triumphs over Satan, Korea will fulfill its role as the chosen nation of the Third Israel. We need to bring the First Israel, the Second Israel and the Third Israel into the realm of victory, where they will dedicate themselves to God. The First Israel is Judaism, the Second Israel is Christianity and the Third Israel is the Unification Church, which has to indemnify this entire history and dedicate this universe to God.
Rev. Moon and Korea, from the viewpoint of Heaven's strategy, are the person and the nation that represent historic goodness. That is why Rev. Moon has received more persecution from the side of evil than any other person in world history. After going through this on the individual level, I was likewise more persecuted than anyone else on the levels of the family, tribe, people, nation and world. Furthermore, I have been the most persecuted by the spirit world. Yet even while receiving blows, I was able to achieve victorious results in all aspects and advance globally, thanks only to the protection of God. This is the worldwide foundation that I have laid.
Now, however, I have entered an age in which I have been freed from persecution and there is no one who can stand in my way. All that remains is to advance to the age of complete victory on the world level. It was Heaven's design that the history of Korea would be filled with patriots and virtuous women enduring bloodshed and bitterness. The fact that the Korean people have maintained their dignity as a nation of courteous people in the East and have protected their pure lineage, is all by the design of Heaven for the sake of blessing them.
We need to know that the reason this people traditionally dressed in white and upheld a pure and noble reverence for Heaven is that they were walking the path of the chosen people of Heaven. At the time of the Korean War, thanks to the protection of God, young men from sixteen nations of the world came to Korea under the banner of the United Nations and shed their blood on Korean soil, all for the restoration of the homeland of humanity. They did so for the liberation of the homeland.
Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot understand these things unless you know the way of Heaven. The question is, what will happen to Korea at the consummation of history? Korea is the final battleground on which the history of conflict between good and evil must be brought to an end. North Korea stands as the land of the greatest evil on Satan's side. Isn't that why the people of the North call Kim Il Sung their father, and why he could exercise absolute power for more than forty years? If forty years ago Korea and Christianity had set up Rev. Moon in the position of the parent on Heavens side and supported the Unification Church, thus serving God, the Korea of today would be the parent nation for the world.
However, while Kim Il Sung seized the position of the false parent, I was met with opposition from both Christianity and Korea, and I was rejected before I could establish the position of the True Parents on a global level. Meanwhile, Kim Il Sung has continued to oppose Heaven's side, acting as the evil parent through the communist realm. This was a result of the law of indemnity. It is the last time.
Finally, Rev. Moon, with the support of the Unification Church, could establish the position of global True Parents successfully. This triggered the fall of communism. We laid that worldwide foundation by following Heaven's strategy of being struck first, standing in the worst possible position and receiving the opposition of the entire world. We went beyond China and the Soviet Union until Mikhail Gorbachev, who was in the position of the enemy, received us warmly. With that, we began a providential new world. It was similar to the meeting of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament Age.
In that meeting with Gorbachev, I represented the United States, Japan and Korea in the position of Jacob, while Gorbachev represented the Soviet Union, China and North Korea in the position of Esau. When I met him, I planted the true love of Heaven in his heart. It was like when Jacob wrestled with the angel and brought Satan to voluntary submission. Then all that was left for Esau to do was to become one with his brother and to serve the Heavenly Parent. Likewise, the only way the communist realm can survive now is by becoming one with its brother, the free world, and serving the Heavenly Parent.
My meeting with Gorbachev was the greatest event in history. It was the new beginning that brought victory to Heaven's side. That is why I returned to Korea right away and, at the welcoming rally, declared to the people of Korea that my wife and I are the True Parents. Then Heaven could dig in and bring Kim Il Sung and the evil Satan himself to retreat voluntarily. Now let's just wait and see what will happen next.
Rallies to welcome the True Parents were held nationwide. By declaring the True Parents at those rallies, I firmly established the foundation of Heavens side, and based on that we can confront North Korea and Kim Il Sung and his followers. We need to love and save even Satan, who is influencing Kim Il Sung. Now, Rev. Moon and the Unification Church, standing on God's side, are working hard to love and save even Satan, centered on our efforts to reach Kim Il Sung.
Kim Il Sung is the representative of the communist world on Satan's side, which claims there is no God, and Rev. Moon is the representative of the democratic world that claims that God absolutely exists. We are faced with the destined mission to absorb and assimilate North Korea, centered on South Korea. Thereby we are to go beyond the historical conflict between good and evil and construct a world of peace with the heart of True Parents. Kim Il Sung is not the parent; there is only one True Parents. In order to accomplish this, I founded the Federation for World Peace at this time, in accord with the Will of providential history. Henceforth, you will hear a great deal about the Federation for World Peace.
In conclusion, we now are entering an era in which Rev. Moon, the Unification Church and Korea need to cooperate and absorb North Korea. This is the providential significance of our effort to host a rally in Pyongyang, to which we will invite the Soviet Union, China and North Korea.
The United States, Japan and Korea, which are on Heaven's side, need to unite their resources and stand in the position of the faithful son who can welcome the prodigal son, the communist world. The latter son has fallen into a materialistic hell in his search for a material utopia. This is the only way we can bring Satan to surrender voluntarily. God cannot make evil submit by striking it. He needs to induce it to submit voluntarily.
When this comes to pass, Satan will submit to Heaven's side, the foundation on which he can fight will disappear both in heaven and on earth, and world peace will come into existence. Then Korea will become our homeland with God at its center, and for the first time since God created the world, He will settle and build His foundation. The fight against Satan, which began so soon after the creation of the human world, finally will come to an end.
The era of the Cold War, which began with the Korean War, came to an end at the time of the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Now the way is open wide for Korea to lead the world as the central nation in the Pacific Rim era, with the teaching of Rev. Moon as its spiritual compass.
You already must know that scholars worldwide foresee the coming of the Pacific Rim era. The question is how it will come about. It is for this purpose that God has blessed Rev. Moon and Korea.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of us, whether in business or other fields, now need to gather our hearts together to liberate North Korea and advance toward unity throughout the world. We will usher in the age of the global family, where we can lay the foundation on which we can live for tens of thousands of years while serving the Heavenly Parent. Rev. Moon and the Unification Church stand in the position of the mind, at the center of fulfilling the providential mission, and the economic sector stands in the position of the body, which pursues material wealth that has value for this mission.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to bring up one thing at this point. Why do you think Unificationists carry out economic activities? In the fallen world the mind and the body are divided, and so Heaven and human beings became the centers of truth and falsehood respectively, confronting each other. We need to unite them. The center of the body needs to unite with the center of the mind, creating the object partner to Heaven's perfect Will. The body, or the economic sector, must accept this. That is why Unificationists have chosen to carry out economic activities. Following the same principle, we have chosen to confront communism. We began both these activities for providential reasons.
The economic sector, which pursues material, stands in the position of the body. Originally the mind and the body were to have been united, so even now this ideal must be achieved. The economic sector, the body, has to follow the Will of Heaven, the mind. In order for us to become one and form a global family, and build a world of peace on this earth, the economic sector has the responsibility to restore the communist world, including North Korea.
That is why I have invited you all to attend this meeting, with the noble purpose of calling Korea, Japan and the United States to unite as one and work together to help their brothers and sisters with the spirit of true love. When you go forward with a global economic perspective in accordance with Heaven's Will, Heaven will help you and all things will go well for you and me together. Let us embrace the economic vision of the chosen people, which is for the sake of the world. March forward and bring blessings to Korea and the world!
May God's blessings be with all of you. Thank you.